What does bs in business administration mean

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of a wide range of aspects related to business operations. This type of program's core curriculum typically covers topics such as accounting, marketing, finance, and more. A BBA degree can take up to four years or more to cover at a traditional college, but can be earned much faster in an accelerated program.

This type of business degree program aims to provide you with an opportunity to learn from instructors with extensive experience in business administration. Additionally, the course gives you a chance to connect with like-minded individuals from various walks of life.

A significant number of BBA programs incorporate training and practical experience to work toward positive learning outcomes. You will gain exposure to case studies, presentations, and interact with experts in the field.

The course lays the basic foundation for education in business administration principles. It enables you to understand the dynamics of company operations. To broaden horizons after completing the program, you can study towards the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

Course objectives

Enroll in the BBA program to learn more about business theory and its real-world applications. In the end, you could gain an understanding of various aspects of business administration, including:

  • Develop strategic plans using marketing information
  • Understand the role of information technology systems (IT) in supporting business operations
  • Learn how to solve organizational problems using human resources and management principles
  • Understand how to use data tools to gather business intelligence, then use the information to make key operational decisions
  • Learn to apply critical thinking concepts
  • Develop the ability to apply financial management principles to ensure viability

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Possible Pathways

A bachelor's degree program in business administration qualifies you for roles in various industries and settings. Alternatively, you can run your own business venture. Eligibility for some positions may depend on your area of specialty. It is common for BBA graduates to get their start in internship or entry-level positions.

Who should consider enrolling for the BBA program?

The course is an option for anyone looking to build a solid foundation in business management. This type of degree program provides exposure to the basics of business administration. 

Do you believe the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is the right move for you? ECPI University offers this degree program in accelerated format. With a focus on hands-on learning and a required externship you could earn your degree faster. For more information about this exciting degree, contact a friendly admissions advisor at ECPI University today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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So you’re thinking about getting a degree in business administration. Congratulations! Doing the research to learn more about this bachelor’s degree is the first step on your road to a successful college experience and career, so you’re in the right place.

A business degree will help you to become an expert in organization, management, and operations. With this degree, you can set yourself up for success, and be empowered to land a career as a consultant, analyst, financial manager, and much more.

Now, you’ll need to determine which type of business degree you want: a Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA). While both are business degrees, these two degrees differ in a few ways. So if you find yourself debating: BA vs BS degree, keep on reading.

Is a business degree a BA or BS?

It’s actually both, depending on your specialty. Physics and chemistry, for example, will fall under the BS program, while music and English will fall under the BA program.

Still confused about which degree to pursue? Let’s get a little more in-depth about what exactly that means.

What is a BA degree in Business Administration?

A Bachelors of Arts (BA) degree in business administration has a focus on liberal arts studies and general business knowledge. This means it may apply to a wider range of career paths than the more-specialized Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in business administration.

When you graduate with a BA, you will not only learn essential skills related to accounting, finance, and international business, but you’ll also learn skills that apply to many other careers, such as writing business plans, leading teams, and dealing with legal challenges.

Notably, you aren’t confined to working in a stereotypical “business” job with a BA degree. Instead, you could find yourself working in operations at a nonprofit company, or negotiating contracts at a public relations agency.

The choice to pursue a BA degree is more common if you’d like to be in certain industries, like:

  • Communications
  • Nonprofit
  • Banking
  • Law
  • Public service
  • Public relations

Those pursuing the BA degree are typically looking to not only be business-savvy, but people-savvy as well, and they may be strong writers and communicators looking for variety in the job duties.

What is a BS degree in Business Administration?

A Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in business administration has more of a focus on mathematical concepts, like statistics, in order to apply them to the world of business. The BS degree offers more practical experience and is especially helpful for those who want a more specialized, technical career, such as economics, accounting, or business analytics.

With a BS degree, you often can choose a specialized “track” to work towards in addition to your general courses. Tracks may include options such as management or analytics.

A BS degree will focus on practical skills and experience suitable for pursuing a career in industries such as:

  • Finance
  • Market research
  • Sales
  • Consulting
  • Human resources
  • Accounting

If you’re pursuing a BS degree, you may be expected to take more courses in mathematics and practical skills than you would with a BA degree.

Bachelor of Arts vs Science: Which is Better?

There’s no right answer on which degree is “better” — a BA vs BS degree. One is designed to show how the major fits into the wide net of other topics, connecting them all in order to gain further insight (BA). The other is designed to emphasize the importance of the major, allowing you to focus your efforts on a more narrow path (BS).

It may help to think about your own interests, values, and career goals. You can determine which degree, a bachelor of arts vs science, is better for you by:

  • Deciding the title of your “dream” role, then researching which degree is more applicable for that role.
  • Browsing through the courses to see which ones spark more of your interest.
  • Finding mentors in the industry you want to work in, and asking what type of degree they pursued.
  • Talk it out with a career counselor or advisor, who can often provide great advice.

Only you can decide which is better for you: a BA or BS in business administration.

Can I get a business degree online?

Yes! UC Online offers fully remote programs with an accredited university, so you can enroll from anywhere. And you won’t be the only one. In fall 2020, 44 percent of all undergrads exclusively took online courses.

Additionally, UC Online makes it even easier to earn your bachelor’s in business with our pre-business administration program. This associate program is designed to help you transition seamlessly into UC Online’s Bachelor of Business Administration program by providing a baseline understanding of the skills essential for success in a professional business setting.

Why choose UC Online for my degree completion?

At University of Cincinnati Online, we provide fully online academic programs from a premier research and higher learning institution. And that’s not the only reason people choose UC Online.

  • Nationally-renowned faculty. From serving on national boards to getting published and practicing in the fields they teach, our staff are some of the best and the brightest.
  • Personalized support. From application through graduation, we guide you through every step of the admissions process, and stay with you every step of the way to answer your questions.
  • Flexible programs. Our online programs are of the same high quality and integrity as traditional courses, but you have the freedom to complete them wherever you please.

Create your dream career with our flexible programs, and make an academic path that suits your lifestyle and career goals. No matter where you are in life, the University of Cincinnati Online will meet you there. Take a closer look at UC Online’s business degree programs and apply today.

What is the meaning of BS Business Administration?

A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree is designed to provide students with a strong academic foundation in core business functions including general business administration, accounting, finance, project management, information technology, human resources, marketing, international business, ...

What is a better degree BA or BS?

Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals. For example, students interested in technical careers may need a BS for graduate school applications. In some majors, undergrads choose between a BA and a BS. Many psychology programs, for instance, offer both options.

What is a BS in business called?

Among the most popular are: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA).

What are the subjects of BS Business Administration?

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program offers a wide range of specialized majors, namely Business Economics, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, and Marketing Management. The program focuses on the interrelationship of the different functional areas of business.


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