What day is the 100th day of school 2022

Woohoo! You’ve almost reached the 100th day of school, which means you are more than halfway through the school year. Celebrating the 100th day of school is a fun way to engage your elementary students in their learning. Check out the 100th day of school activities below, which include read alouds, crafts, and bulletin boards!

100th Day of School Activities

Check out the 100th day of school activities below, which include read alouds, crafts, and bulletin board ideas!

3 Read Alouds for the 100th Day of School

One of my favorite 100th day of school activities is reading aloud picture books that are about the 100th day of school. Check out some of my favorites below!

1. Jake’s 100 Day of School by Lester Laminack

The first on the list of 100th day of school books is Jake’s 100th Day of School. Pair this read aloud with these Jake’s 100 Day of School book companion and you’ll get a really fun 100th day of school activity!

In this book, it is the 100th day of school and all of the students in Mr. Thompson’s class are bringing in a collection of 100 things. They are very excited because Jake’s Grandma Maggie will be bringing in a very special surprise. Jake is so excited about the 100th day, that he leaves his backpack with his collection of 100 pictures at home. Once on the school bus, Jake sees all of his classmates with their collections and realizes his mistake. Thankfully, the principal Mrs. Wadsworth is there to help. She takes Jake into her office and they work together to make a new collection of 100 things, books!

In class, the students start their 100 day celebration and share their collections. When Grandma Maggie arrives, the students see she has brought a special guest with her. Aunt Lula has come to help celebrate because she is 100 years old. The students make a special 100th day snack and continue to share their collections. When Jake shares his collection of 100 books with the class, his teacher Mr. Thompson gives Jake an idea. Jake decides to take a picture with Grandma Maggie, Aunt Lula, Mrs. Wadsworth and the books. He adds this picture to his collection of 100 pictures, and brings it in to school the next day.

2. The Night Before the 100th Day of School by Natasha Wing

Written in the style of the popular book The Night Before Christmas, this story is about a boy who is undecided on how he should celebrate the 100th day of school. He has an assignment to gather 100 of something to bring to class, and he is not sure what he should bring. Eventually, he decides to bring 100 ants. When he arrives, he finds that his classmates have brought items like 100 sugar cubes or 100 jelly beans. When it is his turn to present, he accidentally trips, dropping the ants and causing chaos in the classroom. Luckily, he is able to use crumbs to gather all 100 ants back into their box!

3. 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler

In this story, Jessica is a worrier. When she and her classmates are all assigned to bring in a collection of 100 things for the 100th day of school, she does not have any ideas. After noticing all of the great projects her classmates have, Jessica worries that she will not be able to think of a good idea for her assignment. At dinner, she tells her family about her problem. With a little help and reassurance from her parents, Jessica is able to put together a collection that she is happy with!

3 Crafts and Bulletin Boards for the 100th Day of School

Check out the three 100th day of school crafts and bulletin board ideas below! Pick one of the crafts and post the finished products on one of your classroom bulletin boards for a fun 100th day of school activity!

Feb 11 2022 2:20 PM

Elementary school students across the district marked Thursday, February 10 as the 100th day of school for the 2021-22 school year! Students participated in a variety of fun activities including dressing as 100-year old versions of themselves, writing about their future selves, participating in counting lessons, building various structures to hold 100 items of something, and learning about 100 ways to be kind! Several classes even put their photos into an app that made them appear older! Students had a lot of fun celebrating the fact that they are now 100 days smarter than when school started in the fall! Please enjoy this “100 Days Smarter” slideshow compilation!

Ms. Mayne's kindergarten class at Tangier Smith Elementary School was so excited to celebrate the 100th day of school! They celebrated by writing about things they might do when they turn 100 and created self portraits of the 100-year old versions of themselves! The students loved dressing up and celebrating being 100 days smarter!

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What month is 100 day of school?

The 100th day of school will vary by school, but most schools celebrate in the month of February. This day marks being in school for 100 days and is a great time to engage students, families and the community in planning healthy and fun activities at school and at home.

What is the 100 days of school?

The 100th day of school will vary from school to school, depending on when school started and whether or not there were days off for teacher workshops or inclement weather. Most classes end up celebrating the 100th day of school sometime in February, usually right around Valentine's Day.

Why is 100th day of school important?

The 100th day marks a special opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate major milestones in your students' academic achievement.

How many minutes are you in school each day?

The length of an average instructional day The average minimum number of minutes in a high school day (9th-12th) across the 50 states is 314 minutes, which is 12 minutes longer than the average minimum day for elementary grades (1st-5th) and four minutes longer than the average middle school grades (6th-8th).


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