What can a psychiatrist do for me

Psychiatry is a medical field concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions.

A doctor who works in psychiatry is called a psychiatrist. Unlike other mental health professionals, such as psychologists and counsellors, psychiatrists must be medically qualified doctors who have chosen to specialise in psychiatry. This means they can prescribe medication as well as recommend other forms of treatment.

Most psychiatrists work as part of community mental health teams (CMHTs), in outpatient clinics or hospital wards. Some carry out sessions in GP surgeries.

What conditions can psychiatrists treat?

Mental health conditions that may be diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist include:

  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • phobias
  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • personality disorders
  • schizophrenia 
  • depression and bipolar disorder
  • dementia and Alzheimer's disease
  • eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia
  • sleep disorders, such as insomnia
  • addictions, such as drug or alcohol misuse

Psychiatrists may also provide psychological support for people with long-term, painful or terminal physical health conditions.

Getting an appointment with a psychiatrist

You'll usually need a referral from your GP or another doctor to see a psychiatrist on the NHS.

Your GP may refer you directly to a psychiatrist or to a member of a local mental health team, who can assess your needs and help determine if you need to see a psychiatrist or a different mental health professional.

You can also see a psychiatrist privately, although most private psychiatrists prefer a referral from your GP. Your GP may be able to recommend psychiatrists in your area. You can also try contacting a psychiatric clinic directly or using online psychiatry services.

You'll see a psychiatrist who specialises in the area of psychiatry most relevant to your situation. The main areas of expertise include:

  • childhood and adolescent psychiatry
  • general adult psychiatry
  • older person's psychiatry
  • learning disabilities
  • psychotherapy (talking therapies)

You can check the details of a psychiatrist, including their area of speciality, by looking on the medical register, a list of doctors in the UK.

If they have the letters MRCPsych (Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) or FRCPsych (Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) after their name, they're a current member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych).

What happens during your appointments

During your first appointment, your psychiatrist will carry out an initial assessment. They'll look at both your mental and physical health, and may ask:

  • about the problem that brought you to see them
  • general questions about your life and thoughts
  • to carry out a simple physical examination, such as checking your blood pressure – for example, before prescribing certain medications
  • for information from other sources, such as your GP, relatives and social workers

After assessing your condition, your psychiatrist may prescribe medication or recommend other treatments, such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

The number of times you need to see a psychiatrist and the length of each appointment will depend on your circumstances.

A psychiatrist may continue to manage your treatment or they may refer you to other community mental health services in your area. These services work in small units or clinics and aim to help people manage their illness so they can lead a normal life within the community.

Further information and support

The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) has mental health information in a number of areas, including problems and disorders, support and treatment, and advice for parents or carers and young people.

What can a psychiatrist do for me

Questions and Answers

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with extra training in mental health who can choose to prescribe medications. Some use psychotherapy (‘talk therapies’) approaches like cognitive-behavioural therapy to treat mental health problems. Many psychiatrists work at hospitals, clinics, or health centres, and some have a private office. As they are specialist doctors, you will almost always need another doctor’s referral to see a psychiatrist, and fees are covered by MSP. If you have a valid BC Services or CareCard, you do not need to pay to see a psychiatrist.

A registered psychologist focuses on different talk therapy or counselling approaches to treatments, but they don’t prescribe medication. They have graduate degrees in psychology. There are two different ways to access registered psychologists: the public system and the private system. Registered psychologists in the public system work in some hospitals or schools. You may need a doctor’s referral to access the program, and costs are usually covered by MSP. However, most people need to access registered psychologists through the private system. To do this, you can contact the psychologist yourself—you do not need a referral. Costs are not covered by MSP, but they may be covered by employee health plans. A registered psychologist’s fees charged by hour vary, and some offer lower fees to people with lower incomes.

You’ve probably noticed that a lot of the differences come down to how you pay for different services and how these professionals are educated. The practical differences in how they work are not always so clear. When it comes to your treatment and care, the most important part is finding a professional who supports your own goals. Are you really focused on fine-tuning medications? Are you looking for a particular therapy approach? Does the professional’s philosophy of care make sense to you? Do you like the professional you’re talking to and do you feel safe sharing your experiences? Ultimately, your relationship with the professional is what matters. Instead of focusing on designation, look for a professional who meets your needs and your expectations.

How can I find a psychiatrist or a registered psychologist?

  • Talk to your family doctor and ask for their recommendations

  • Ask local mental health organizations for help. You can find local branches through the provincial organizations behind HeretoHelp

  • Ask a community health centre, outpatient psychiatry program, or mental health team for suggestions

  • For a list of psychiatrists near you, search under ‘Specialist’ in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia’s Find a Physician Tool but remember that you will first need a referral from a doctor (like your family doctor)

  • For a list of psychologists near you, search in the British Columbia Psychological Association’s Find a Registered Psychologist tool and you can also learn more about finding a psychologist from the College of Psychologists of British Columbia

Where can I learn more?

  • Learn more about different mental health professionals in our Working With Your Doctor for Mental Illnesses info sheet
  • Learn more about accessing free or low-cost mental health services
  • Learn more about the different places to find help in the article The Right Path for You: Finding your way to and through services in BC

About the author

What can a psychiatrist do for me

The Canadian Mental Health Association promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing a mental illness through public education, community-based research, advocacy, and direct services. Visit www.cmha.bc.ca.

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What can a psychiatrist do for me

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