What are the requirements to open a business bank account

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Opening a business bank account is one of the first tasks you must complete while establishing your company. Your business bank account will have all of your financial activities, profits, accounts payable, employee payroll, and more.

The nature of your business will determine whether you need one or not. However, having one is always advisable. Even for a small business, opening a business bank account will not be that difficult.

Why is business bank account important?

Business bank accounts are known by different names. They're also known as company bank accounts or corporate bank accounts. But they all mean the same thing. A business bank account is a separate account set up just for your company. It is the location where your company's funds are managed. You may also manage your other payments from here. This could include everything from payables to payrolls and credit repayments.

A business account can be a checking or savings account, comparable to the personal account options. It lets you keep the personal and business account separate. Furthermore, there are several advantages to having a business bank account (from the time of opening a business account to using a corporate account).

Your choice of bank account and the bank will be determined by your specific demands. Businesses should open a business bank account, regardless of how small the company is. Many banks provide additional support for small business bank accounts, including special incentives. As a result, there is no such thing as "too early" for opening a corporate bank account.

How does it work?

Business banking is distinct in that it is specifically designed to assist businesses and corporations in making the best financial decisions possible. As more businesses choose to open a corporate bank account, the area of business banking is rapidly expanding. The goal is for these financial institutions to assist large and small firms in making better use of their assets and making prudent financial decisions based on their current balances and creditworthiness.

Business banking safeguards your company's status, which is one of the most crucial features. For LLCs and corporations, business bank accounts serve as proof of their legitimacy. As a result, banks will offer your business more services. Small-term loans, low-interest credit allowances, spending management advisory, and payroll administration are just a few of the services available. Business banking is also safer and more fraud-resistant.

Things you should look for when opening business bank account for your company

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M2.66667 0C1.18667 0 0 1.18667 0 2.66667V21.3333C0 22.8133 1.18667 24 2.66667 24H21.3333C22.8133 24 24 22.8133 24 21.3333V2.66667C24 1.18667 22.8133 0 21.3333 0H2.66667ZM2.66667 2.66667H21.3333V21.3333H2.66667V2.66667ZM5.33333 5.33333V8H18.6667V5.33333H5.33333ZM5.33333 10.6667V13.3333H18.6667V10.6667H5.33333ZM5.33333 16V18.6667H14.6667V16H5.33333Z" /></g>

Opening process and account set up

Truckloads of paperwork and lengthy processing times are outmoded practices. Opening a corporate bank account is a highly regulated and computerized process. When choosing where to register a corporate account, make a note of which of your options has the best procedure for establishing a business bank account. Verify that you have all the paperwork required to open the account.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M9.5 0C4.2617 0 0 4.2617 0 9.5C0 14.7383 4.2617 19 9.5 19C14.7383 19 19 14.7383 19 9.5C19 4.2617 14.7383 0 9.5 0ZM9.5 17.1C5.30955 17.1 1.9 13.6904 1.9 9.5C1.9 5.30955 5.30955 1.9 9.5 1.9C13.6904 1.9 17.1 5.30955 17.1 9.5C17.1 13.6904 13.6904 17.1 9.5 17.1Z"> <path d="M9.5007 8.54968C7.6007 8.54968 7.6007 7.95498 7.6007 7.59968C7.6007 7.13988 8.26665 6.64968 9.5007 6.64968C10.6264 6.64968 10.8174 7.25578 10.8307 7.61678L11.7807 7.59968H12.7307C12.7307 6.62498 12.098 5.25412 10.4507 4.86462V3.81107H8.5507V4.83042C6.67825 5.14487 5.70068 6.37608 5.70068 7.59968C5.70068 8.66368 6.19468 10.4497 9.5007 10.4497C11.4007 10.4497 11.4007 11.0919 11.4007 11.3997C11.4007 11.7939 10.8117 12.3497 9.5007 12.3497C7.75175 12.3497 7.61115 11.5355 7.6007 11.3997H5.70068C5.70068 12.2718 6.32863 13.825 8.5507 14.1737V15.1997H10.4507V14.1689C12.3231 13.8545 13.3007 12.6233 13.3007 11.3997C13.3007 10.3357 12.8067 8.54968 9.5007 8.54968Z" /></path></g>

Spend minimum requirements

To open a bank account, you should have a minimum deposit requirement that must be satisfied. Additionally, you might need to keep a certain minimum amount to avoid paying penalties. But it's not just about getting money. Depending on the kind of account, some banks have a minimum spending requirement for accounts. Choose a bank with less stringent requirements and a lesser fee if your firm is just getting off the ground.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M10.4981 1C7.14936 1 4.26959 3.06424 3.08096 5.99534C3.03945 6.08808 3.01706 6.18824 3.01514 6.28983C3.01321 6.39142 3.03179 6.49234 3.06976 6.58658C3.10774 6.68082 3.16432 6.76645 3.23613 6.83832C3.30795 6.9102 3.39351 6.96686 3.48772 7.00491C3.58193 7.04297 3.68285 7.06165 3.78444 7.05981C3.88602 7.05798 3.9862 7.03568 4.07897 6.99425C4.17175 6.95282 4.25522 6.89311 4.32439 6.81869C4.39357 6.74427 4.44703 6.65666 4.48157 6.56111C5.4443 4.18715 7.76973 2.51104 10.4981 2.51104C13.3298 2.51104 15.7222 4.31892 16.6111 6.8371L16.3076 6.53351C16.0997 6.32005 15.7558 6.24936 15.4796 6.36101C15.376 6.40289 15.2853 6.47149 15.2105 6.5542C15.1856 6.58177 15.1624 6.61311 15.1415 6.64391C15.0789 6.73633 15.0353 6.83767 15.0173 6.94749C15.0114 6.9841 15.0107 7.02064 15.0105 7.05789C15.0083 7.08314 15.0083 7.10849 15.0105 7.13377C15.0281 7.31038 15.1102 7.47981 15.2381 7.60294L16.8458 9.21057C16.8608 9.23221 16.8769 9.25279 16.8941 9.27268C17.0626 9.48091 17.3477 9.58784 17.6116 9.54176C17.6185 9.54176 17.6255 9.54178 17.6324 9.54176C17.6487 9.53756 17.6647 9.53292 17.6807 9.52806C17.69 9.52586 17.6992 9.52365 17.7083 9.52122C17.7486 9.50841 17.7879 9.49225 17.8256 9.47291C17.8324 9.4707 17.8395 9.46827 17.8463 9.46606C17.8605 9.45745 17.8743 9.44818 17.8877 9.43846C17.8948 9.43383 17.9014 9.42919 17.9085 9.42456C17.9226 9.41352 17.9365 9.40204 17.9499 9.39007C17.9567 9.38566 17.9638 9.38102 17.9706 9.37638C17.9847 9.36534 17.9986 9.35388 18.012 9.34187C18.0142 9.33944 18.0164 9.33745 18.0189 9.33502C18.0334 9.31957 18.0472 9.30344 18.0603 9.28673L19.7438 7.60321C20.0581 7.33356 20.0771 6.79307 19.7852 6.49927C19.4939 6.20487 18.9529 6.22117 18.6812 6.53378L18.2328 6.98227C17.3371 3.54025 14.211 1.00027 10.4983 1.00027L10.4981 1ZM3.48111 8.45161C3.44775 8.45161 3.41062 8.45382 3.37763 8.45846C3.37079 8.45848 3.36372 8.45844 3.35688 8.45846C3.34054 8.46265 3.32451 8.46729 3.30857 8.47237C3.29929 8.47457 3.29002 8.47678 3.28097 8.47921C3.24063 8.49202 3.20129 8.50818 3.16369 8.52752C3.15684 8.52995 3.14978 8.53216 3.14293 8.53437C3.1288 8.54298 3.115 8.55225 3.10153 8.56197C3.09447 8.5666 3.08784 8.57124 3.08078 8.57566C3.06665 8.5867 3.05276 8.59818 3.03936 8.61017C3.03252 8.61459 3.02545 8.61899 3.01861 8.62385C3.00448 8.63489 2.99059 8.64635 2.97721 8.65836C2.975 8.66079 2.97279 8.66278 2.97036 8.66521C2.95579 8.68066 2.94206 8.69682 2.92894 8.71349L1.25234 10.397C0.938005 10.6667 0.912129 11.2071 1.20406 11.5009C1.49534 11.7954 2.04321 11.7791 2.31489 11.4664L2.75646 11.0249C3.65476 14.4636 6.78742 17 10.4979 17C13.8466 17 16.7194 14.9357 17.9081 12.0047C17.9495 11.9119 17.9718 11.8118 17.9737 11.7103C17.9756 11.6087 17.957 11.5078 17.919 11.4136C17.881 11.3195 17.8244 11.2339 17.7526 11.162C17.6808 11.0902 17.5953 11.0336 17.5011 10.9955C17.407 10.9575 17.3061 10.9388 17.2045 10.9406C17.103 10.9424 17.0029 10.9647 16.9101 11.0061C16.8174 11.0475 16.7339 11.1071 16.6647 11.1815C16.5955 11.2558 16.542 11.3433 16.5074 11.4388C15.5447 13.8128 13.2262 15.489 10.4979 15.489C7.66384 15.489 5.26614 13.6774 4.37789 11.156L4.68836 11.4664C4.84426 11.6265 5.07346 11.7042 5.29553 11.6872C5.36956 11.6815 5.44037 11.6669 5.50943 11.639C5.54394 11.6251 5.58114 11.6029 5.61291 11.5838C5.77177 11.488 5.88716 11.3326 5.9441 11.156C5.95558 11.1206 5.96573 11.0891 5.9717 11.0525C5.97766 11.0158 5.98538 10.9793 5.98538 10.9421C5.98759 10.9168 5.98759 10.8914 5.98538 10.8662C5.96772 10.6896 5.88561 10.5201 5.75771 10.397L4.14317 8.78937C4.12816 8.76774 4.11202 8.74718 4.09488 8.72729C3.94742 8.54507 3.71449 8.44377 3.4808 8.45132L3.48111 8.45161Z" /></g>

More accessible

The person whose name appears on the documentation is not accessible to a company bank account. Access to bank facilities is necessary for your finance team, accountants, compliance team, and some employees. Having a financial system with a robust and user-friendly web interface is always a good idea. For personnel to access information while on the go, make sure they have a mobile app.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M17.3511 0.257143C17.1818 0.0857141 16.9279 0 16.7586 0H0.931035C0.677117 0 0.507837 0.0857141 0.338558 0.257143C0.169279 0.428571 0 0.685713 0 0.942859V16.6286C0 16.8857 0.0846397 17.0572 0.253919 17.2285C0.423197 17.4 0.677117 17.4857 0.846397 17.4857H16.7586C16.8433 17.4857 16.9279 17.4857 17.0125 17.4C17.1818 17.3143 17.2665 17.2285 17.3511 17.0572C17.4357 16.8857 17.5204 16.8 17.5204 16.6286V0.942859C17.605 0.685713 17.4357 0.428571 17.3511 0.257143ZM15.8276 15.6857H1.77743V1.8H15.8276V15.6857Z"> <path d="M13.9652 4.71457C13.9652 5.22885 13.542 5.57171 13.1188 5.57171H4.23165C3.72382 5.57171 3.38525 5.14314 3.38525 4.71457C3.38525 4.286 3.80845 3.85742 4.23165 3.85742H13.0342C13.542 3.85742 13.9652 4.20028 13.9652 4.71457Z"> <path d="M11.5106 8.65789C11.5106 9.1722 11.0875 9.51506 10.6643 9.51506H4.23165C3.72382 9.51506 3.38525 9.08648 3.38525 8.65789C3.38525 8.14365 3.80845 7.80078 4.23165 7.80078H10.5796C11.0875 7.80078 11.5106 8.22937 11.5106 8.65789Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.02807 13.5444H7.95576H7.166H4.23164C3.72382 13.5444 3.38525 13.1158 3.38525 12.6873C3.38525 12.1729 3.80846 11.8301 4.23164 11.8301H7.166H7.95576H9.02807H10.8901H12.7522C13.1754 11.8301 13.5986 12.1729 13.5986 12.6873C13.5986 13.2016 13.1754 13.5444 12.7522 13.5444H10.8901H9.02807Z" /></path></path></path></g>

Additional features and perks

Financial institutions understand how important it is to provide as many benefits to businesses as possible. Business bank account holders have a variety of extra benefits, especially if they open an SME bank account. Accounting integrations and collateral-free corporate cards are just a few examples, as are better interest rates and expenditure analysis capabilities. Examine the advantages and perks that your bank provides to businesses that create an account with them.

<g fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.5455 0H2.45455C1.80356 0 1.17924 0.258603 0.71892 0.71892C0.258603 1.17924 0 1.80356 0 2.45455V15.5455C0 16.1964 0.258603 16.8208 0.71892 17.2811C1.17924 17.7414 1.80356 18 2.45455 18H15.5455C16.1964 18 16.8208 17.7414 17.2811 17.2811C17.7414 16.8208 18 16.1964 18 15.5455V2.45455C18 1.80356 17.7414 1.17924 17.2811 0.71892C16.8208 0.258603 16.1964 0 15.5455 0ZM15.5455 1.63636C15.7625 1.63636 15.9706 1.72256 16.124 1.876C16.2774 2.02944 16.3636 2.23755 16.3636 2.45455V8.18182H9.81818V1.63636H15.5455ZM1.63636 2.45455C1.63636 2.23755 1.72256 2.02944 1.876 1.876C2.02944 1.72256 2.23755 1.63636 2.45455 1.63636H8.18182V8.18182H1.63636V2.45455ZM2.45455 16.3636C2.23755 16.3636 2.02944 16.2774 1.876 16.124C1.72256 15.9706 1.63636 15.7625 1.63636 15.5455V9.81818H8.18182V16.3636H2.45455ZM16.3636 15.5455C16.3636 15.7625 16.2774 15.9706 16.124 16.124C15.9706 16.2774 15.7625 16.3636 15.5455 16.3636H9.81818V9.81818H16.3636V15.5455Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.54599 4.0899H5.72781V3.27172C5.72781 3.05472 5.6416 2.84662 5.48817 2.69318C5.33473 2.53974 5.12662 2.45354 4.90962 2.45354C4.69263 2.45354 4.48452 2.53974 4.33108 2.69318C4.17764 2.84662 4.09144 3.05472 4.09144 3.27172V4.0899H3.27326C3.05626 4.0899 2.84816 4.1761 2.69472 4.32954C2.54128 4.48298 2.45508 4.69109 2.45508 4.90808C2.45508 5.12508 2.54128 5.33319 2.69472 5.48662C2.84816 5.64006 3.05626 5.72626 3.27326 5.72626H4.09144V6.54445C4.09144 6.76144 4.17764 6.96955 4.33108 7.12299C4.48452 7.27643 4.69263 7.36263 4.90962 7.36263C5.12662 7.36263 5.33473 7.27643 5.48817 7.12299C5.6416 6.96955 5.72781 6.76144 5.72781 6.54445V5.72626H6.54599C6.76298 5.72626 6.97109 5.64006 7.12453 5.48662C7.27797 5.33319 7.36417 5.12508 7.36417 4.90808C7.36417 4.69109 7.27797 4.48298 7.12453 4.32954C6.97109 4.1761 6.76298 4.0899 6.54599 4.0899Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.54599 12.2714H3.27326C3.05626 12.2714 2.84816 12.3576 2.69472 12.511C2.54128 12.6645 2.45508 12.8726 2.45508 13.0896C2.45508 13.3066 2.54128 13.5147 2.69472 13.6681C2.84816 13.8215 3.05626 13.9077 3.27326 13.9077H6.54599C6.76298 13.9077 6.97109 13.8215 7.12453 13.6681C7.27797 13.5147 7.36417 13.3066 7.36417 13.0896C7.36417 12.8726 7.27797 12.6645 7.12453 12.511C6.97109 12.3576 6.76298 12.2714 6.54599 12.2714Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.5941 12.6828H14.8668C15.0838 12.6828 15.2919 12.5966 15.4453 12.4432C15.5988 12.2897 15.685 12.0816 15.685 11.8646C15.685 11.6476 15.5988 11.4395 15.4453 11.2861C15.2919 11.1327 15.0838 11.0465 14.8668 11.0465H11.5941C11.3771 11.0465 11.169 11.1327 11.0155 11.2861C10.8621 11.4395 10.7759 11.6476 10.7759 11.8646C10.7759 12.0816 10.8621 12.2897 11.0155 12.4432C11.169 12.5966 11.3771 12.6828 11.5941 12.6828Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.8668 13.5H11.5941C11.3771 13.5 11.169 13.5862 11.0155 13.7396C10.8621 13.8931 10.7759 14.1012 10.7759 14.3182C10.7759 14.5352 10.8621 14.7433 11.0155 14.8967C11.169 15.0502 11.3771 15.1364 11.5941 15.1364H14.8668C15.0838 15.1364 15.2919 15.0502 15.4453 14.8967C15.5988 14.7433 15.685 14.5352 15.685 14.3182C15.685 14.1012 15.5988 13.8931 15.4453 13.7396C15.2919 13.5862 15.0838 13.5 14.8668 13.5Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.3564 4.32941L11.9373 4.91032L11.3564 5.49123C11.2224 5.64775 11.1523 5.84908 11.1603 6.055C11.1682 6.26091 11.2536 6.45625 11.3993 6.60196C11.545 6.74767 11.7404 6.83304 11.9463 6.84099C12.1522 6.84894 12.3535 6.7789 12.51 6.64486L13.091 6.06395L13.6719 6.64486C13.8284 6.7789 14.0297 6.84894 14.2356 6.84099C14.4415 6.83304 14.6369 6.74767 14.7826 6.60196C14.9283 6.45625 15.0137 6.26091 15.0216 6.055C15.0296 5.84908 14.9595 5.64775 14.8255 5.49123L14.2446 4.91032L14.8255 4.32941C14.9595 4.17289 15.0296 3.97155 15.0216 3.76564C15.0137 3.55972 14.9283 3.36439 14.7826 3.21867C14.6369 3.07296 14.4415 2.9876 14.2356 2.97964C14.0297 2.97169 13.8284 3.04173 13.6719 3.17577L13.091 3.75668L12.51 3.17577C12.3535 3.04173 12.1522 2.97169 11.9463 2.97964C11.7404 2.9876 11.545 3.07296 11.3993 3.21867C11.2536 3.36439 11.1682 3.55972 11.1603 3.76564C11.1523 3.97155 11.2224 4.17289 11.3564 4.32941Z" /></path></path></path></path></path></g>


Opening a business account is frequently accompanied by costs. Transaction fees, international currency exchange costs, and even fines for failing to maintain a minimum balance are examples. If you want to run your business with the least amount of collateral feasible, go with a bank that has the best fee offers and the lowest fees. Also, see if your company qualifies for any fee waivers; having a free business bank account is always preferable.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M2.37002 6.55413V6.70413H2.52002H4.36165H4.51165V6.55413V4.21555C4.51165 3.87011 4.65567 3.53725 4.9146 3.29065C5.17378 3.04381 5.5268 2.90393 5.89634 2.90393H15.1045C15.474 2.90393 15.8271 3.04381 16.0862 3.29065C16.3452 3.53725 16.4892 3.87011 16.4892 4.21555V12.9852C16.4892 13.3307 16.3452 13.6635 16.0862 13.9101C15.8271 14.157 15.474 14.2968 15.1045 14.2968H13.8767H13.7267V14.4468V16.2008V16.3508H13.8767H15.1045C16.0374 16.3508 16.9336 15.9979 17.5954 15.3676C18.2574 14.737 18.6308 13.8802 18.6308 12.9852V4.21555C18.6308 3.32052 18.2574 2.46373 17.5954 1.83319C16.9336 1.20289 16.0374 0.85 15.1045 0.85H5.89634C4.9634 0.85 4.06729 1.20289 3.40547 1.83319C2.74341 2.46373 2.37002 3.32052 2.37002 4.21555V6.55413Z"> <path d="M5.42995 17.3351C6.29349 17.3358 7.13798 17.0686 7.8608 16.5669L11.1128 20.0336L11.1493 20.0725L11.1858 20.0336L12.4371 18.6985L12.4691 18.6643L12.4371 18.6301L9.18438 15.1565C9.71912 14.276 9.96705 13.2321 9.88957 12.1861C9.81113 11.1271 9.40359 10.126 8.73099 9.34145C8.05835 8.55689 7.15898 8.03381 6.1752 7.85594C5.19137 7.67807 4.1802 7.85577 3.30218 8.3605C2.42423 8.86519 1.72996 9.66775 1.32879 10.6403C0.92764 11.6129 0.842308 12.7003 1.08619 13.7303C1.33007 14.7604 1.88938 15.6747 2.67611 16.3279C3.4629 16.9812 4.43206 17.3359 5.42995 17.3351ZM5.42995 17.3351C5.42996 17.3351 5.42997 17.3351 5.42999 17.3351L5.42995 17.2851L5.42991 17.3351C5.42992 17.3351 5.42993 17.3351 5.42995 17.3351ZM5.42995 9.77803C5.94462 9.77803 6.44804 9.94086 6.87654 10.2463C7.30509 10.5519 7.63956 10.9865 7.8372 11.4955C8.03484 12.0046 8.08659 12.565 7.9858 13.1056C7.88501 13.6463 7.6363 14.1425 7.27157 14.5316C6.90687 14.9207 6.44263 15.1853 5.93773 15.2925C5.43287 15.3996 4.90953 15.3447 4.43374 15.1344C3.9579 14.9241 3.55066 14.5677 3.26391 14.1098C2.97714 13.6519 2.82391 13.1132 2.82391 12.5619C2.82391 11.8226 3.09921 11.1141 3.58833 10.5923C4.07734 10.0705 4.73987 9.77803 5.42995 9.77803Z" /></path></g>

Transaction rules

Many advantages come with a business bank account, and these benefits are based on the assumption that you would use the account. Your business's bank savings account may have deposit limits that must be adhered to. If you choose a business checking account, you may be required to complete a minimum and a maximum number of transactions (or transactional amount). Before picking which accounts to open, carefully review the transaction rules for each option.

What information's are required to open business bank account in India?

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M17.3511 0.257143C17.1818 0.0857141 16.9279 0 16.7586 0H0.931035C0.677117 0 0.507837 0.0857141 0.338558 0.257143C0.169279 0.428571 0 0.685713 0 0.942859V16.6286C0 16.8857 0.0846397 17.0572 0.253919 17.2285C0.423197 17.4 0.677117 17.4857 0.846397 17.4857H16.7586C16.8433 17.4857 16.9279 17.4857 17.0125 17.4C17.1818 17.3143 17.2665 17.2285 17.3511 17.0572C17.4357 16.8857 17.5204 16.8 17.5204 16.6286V0.942859C17.605 0.685713 17.4357 0.428571 17.3511 0.257143ZM15.8276 15.6857H1.77743V1.8H15.8276V15.6857Z"> <path d="M13.9652 4.71457C13.9652 5.22885 13.542 5.57171 13.1188 5.57171H4.23165C3.72382 5.57171 3.38525 5.14314 3.38525 4.71457C3.38525 4.286 3.80845 3.85742 4.23165 3.85742H13.0342C13.542 3.85742 13.9652 4.20028 13.9652 4.71457Z"> <path d="M11.5106 8.65789C11.5106 9.1722 11.0875 9.51506 10.6643 9.51506H4.23165C3.72382 9.51506 3.38525 9.08648 3.38525 8.65789C3.38525 8.14365 3.80845 7.80078 4.23165 7.80078H10.5796C11.0875 7.80078 11.5106 8.22937 11.5106 8.65789Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.02807 13.5444H7.95576H7.166H4.23164C3.72382 13.5444 3.38525 13.1158 3.38525 12.6873C3.38525 12.1729 3.80846 11.8301 4.23164 11.8301H7.166H7.95576H9.02807H10.8901H12.7522C13.1754 11.8301 13.5986 12.1729 13.5986 12.6873C13.5986 13.2016 13.1754 13.5444 12.7522 13.5444H10.8901H9.02807Z" /></path></path></path></g>

Employer information

To open a business bank account in India, you will need to provide the PAN number for your business, as well as Declaration Form 60 and 61 in compliance with the Income Tax Act.

<g fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.5455 0H2.45455C1.80356 0 1.17924 0.258603 0.71892 0.71892C0.258603 1.17924 0 1.80356 0 2.45455V15.5455C0 16.1964 0.258603 16.8208 0.71892 17.2811C1.17924 17.7414 1.80356 18 2.45455 18H15.5455C16.1964 18 16.8208 17.7414 17.2811 17.2811C17.7414 16.8208 18 16.1964 18 15.5455V2.45455C18 1.80356 17.7414 1.17924 17.2811 0.71892C16.8208 0.258603 16.1964 0 15.5455 0ZM15.5455 1.63636C15.7625 1.63636 15.9706 1.72256 16.124 1.876C16.2774 2.02944 16.3636 2.23755 16.3636 2.45455V8.18182H9.81818V1.63636H15.5455ZM1.63636 2.45455C1.63636 2.23755 1.72256 2.02944 1.876 1.876C2.02944 1.72256 2.23755 1.63636 2.45455 1.63636H8.18182V8.18182H1.63636V2.45455ZM2.45455 16.3636C2.23755 16.3636 2.02944 16.2774 1.876 16.124C1.72256 15.9706 1.63636 15.7625 1.63636 15.5455V9.81818H8.18182V16.3636H2.45455ZM16.3636 15.5455C16.3636 15.7625 16.2774 15.9706 16.124 16.124C15.9706 16.2774 15.7625 16.3636 15.5455 16.3636H9.81818V9.81818H16.3636V15.5455Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.54599 4.0899H5.72781V3.27172C5.72781 3.05472 5.6416 2.84662 5.48817 2.69318C5.33473 2.53974 5.12662 2.45354 4.90962 2.45354C4.69263 2.45354 4.48452 2.53974 4.33108 2.69318C4.17764 2.84662 4.09144 3.05472 4.09144 3.27172V4.0899H3.27326C3.05626 4.0899 2.84816 4.1761 2.69472 4.32954C2.54128 4.48298 2.45508 4.69109 2.45508 4.90808C2.45508 5.12508 2.54128 5.33319 2.69472 5.48662C2.84816 5.64006 3.05626 5.72626 3.27326 5.72626H4.09144V6.54445C4.09144 6.76144 4.17764 6.96955 4.33108 7.12299C4.48452 7.27643 4.69263 7.36263 4.90962 7.36263C5.12662 7.36263 5.33473 7.27643 5.48817 7.12299C5.6416 6.96955 5.72781 6.76144 5.72781 6.54445V5.72626H6.54599C6.76298 5.72626 6.97109 5.64006 7.12453 5.48662C7.27797 5.33319 7.36417 5.12508 7.36417 4.90808C7.36417 4.69109 7.27797 4.48298 7.12453 4.32954C6.97109 4.1761 6.76298 4.0899 6.54599 4.0899Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.54599 12.2714H3.27326C3.05626 12.2714 2.84816 12.3576 2.69472 12.511C2.54128 12.6645 2.45508 12.8726 2.45508 13.0896C2.45508 13.3066 2.54128 13.5147 2.69472 13.6681C2.84816 13.8215 3.05626 13.9077 3.27326 13.9077H6.54599C6.76298 13.9077 6.97109 13.8215 7.12453 13.6681C7.27797 13.5147 7.36417 13.3066 7.36417 13.0896C7.36417 12.8726 7.27797 12.6645 7.12453 12.511C6.97109 12.3576 6.76298 12.2714 6.54599 12.2714Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.5941 12.6828H14.8668C15.0838 12.6828 15.2919 12.5966 15.4453 12.4432C15.5988 12.2897 15.685 12.0816 15.685 11.8646C15.685 11.6476 15.5988 11.4395 15.4453 11.2861C15.2919 11.1327 15.0838 11.0465 14.8668 11.0465H11.5941C11.3771 11.0465 11.169 11.1327 11.0155 11.2861C10.8621 11.4395 10.7759 11.6476 10.7759 11.8646C10.7759 12.0816 10.8621 12.2897 11.0155 12.4432C11.169 12.5966 11.3771 12.6828 11.5941 12.6828Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.8668 13.5H11.5941C11.3771 13.5 11.169 13.5862 11.0155 13.7396C10.8621 13.8931 10.7759 14.1012 10.7759 14.3182C10.7759 14.5352 10.8621 14.7433 11.0155 14.8967C11.169 15.0502 11.3771 15.1364 11.5941 15.1364H14.8668C15.0838 15.1364 15.2919 15.0502 15.4453 14.8967C15.5988 14.7433 15.685 14.5352 15.685 14.3182C15.685 14.1012 15.5988 13.8931 15.4453 13.7396C15.2919 13.5862 15.0838 13.5 14.8668 13.5Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.3564 4.32941L11.9373 4.91032L11.3564 5.49123C11.2224 5.64775 11.1523 5.84908 11.1603 6.055C11.1682 6.26091 11.2536 6.45625 11.3993 6.60196C11.545 6.74767 11.7404 6.83304 11.9463 6.84099C12.1522 6.84894 12.3535 6.7789 12.51 6.64486L13.091 6.06395L13.6719 6.64486C13.8284 6.7789 14.0297 6.84894 14.2356 6.84099C14.4415 6.83304 14.6369 6.74767 14.7826 6.60196C14.9283 6.45625 15.0137 6.26091 15.0216 6.055C15.0296 5.84908 14.9595 5.64775 14.8255 5.49123L14.2446 4.91032L14.8255 4.32941C14.9595 4.17289 15.0296 3.97155 15.0216 3.76564C15.0137 3.55972 14.9283 3.36439 14.7826 3.21867C14.6369 3.07296 14.4415 2.9876 14.2356 2.97964C14.0297 2.97169 13.8284 3.04173 13.6719 3.17577L13.091 3.75668L12.51 3.17577C12.3535 3.04173 12.1522 2.97169 11.9463 2.97964C11.7404 2.9876 11.545 3.07296 11.3993 3.21867C11.2536 3.36439 11.1682 3.55972 11.1603 3.76564C11.1523 3.97155 11.2224 4.17289 11.3564 4.32941Z" /></path></path></path></path></path></g>

Personal identification

The business owner needs to provide personal identification to open an account in their name. The form of ID will depend on your country of residence and country of operations, but it will need to be a government-issued identification that is not expired. Government-issued ID and residential proof are required for all partners. If you have an office, you will also need address proof for your business.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M2.66667 0C1.18667 0 0 1.18667 0 2.66667V21.3333C0 22.8133 1.18667 24 2.66667 24H21.3333C22.8133 24 24 22.8133 24 21.3333V2.66667C24 1.18667 22.8133 0 21.3333 0H2.66667ZM2.66667 2.66667H21.3333V21.3333H2.66667V2.66667ZM5.33333 5.33333V8H18.6667V5.33333H5.33333ZM5.33333 10.6667V13.3333H18.6667V10.6667H5.33333ZM5.33333 16V18.6667H14.6667V16H5.33333Z" /></g>

Business registration documentation

This is the documentation that proves your business entity is registered with the authorities. It could be a tax certificate, an LLC registration document, as well as proof of office space purchase (if your business has an offline office). Your bank will need this to ensure that you are a legitimate business trying to open a corporate account.

You will need copies of your business registration, Certificate of Incorporation, GST certificate, and certifications by the state government. If applicable to your industry, you will also need to show a sales tax/service tax certificate, Certificate of Practice, IEC (Importer Exporter Code) issued by DGFT, and FDA/FSSAI certificate.

<g fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0.85 3.19275H7.7265C7.86469 3.74413 8.18314 4.23353 8.63129 4.58322C9.07943 4.9329 9.63157 5.12283 10.2 5.12283C10.7684 5.12283 11.3206 4.9329 11.7687 4.58322C12.2169 4.23353 12.5353 3.74413 12.6735 3.19275H16.15C16.3754 3.19275 16.5916 3.1032 16.751 2.94379C16.9104 2.78438 17 2.56818 17 2.34275C17 2.11731 16.9104 1.90111 16.751 1.74171C16.5916 1.5823 16.3754 1.49275 16.15 1.49275H12.75C12.6737 1.48466 12.5968 1.48466 12.5205 1.49275C12.3177 1.04755 11.991 0.670096 11.5796 0.405415C11.1681 0.140734 10.6892 0 10.2 0C9.71077 0 9.23186 0.140734 8.82042 0.405415C8.40897 0.670096 8.08234 1.04755 7.8795 1.49275C7.80321 1.48466 7.72629 1.48466 7.65 1.49275H0.85C0.624566 1.49275 0.408365 1.5823 0.248959 1.74171C0.0895533 1.90111 0 2.11731 0 2.34275C0 2.56818 0.0895533 2.78438 0.248959 2.94379C0.408365 3.1032 0.624566 3.19275 0.85 3.19275ZM10.2 1.73075C10.3681 1.73075 10.5325 1.7806 10.6722 1.874C10.812 1.9674 10.921 2.10015 10.9853 2.25547C11.0496 2.41079 11.0665 2.58169 11.0337 2.74658C11.0009 2.91146 10.9199 3.06291 10.801 3.18179C10.6822 3.30066 10.5307 3.38162 10.3658 3.41442C10.2009 3.44721 10.03 3.43038 9.87472 3.36605C9.7194 3.30171 9.58665 3.19277 9.49325 3.05298C9.39985 2.9132 9.35 2.74886 9.35 2.58075C9.35 2.35531 9.43955 2.13911 9.59896 1.97971C9.75837 1.8203 9.97457 1.73075 10.2 1.73075Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0.85 9.14364H2.6265C2.76768 9.69121 3.08686 10.1763 3.53385 10.5227C3.98084 10.869 4.53027 11.057 5.09575 11.057C5.66123 11.057 6.21066 10.869 6.65765 10.5227C7.10464 10.1763 7.42382 9.69121 7.565 9.14364H16.15C16.3754 9.14364 16.5916 9.05409 16.751 8.89468C16.9104 8.73527 17 8.51907 17 8.29364C17 8.06821 16.9104 7.85201 16.751 7.6926C16.5916 7.53319 16.3754 7.44364 16.15 7.44364H7.395C7.18907 7.00556 6.8627 6.63514 6.45405 6.37568C6.04539 6.11622 5.57132 5.97844 5.08725 5.97844C4.60318 5.97844 4.12911 6.11622 3.72045 6.37568C3.3118 6.63514 2.98543 7.00556 2.7795 7.44364C2.70321 7.43555 2.62629 7.43555 2.55 7.44364H0.85C0.624566 7.44364 0.408365 7.53319 0.248959 7.6926C0.0895533 7.85201 0 8.06821 0 8.29364C0 8.51907 0.0895533 8.73527 0.248959 8.89468C0.408365 9.05409 0.624566 9.14364 0.85 9.14364ZM5.1 7.68164C5.26811 7.68164 5.43245 7.73149 5.57224 7.82489C5.71202 7.91829 5.82096 8.05104 5.8853 8.20636C5.94963 8.36168 5.96646 8.53258 5.93367 8.69747C5.90087 8.86235 5.81992 9.01381 5.70104 9.13268C5.58217 9.25155 5.43071 9.33251 5.26583 9.36531C5.10094 9.3981 4.93004 9.38127 4.77472 9.31694C4.6194 9.2526 4.48665 9.14366 4.39325 9.00387C4.29985 8.86409 4.25 8.69975 4.25 8.53164C4.25 8.30621 4.33955 8.09 4.49896 7.9306C4.65837 7.77119 4.87457 7.68164 5.1 7.68164Z"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0.85 15.0935H8.585C8.72905 15.6373 9.0489 16.1183 9.49475 16.4614C9.9406 16.8045 10.4874 16.9906 11.05 16.9906C11.6126 16.9906 12.1594 16.8045 12.6053 16.4614C13.0511 16.1183 13.371 15.6373 13.515 15.0935H16.15C16.3754 15.0935 16.5916 15.0039 16.751 14.8445C16.9104 14.6851 17 14.4689 17 14.2435C17 14.018 16.9104 13.8018 16.751 13.6424C16.5916 13.483 16.3754 13.3935 16.15 13.3935H13.345C13.1362 12.9624 12.8102 12.5988 12.4043 12.3443C11.9984 12.0899 11.529 11.955 11.05 11.955C10.571 11.955 10.1016 12.0899 9.69572 12.3443C9.28983 12.5988 8.96381 12.9624 8.755 13.3935H0.85C0.624566 13.3935 0.408365 13.483 0.248959 13.6424C0.0895533 13.8018 0 14.018 0 14.2435C0 14.4689 0.0895533 14.6851 0.248959 14.8445C0.408365 15.0039 0.624566 15.0935 0.85 15.0935ZM11.05 13.6315C11.2181 13.6315 11.3825 13.6813 11.5222 13.7747C11.662 13.8681 11.771 14.0009 11.8353 14.1562C11.8996 14.3115 11.9165 14.4824 11.8837 14.6473C11.8509 14.8122 11.7699 14.9636 11.651 15.0825C11.5322 15.2014 11.3807 15.2824 11.2158 15.3152C11.0509 15.3479 10.88 15.3311 10.7247 15.2668C10.5694 15.2024 10.4367 15.0935 10.3433 14.9537C10.2499 14.8139 10.2 14.6496 10.2 14.4815C10.2 14.256 10.2896 14.0398 10.449 13.8804C10.6084 13.721 10.8246 13.6315 11.05 13.6315Z" /></path></path></g>

Ownership and partnership agreements

The best business bank accounts make room for your business to grow and expand. This includes partnerships. If you share your business with other entities or have entities with a controlling amount of shares, then that legal paperwork is required by your bank.

This is purely to ascertain how will be controlling the funds and making authorizations. To do this, you will need to show a Partnership Deed, Power of Attorney, and a notarized document identifying every controlling partner/beneficiary.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M10.4981 1C7.14936 1 4.26959 3.06424 3.08096 5.99534C3.03945 6.08808 3.01706 6.18824 3.01514 6.28983C3.01321 6.39142 3.03179 6.49234 3.06976 6.58658C3.10774 6.68082 3.16432 6.76645 3.23613 6.83832C3.30795 6.9102 3.39351 6.96686 3.48772 7.00491C3.58193 7.04297 3.68285 7.06165 3.78444 7.05981C3.88602 7.05798 3.9862 7.03568 4.07897 6.99425C4.17175 6.95282 4.25522 6.89311 4.32439 6.81869C4.39357 6.74427 4.44703 6.65666 4.48157 6.56111C5.4443 4.18715 7.76973 2.51104 10.4981 2.51104C13.3298 2.51104 15.7222 4.31892 16.6111 6.8371L16.3076 6.53351C16.0997 6.32005 15.7558 6.24936 15.4796 6.36101C15.376 6.40289 15.2853 6.47149 15.2105 6.5542C15.1856 6.58177 15.1624 6.61311 15.1415 6.64391C15.0789 6.73633 15.0353 6.83767 15.0173 6.94749C15.0114 6.9841 15.0107 7.02064 15.0105 7.05789C15.0083 7.08314 15.0083 7.10849 15.0105 7.13377C15.0281 7.31038 15.1102 7.47981 15.2381 7.60294L16.8458 9.21057C16.8608 9.23221 16.8769 9.25279 16.8941 9.27268C17.0626 9.48091 17.3477 9.58784 17.6116 9.54176C17.6185 9.54176 17.6255 9.54178 17.6324 9.54176C17.6487 9.53756 17.6647 9.53292 17.6807 9.52806C17.69 9.52586 17.6992 9.52365 17.7083 9.52122C17.7486 9.50841 17.7879 9.49225 17.8256 9.47291C17.8324 9.4707 17.8395 9.46827 17.8463 9.46606C17.8605 9.45745 17.8743 9.44818 17.8877 9.43846C17.8948 9.43383 17.9014 9.42919 17.9085 9.42456C17.9226 9.41352 17.9365 9.40204 17.9499 9.39007C17.9567 9.38566 17.9638 9.38102 17.9706 9.37638C17.9847 9.36534 17.9986 9.35388 18.012 9.34187C18.0142 9.33944 18.0164 9.33745 18.0189 9.33502C18.0334 9.31957 18.0472 9.30344 18.0603 9.28673L19.7438 7.60321C20.0581 7.33356 20.0771 6.79307 19.7852 6.49927C19.4939 6.20487 18.9529 6.22117 18.6812 6.53378L18.2328 6.98227C17.3371 3.54025 14.211 1.00027 10.4983 1.00027L10.4981 1ZM3.48111 8.45161C3.44775 8.45161 3.41062 8.45382 3.37763 8.45846C3.37079 8.45848 3.36372 8.45844 3.35688 8.45846C3.34054 8.46265 3.32451 8.46729 3.30857 8.47237C3.29929 8.47457 3.29002 8.47678 3.28097 8.47921C3.24063 8.49202 3.20129 8.50818 3.16369 8.52752C3.15684 8.52995 3.14978 8.53216 3.14293 8.53437C3.1288 8.54298 3.115 8.55225 3.10153 8.56197C3.09447 8.5666 3.08784 8.57124 3.08078 8.57566C3.06665 8.5867 3.05276 8.59818 3.03936 8.61017C3.03252 8.61459 3.02545 8.61899 3.01861 8.62385C3.00448 8.63489 2.99059 8.64635 2.97721 8.65836C2.975 8.66079 2.97279 8.66278 2.97036 8.66521C2.95579 8.68066 2.94206 8.69682 2.92894 8.71349L1.25234 10.397C0.938005 10.6667 0.912129 11.2071 1.20406 11.5009C1.49534 11.7954 2.04321 11.7791 2.31489 11.4664L2.75646 11.0249C3.65476 14.4636 6.78742 17 10.4979 17C13.8466 17 16.7194 14.9357 17.9081 12.0047C17.9495 11.9119 17.9718 11.8118 17.9737 11.7103C17.9756 11.6087 17.957 11.5078 17.919 11.4136C17.881 11.3195 17.8244 11.2339 17.7526 11.162C17.6808 11.0902 17.5953 11.0336 17.5011 10.9955C17.407 10.9575 17.3061 10.9388 17.2045 10.9406C17.103 10.9424 17.0029 10.9647 16.9101 11.0061C16.8174 11.0475 16.7339 11.1071 16.6647 11.1815C16.5955 11.2558 16.542 11.3433 16.5074 11.4388C15.5447 13.8128 13.2262 15.489 10.4979 15.489C7.66384 15.489 5.26614 13.6774 4.37789 11.156L4.68836 11.4664C4.84426 11.6265 5.07346 11.7042 5.29553 11.6872C5.36956 11.6815 5.44037 11.6669 5.50943 11.639C5.54394 11.6251 5.58114 11.6029 5.61291 11.5838C5.77177 11.488 5.88716 11.3326 5.9441 11.156C5.95558 11.1206 5.96573 11.0891 5.9717 11.0525C5.97766 11.0158 5.98538 10.9793 5.98538 10.9421C5.98759 10.9168 5.98759 10.8914 5.98538 10.8662C5.96772 10.6896 5.88561 10.5201 5.75771 10.397L4.14317 8.78937C4.12816 8.76774 4.11202 8.74718 4.09488 8.72729C3.94742 8.54507 3.71449 8.44377 3.4808 8.45132L3.48111 8.45161Z" /></g>

Licensing information

Is your company registered? This, of course, is dependent on the industry in which you work and the country in which your headquarters are located. Some licenses are unique and must be obtained after you have established an account. However, some permits must be secured prior to your company's registration. These permits must be given when your company bank account is opened.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M11 0.333344C12.4145 0.333344 13.771 0.895246 14.7712 1.89544C15.7714 2.89563 16.3333 4.25219 16.3333 5.66668C16.3333 7.08116 15.7714 8.43772 14.7712 9.43791C13.771 10.4381 12.4145 11 11 11C9.58549 11 8.22894 10.4381 7.22874 9.43791C6.22855 8.43772 5.66665 7.08116 5.66665 5.66668C5.66665 4.25219 6.22855 2.89563 7.22874 1.89544C8.22894 0.895246 9.58549 0.333344 11 0.333344ZM11 3.00001C10.2927 3.00001 9.61446 3.28096 9.11436 3.78106C8.61426 4.28116 8.33331 4.95943 8.33331 5.66668C8.33331 6.37392 8.61426 7.0522 9.11436 7.55229C9.61446 8.05239 10.2927 8.33334 11 8.33334C11.7072 8.33334 12.3855 8.05239 12.8856 7.55229C13.3857 7.0522 13.6666 6.37392 13.6666 5.66668C13.6666 4.95943 13.3857 4.28116 12.8856 3.78106C12.3855 3.28096 11.7072 3.00001 11 3.00001ZM11 12.3333C14.56 12.3333 21.6666 14.1067 21.6666 17.6667V21.6667H0.333313V17.6667C0.333313 14.1067 7.43998 12.3333 11 12.3333ZM11 14.8667C7.03998 14.8667 2.86665 16.8133 2.86665 17.6667V19.1333H19.1333V17.6667C19.1333 16.8133 14.96 14.8667 11 14.8667Z" /></g>

Brand and company certifications

Some banks and local laws demand a "doing business as" certificate if your company's registered name and branded name are different. This will be required by your bank, especially if your company has many sub-brands.

<g fill="currentColor"><path d="M10.4981 1C7.14936 1 4.26959 3.06424 3.08096 5.99534C3.03945 6.08808 3.01706 6.18824 3.01514 6.28983C3.01321 6.39142 3.03179 6.49234 3.06976 6.58658C3.10774 6.68082 3.16432 6.76645 3.23613 6.83832C3.30795 6.9102 3.39351 6.96686 3.48772 7.00491C3.58193 7.04297 3.68285 7.06165 3.78444 7.05981C3.88602 7.05798 3.9862 7.03568 4.07897 6.99425C4.17175 6.95282 4.25522 6.89311 4.32439 6.81869C4.39357 6.74427 4.44703 6.65666 4.48157 6.56111C5.4443 4.18715 7.76973 2.51104 10.4981 2.51104C13.3298 2.51104 15.7222 4.31892 16.6111 6.8371L16.3076 6.53351C16.0997 6.32005 15.7558 6.24936 15.4796 6.36101C15.376 6.40289 15.2853 6.47149 15.2105 6.5542C15.1856 6.58177 15.1624 6.61311 15.1415 6.64391C15.0789 6.73633 15.0353 6.83767 15.0173 6.94749C15.0114 6.9841 15.0107 7.02064 15.0105 7.05789C15.0083 7.08314 15.0083 7.10849 15.0105 7.13377C15.0281 7.31038 15.1102 7.47981 15.2381 7.60294L16.8458 9.21057C16.8608 9.23221 16.8769 9.25279 16.8941 9.27268C17.0626 9.48091 17.3477 9.58784 17.6116 9.54176C17.6185 9.54176 17.6255 9.54178 17.6324 9.54176C17.6487 9.53756 17.6647 9.53292 17.6807 9.52806C17.69 9.52586 17.6992 9.52365 17.7083 9.52122C17.7486 9.50841 17.7879 9.49225 17.8256 9.47291C17.8324 9.4707 17.8395 9.46827 17.8463 9.46606C17.8605 9.45745 17.8743 9.44818 17.8877 9.43846C17.8948 9.43383 17.9014 9.42919 17.9085 9.42456C17.9226 9.41352 17.9365 9.40204 17.9499 9.39007C17.9567 9.38566 17.9638 9.38102 17.9706 9.37638C17.9847 9.36534 17.9986 9.35388 18.012 9.34187C18.0142 9.33944 18.0164 9.33745 18.0189 9.33502C18.0334 9.31957 18.0472 9.30344 18.0603 9.28673L19.7438 7.60321C20.0581 7.33356 20.0771 6.79307 19.7852 6.49927C19.4939 6.20487 18.9529 6.22117 18.6812 6.53378L18.2328 6.98227C17.3371 3.54025 14.211 1.00027 10.4983 1.00027L10.4981 1ZM3.48111 8.45161C3.44775 8.45161 3.41062 8.45382 3.37763 8.45846C3.37079 8.45848 3.36372 8.45844 3.35688 8.45846C3.34054 8.46265 3.32451 8.46729 3.30857 8.47237C3.29929 8.47457 3.29002 8.47678 3.28097 8.47921C3.24063 8.49202 3.20129 8.50818 3.16369 8.52752C3.15684 8.52995 3.14978 8.53216 3.14293 8.53437C3.1288 8.54298 3.115 8.55225 3.10153 8.56197C3.09447 8.5666 3.08784 8.57124 3.08078 8.57566C3.06665 8.5867 3.05276 8.59818 3.03936 8.61017C3.03252 8.61459 3.02545 8.61899 3.01861 8.62385C3.00448 8.63489 2.99059 8.64635 2.97721 8.65836C2.975 8.66079 2.97279 8.66278 2.97036 8.66521C2.95579 8.68066 2.94206 8.69682 2.92894 8.71349L1.25234 10.397C0.938005 10.6667 0.912129 11.2071 1.20406 11.5009C1.49534 11.7954 2.04321 11.7791 2.31489 11.4664L2.75646 11.0249C3.65476 14.4636 6.78742 17 10.4979 17C13.8466 17 16.7194 14.9357 17.9081 12.0047C17.9495 11.9119 17.9718 11.8118 17.9737 11.7103C17.9756 11.6087 17.957 11.5078 17.919 11.4136C17.881 11.3195 17.8244 11.2339 17.7526 11.162C17.6808 11.0902 17.5953 11.0336 17.5011 10.9955C17.407 10.9575 17.3061 10.9388 17.2045 10.9406C17.103 10.9424 17.0029 10.9647 16.9101 11.0061C16.8174 11.0475 16.7339 11.1071 16.6647 11.1815C16.5955 11.2558 16.542 11.3433 16.5074 11.4388C15.5447 13.8128 13.2262 15.489 10.4979 15.489C7.66384 15.489 5.26614 13.6774 4.37789 11.156L4.68836 11.4664C4.84426 11.6265 5.07346 11.7042 5.29553 11.6872C5.36956 11.6815 5.44037 11.6669 5.50943 11.639C5.54394 11.6251 5.58114 11.6029 5.61291 11.5838C5.77177 11.488 5.88716 11.3326 5.9441 11.156C5.95558 11.1206 5.96573 11.0891 5.9717 11.0525C5.97766 11.0158 5.98538 10.9793 5.98538 10.9421C5.98759 10.9168 5.98759 10.8914 5.98538 10.8662C5.96772 10.6896 5.88561 10.5201 5.75771 10.397L4.14317 8.78937C4.12816 8.76774 4.11202 8.74718 4.09488 8.72729C3.94742 8.54507 3.71449 8.44377 3.4808 8.45132L3.48111 8.45161Z" /></g>

Credit score information

Your application will include a credit score if your company has one. If you are creating an account for the first time while starting a business, the credit score of the account owner (the business owner) may be needed.

Say no to multiple bank accounts for managing business expenses

What are the steps to open corporate bank account in India?


Do your research

Before deciding on a bank, carefully consider all of the available options, advantages, and costs. When opening a corporate bank account, it's critical to conduct your homework on your current status and how you see your company expanding in the future.


Decide which bank you will opt for

Once you've picked the bank you want to create an account with, research all of their options. It's much better if you can chat with a bank person.


Decide the type of account you will open

Decide if you'll open a business checking or savings account first (or both). Always consider the interest rates and fees associated with each option.


Gather the required documentation

Once you know which type of account you want, make a list it. Your documents must be notarized, or have originals for verification. Some banks might even need directors and power of attorney holders to be present in person, so be prepared for that.


Fill out the application

Complete the application fully and accurately. Provide as much information as possible, and be as specific as possible. If your data is right, your bank will process everything more quickly.


Deposit the required amount

As with most accounts (especially savings), there needs to be a nominal deposit made to open the account. Gather the funds for this and write the check that meets these nominal requirements. Most banks in India, particularly those geared towards MSMEs, require as little as INR 2000-5000 as an initial deposit.


Activate your bank account

Your task isn't done once you get confirmation that your account has been opened. It is necessary for you to use it to activate your account. Prepare to use your account by familiarizing yourself with the banking services (both online and offline).

Corporate banking fees and charges

Administration fee

This is the operative fee your bank charges for owning the account. It might be charged monthly or annually. Banks in India are very helpful for businesses since many of them don’t charge an administrative fee. However, there are charges for deposits, and Monthly Average Balance (MAB) to maintain to avail these free services. 

Cash payments

Charges may apply to cash deposits and withdrawals from the account (as well as charges for ATM usage).

Automated payments

Some banks charge fees for repeated transactions or pre-approved payments. If so, get in touch with your bank.

Manual payments or checks

Both manual deposits and checking procedures can be expensive. Examine these expenses in advance.

Minimum balance charges

You can incur fees if the minimum balance in your savings account is not met. If your cash flow is slow, especially, be sure this price is within your budget.


Do your credit and banking accounts offer overdraft protection? Is it acceptable to swipe into a negative balance? You run the risk of sliding into debt very easily if you have recurring payments. Make sure your overdraft fees aren't too high by checking them.

Additional services

There may be a fee for some premium services (such as specialty cards, insurance, upgrades, advice, and report preparation). Consult your bank to see whether these services are necessary in order to obtain a low-cost or free corporate account.

International transactions

International transaction fees are determined by several variables, including exchange rates, receiving bank fees, administrative charges for the wire transfer provider, and others. Know the charges associated with sending or receiving money from another country (particularly if you frequently pay for it).

What are the advantages of business bank account?

Both partners and employees can access it

You can share a corporate bank account with your business partners and staff without transferring any of your personal assets. Authorized individuals can quickly view everything relating to your company's finances, and you can have a transparent system for effective commercial transactions.

Accepting different types of payments

It can be challenging to accept payments into a personal account. Sometimes an NEFT/SWIFT transfer or a payment application are required. However, many of your clients and customers could have to pay you using a credit card. With a corporate account, you may accept debit and credit card payments, which broadens your market and improves the experience for your clients.

Separating business and personal finances

You may separate your personal and business finances by opening a corporate account, which is the biggest and most important benefit. You don't have to combine your household costs with your payroll costs. Everything that has to do with your business is handled and examined independently. So, credit ratings are isolated so that your business' creditworthiness is unaffected by your personal creditworthiness (or vice versa).

A corporate bank account leaves your company with a very clear financial trail. This is useful for compliance, audits, as well as when looking for investors and loans. A clear record of your business's payments enhances your credibility as a corporation.

The legitimacy of your brand might be increased by opening a business bank account. Customers are more inclined to make payments to a registered company account than to an individual account. Payroll and salary slips for employees simplify tax filing. All invoices, receipts, and reports can also be generated in your company's name.

When should you open business account?

A business bank account can never be opened too early. As soon as your business has been registered and the necessary licenses have been obtained, you can open an account. The creation of such an account might even be required for some particular licenses. A business account is also required if you plan to form a partnership.

The early implementation guarantees a clear audit trail from the outset. You don't need to be a unicorn to get a bank account because many provide unique packages and prices for small businesses. Just bear in mind that your financial institution should be able to meet your needs if you want to expand your company.

Get started with Volopay's business account

Business credit line

Your company can get credit facilities through Volopay. This credit can be obtained by applying for business credit on the Volopay website or by using pre-loaded credit cards.

This credit line is purely contingent on your transaction and growth projections, unlike a bank, which would require substantial documentation and credit history. On the same platform, billing is also carried out, raising your business's credit score in the process.

Employee physical cards and virtual cards

Give corporate credit cards to your employees rather than a wide variety of debit cards. They are much safer and more protected against fraud.

If your employees frequently do offline transactions, you can provide them with physical credit cards, and you can also issue them an infinite number of virtual credit cards for online transactions. These virtual cards can be used for vendor-specific payments if your company wants to make SaaS payments or other regular payments.

Accounting software integrations

There is a chance that your banking plan won't have accounting integrations, even if you choose it. For businesses, accounting automation has become essential, and having to externally download data just makes the process more difficult.

With the help of Volopay, you can connect your accounting program directly to the gateway, preventing the need for manual data entry. Additionally, Volopay interacts with several HR applications that control payments, like payroll services.

Detailed insights on spending

Everything in Volopay occurs in real-time. All information is updated as soon as an employee pays a vendor, asks for reimbursement, or swipes a card.

Giving all of your staff accounts enables collaborative and fast access to this information, data analysis, and report generation by numerous users. Additionally, Volopay offers a mobile app so that workers may access their accounts while on the go.

Volopay’s Bill Pay feature

It works better than a bank account. A centralized location for all your finances, it eliminates the need for multiple bank accounts in different locations. Regardless of where your company is located or how many branches it has, your business can access an eagle-eye view of all its funds from a singular interface.

Moreover, the Bill Pay feature allows you to make a variety of payments at the lowest possible fees. International transactions occur at competitive exchange rates, with significantly lower charges compared to wire transfers (and lesser time!). Your company policies can be assigned to transactions to manage accounts payable in compliance with audit requirements. Budgets can be applied to different departments. It is a one-stop shop for your business banking needs.


What is the difference between a corporate account and a traditional bank account?

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On the surface, they function the same way. But a corporate account has functionalities specific to a business, unlike a traditional bank account. A corporate account can have offerings such as debit cards for employees, more lucrative interest rates, and payroll processing services. The balance requirements and fees are also, overall, better for your business.

What is the purpose of a business bank account?

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The purpose of opening a business bank account in India is to have all your business-related transactions in one place. It separates all personal and business payments. Additionally, business accounts have certain benefits that do not apply to personal accounts (benefits that depend on the bank you choose).

Does opening a business bank account affect credit score?

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No, opening a business bank account will not affect your personal credit score. However, if you avail of credit facilities, then your business credit score will be calculated separately.

How long does it take to open a business bank account with Volopay?

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The process of setting up your Volopay account is fairly quick and simple. Once you’ve signed up for a plan and provided your documentation (KYB documentation for verification purposes), you will be invited to create an administrative account. You can get started immediately after that.

Do business bank accounts earn interest?

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Business checking accounts do not, but a business savings account does earn interest. The interest rate depends on the bank you use, and the tier of the account you open.

Is Volopay a bank?

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Volopay is not a bank. It is a spend management platform that allows you to access a requested credit line, create physical & virtual corporate cards, and handle all your SWIFT & non-SWIFT payable transactions. Your funds are stored in an account with ANZ. Volopay is the software that you use to access and utilize your funds, while also managing them without the need for multiple accounts in multiple countries.

How safe are my company funds with Volopay?

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Extremely so. Volopay does not keep your money in its own pocket. Your funds are stored in a bank, which is in compliance with ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission). Your data is protected with bank-grade security encryption and access protocols.

What fees does Volopay charge?

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Volopay only charges a subscription fee for its software, and there is a range of plans to choose from. If you opt for a credit line with Volopay, there is a nominal fee for that. All transactional fees (such as currency conversion, administration fees, bank markup fees) are charged by banks, depending on the country to which the payment is being made and the country in which your business is located. This fee is not charged by Volopay.

Keep track of your company finances with Volopay's business account

How do I open a business bank account?

Get documents you need to open a business bank account.
Employer Identification Number (EIN) (or a Social Security number, if you're a sole proprietorship).
Your business's formation documents..
Ownership agreements..
Business license..

What are the documents required for a company to open a bank account?

Documents Required for Opening Company Current Account.
PAN card of Director..
Voter Identity Card..
Driving License..
Aadhaar card issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
Senior Citizen Card issued by State/Central Govt..
Fisherman Identity card issued by State/Central Government..
Arms License..


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