What are the characteristics of a passive dependent personality

Mental health experts describe personality as characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that make us unique individuals. Personality characteristics tend to remain consistent over time. A personality disorder affects how a person thinks or acts, resulting in behavior that deviates from cultural norms and impairs healthy functioning. Individuals with personality disorders experience severe dysfunction in most areas of life, mainly with interpersonal relationships. Rose Hill Center is a top-rated mental health treatment facility offering various services, including personality disorder treatment.

Individuals with personality disorders often struggle with other mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. When your mental health is compromised, you can feel lost and alone, but help is available. Call the Rose Hill Center team at 866.367.0220.

What Is Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD)?

There are ten types of personality disorders, of which dependent personality disorder, DPD, is among the most commonly diagnosed. DPD occurs in men and women equally and usually develops in young adulthood. DPD involves a pervasive need to be taken care of that causes feelings of helplessness and submissiveness. People with DPD have an excessive fear of abandonment and difficulty making everyday decisions. They are often described as needy and clingy. Their reliance on others to fulfill their emotional and physical needs frequently leads to them being involved in physically and emotionally abusive relationships.

DPD may be due to a mixture of genetic, developmental, and environmental factors. DPD is more common in individuals with particular life experiences, including:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Severe childhood illness
  • History of abusive relationships
  • Family history of anxiety or personality disorders
  • Religious, cultural, or family behavior that emphasizes reliance on authority

People with DPD want someone to take care of them, and they have great anxiety about caring for themselves. They give up their interests and independence to get the care they crave.

Do You Have Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) Symptoms?

Overall, those with dependent personality disorder are overdependent on others and will do anything to please them. In addition to being extremely needy, clingy, passive, and fearful of abandonment, common symptoms of DPD include:

  • Inability to make everyday decisions without advice and reassurance from others
  • Avoidance of responsibilities by acting helpless and passive
  • Oversensitivity to criticism
  • Extreme pessimism and lack of self-confidence
  • A tendency toward fantasy and naivety
  • Willingness to tolerate negative behavior, mistreatment, and abuse from others
  • Placing the needs of others before their own

Though people with DPD fear being alone, their behaviors often sabotage relationships. While the end of a relationship devastates them, they quickly jump into a new one. Some treatment experts may confuse DPD with borderline personality disorder (BPD), as they share many common symptoms. If you think you or a loved one has DPD, reach out to your doctor. Following an accurate diagnosis, dependent personality disorder treatment can help you manage symptoms and learn how to develop healthy relationships.

What to Expect from Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) Treatment

As with many personality disorders, those with dependent personality disorder usually seek help when life becomes overwhelming due to their symptoms, specifically those of anxiety and depression. Psychotherapy is the main form of treatment for DPD, where the goals are to help patients:

  • Become more actively involved in decision-making
  • Develop independence
  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Develop coping skills
  • Learn to form healthy relationships

People with DPD often have a history of trauma, so trauma therapy is a standard part of treatment for many. In working with patients with DPD, therapists are careful to monitor the therapeutic relationship so that the patient does not form an unhealthy bond in treatment. Medication does not treat the core problems that DPD causes. However, we may use it to help you manage anxiety or depression associated with DPD.

Find Dependent Personality Disorder Treatment at Rose Hill Center

At Rose Hill Center, we understand that dependent personality disorder can feel like a scary diagnosis. Education about DPD helps to alleviate your fears. You will learn the skills and tools to manage your DPD symptoms and regain control of your life through inpatient dependent personality disorder treatment. To learn more about how we can help, contact our team today at 866.367.0220.

Fear of “going it alone,” always second-guessing yourself, and depending on reassurance. Understand how to overcome the symptoms of this condition.

Dependent personality disorder is defined as a very intense and overwhelming need to be cared for — often accompanied by fears of being alone, abandoned, or disappointing others.

Folks with this condition might’ve been described as “clingy” or “needy.” But others may just not understand the persistent self-doubt experienced, or that you’re just trying to feel comfort or get direction on what to do.

Signs of this personality disorder usually start to appear in early adulthood.

Symptoms of dependent personality disorder may include:

  • difficulty making everyday decisions without outside advice
  • needing others to take charge of major areas of your life
  • instinctively agreeing with others
  • lacking confidence to start things on your own
  • need for continual reassurance and support from others
  • feeling uncomfortable, anxious, bored, or helpless when alone
  • an urgent need to find someone new when a relationship ends
  • separation anxiety

Dependent personality disorder may look a little different, person to person.

Many people believe the negative thoughts they have about themselves are true — “I’m unlovable. I’m too much. I just can’t. ”

But these are thoughts— not truth. Yet, these feelings can lead someone with dependent personality disorder to subconsciously seek out more care from others.

If the person you depend on for guidance gets frustrated or overwhelmed by your needs, you might think “Ah, I was right,” and negative thoughts might now be validated for you. The cycle then continues as you may insctinctively try to shop for the same kind of comfort from others.

Some other examples of what dependent personality disorder might look like in daily life include:

  • Self-criticizing and self-doubt. You might, for example, refer to yourself as “stupid” over a mistake that you’d easily forgive in someone else.
  • Dodging responsibility at work. Staying away from big projects — or even just your basic duties — to avoid disappointing others could be a sign that your self-esteem might be affected by dependent personality disorder.
  • Steering away from social situations. You might sometimes decline invitations to hang out with those who aren’t in your “inner council.”
  • Complete lack of autonomy. You could be the life of the party when you’re out with people you love, but you feel empty as soon as you’re by yourself.
  • Masking insecurity. Even if people see you as outwardly confident, you might feel a disconnect between the person you show the world and how you feel inside. You might even feel like people who like and care about you don’t actually feel that way.

Is dependent personality disorder the same as codependency?

While they might look similar, the key difference is in the nature of their interpersonal relationships.

Dependent personality disorder is a condition defined by a constant need to be taken care of; some say it’s largely one-sided. Codependency, on the other hand, involves the compulsion to be needed by another, among other maladaptive coping behaviors.

With that said, it’s possible for them to overlap.

Is dependent personality disorder genetic?

The answer isn’t clear. Personality disorders, in general, aren’t fully understood yet. But it’s usually thought that personality disorders like dependent personality disorder are caused by one or a combination of factors:

  • Genetics. Some experts believe that having a family history of personality disorders predisposes someone to have one, as well.
  • Environment. Our experiences shape us. This is why some people believe that traumatic experiences in our lives are a cause of personality disorders.
  • All the above. Another school of thought is that trauma and stress can influence the development of a personality disorder in people who are genetically predisposed.

Personality disorders are diagnosed by a mental health professional. They’ll compare the criteria for a diagnosis with your:

  • symptoms
  • life experiences
  • age

Since personality disorders are usually defined by long-standing patterns of behavior, they’re usually diagnosed in adulthood.

Dependent personality disorder is a long-term condition that can be lived with, by making diligent use of therapy and medication. You can stand on your own and enjoy a fulfilling life while managing the condition.

If you’re diagnosed with dependent personality disorder, your treatment might include:

  • medications, like antidepressants and antianxiety meds
  • therapy with a trained mental health professional, possibly using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • a combination of both

There are no medications that have been approved for the specific treatment of dependent personality disorder. But common psychiatric medications are sometimes used to address some of dependent personality disorder’s effects on mood in combination with talk therapy.

Therapy, with or without medication, may be the best route to explore for the time being. According to one 2020 study, personality disorders among people with health-related anxiety — especially those with dependent traits — were found to benefit from CBT.

What you can try on your own

Beyond what your treatment plan includes therapeutically, there are a number of other things you can do on your own to help you manage dependent personality disorder.

These might include:

  • Introspective activities like meditation or journaling
  • Support groups where people understand your perspective
  • Practicing autonomy, bit by bit, a step in a healthful direction each day

Steps to build up your emotional intelligence and autonomous self include practical strategies like sleeping on decisions, so you can get a fresh take the next morning. This helps overcome second-guessing yourself or nagging indecisiveness.

To encourage autonomy in students, developmental psychologists cultivate these specific skills:

  • Expanding comprehensive thinking by becoming cognizant of the fact that you control what and how you think. Personal agency is bred from reflective self awareness and learning to express emotions healthily
  • Stretching your perceptions of your own competence
  • Asking your “inner circle” to hold you accountable for your own life choices and endeavors. The next time you come to them for guidance and reassurance, give them license to warmly put the onus back on you to make a choice for yourself

Like other personality disorders, dependent personality disorder can affect every aspect of your life.

Research from 2020 indicates that folks living with personality disorders have a higher rate of disabilities, healthcare use, and medical co-occuring medical conditions.

It’s possible to lead a fulfilling life with dependent personality disorder if it’s treated and managed. But those with untreated personality disorders are likelier to experience:

  • continued or worsened symptoms
  • sleep disorders
  • substance use disorders
  • chronic health conditions or chronic pain
  • obesity
  • suicide

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

If you believe you’re living with dependent personality disorder, you could benefit from reaching out to a mental health professional.

If you think someone you know may have it, you can gently encourage them to seek treatment — but make sure to come from a loving, nonjudgmental place.

Need a little more guidance? You can bookmark our guide for how to talk about mental illness.

If you need help finding someone who can provide a diagnosis and get you started on treatment, you can check out the American Psychiatric Association’s Find a Psychiatrist tool. Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, is one of the key ways to start learning how to cope.

Dependent personality disorder can be anxiety inducing, fear filling, and fill you with indecision and insecurity. For your loved ones and those among your “inner circle,” it can be taxing. But it is treatable.

With talk therapies, mindfulness, and educating yourself and your support group on the condition,you can live well.

If you’re diagnosed, while your treatment team arranges a therapeutic program, you can make some emotional intelligence changes to manage dependent personality disorder while also staying true to yourself.

It’s possible to still value closeness without letting dependent personality disorder take over your life. Recognizing how it affects you is an important step forward.

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  • Doyle M, et al. (2016). Suicide risk in primary care patients diagnosed with a personality disorder: a nested case control study. https://bmcfampract.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12875-016-0479-y
  • Holder S. (2020). Mental disorders: personality disorders. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32757561/
  • McCombs, BL. (2010). Developing responsible and autonomous learners: A key to motivating students. http://www.apa.org/education/k12/learners
  • Morgan TA, et al. (2012). Dependent personality (disorder). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128093245063963
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  • Ramsay G, et al. (2020). Personality disorders revisited: a newly proposed mental illness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7478931/
  • Simonelli A, et al. (2017). Dependent personality disorder. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandra-Simonelli/publication/318820360_Dependent_Personality_Disorder/links/5a45e87f0f7e9ba868a97267/Dependent-Personality-Disorder.pdf
  • Tyrer P, et al. (2020). Influence of apparently negative personality characteristics on the long‐term outcome of health anxiety: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pmh.1496
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  • What are personality disorders? (2018). https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/personality-disorders/what-are-personality-disorders

What is passive dependent personality?

passive-dependent personality in American English (ˈpæsɪv dɪˈpendənt) noun. Psychiatry. a personality disorder characterized by a lack of self-confidence and self-reliance and consequent surrender to and dependence on others to take responsibility for major areas of one's life.

What are the main characteristics of a dependent person?

Someone with dependent personality disorder may have several symptoms, including:.
Avoidance of personal responsibility..
Difficulty being alone..
Fear of abandonment and a sense of helplessness when relationships end..
Oversensitivity to criticism..
Pessimism and lack of self-confidence..
Trouble making everyday decisions..

How do you know if you have dependent personality disorder?

Symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder Difficulty making decisions without the input or presence of others. Being overly passive or submissive. An inability to disagree with or argue with others. Allowing or preferring other people to handle your personal business.

How do I know if I have DPD?

In addition to being extremely needy, clingy, passive, and fearful of abandonment, common symptoms of DPD include: Inability to make everyday decisions without advice and reassurance from others. Avoidance of responsibilities by acting helpless and passive. Oversensitivity to criticism.