Two lines on ovulation test one lighter first response

Back in middle school sex ed, teachers practically made it seem like you could get pregnant by mistake just by thinking about sex. Obviously, now we all know that there’s actually only a small window of time each month when we can get pregnant, which is during ovulation. For someone who is actively trying to conceive, at-home ovulation tests can be really useful in pinning down exactly when that window is for them. The problem is, these tests can be really confusing to read, so it helps to have some ovulation test photos to use for comparison.

How do at-home ovulation tests work?

Similar to pregnancy tests, ovulation tests work by measuring hormone levels in a urine sample. While pregnancy tests measure hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels in urine, ovulation tests react to different levels of LH (luteinizing hormone), which signals ovulation. “This is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland,” reproductive endocrinologist Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG, tells Romper in an email, “[and] signals the release of a mature egg from a follicle within the ovary.” Once the egg has been released from the ovary, it travels to the fallopian tube, which is where it can be fertilized by a sperm.

There are a variety of different types of ovulation tests, including sticks, strips, and even touch screen tests that report results to an app, so how results are delivered varies. However, no matter what type of test it is, it will be measuring LH levels to help determine whether or not you’re within your peak ovulation window.

Still, it’s worth giving at-home ovulation tests a shot, because there are plenty of quality options out there that can be useful. If you’ve been using these tests for six months to a year and you still have not conceived, Shahine recommends being evaluated a reproductive endocrinologist who can “help plan what’s best for your personal situation.”

Are at-home ovulation tests reliable?

While the concept of at-home ovulation tests is fantastic, especially for people who are struggling to conceive, Shahine says, “the tests are not perfect and can often lead to frustration.” She explains that someone with a regular cycle and no other reproductive concerns can typically rely on at-home ovulation tests to indicate the best time to try to conceive, but even then, it depends a lot on how sensitive the test is to LH levels.

Shahine notes that ovulation tests with lower sensitivity can result in a false negative. “That does not necessarily mean someone didn’t ovulate,” she says, “it can be that the tests aren’t working or the LH hormone didn’t get high enough to read positive on the kit.” Similarly, people diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) will often get false positives because they have higher LH levels throughout their cycle, whether they’re ovulating or not.

When to take an at-home ovulation test?

Since ovulation can be so tricky to pin down, expect to take a few tests per cycle. “It’s recommended to start testing before you expect ovulation,” says Shahine, “it’s the change in negative tests to a positive one that can best [signal] ovulation.” For someone with a regular 28-day cycle, Shahine suggests testing around day 9 or 10 (days after the first day of your most recent period) and expect to ovulate around day 14.

If you’re not sure what your cycle is like, she recommends starting to test the day after your period ends and continuing each day until you get a positive result. “Once you get a positive test, you do not need to keep testing,” she says, “the hormone can be present and peak and drop for a few days around ovulation” which can be confusing and lead to frustration.

So, how do you know if you have a positive result? Every test is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but to help you out here are some positive ovulation test photos to use for comparison.


Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test

Digital test results are by far the easiest tests to read (unfortunately, they’re also usually more expensive). The Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Test takes three minutes to process, and you’ll know it’s busy working when you see a happy face flashing on the screen. Once it’s finished, it will show a happy face if there is an LH surge or an empty circle if not.


Easy@Home Ovulation Test Strips

For a more budget-friendly ovulation test, you can’t go wrong with the Easy@Home Ovulation Test Strips. They’re very sensitive, which is great, but that also makes them somewhat difficult to read. As you can see in this photo, a faint second line will appear as soon as LH is detected, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ovulating. As you progress in your cycle, that line will become darker until you reach your LH surge and the line is fully saturated.


First Response Simple Ovulation Test

The First Response Simple Ovulation Test looks very much like their pregnancy tests. What’s nice about this test is that if there is a second line at all, whether it’s faint or dark, that means you’re ovulating. If only the control line shows up, then there is no LH surge indicated.


Mira Fertility Tracker

It doesn’t get much fancier than the Mira Fertility Tracker. To test, you’ll collect your urine sample on a testing wand and then insert it into the device. After about 16 minutes, the device will display a number and automatically transfer the information into your app account (you’ll need the app in order to track your cycle/read your results). You can then look at your data history/chart to see where your hormone levels land and determine whether or not you’re in your ovulation window.


Natalist Ovulation Predictor Kit

The Natalist ovulation predictor kit is another at-home ovulation test that works over a series of days (so you’ll need lots of strips to accurately track your LH levels). As your LH levels increase, the test line on the strip will become darker. In this picture, you can see the progression of the test line until CD (cycle day) 15 (both the AM and PM strips have the darkest lines) before it starts getting lighter again on day 16 and even lighter on day 17.


The Oova Kit

Who knew a urine test could be so pretty? The Oova Kit comes with 15 strips, a handle (so you can keep your hands clean), a stand to set the test on while it processes, and access to an app that will read your results. The app also tracks your cycle and gives detailed interpretations of your results.


First Response Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

As you can see from this ovulation test photo, the First Response Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is another option if you’re looking for clear results that are easy to read. After collecting your sample, you’ll set the test down on the counter and a clock will flash for five minutes while it processes. Once it’s done, it will either say “YES+”, which indicates an LH surge, or “NO-”. If you get a “YES+” result, then your best chance to conceive is within the next 24 to 36 hours.


Stix Ovulation Test

Stix ovulation tests also require you to decipher results based on how dark your test line is. As you can see in the above photo, a faint line appearing in the heart (test) window does not indicate a positive result. Instead, you’ll need to continue to take tests until it’s mostly or fully saturated. Once you have a positive result, your best chances of conception are within the next 12 to 48 hours.


Proov Predict & Confirm Kit

With the Proov Predict & Confirm Kit, you don’t have to try to read your own results, because the app will do it for you. It comes with the classic, simple ovulation sticks as well as access to the Proov Insight app. Simply take the test, take a picture of the test through the app with your phone, and wait for results. The app will deliver an ovulation score as well as an interpretation of the results to help you determine if you’re experiencing an LH surge or not.


Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test tracks both LH and estrogen to improve its reliability and it’s reusable. It’s designed to give you a positive result up to 48 hours before you ovulate to help increase your chance of conception. The two days before ovulation, when you have high LH levels, you’ll see a flashing happy face on the screen. Keep taking the test in the days following this result, because when you reach peak LH levels, the happy face will stop flashing. When your LH levels are low, the screen will display a blank circle.


Modern Fertility

Modern fertility is designed to help people gain more insight into their individual cycles, which, in turn, helps them identify their LH surge each month. To do this, you’ll take a test each day of your cycle and learn more about your body’s unique pattern. What’s really nice about this system, though, is that there’s also an app where you can take and store photos of the tests (so you don’t have to collect them in order to monitor your progress) and track your cycle.


Inito Fertility Monitor

Another fancy smart ovulation test, the Inito Fertility Monitor comes with 15 ovulation test strips and a monitor that attaches to your smartphone that will read and track your results through an app. The test tracks both LH and progesterone levels and can identify up to six fertile days a month.


Wondofo Ovulation Test Strips

You get a lot of bang for your buck with Wondofo Ovulation Test Strips because they’re sold in bulk. Assuming the test isn’t invalid, you can expect to see both a control and a test line on each strip, but the darker the test line is the more likely it is you’re ovulating (or close to ovulation).


EZ Level Ovulation Test

Like so many other ovulation tests, with the EZ Level Ovulation Test, the darker the test line, the more likely it is you’re ovulating. According to their website, if the test line is as dark as the control line or darker, then it’s time to get busy trying.


Eveline Digital Ovulation Test Kit

If you’re tired of trying to track your ovulation on your own, then the Eveline Digital Ovulation Test Kit is worth checking out. Not only does it read your results through an app, but it also keeps track of them to help you manage your cycle and better predict your fertile days.


MomMed Ovulation Test Strips

MomMed Ovulation Test Strips are another great budget-friendly option for anyone who takes tests (or multiple tests) daily because they come in bulk packaging at an affordable rate. After taking the test, you’ll most likely see two lines, the control line, and a test line. If the test line is as dark as the control line or darker, you’re experiencing an LH surge, but if it’s lighter (or not there at all) you can assume you’re not having a fertile day.


iProven Ovulation Test

The iProven Ovulation Test works similarly to the majority of other test strips. You’ll see a control line and eventually, a test line will start to appear. As you get closer to ovulation, the test line will become darker and once it’s as dark as your control line (or darker), you can assume you’re in your fertile window.


Up & Up Early Ovulation Test

You get 10 ovulation test strips and one pregnancy test in the Up & Up Early Ovulation and Pregnancy Test Combo Pack. The ovulation strips will help you identify your fertile days with a test line that gets darker and darker as you get closer to ovulation. After you’re past your fertile window, wait two weeks and use the pregnancy test to find out if you conceived.


Pregmate Ovulation Test Strips

Another super affordable option is a package of Pregmate Ovulation Test Strips (available quantities from 25 up to 100 tests). If the test is negative, you’ll see a control line without a test line, or a faint test line. A positive test will have a test line that’s as dark or darker than the control line.


Bird & Be Ovulation Test

Bird & Be Ovulation Tests have a 99% accuracy in identifying a woman’s fertile window. Since they’re in traditional strip form, they can be somewhat difficult to read, but as you can see in this photo, if the test line is as dark as the control line or darker, then you’re having an LH surge and it’s time to get trying.


Mosie Baby Ovulation Predictor Kit

With the Mosie Baby Ovulation Predictor Kit, the control line will appear in the triangle-shaped window and the test line will show up in the oval-shaped window. If the shade of the test line matches the control line, or it’s darker in color than the control line, then you’re likely having an LH surge and within your fertile window.


Walgreens Ovulation Kit

With the Walgreens Ovulation Kit, you get 10 test strips that will help you identify your most fertile days. As you can see in this photo, this test works much like other strips in that a test line does not necessarily mean the test is positive. As the test line gets darker, you’re closer to your fertile window.

As you can see from these ovulation test photos, reading results can be somewhat difficult. If you’re struggling with trying to conceive and ovulation tests don’t seem to be helping, it’s worth a visit to your ObGyn or a fertility specialist to come up with a plan that works better for you.


Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG, women’s health and fertility physician at Pacific NW Fertility and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington

What does a faint second line on an ovulation test mean?

The hormone that ovulation tests are looking for, luteinizing hormone (LH), peaks right before ovulation, but is present throughout your cycle. So a faint test line means a little LH was detected, but not enough to indicate an LH surge which happens right before ovulation.

Can you get a faint line on ovulation test and be pregnant?

They don't have the kind of sensitivity it takes to distinguish LH and hCG. So, this means that if you're pregnant and you take an ovulation test, it might show a false positive because it's accidentally identifying high hCG levels, not LH. This does not mean that it's accurately detecting your pregnancy.

Why do I always get 2 lines on ovulation test?

Similar to an at-home pregnancy test, a positive ovulation test will show two lines. The first line, often pink, is the “control line.” This indicates the test was used correctly and is working. The second line or “test line” represents the positive result.

Why is my ovulation test line getting lighter?

A line that is lighter than the control line or not present indicates that LH is too low to suggest ovulation. If you begin testing several days before ovulation, you should be able to see the lines get progressively darker as you approach your LH surge.