Things to do when bored out of the house

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It has been said that there is no place like home. The warmth of a home is not dependent on its structure or decoration. It is the people in the house that make the home a place worth living.

A home is a place where we feel secure, where we can be who we are and feel loved. But if you really want to enjoy it, then one thing you should do is take out some time from your hectic schedule to spend with the people you care about.

That’s why, in this article, we will cover 61 fun things you can do at home with friends, family, or even alone.

What You Will Learn

  • 61 Fun Things to Do at Home
    • 1. Cook Together
    • 2. Karaoke Night
    • 3. Have a BBQ
    • 4. Start a Garden
    • 5. Read a Book
    • 6. Play a Board Game
    • 7. Make Homemade Greeting Cards
    • 8. Role Play
    • 9. Put Together a Puzzle
    • 10. Create a scrapbook
    • 11. Create a Collage
    • 12. Declutter the House
    • 13. Have an Indoor Picnic
    • 14. Scavenger Hunt
    • 15. Try a New Craft
    • 16. Have a Fun Family Meeting
    • 17. Play Charades
    • 18. Have a Costume Party
    • 19. Video Chat with a Family Member
    • 20. Carve Pumpkins
    • 21. Decorate the House
    • 22. Decorate the House for Christmas
    • 23. Play Badminton
    • 24. Have a Dance Party
    • 25. Make a Shopping List
    • 26. Shop for Home Decor/ Ideas for Renovation
    • 27. Watch a Movie
    • 28. Make a Family Video
    • 29. Go Through Old Family Albums
    • 30. Have a Tea Party
    • 31. Build a Fort
    • 32. Play Hide and Seek
    • 33. Reorganize Your Closet
    • 34. Play with Legos
    • 35. Make Up Your Own Game
    • 36. Discuss News
    • 37. Watch a Reality Show
    • 38. Have a Water Balloon Fight
    • 39. Do Yoga
    • 40. Build a Snowman
    • 41. Make a Family Vision Board
    • 42. Research on Abandoned Tourists Spots and Historical Events
    • 43. Learn for free from the online Ivy League courses
    • 44. Create Lists
    • 45. Discover New Music
    • 46. Listen to Podcasts
    • 47. Night at the Opera
    • 48. Start a Digital Netflix Party
    • 49. Have an International Dinner Night
    • 50. Create a Short Film
    • 51. Enjoy a Themed Movie Night
    • 52. Invent a Writing Code for the Whole Family
    • 53. Have a Photo Shoot
    • 54. Stargaze Under the Moonlight
    • 55. Knit and Stitch
    • 56. Start a Journal
    • 57. Learn Calligraphy
    • 58. Engage in Watercolor Painting
    • 59. Learn How to Do Origami
    • 60. Plan your Next Getaway
    • 61. Write Letters to Someone
  • Final Thoughts on Fun Things to Do at Home

Here is a list of some fun things that you can try at home. Remember that every family is unique and will have their own preferences regarding how to spend quality time together. The following activities are common ones that many households enjoy.

1. Cook Together

Do you like watching cooking shows? You might have seen shows where the chefs are divided into teams. These teammates work together to create magical dishes. You can bring the same creativity and enthusiasm into your kitchen. Cooking together is a great activity that brings family members closer together. You can have fun and create finger-licking-good dishes at the same time.

Since you are cooking together, you can easily split up the work. And if you are uncertain about what to cook, you can try out any new recipe you learn while watching a show or reading a cookbook. Or you can prepare your family’s favorite meal using the recipe you found in your grandma’s old chest. Whatever dish you choose to create, don’t forget to have a lot of fun in the process, and fill the kitchen with laughter.

Lucky if you have someone in the family who can cook and teach. But if there’s none, fret not because there are tons of online courses and YouTube videos available that can help you start. Here’s an example from Skillshare: Kitchen Confidence: Practical Tips for Cooking with Intuition by Julie Yoon. You may also want to check this cookbook from Amazon by Tieghan Gerard.

Other Resources: Creative Cooking: Simple Sauces to Elevate Every Meal Kitchen | Think Like a Chef: A Beginner’s Guide to Cooking with Confidence

2. Karaoke Night

Who said that karaoke night should be restricted to special events? Why should you wait for Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas Eve to take out the mic stand and sing your heart out? While there is nothing wrong with having fun with your relatives at family functions, you can also enjoy yourself any night of the week with your immediate family. Search for songs together that you can sing as a family. Your interactive performances will help you build beautiful memories that you will cherish for years to come. 

If you’re wondering where to buy a karaoke machine for the whole family, we took the liberty to search for this item for you. But if you are on a tight budget, you can always connect your laptop to a speaker and use a karaoke microphone for convenience.

Resource: Learn How To Sing with Singorama

3. Have a BBQ

Nothing says America like a homemade burger. BBQ nights are super fun, and have their own distinct qualities that everyone seems to love. To make BBQ nights more special, call your friends over for supper/dinner and enjoy hot hamburgers on the lawn with some wine.

Don’t have a grill yet? Try this one from PK Grills and this BBQ grill set from Simplistex. If you want to learn more about how to properly smoke meat like a pro, here’s an ultimate beginner’s guide from the Grill Masters Club.

4. Start a Garden

A garden is a lot of work and requires regular maintenance, but when you involve your entire family in the process, each family member will have a sense of responsibility toward maintaining it. You can ask your family members to plant the crops of their choice and then take care of them. In this way, your garden can have lots of different types of plants in one place. A lush green garden adds an appealing look to your house, and there is nothing better than eating food straight off the vine together.

If you want to start gardening as a hobby, check out this post from Common Sense Home. It offers detailed information on the basics of gardening. Likewise, to get serious about it, you might want to purchase these essential gardening items:

  • Seeds and Seedlings
  • Garden Hoe
  • Garden Shovel
  • Dirt and Leaf Rake

5. Read a Book

Many people are confused when they are told to consider reading as a family activity, but there is an easy way to read a book together with your family, and that is to listen to an audiobook. But not many book lovers like the concept of an audiobook and they want to read the book by themselves.

Read a book with your family members and have a family discussion about it, just like a book club.

You can also take turns reading a hard copy of a book, and leave notes for the next person who reads it after you. Then, once everyone has finished the book, you can have a family discussion about it, sort of like a book club!

Visit a bookstore and find a gem that can be a great read for the whole family. If for some reason you do not have the time or capacity to visit one, you may download free and discounted ebooks from hundreds of websites like Many Books and Gutenberg.

Here are some of our recommendations:

  • 9 Best Books on Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment
  • 9 Best Minimalist Books to Live a Simplified Life
  • 11 Best Meditation Books for Beginners and Experts

6. Play a Board Game

Board games are designed for multiple players. Even if you are playing a simple game, it will be better enjoyed if you have more than two people playing. Fortunately, almost everyone loves playing board games, and there is nothing as fun as playing a game with your family.

You can make the game even more exciting by having a reward for the winner. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a material reward. For example, the person who wins the game could be exempted from their daily chores for a day or two. Since the stakes are high, your family members will participate more enthusiastically.

Here are our other articles that contain a list of board games for every member of the family:

  • 15 Best Board Games for Couples to Play on Game Night
  • 11 Best Board Games for 2 Players for a Fun Night
  • 11 Best Cooperative Board Games That You’ll Actually Enjoy
  • 10 Best Board Games for Toddlers & Pre-schoolers

7. Make Homemade Greeting Cards

Personalized greeting cards are a great way to tell your relatives that you have been thinking about them. And what’s better than bringing your entire family together when crafting a card for your loved ones? The supplies that you need for creating a card are easily available at an arts and crafts shop. Take a trip to a nearby shop and choose the products that you think will be perfect for your cards. After that, dedicate a weekend to this activity, and make personalized cards for your family members and friends.

Once you sit down to design different cards for your family, you will realize how valuable this activity is. It doesn’t just bring you closer as a family, but also makes you realize the love and respect you have for your other family members, and teaches you the importance of always remaining close. 

If you can’t go out to buy arts and crafts, you can always look for stuff at home that you can recycle. Check this post from Aunt Annie’s Crafts about recycled greeting cards to find out how. Here’s a post as well from The Spruce Crafts giving you some tips and tricks about card-making.

8. Role Play

Give each family member a different role to play, and have an evening full of fun. For example, ask your youngest daughter to play the role of Daddy, and see for yourself how your children view their parents. This brief activity can go a long way toward building a strong bond between you and your kids

9. Put Together a Puzzle

Find a complex, 1000-piece puzzle and put the power of teamwork to the test. Puzzles are a great way to spend some quality time together and learn to cooperate.

For adults (parents and elder siblings), here are some excellent jigsaw puzzles you can order from Amazon:

  • Ingooood Rainy Night Walk Paper Puzzle
  • Buffalo Games Canoe Lake
  • Ravensburger Oceanic Wonders

And here are some easier puzzles for the kids:

  • Melissa & Doug Solar System Floor Puzzle
  • Melissa & Doug Under the Sea Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Melissa & Doug Dinosaurs Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

10. Create a scrapbook

Scrapbooks are a way of arranging and presenting personal and family history. Creating a scrapbook as a family activity is a good way to help children learn about their family members. With family photos of everyone from their great grandparents to their third cousin, a scrapbook can be used to preserve every small detail of a family.

In addition to making a scrapbook that deals with family history, you can also make one that preserves current moments. Create a book that has pictures of different family events such as birthdays, anniversary dinners, and graduation parties so that you have the memory with you forever.

To start a scrapbook, here are some essential materials you need:

  • Scrapbook
  • Patterned Paper
  • Colored Papers
  • Scissors and Trimmers
  • Embellishments
  • Pens
  • Adhesive Tapes

11. Create a Collage

Another way to scrapbook is by making a collage, which is a collection of photos attached together to make one big photo. Use photos from different occasions and make a big collage of your family. You can use the finished product for decorating your house. It will be a great addition to your living room decor.

If you have no idea how to make a collage (or even a scrapbook), wikiHow provides three methods on how to create one. Or check this Skillshare course: Collage Universe: Bringing Life to Printed Artifacts by Morgan Lappin.

12. Declutter the House

Every house is home to random junk that is not sorted out because of lack of time. At first, the idea of decluttering your house as a family activity might seem less fun than other ideas, but if you do it wholeheartedly, you will not only have a lot of fun, but also enjoy some emotional moments with your family.

Decluttering your house means going through all the stuff that you don’t use anymore, which means that you will have to go through the old toys that you had when your children were small, the DVDs that you used to watch on movie night, and maybe even the personal belongings of family members who are no longer with you. This will lead to lots of emotion and nostalgia, which is always great for bringing people together.

In addition, decluttering your house together is an easy way of getting rid of the junk that you had been wanting to dispose of, but just couldn’t find the time. 

Not sure where to start? Check out this post or this Skillshare course on how to develop the declutter habit. Or you may visit this one as well to know the supplies you need for decluttering your home.

13. Have an Indoor Picnic

You want to enjoy a small picnic with your family, but neither the weather nor your daily schedule is allowing you to go out and enjoy a nearby park. How about having a picnic indoors? Instead of having smores, you can have ice cream sandwiches made in your very own kitchen. The best part is that you don’t have to wait for a long weekend for this picnic, as you can have it at any time you want.

The best part of having an indoor picnic is that you can have it at any time you want.

To get a glimpse of how an indoor picnic should look like (and how to set it up, meals included), check out this post from Chowhound.

14. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunting is a fun activity enjoyed by people of all ages. Regardless of how old your children are (or even if you don’t have children), you can easily enjoy this classic evening of fun. Set out some clues and a treasure, and let the games begin!

Plan that scavenger hunt with these tips from wikiHow. If you want to take the game on a different level (for adults), check out this post from Goosechase.

15. Try a New Craft

Sewing, crochet stitching, and other related activities are all fun activities to try at home as a family. There are many kits available on the market that help people get into new crafts, so choose one with your family and dive in!

Ready to try a new craft? Here are some basic steps to follow when taking that leap of faith (by Bluprint).


  • From Nature to Paper: How to Craft Colorful Fine Art with Floral Dye
  • Crafting With Nature: Frames, Boxes, and Floral Sculptures
  • Hand Embroidery: Craft Your Ideas onto Fabric and Bring It to Life

16. Have a Fun Family Meeting

Family meetings are generally held to discuss serious matters with your family members, assign daily duties, and talk about progress in school. These meetings are often dreaded by younger family members, as they are scared of the wrath of their parents or siblings. However, you can make these meetings fun.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be having serious discussions with your family, but it is important for your family members to realize that they can have discussions on light topics with you too, and that there doesn’t have to be an angry fight just because the family is sitting together at the dining table talking. Family meetings generally bring all members closer to each other and allow them to discuss their problems. If you add an element of fun to them, these meetings will prove to be even more successful.

17. Play Charades

Charades are a great way to enjoy an afternoon full of creativity and laughter. Fill a bowl with assignments and gather the family for an hour of acting, guessing, and fun.

18. Have a Costume Party

Costume parties are often limited to Halloween, but why should you have to wait for a holiday to dress up? Get the family together for an evening of dress-up, or  throw a themed party where all the guests will have to wear costumes that have the elements of a particular era.

Check out this post from Fancy Dress about great costume ideas suitable for the whole family. No need to purchase extravagant, real costumes. Just grab a cloth or an old dress and do some styling.

19. Video Chat with a Family Member

In today’s global age, many families have family members who have gone abroad for studies or a job. And almost all of them have video chats with their families back home. Because of the difference in time zones, it can be difficult for all family members to gather around the laptop and talk, but you can decide on a specific day to talk to your loved one. Clear your schedule, ignore the time, and gather around the webcam to talk as a family.

20. Carve Pumpkins

Pumpkin carving is a fun activity that you can do at your home with your family. Fall is pumpkin season, but pumpkin carving is not limited to Halloween. Regardless if you are taking part in Halloween festivities or not, grab some pumpkins and knives and dig in!

For starters, here’s a post from wikiHow on how to carve a pumpkin. Check this professional pumpkin carving kit as well from Amazon from BOOtiful Carving Tools for your needed materials.

21. Decorate the House

Home decor is something you can do for hours and hours without getting bored. Whether you are placing decorative pieces on a shelf, arranging books on a bookshelf, rearranging the furniture set, or repainting the house, you can make home decor a family activity and spend some quality time together.

If you want to get serious about decorating your home, try reading this book by Farah Merhi. You may also take this Skillshare course by Lauren Cox.

22. Decorate the House for Christmas

Christmas is many people’s favorite time of year, and decorating the house is part of the fun.

Decorating the house for Christmas with your family is fun and enjoyable.

Whether you like lights, balls, christmas trees, or wreaths, make sure that you decorate your house with your family. Each person should actively take part in the decoration process.

23. Play Badminton

Playing an outdoor game with your family is a great recipe for uninterrupted fun and a large dose of laughter, and badminton is one of the easiest games to set up in your yard. Friendly matches with your family are a great way to spend weekends at home.

Got no racket and shuttlecock? Here’s a badminton essential set from Franklin Sports! It even has an easy-to-assemble net.

24. Have a Dance Party

Dancing can be both energizing and relaxing at the same time. While not everyone is a natural dancer, nearly everyone enjoys doing it from time to time. So why not get the family together and throw a dance party. Clear out the living room, pump some fun music, and get your boogie on.

25. Make a Shopping List

While it may not sound like a fun activity at first, pull the kids together and compile a list of grocery items together. You can have one family member check whether the fridge needs restocking, while another can list down the things that you need. Preparing a list helps you with your shopping, and makes your kids feel like they are part of the family unit.

26. Shop for Home Decor/ Ideas for Renovation

Since the whole family lives in your home together, they might as well all be involved in decorating it. Spend an afternoon online looking at different ideas and products to renovate or spruce up your house.

27. Watch a Movie

Watching a movie alone will never be as fun as watching it with the people you love. Pick out a favorite, throw some popcorn in the microwave, and the family to the movies in the comfort of your own home.

Check out this post to find the best feel-good movies of all time—or you might want documentaries instead, we also have a list.

28. Make a Family Video

Family videos are a great way to relive the exciting moments that you shared with your family members. And with today’s advanced technology, making a video is as simple as turning on your smartphone. No matter what you are doing, turn your phone to video mode and make some memories.

If you want to take your video-making skills to the next level and would like to preserve high-quality videos for family memorabilia, you might want to invest in a video camera.

29. Go Through Old Family Albums

Going through old family albums together with your family can bring you closer together.

Old family albums remind you of the good times that you have had together, and the loved ones you’ve lost. Different family members have different memories of places and people, so go through your family albums together and enjoy the opportunity to talk openly about your feelings. Doing so can be cathartic, bring you closer together, or simply bring back happy memories.

30. Have a Tea Party

An evening snack with your family is a good way to catch up on what’s going on in your life. Even better is to set up a table in your backyard and have tea or coffee under the open sun. You can also have some freshly baked snacks to make tea time even more fun.

For your tea party, of course, you need a tea set made out of elegant materials and design. We recommend this ceramic tea set from ufengke, which is available on Amazon. You may also want to check this post from The Spruce Eats for some tea party planning tips and ideas.

31. Build a Fort

Children love forts, and so do adults, although they often get too busy and suppress the voice of their inner children. Use storage boxes to build a fort-like structure and have quality time as a family. You can also decorate it with lights or place sleeping bags inside it to give an authentic look and feel. 

Ready to build a fort? Here are some excellent ideas to start with your kids!

32. Play Hide and Seek

Hide and seek was everyone’s favorite when they were kids, but there’s no reason adults can’t enjoy it too. Get your kids together, count to 10, and see who can stay hidden the longest!

33. Reorganize Your Closet

Messy closets are common in many households. During spring cleaning, you might half-heartedly reorganize your closet, only to see it get cluttered again the very next day. If you are looking for a fun activity to do at home, try reorganizing your closet. Family members can help each other, making the work easier while spending quality time together.

Once you’re ready to reorganize, check this post from House Beautiful which provides hacks and tricks that can help you save some closet space.

Resource: How to Declutter and Organize Any Space

34. Play with Legos

Legos are fun for all ages, and can be a great way to spend time together as a family. Choose one set for each person, then let your Lego worlds interact and grow into a huge Lego universe.

Here are some LEGO sets suitable for all ages:

  • LEGO City Space Mars Research Shuttle
  • LEGO Minecraft The Zombie Cave
  • LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick Box

35. Make Up Your Own Game

Sometimes the best game is one that you make up yourself. Draw up some rules and an objective, then see where the game leads you. Keep the rules open-ended so that the game can evolve each time you play and come up with better ideas.

36. Discuss News

There is a lot going on in the world, and we are constantly bombarded with stories by the media. This can get to be overwhelming for just about anyone, let alone kids, so taking time to discuss the recent news is a great way to better understand it and deal with the stress.

37. Watch a Reality Show

Reality shows have become super popular over the past decade, and for good reason. They bring together drama, entertainment, and a variety of themes to appeal to just about anyone. Choose the theme that your family best relates to, then settle in for some veg time with your favorite reality stars.

Here’s an article by Marie Claire talking about the best reality shows of all time. If you’d rather watch on Netflix, here’s a report from Cosmopolitan listing the 12 best new reality shows.

38. Have a Water Balloon Fight

Water balloon fights bring out the kid in everyone, and are a great way to cool down on a hot summer day. Spend an hour filling the balloons together as a family, then set up your forts and get ready to get wet!

For those who’d like to try, check out this set of water balloons from Zuru—it consists of three packs with various colors.

39. Do Yoga

Yoga is not only healthy for your body and mind, but it’s also a fun activity that you can enjoy with your family members. A 30-minute yoga exercise in the morning gets you grounded and ready for the day, relieves your stress levels, and allows you to bond as a family.

Yoga can be a fun activity the you can enjoy alone or with your family members.

If you are a beginner and would like to learn the best practices, we recommend checking out one or some of these yoga books first. Once you’re done and ready to practice, you may start gathering the basic materials you need.

Resource: Grokker

40. Build a Snowman

Is it wintertime, and is there snow on the ground? Instead of wishing for summer,  a better idea is to make the best of what you have. Embrace winter and the snow on the ground by building a snowman. This classic family activity will give you hours of fun, and remind you of the afternoon you spent together until Frosty finally melts away.

41. Make a Family Vision Board

Vision boards are a great tool for getting clear about and manifesting your goals in life. So why not dream big as a family? Discuss what goals you’d like to achieve as a collective unit and list down all the ideas. If there are little kids in the family, you can assist them in formulating their goals.

Then get a sturdy board, some old magazines, scissors, glue, and other embellishments. Cut out words and pictures that represent your goals, and paste them to the vision board in whatever form you want. The Internet is also a good source of printable materials for your board. Once you are done, display the board where you can all see it, so that you always keep your family goals in mind.

Wondering how to get started with your vision boards? First, make sure to have all your supplies prepared. Check out this post for a simple checklist.

Afterward, start creating your vision board as you deem fit. For a detailed process, read this article from Christine Kane about how to make one. You may want to check the following as well for vision board ideas:

  • Vision Board Ideas for Your Important Goals
  • Vision Board Templates to Map Your Goals
  • Vision Board Examples for Your Family to Share Together

42. Research on Abandoned Tourists Spots and Historical Events

While this is something you will most likely do alone, you may also do it with your family. Go over the internet and conduct in-depth research of the abandoned places and historical events you know and you might discover.

Take notes and when you’re done, discuss the things you found out with your family. This opens an opportunity for bonding while learning, especially with the kids, so they can learn about history. You can even be more creative and role-play as detectives.

Here’s a list of eerie yet beautiful abandoned places from the Conde Nast Traveler website, while here is a post about the 10 most important moments and events in history. The fun does not end there—once you’re done with the list, continue searching for more.

43. Learn for free from the online Ivy League courses

Instead of spending too much time on social media, why not learn something new? The eight Ivy League colleges—Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale—are offering free online courses to everyone who wants to learn new things.

If you happen to get bored scrolling down your Facebook newsfeed or tired reading politically-inclined arguments on Twitter, it is time to take a rest and do something more valuable. Check out the offered courses on this site.

44. Create Lists

Experts say that making lists is one effective way to boost your mood and uplift your spirit. Its therapeutic benefits include reduction of stress and anxiety, mental clarity, and productivity. It lets your brain pause for a while and recharge before working again.

To make this activity more exciting, try it with your loved ones at home. You can do it while having some tea or coffee in the afternoon or before hitting the sack while waiting for sleepiness to come. Everyone can make a list of his or her own, and then make another list of goals for the whole bunch (family goals).

Need some list ideas? Check out this article we recently published.

45. Discover New Music

What is there to not like in music? Like most people, you probably find comfort and peace when listening to it. So if you are at home, bored doing nothing, you can get lost to a new genre that can relax all those stress from boredom away.

Be open to new possible ideas. Check YouTube or Spotify and search for a new kind of groove that you haven’t heard before. Listening to music boosts our mood and increases our level of happiness.

46. Listen to Podcasts

Technology always has its way of improving things—radio shows, for instance, are now available through podcasts. You don’t have to wait for that specific time slot anymore. Simply download the podcast of your choice and listen to it anytime, anywhere.

What is great about this hobby as well is that you don’t have to spend money to start doing it. You just need a smartphone or a gadget where a podcast may be downloaded.

If you are looking for some recommendations, check out the list in each of the articles below:

  • Funny and Comedy Podcasts
  • Psychology Podcasts
  • Happiness Podcasts
  • Motivational Podcasts

47. Night at the Opera

Are you a stage opera fan? If yes, this might just be the perfect activity for you and your family! Many opera houses are currently making their archives available to the public nowadays. For instance, you can check out New York’s Metropolitan Opera, London’s Royal Opera House, and Vienna’s Wiener Staatsoper.

48. Start a Digital Netflix Party

Did you know that you can actually stream a digital Netflix party? Indeed, if you are already tired of watching the movies and series alone, you can host a digital party and invite all of your friends through the Teleparty Google Chrome extension.

Seemingly, through the app, anyone can pause or stop the video. There is also a chat window available so you can discuss with your friends what’s happening in the movie.

To engage in the digital Netflix party and learn how to use it, check out its official website here.

49. Have an International Dinner Night

Together with your partner and the kids, pick a country that interests you. Research about the food and cuisine in that particular country, and how mealtimes are held. Once done, you can pick any day where you’ll be preparing that country’s dish while role-playing their meal practices.

For example, you can pick Korea and have Classic Korean Bibimbap or Korean Beef Barbecue Bulgogi for dinner. If you want to really feel the country’s vibe, ask everyone to wear a hanbok (Korean national costume). But of course, it would probably be difficult to obtain that clothing, so just set up the table like how Koreans would do it.

Interested in this activity? Check out these cookbooks that contain different recipes from various cultures all over the globe:

  • Cooking Class Global Feast by Deanna F. Cook
  • The Multicultural Cookbook for Students by Lois Sinaiko Webb

50. Create a Short Film

If your love for the arts is more inclined into films and videography, this would be an excellent activity for you. Of course, it will be much more exciting if you let your family members join the crew.

First, you need to have a script and a storyline—give all the members of the family a role to play. For the setting, there is no need to actually go out and search for places; your house is the perfect place to shoot your story.

After shooting, do the necessary works to finalize the film. When it’s done, schedule a day or time when the whole family can watch it—and voila, a filmmaker is born!

Here’s a wikiHow post on how you can actually create a short film once you realize you want to get serious about it. If you want to read about filmmaking first before doing the actual thing, you can read the following:

  • The Filmmaker’s Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age by Steven Ascher
  • How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck by Steve Stockman

Resource: Short Films 101: Plan, Capture, and Edit Cinematic Shorts

51. Enjoy a Themed Movie Night

Here’s another role-playing for the whole family, but with less acting. Pick a movie for the night and get everyone dressed as their favorite character in that particular movie. Likewise, design your living room (or wherever you will be watching) in accordance with the theme.

For instance, you can pick Star Wars and dress like Darth Vader. Your children can be Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia while your wife can dress like Padme Amidala. There are endless possibilities.

Here are our recommendations:

  • Best Feel-Good Movies to Increase Your Happiness
  • Movies about Friendship and Being with Great People

52. Invent a Writing Code for the Whole Family

Ever dreamed of becoming a secret agent? This is your chance to be a member of an elite group of assassins or a high-ranking officer of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

You can do this on your own or you can ask everyone to participate. Come up with a secret language that only you and the members of the clan will understand. You will be surprised at how this can be so much fun and exciting.

For inspiration, check out this post from The Guardian about the Top 10 Codes, Keys, and Ciphers.

53. Have a Photo Shoot

Well, this is not just a fun thing to do in studios with friends. You can also do it at home with your loved ones.

One of the best ways to show your creativity is through photo shoots—you are the photographer while your family members dress and change to act as models (or you can be a model, too).

Normally, you just have to do this using your phone. But if you have a digital camera at home, you might as well make good use of it. If you seriously want to make this as a part of family activity, you can invest in a good camera first while learning the basics of photography. 

Resource: iPhone Photography: How to Take Pro Photos On Your iPhone

54. Stargaze Under the Moonlight

How much will it cost you to stargaze? None. You simply need a blanket and a flashlight to enjoy the beauty of the moon and stars on a dark, clear sky. You may want to download a star chart, too, if you want to find a star.

However, if we are talking about stargazing at a professional level, you might need a telescope, finderscope, and binoculars. It is a good idea to invest in these items as stargazing can be a long time bonding activity for the whole bunch.

55. Knit and Stitch

They say that knitting and stitching is a boring hobby—is it? I think not. People tend to not like knitting and stitching because they require a great deal of patience. You need to have grit and perseverance to master these particular activities.

Are you a person with grit and resilience? If yes, try them. You’ll be amazed at how rewarding this hobby can be. Here are a few essential materials you need:

  • Katech Crochet Hooks Kit
  • Embroidery Starter Kit Full Set

Check these books and courses as well to give you a glimpse of how knitting and stitching should be done:

  • Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book
  • Doodle Stitching: The Motif Collection
  • Knitting I: Learn the Basics with a Simple Scarf
  • Cozy House Socks: An introduction to Sock Knitting

56. Start a Journal

It can either be a bullet journal or a plain writing journal—whatever you prefer. It is yours, after all. If you are the type of person who loves and can find peace and solace in writing, you need to start journaling.

Write about anything—what you are feeling, what you want to feel, what you want to see, what you don’t like to see. Think of your journal as your best friend. Actually, a journal is better than a human being because you can completely trust it and you certainly don’t have to fake your emotions.

If you are new to journaling, read the following articles to get a better view of how it is usually done:

  • 7 Best Mindfulness Journals to Live in the Present Moment
  • 29 Simple Journaling Prompts for Anxiety
  • 19 Bullet Journal Mood Tracker Templates and Ideas
  • 139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas

For the materials you need, you can check our pen and paper recommendations here:

  • 5 Best Bullet Journals to Capture Every Idea
  • 5 Best Pens for Your Bullet Journal (That Never Smudge!)

57. Learn Calligraphy

Calligraphy might seem a little hard at first particularly to those who do not have good handwriting. But it is still doable—always remember that anything is possible. While it may be difficult, there are thousands of videos and online courses on the internet that teaches people how to write using calligraphy art.

For beginners, you can visit this Skillshare course by Bryn Chernoff entitled Introduction to Modern Script Calligraphy. 

We likewise recommend this starter kit from Wildflower Art Studio while you are still learning.

58. Engage in Watercolor Painting

This is absolutely an activity for you and the whole family. Aside from the fact that it creates a stronger bond between family members, it is also a way to relieve the tension and stress you or your loved ones might be feeling as of the moment.

Skillshare course: Art Essentials: Learn Watercolor Painting Basics

Here is a list of the basic materials you need:

  • Brush
  • Watercolor Paints
  • Watercolor Paper
  • Watercolor Pencils
  • Masking Fluid
  • Masking Tape
  • Palette
  • Sea Sponges

59. Learn How to Do Origami

Origami is not just for kids; it also does an excellent job of rewiring the brains of adults and the elderly. By making an origami, your mind is able to focus more on things, improving your mental clarity. Likewise, it reduces the risk of having an age-related mental illness at a very early stage.

This is what makes it a fun and amazing activity for the whole family—both the parents and the kids would enjoy and love it. Here are some materials you need to start:

  • Paper Clips
  • Paper Scoring Tool
  • Bone Paper Folder
  • Paper Trimmer

You may also check the origami book by John Montroll entitled Easy Origami. It contains various simple projects that are perfect for beginners.

Resource #1: Papercraft: Origami Boxes for Gifts & Trinkets

Resource #2: Create Geometric Origami Paper Ornaments for Holiday, Party & Home Decor

60. Plan your Next Getaway

If for some reason you can’t go out and you need to stay at home, but you’re already bored to death, why not take this opportunity to perfectly plan your next island getaway. Instead of counting the days when you will be able to go out and have fun, be productive and do something that won’t waste your precious time—make plans.

This is a perfect time to do this, particularly if your next trip is with the family. Everyone can share their ideas; you can combine them and produce the perfect itinerary.

If you don’t have any idea yet where or what to visit next, check out this book published by the National Geographic, entitled Destinations of a Lifetime, to find your next destination.

Resource: Great Value Vacations

61. Write Letters to Someone

When was the last time you wrote someone a letter? We’re talking about informal, deep letters full of emotions and passion. You probably do not remember because time has gone so fast and the last time you did that was somewhere between 15 to 20 years ago.

This is your chance to go back to being the cheesy, emotional you. It is not every day you get the chance to tell your parents how much you love them or your kids and how much they mean the world to you or your partner and how he or she completes you.

Write letters to people—anyone. You can even write to yourself or a stranger. State what you feel; let them know your thoughts. Be honest, and see their reaction when you give them those letters. It will be so satisfying.

And since you’re already putting in a lot of effort, why not use beautiful stationery to write these letters? Try the butterfly stationery or the blue flowers stationery by Peter Pauper on Amazon.

Final Thoughts on Fun Things to Do at Home

Home is where your heart is, and where you are truly happy. Close relationships with your family members and friends make being at home even better, and give you a lot to be grateful for. But if you start to take your time together for granted, you can quickly forget how fortunate you are to have people in your life who you love, and who love you.

Take time out of your busy schedule to pause and enjoy life together. Doing fun activities at home helps you appreciate what you have, and reminds you to be grateful for all the blessings in your life.

Finally, one proven way to improve your happiness and life satisfaction is to focus on goals that truly matter. To get started, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals.

What to do when you're bored at your house?

50 Things To Do When You're Bored At Home.
Read a book. ... .
Work on a puzzle. ... .
Open your recipe books and find inspiration for new meal ideas..
Look into others in your community that may need help. ... .
Plan your next room makeover. ... .
Binge watch a new series (or re-watch an old favorite). ... .
Download some new music..

What can a 13 year old do when bored at home?

100 Things Teenagers Can Do Without Screens.
Bake something new from a cookbook..
Find something in your room that you enjoyed when you were younger and try it again, just for fun..
Figure out what's a mile or less from your home, and walk to one interesting place..
Play a board game..
Color, draw, or paint..

What can a 12 year old do when bored?

Boredom-busting ideas for active kids.
Play a sport outside. This is such a simple idea, but sometimes kids just need someone to put it in their heads. ... .
Wash the car. ... .
Go for a bike ride. ... .
Do 'mindful movement' videos. ... .
Play hide-and-seek. ... .
Make a fort. ... .
Have a dance party. ... .
Make an obstacle course..

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

Check out these kid activities perfect for a day indoors..
Boredom Jar. One creative parent told us she made a “boredom” jar for her house. ... .
Build a Fort. Who doesn't love a fort on a stormy day? ... .
Indoor Obstacle Course. ... .
Write a Letter. ... .
Sock Puppets. ... .
Dress Up. ... .
Imaginary Creatures. ... .
Tea Party..


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