Thesis statement example for compare and contrast essay

Any compare and contrast essay compares two things, ideas, or people for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion. The thesis statement for this type of essay is the sentence in the introduction that relays to readers the results of the comparison and what to expect from the essay that follows. This sentence must also clearly state the significance of the comparison, answering the question of why this comparison is worthy of attention.

Developing a Purposeful Thesis

The first step in developing a thesis that contains purpose and meaning is to decide on the direction of comparison. For example, the topic of online college courses versus on-site college courses is too broad and can contain more opinions than facts. If the question is narrowed down to "Which method of learning is more effective for adult learners, on-site or online?" a more specific and relevant direction and purpose is created for a target audience.

Compare and Contrast the Characteristics

After developing the purpose, you can compare the chosen subjects. A graphic organizer like a Venn Diagram -- in which similarities are placed within the overlapping section of two circles and differences go in the outer sections -- is effective for analyzing the characteristics of the two types of learning. A conclusion is then reached following analysis of the two subjects. For example, "Despite the advantages of on-site courses, online learning provides adult learners with more flexibility and cost savings."

Word Choices in Constructing a Thesis

The language of a compare and contrast thesis usually begins with a conditional word, like "although" or "whereas," then expresses the outcome of the comparison. For example, "Although the advantages of on-site college courses benefit students living on campus, online courses provide returning adult learners with more flexibility and cost savings." Here, the two groups affected by the comparison are more clearly identified and connected to the value judgement made by the comparison.

Placement of Thesis in the Introduction

The usual place readers expect to find thesis statements in a compare and contrast essay is the last sentence of the introduction. Preceding background material should logically lead up to the thesis, which then provides the reader with a revelation that is both reasonable and arguable. Quality thesis statements at the end of opening paragraphs provoke readers into a conversation with the writer and prompt them to read on.


Writer Bio

An English teacher for 22 years, Michelle McCleese specializes in the areas of Advanced Placement and writing strategies. She holds National Board Certification in Adolescent and Young Adult ELA and Master Teacher status.

If you’ve been set this type of paper, you’ll need to know how to handle each part of its construction; and one of those parts is getting your thesis statement right!

It should come after the introduction and is usually just one sentence in the first paragraph of your first chapter. So, for something so short, it could be overlooked as not being as important as other parts of the paper. Well, don’t overlook it! In that short thesis statement should be contained your intention for the whole paper- so make sure you get it right! Don't hesitate to use this essay website in case something is not clear to you.

A thesis statement should interpret the significance of the subject to be discussed. Simply, it informs the reader of the expectations they can have for the rest of the essay; it is the argument for the forthcoming thesis.

Here are 10 good examples:

  • Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream contrasts the fairies and the mortals’ perception of, and boundaries of, reality, which is furthered by the play within a play.
  • Although Egyptian and South American pyramids differed greatly in many respects, as with their exterior and interior construction techniques, they also had many striking similarities; most obviously, they were made by two geographically different peoples who had no contact with one another according to official history.
  • There are an incredible amount of similarities between the stories of the movies Dances With Wolves and Avatar, with plenty of reason to think this is not accidental.
  • When comparing and contrasting the Republicans and Democrats, it seems as though they have so much more in common than not.
  • With Richard Dawkins and others promoting atheism these days, there are many atheists who have uncanny similarities with Christian preachers.
  • Seeing as Judaism, Christianity and Islam all stem from the same Abrahamic religion, and therefore they all technically worship the same god, are there enough differences between them to keep them opposed?
  • How exactly does Milton’s Paradise Lost differ to Genesis of the Bible, and due to many factors (such as having a single author) does Milton’s work actually contain more wisdom than the other?
  • With quantum physics discovering what many would claim as old mystical truths, let’s examine just how many similarities can be seen in the spiritual and scientific worlds.
  • Manet’s Olympia painting obviously has many similarities to the Titian’s original (the Venus of Urbino) and there are plenty of apparent contrasts in its artistic perception, but what of the public’s perception to such paintings at different points in time?
  • With so many obelisks placed in major cities around the world, are there enough similarities in their placement to give weight to ancient ley line theories?

How do you write a thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay's thesis statement should do two things: name the two subjects that will be compared and contrasted and make an assertion about the subjects' similarities and differences. The thesis statement controls every idea that is put into the essay.

What is thesis statement ideas compare and contrast?

A compare and contrast essay is intended to present the similarities or differences between two people or ideas or things, etc. This type of thesis statement introduces the reader to the result of the comparison and the significance of the contrast.

What is an example of thesis statement?

A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic. For example, if you're writing a seven-to-ten page paper on hunger, you might say: World hunger has many causes and effects.

What is a good starting sentence for a compare and contrast essay?

Begin with a topic sentence that explains one area of comparison between your first subject and your second subject. For example, if your subjects are two different countries and your paragraph topic is political structure, you can start by broadly describing each country's political processes.