The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

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The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Repent! Repent, I say unto ye, while yet there is time! Repent, O Goodreads Administrators, of thy iniquity and hypocrisy! For did ye not say, that all Holy Books shall be deemed anonymous of authorship? Did ye not say, that the Playing Field should be level?

And what, now, do we see, to our everlasting shame? The Bible and the Torah have ye marked as Anonymous. Yea, also the Quran have ye treated in this wise. But the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster have ye marked as the work of His mort

Repent! Repent, I say unto ye, while yet there is time! Repent, O Goodreads Administrators, of thy iniquity and hypocrisy! For did ye not say, that all Holy Books shall be deemed anonymous of authorship? Did ye not say, that the Playing Field should be level?

And what, now, do we see, to our everlasting shame? The Bible and the Torah have ye marked as Anonymous. Yea, also the Quran have ye treated in this wise. But the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster have ye marked as the work of His mortal prophet Bobby Henderson.

Repent, I say again, and cast thyselves on His infinite noodly mercy! Fill me not with righteous wrath! Ye would not like me when I am filled with righteous wrath.

Okay, say not that I failed to warn ye...

[Diverse sound effects including insensate Hulk-like roar, money-changers being cast from temple, boiling pasta, etc etc]


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Our pasta who "arghhh" in the colander, swallowed be thy sauce. Thy serving come, thy strands be wrung, o forks as they are on spoons. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us of our starchiness, as we swashbuckle, splice the main-brace and cuss, and lead us not into Kraft parmesean, but deliver us from Chef-boy-ARGHH!-Dee, for thine are the meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever.

We propose a new curriculum for all classrooms. One that gives equal ti

Our pasta who "arghhh" in the colander, swallowed be thy sauce. Thy serving come, thy strands be wrung, o forks as they are on spoons. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us of our starchiness, as we swashbuckle, splice the main-brace and cuss, and lead us not into Kraft parmesean, but deliver us from Chef-boy-ARGHH!-Dee, for thine are the meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever.

We propose a new curriculum for all classrooms. One that gives equal time to equal theories pertaining to the origins of humankind (ID, FSM, and Evolution). We propose 1/3 time for Intelligent Design, 1/3 time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and 1/3 time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming empirical evidence (evolution).


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This is the funniest book I've read in a long time. Bobby Henderson is a young graduate in physics, and he did not like the trend he saw in science education. He wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education, suggesting that if they require Intelligent Design be taught along with Evolution (which is "just" a theory), then equal time must be spent teaching his newly invented religion, "Pastafarianism". Let the students hear all sides of a controversy, and then let them decide.

Henderson gi

This is the funniest book I've read in a long time. Bobby Henderson is a young graduate in physics, and he did not like the trend he saw in science education. He wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education, suggesting that if they require Intelligent Design be taught along with Evolution (which is "just" a theory), then equal time must be spent teaching his newly invented religion, "Pastafarianism". Let the students hear all sides of a controversy, and then let them decide.

Henderson gives scientific "proofs" that the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) created the world. After all, spaghetti is nutritious, tastes good, and is affordable by college students. Pastafarianism is non-dogmatic, and is based on just as much "solid" evidence as Intelligent Design. You can try this religion for 30 days, and if you are not satisfied, your "old god" will surely take you back.

The human genome is 95% in common with apes, but 99% in common with pirates. Therefore we must be descended from pirates, who are the "chosen people". Moreover, the inverse correlation between pirates and ocean temperatures is a clear indication of a causal relationship between pirates and global warming. Pirates have a bum rap--they are not the evil creatures that media have made them out to be. Proselytizers are urged to dress in full pirate regalia, and to focus on college students. Henderson gives advice to those who find themselves in the missionary position.

This book is strictly for the politically incorrect. If you are easily offended, you might want to waste your time reading something else. But if you enjoy parodies, you will love this book, and also the web site: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Audio CD) by Bobby Henderson
Audiobook - 04:18 hours - Narrator: Griffin Burns

1.0 Star of 5.0 - "I did not like it"

I have not read this twice, as appeared somewhere in my Goodreads listing. Sometime in the '00s, I scanned it briefly as a paperback, thinking it might be a fun read, although I also remember thinking ...'how could "Bobby (I-am-up-myself) Henderson" write even a really short book about the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

A friend gave me a copy

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Audio CD) by Bobby Henderson
Audiobook - 04:18 hours - Narrator: Griffin Burns

1.0 Star of 5.0 - "I did not like it"

I have not read this twice, as appeared somewhere in my Goodreads listing. Sometime in the '00s, I scanned it briefly as a paperback, thinking it might be a fun read, although I also remember thinking ...'how could "Bobby (I-am-up-myself) Henderson" write even a really short book about the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

A friend gave me a copy of the audio CD about five years ago telling me "...this is hilarious!..." - it wasn't, or, I should say, the first 45 minutes I endured were as funny as a fart follow-through!

Although I have been a confirmed agnostic atheist for about 25 years only, the beginnings of my agnostic atheism are rooted in my early teen-age years spent ensconced in a junior seminary preparing to go for the big one: becoming a Catholic priest. One thing my early training showed me was that the Holy Bible didn't

need any satirical alternatives such as "The Gospel of the FSM".

I won't drone on about this book because it was a shocker, even though I listened to less than a quarter of the recorded work. And the narrator was annoying ... so annoying. The narrative (dare I call it that?), was pathetically puerile and a total waste of time. So, 1.0 Stars out of 5.0 - I Did Not Like It!


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

The idea behind the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is a good one. It's modeled on the argument used by flat-earthers and creationists to try to get their nutty and intellectually dishonest ideas taught in the high school science classroom. If you thought they'd given up after the embarrassment of the Scopes trial in the 1920's you'd be sorely mistaken. Instead they've simply changed their strategy and have been pushing their inane message of 'teach the controversy' and 'present alternative theor The idea behind the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is a good one. It's modeled on the argument used by flat-earthers and creationists to try to get their nutty and intellectually dishonest ideas taught in the high school science classroom. If you thought they'd given up after the embarrassment of the Scopes trial in the 1920's you'd be sorely mistaken. Instead they've simply changed their strategy and have been pushing their inane message of 'teach the controversy' and 'present alternative theories', despite the incontrovertible evidence of evolution as fact and creationism as bunk.

Turning this rational against them, the Flying Spaghetti Monster was born. If we're to teach alternative theories for which no evidence exists, then other concepts must be given equal time - including the belief that the universe was created by a creature made of spaghetti and meatballs.

Excellent premise, and the idea has taken off on the web. Unfortunately, beyond the original concept, Henderson doesn't really have much else to say. There are a few sarcastic and funny bits in the earlier chapters of the book, but he soon runs out of ideas and starts throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks. It doesn't.

Great idea ... dreadful execution.


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

I laughed really. Well done playing with the other side’s deck of cards. Don’t fear the stab rabbits.

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

As a 95% atheist (and 5% agnostic) myself, I was looking forward to an amusing, but (rather more) intelligent alternative to Christianity.

And to a certain extent that's what I got:
1) The Flying Spaghetti Monster - is not God (CEO of Universe Inc),
- is the the manager of Earth Inc (a subsidiary of Universe Inc.)

2) The 8 "I really rather you didn't" as an alternative to the Christian 10 commandments.
Bonus points for two of them getting smashed, while the prophet was climbing down the mountain.


As a 95% atheist (and 5% agnostic) myself, I was looking forward to an amusing, but (rather more) intelligent alternative to Christianity.

And to a certain extent that's what I got:
1) The Flying Spaghetti Monster - is not God (CEO of Universe Inc),
- is the the manager of Earth Inc (a subsidiary of Universe Inc.)

2) The 8 "I really rather you didn't" as an alternative to the Christian 10 commandments.
Bonus points for two of them getting smashed, while the prophet was climbing down the mountain.

But then, there were the things which were just... stupid.
And I mean that in a decidedly non-humorous way:
1) midgets, and the reason for their existence, with penguins being the rebels of the bunch.

I'm sorry but I just don't get it. As a matter of fact I don't even get the fascination with "talk like a pirate day" either. I do think Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is hot, but I'm fairly certain that has nothing to do with these guys.

3) the arguments with the FSM planting evidence to test people's faith.
I know that there are Christians who claim this too, but I've always thought that it was just a thing that the EXTREMISTS did. Not something that the Bible actually endorses. I was expecting more from the Pastafarians...

By the time I reached the last 50 pages, I was ready to hurl the book at the wall. I didn't, but only because I'm still working off my Kindle-buying debt. Still, you should know that it was a superhuman effort.

Score: 2/5 stars

The only reason I even finished this book, was to complete my 2012 reading challenge...


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

I might have been converted to Pastafarianism after reading this Holy Book. This book is an eye opener! I'm only a bit hesitant because I hate strongly dislike a beer the holy beverage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's followers, however my boyfriend assures me that a ginger beer should be OK too.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's website


I might have been converted to Pastafarianism after reading this Holy Book. This book is an eye opener! I'm only a bit hesitant because I hate strongly dislike a beer the holy beverage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's followers, however my boyfriend assures me that a ginger beer should be OK too.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's website



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Bobby Henderson, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Villard, 2006)

Can I get a Ra-men? The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is here, and pirates the world over rejoice. If you're familiar with the noodly one, you've probably got a good idea of what to expect here-- it's offensive, it's lowbrow, it's amusing, in some vague, distressing sense of the word. It is, overall, a parody of the Intelligent design movement, and as such, it is filled with pseudointellectual parodies of scienti

Bobby Henderson, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Villard, 2006)

Can I get a Ra-men? The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is here, and pirates the world over rejoice. If you're familiar with the noodly one, you've probably got a good idea of what to expect here-- it's offensive, it's lowbrow, it's amusing, in some vague, distressing sense of the word. It is, overall, a parody of the Intelligent design movement, and as such, it is filled with pseudointellectual parodies of scientific papers aping those written by proponents of ID. In this vein, the book is too much of a good thing; half the pseudoscience and twice the offensiveness would have worked better, I think. But then, as a dedicated pastafarian, I'm much more interested in slurping up a big plate of spaghetti than wondering how we all got here. ***


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

What is a funny idea & gained a huge cult following for The Flying Spaghetti Monster, did not make a fun/funny read after a chapter or two. I was excited to read this & thought it would be really funny, but the jokes get old & there really wasn't enough humor to make a full book. What is a funny idea & gained a huge cult following for The Flying Spaghetti Monster, did not make a fun/funny read after a chapter or two. I was excited to read this & thought it would be really funny, but the jokes get old & there really wasn't enough humor to make a full book. ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

What started as an innocent letter to the Kansas State Board of Education has now started the transformation of the world's non-believers into their once-loathed, faith-based, subservient counterparts. Sarcasm aside, this is an entertaining satire of religion for the open-minded reader of any particular belief. Some atheists have complained that this will not convert any non-believers and the condescending tone furthers the misunderstanding between the fact- and faith-based communities. I think What started as an innocent letter to the Kansas State Board of Education has now started the transformation of the world's non-believers into their once-loathed, faith-based, subservient counterparts. Sarcasm aside, this is an entertaining satire of religion for the open-minded reader of any particular belief. Some atheists have complained that this will not convert any non-believers and the condescending tone furthers the misunderstanding between the fact- and faith-based communities. I think it has helped fill a necessary void (the FSM is infinitely cooler than a teapot) in a fun, creative and thought-provoking manner, but admittedly will not convert any skeptic on its own. Meanwhile, it has greatly succeeded as an effective device against Creationism and has stifled educational changes in favor of Intelligent Design - its originally intended purpose. The Gospel hits a home run that appeals to both the "logical" and emotional (a personified Italian dish!) requirements for a successful campaign.

Memorable portions:

"Our rejection of dogma is so strong that we leave open the possibility that there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster at all. So, in a sense, you could say that we're extremely open-minded - we could change our minds some day. All we ask is proof of His non-existence."

"Examples of Unintelligent Design... 5. The Appendix. Might once have had value but is now completely useless." (Footnoted: "This includes its presence in book form.")

The use of religiously spoofed terms: RAmen (to end a prayer), Pastafarians (FSM believers), The Olive Garden of Eden, The Tower of Scrapple and The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts."

"Disclaimer: While Pastafarianism is the only religion based on empirical evidence, it should also be noted that this is a faith-based book. Attentive readers will note numerous holes and contradictions throughout the text; they will even find blatant lies and exaggerations. These have been placed there to test the reader's faith."

"WWJD? HWCTFSM." (Footnoted: "He Would Convert to FSM.")

"6. I'd Really Rather You Didn't Build Multimillion-Dollar Churches/Temples/Mosques/Shrines To My Noodly Goodness When The Money Could Be Better Spent (Take Your Pick):
A. Ending Poverty
B. Curing Diseases
C. Living In Peace, Loving With Passion, And Lowering the Cost of Cable"


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Have you been touched by His Noodly Appendage?
The truth is that the FSM is hidden all around us. And He's left clues like Italian-style bread crumbs to show us the path to His Eternal Noodliness. He's in our language—every time someone tells you to use your "noodle" they're unknowingly directing you to turn to Him for guidance.

I have mixed feelings regarding the Flying Spaghetti Monster myself. Its a difficult thing to decide whether the thought of being constantly tou

Have you been touched by His Noodly Appendage?
The truth is that the FSM is hidden all around us. And He's left clues like Italian-style bread crumbs to show us the path to His Eternal Noodliness. He's in our language—every time someone tells you to use your "noodle" they're unknowingly directing you to turn to Him for guidance.

I have mixed feelings regarding the Flying Spaghetti Monster myself. Its a difficult thing to decide whether the thought of being constantly touched by His Noodly Appendage makes me feel loved, grossed out or hungry.

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is basically one long reductio ad absurdum argument to underline the absurdity of Intelligent Design. Henderson parodies the concept of ID by his professing belief in a supernatural creator made up of spaghetti and meatballs-he also defies gravity (the Flying Spaghetti Monster, not Henderson).

1. You don't need a reason to enjoy spaghetti.
2. Everything (else) has a cause.
3. Nothing can cause itself.
4. Everything is caused by another thing.
5. A causal chain cannot be of infinite length.
6. There must be a first cause.
7. The first cause had no cause.
8. Spaghetti is the only thing that can have no cause, thus must be the first cause.

QED, bitches.

Better in some parts than others but very funny, with a lot of great laugh out loud moments, I'd rate The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster at around 3.5 stars... if it pleases His Noodliness.



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This is so blatantly the writings of the real Prophet of the One True God. Yes, the real and true God is the Flying Spagetti monster, and no one can prove it isn't.

It has much less wrong with it than the Christian Bible,and as we all know that that inconsistencies and mistakes are deliberately put in all holy books to test blind faith.

Pastafarianism is the fastest growing religion among the most intelligent people in the world today.

Keep up to date at


This is so blatantly the writings of the real Prophet of the One True God. Yes, the real and true God is the Flying Spagetti monster, and no one can prove it isn't.

It has much less wrong with it than the Christian Bible,and as we all know that that inconsistencies and mistakes are deliberately put in all holy books to test blind faith.

Pastafarianism is the fastest growing religion among the most intelligent people in the world today.

Keep up to date at



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Crap. Thanks for pointing out that intelligent design is a con, Johnny Obvious. Another book that caters only to people who already hold the same opinion, in effect eating itself.

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

"All points of view should be available to students studying the origins of mankind," said president-reject John McCain in a 2005 interview. The context was with regards to the teaching in schools of the theory of Evolution alongside the theory of Intelligent Design (ID). This statement made by the senator has since been obfuscated to represent all points of view, quite literally.

Including that of design by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). And, argues author/self-proclaimed-prophet Bobby Hend

"All points of view should be available to students studying the origins of mankind," said president-reject John McCain in a 2005 interview. The context was with regards to the teaching in schools of the theory of Evolution alongside the theory of Intelligent Design (ID). This statement made by the senator has since been obfuscated to represent all points of view, quite literally.

Including that of design by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). And, argues author/self-proclaimed-prophet Bobby Henderson, the design was anything but intelligent. "Wouldn't it be better just to throw in the towel [...:] and admit that our Creator is a dumbass?" asks the author (posing as the auteurs of an alternate viewpoint to FSMism).

Despite the title, the book itself is not, by any means, any sort of "Gospel." What it is, is series of arguments and "scientific proofs" as to the existence of an all-powerful Flying Spaghetti Monster to the exclusion of all other deities, with the classic pirate as its Chosen People. The text proceeds to make the same manner of empirical argument that supports the theory of ID... and betrays the same flawed reasoning, to amusing result. The author, early on in the book, attacks the Theory of Gravity itself, claiming that a mere theory ought not to be taught or accepted as fact unless presented with all other alternate points of view.

So, why a Flying Spaghetti Monster? The answer is simply: Why not? The theory thereof merely accepts a given conclusion (the existence of a multi-noodly-appendaged deity with the added benefits of being both invisible and bestowed with the capability of flight), and derives - or downright manufactures - "evidence" that such a being is a reality. Just like, it is argued, the theory of Intelligent Design.

The book's strengths come, not from author Henderson himself, but from the inclusion of so-called "Propaganda" from a variety of other sources. These authors approach the FSM from a technical, mathematical, logical and scientific approach. And of course, each presentation is fatally flawed, yet displays the manner in which a point can be conceivably be made to seem both fluid and solid. At least, on the surface anyway.

The weaknesses, ironically enough, do originate with the author's style of writing and sense of humour. There is an entire section included on the explanations of Pastafarianism, or the belief that the world was designed by a FSM. It is, beyond comprehension, almost wholly comprised of unmitigated bullshit. "On October 2nd, 1836, [Charles Darwin:] returned to England as a minor celebrity," writes Henderson, "having discovered fossils, inches, tortoises, mockingbirds, and modern cooking." No he didn't, fuck you. Then comes the forced humour of creating a parallel myth to the Biblical Old Testament. Yawn. As for conflicting "Biblical" versions as to how the world came into being - written by the same author, Henderson - the reader is advised to allow his/her faith to guide toward the correct one. This amounts to sloppy writing and misguided humour. And it would be remiss to exclude the ineptly-doctored image sequence depicting the presence of this FSM during key moments in history; the moon landing, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, General Douglas MacArthur's acceptance of the Japanese surrender during World War II...

And finally, despite itself, it is painfully politically correct, at least to some degree. Christians are verbally berated (especially "Born Agains"), and "midgets" are laughed at - but other religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc.) are handled more gently. And - isn't this sweet? - the author goes out of his way to make everyone feel welcome, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or creed. Oh, and remember to use condoms. Ugh.

Luckily, this unfortunate section comprises only about a third of an otherwise interesting and smartly-devised concept. Perhaps it was included to fill up space. This, however, should have proved unnecessary had the book itself been designed smaller, perhaps to resemble an "authentic" religious text, and not a reprint collection of newspaper comic strips.

But no one ever claimed that this book was the product of Intelligent Design, either.


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

3.7 is the real rating here. This was by far one of the most funny to read book I've read, but after the first half of the book everything was too repetitive and tiresome.

It was funny to see the pictures, the logics, and the side notes, nothing was a waste, this is a cool book to read if you are feeling down or great because it will brighten your mood.

3.7 is the real rating here. This was by far one of the most funny to read book I've read, but after the first half of the book everything was too repetitive and tiresome.

It was funny to see the pictures, the logics, and the side notes, nothing was a waste, this is a cool book to read if you are feeling down or great because it will brighten your mood.


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Meh, it was alright.

Our great prophet Bobby Henderson (sauce be upon him) has clearly overextended his literary talent. His first holy scripture, the letter through which he unveiled His Noodliness for the first time, is a delightful read. This book, however, was much too long for the seriousness of its subject matter. Let alone for having been penned by not the best of writers.

The book lacked a central theme and narrative style. Mostly it was in the form of weak pseudo-scientific and scholastic

Meh, it was alright.

Our great prophet Bobby Henderson (sauce be upon him) has clearly overextended his literary talent. His first holy scripture, the letter through which he unveiled His Noodliness for the first time, is a delightful read. This book, however, was much too long for the seriousness of its subject matter. Let alone for having been penned by not the best of writers.

The book lacked a central theme and narrative style. Mostly it was in the form of weak pseudo-scientific and scholastic arguments for fantastical religious dogma that we all know and love. I get the point, but not terribly funny.

To me, the funniest moments were when the creation myths and the general world views of the one true religion (that of FSMism) were outlined. FSMistic reiteration of Biblical stories were pretty hilarious.

The blandest of all were the "bad scientific papers". They were terribly unfunny and served no purpose in the book. Going over them was painful to me, and I considered many times stopping and not reading further. This is coming from a guy who actually ENJOYS reading papers generally.

To sum up, this book, at its best moments, delivers clever middle-school-style crude humor that matches the mighty South Park. More often than not, however, is conceited and obvious.

In the end, while prophet Bobby has done his part, let us all pray to his noodly appendages that one day a better book be written to illuminate the world of his delicious light.



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

I was guided by His Noodly Appendages...

I was overwhelmed and enlightened upon reading the "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" by the great prophet Bobby Henderson. This religious tome has shown me the way of Pastafarianism. It provided me with the best that has to come. Their heaven is something you'll be dreaming of: a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory. How can you match your Heaven with that?

This religion is not just hocus-pocus stuff, this is backed up by hard science - empirical

I was guided by His Noodly Appendages...

I was overwhelmed and enlightened upon reading the "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" by the great prophet Bobby Henderson. This religious tome has shown me the way of Pastafarianism. It provided me with the best that has to come. Their heaven is something you'll be dreaming of: a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory. How can you match your Heaven with that?

This religion is not just hocus-pocus stuff, this is backed up by hard science - empirical evidence! They have graphs, data analyses, equations and even peer reviews. Truly, this is the Best. Religion. Ever.

They are a peaceful, open-minded, religion and they do not believe in dogma. They accept you with open arms - not forcing you to be part of them. Plus, there's a 30-day God-back guarantee: if you don't seem to like it, your religion can take you back.

To conclude, this is on par with other religions. And it's true that if you want equal time to teach ID (Intelligent Design) in classes, it's also fair to teach other forms of theory like FSM which is so far, a tastier choice.

Hail the Spaghedeity! Aaargh!



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This book and the religion that follows it makes a concise, undeniable, and scientifically backed case for the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster that has, for years had its accomplishments falsely attributed to a number of false deities. Jam packed with testimonies and scientific proofs, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster joins the ranks of the Bible, Torah, Qur'an, The Book of Mormon, or any other popular story book with an equally valid explanation for the universe as it currentl This book and the religion that follows it makes a concise, undeniable, and scientifically backed case for the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster that has, for years had its accomplishments falsely attributed to a number of false deities. Jam packed with testimonies and scientific proofs, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster joins the ranks of the Bible, Torah, Qur'an, The Book of Mormon, or any other popular story book with an equally valid explanation for the universe as it currently exists. In fact, this explanation is undeniable in the eyes of science, as the FSM works his magic in ways that, unlike other religions, science cannot deny. Scientists do not know that the FSM is changing their tests results to make all of their data point to an extremely old universe, which is why they have been misled to their conclusions about life, the universe, and everything. I highly recommend this book to those who want to seek the truth that no other religion can offer. ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Satire at its Finest.

I often laugh out loud listening to stand up, or watching a sketch, but only smile or giggle while reading jokes. Before I read this only 3 authors made me laugh out loud a lot while reading. This book right here made one of my favorite book lists, Mike's "Laugh Out Loud" book list. Right up there with the writings of Douglas Adams, Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert, I laughed A LOT while reading this gem of a book.

Packed full of

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Satire at its Finest.

I often laugh out loud listening to stand up, or watching a sketch, but only smile or giggle while reading jokes. Before I read this only 3 authors made me laugh out loud a lot while reading. This book right here made one of my favorite book lists, Mike's "Laugh Out Loud" book list. Right up there with the writings of Douglas Adams, Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert, I laughed A LOT while reading this gem of a book.

Packed full of non-sequiturs, jokes, and puns, it piles on the nonsense, like reading a Monty Python sketch on paper.

Not wanting to give away the jokes, I hope you get your hands on a copy of this book so you can experience it yourself. If your like me, you will laugh out loud while expanding your understanding of Pastafarianism and it's Spaghettidiety, and get the giggles just thinking about it after.



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This book is well on its way to become a favorite amongst the younger and the less uptight about their relgion. It was an absolutely wonderful commentary on the stupidity of religion and the arguments of it.

Overall, I took away: play nice and be friends. What a simple and wonderful message that everyone could do a little better if they only followed it.

My recommendation goes out to everyone and anyone. This book is a real eye-opener. However, it could be difficult to understand and is slightly

This book is well on its way to become a favorite amongst the younger and the less uptight about their relgion. It was an absolutely wonderful commentary on the stupidity of religion and the arguments of it.

Overall, I took away: play nice and be friends. What a simple and wonderful message that everyone could do a little better if they only followed it.

My recommendation goes out to everyone and anyone. This book is a real eye-opener. However, it could be difficult to understand and is slightly repetitive in parts. That aside, it blends humor with a life lesson. A lot of humor.

It is one of the funniest books I think I have ever read.


The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This book was really good the first half. It was more funny than anything. I don't think that the author was taking anything seriously; It was just loose opinions and clumsy paragraphs about pirates and spaghetti. The second half just got repetitive, and the book is longer than you think so I got really irritable as the book kept droning on about "His Noodly Appendages." Anyway, a good book to just relax with, and who knows, maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster really exists? You should probably r This book was really good the first half. It was more funny than anything. I don't think that the author was taking anything seriously; It was just loose opinions and clumsy paragraphs about pirates and spaghetti. The second half just got repetitive, and the book is longer than you think so I got really irritable as the book kept droning on about "His Noodly Appendages." Anyway, a good book to just relax with, and who knows, maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster really exists? You should probably read the book just in case. ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Sometimes, when you cannot openly discuss and/or criticise religion with your family members, you can become kind of edgy and try to rebel by converting to pastafarianism. And while you appreciate the effort that went into this project, and it made you laugh the first few pages, the dick jokes get quite tedious over time. And since I fancy neither beer nor stripclubs, I don't think I miss out on much. Sometimes, when you cannot openly discuss and/or criticise religion with your family members, you can become kind of edgy and try to rebel by converting to pastafarianism. And while you appreciate the effort that went into this project, and it made you laugh the first few pages, the dick jokes get quite tedious over time. And since I fancy neither beer nor stripclubs, I don't think I miss out on much. ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

While this book can be read solely for the sheer entertainment value, it has a much larger goal. It makes painfully clear what a farce all too much of dogma steeped religious thought is today. That said, it should not be taken too seriously; it is a joke with a purpose. If read in this light, it succeeds admirably in both cases.

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

The part where he said dinosaurs were made of penises was pretty funny. Apart from that, what with the pirates and the midgets... I think it just tries too hard and falls flat. Good read for binge-drinking college kids who celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, and like nobody else.

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Definitely entertaining, but not necessarily rave-review worthy... Skip the book and just troll through the website: Definitely entertaining, but not necessarily rave-review worthy... Skip the book and just troll through the website: ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Although most of the content of this book is available online, I find it very useful to have the holy book in my hand while I'm out proselytizing. Although most of the content of this book is available online, I find it very useful to have the holy book in my hand while I'm out proselytizing. ...more

The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Brilliant founder of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Bobby Henderson's _The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster_ receives three stars from me based on the brilliant way that he addressed the creationists, which I found fun.

Confession: I skipped a big part of this as it gets a bet redundant and repetitive. I also didn't like the sections on the heretics, it just seemed a bit silly. However, I think what Henderson is attempting to do is claim as followers of the FSM people from hist

Brilliant founder of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Bobby Henderson's _The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster_ receives three stars from me based on the brilliant way that he addressed the creationists, which I found fun.

Confession: I skipped a big part of this as it gets a bet redundant and repetitive. I also didn't like the sections on the heretics, it just seemed a bit silly. However, I think what Henderson is attempting to do is claim as followers of the FSM people from history who clearly we're not. While I found much of this section long and boring, I think it does fit his point very well because I think many creationist like to claim that people from history were creationist or believers when they may not have been. I think I'm going to up this by a star for that. Four stars for the FSM.

I particularly liked the revisited commandments. I felt they were a bit enlightened.

What is it that Henderson is doing with this book? He is mimicking creationists who are attempting to get their religion's view of creation taught in schools, in science classes, as science without adhering to the rules of science. If one religion can claim intelligent design, then another can too with the same evidence. The book does this very well, I think.

Henderson's writing, while topically creative, isn't great. He is a solid writer, but just not an excellent one. We are not going to be studying sentences of his from this book.

Recommend: sure, if you are interested, but it can feel long at times. It is excellent, creative, and well done. I seems to have a goal and reaches it, in my opinion.



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

This was a riot and also thought provoking.

The lunacy and genius of this book and the principles behind Pastafarianism are epic in every sense. The weaving of science and math while also using circular logic to prove their point is on par with every religious movement.

The key thing here is that although you may get a good laugh from it, the tenants and beliefs are more in tune with peaceful coexistence than most major religions. And there’s Pirates!!! I mean, come on!

Read it. Watch the documen

This was a riot and also thought provoking.

The lunacy and genius of this book and the principles behind Pastafarianism are epic in every sense. The weaving of science and math while also using circular logic to prove their point is on par with every religious movement.

The key thing here is that although you may get a good laugh from it, the tenants and beliefs are more in tune with peaceful coexistence than most major religions. And there’s Pirates!!! I mean, come on!

Read it. Watch the documentary I, Pastafari on Amazon Prime and then decide. Well worth being touched by his noodly appendages.



The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

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The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster book buy

Autumnal reading is the best kind of reading. The crisp fall air. The rustling leaves. The cardigan sweaters. You can even get the fireplace...

“Someone has described religious warfare as “killing people over who has the best invisible friend.” — 11 likes

“Disclaimer: While Pastafarianism is the only religion based on empirical evidence, it should also be noted that this is a faith-based book. Attentive readers will note numerous holes and contradictions throughout the text; they will even find blatant lies and exaggerations. These have been placed there to test the reader's faith.” — 10 likes

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