Supplements for fat loss and muscle gain

There are a lot of good bodybuilding supplements on the market. Fat-burning supplements and weight loss aids are among the most popular. So are supplements for building muscle mass and strength. Some manufacturers have developed specialist pills and supplements for bodybuilders that do both - bulk and cut.

Muscle building supplements like these can be used for serious bodybuilders who are training to compete in competitions or simply anyone simply trying to create a muscular and toned physique.

Top 4 Supplements for Building Muscle and Shredding Fat: Quick Look

  1. D-Bal Max (Best Supplement for Bulking and Building Muscle)
  2. TestoPrime (Best Testosterone Booster)
  3. PhenQ (Best Fat Burner)
  4. Ultimate Stack from CrazyBulk (Best Combo for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss - includes everything you need to Gain Muscle and Shred Fat)

*If you want to just bulk up and build muscle we suggest using (1) D-Bal Max. If your intention is to burn excess body fat and get the sculpted look (3) PhenQ is highly recommended. TestoPrime (2) will give you both muscle gain and fat loss, ideal if you are not a serious bodybuilder. The Ultimate Stack (4) is for serious bodybuilding pros - use this if you train hard. Products 1, 2 and 3 can be used together to form a bulking and cutting stack.

Bodybuilders often switch between training periods that are designed to maximize their muscle gains and periods where they concentrate on burning fat. As you may be aware, they call these cycles "bulking" and "cutting." or simply put, Bulk and Cut!

During bulking cycles, bodybuilders consume a lot of calories and protein. They have to do this to create a highly anabolic state within their bodies. This allows them to make the maximum muscle gains and build lean mass in the shortest amount of time.

It's normal to gain excess fat as well as muscle during bulking. Getting rid of body fat (shred fat) is what the cutting cycles are for.

However, as with normal weight-loss diets, cutting cycles need to cause the body to experience a shortfall of calories. As well as forcing the body to burn fat, this low-energy state can also result in loss of muscle mass.

For anyone who has worked hard to increase their muscle size and strength, muscle loss is undesirable.

The desire to shred fat without muscle loss has created a huge demand for specialist supplements. Consumers want dietary supplements that enhance muscle growth and aid losing fat.

We have reviewed and evaluated all of the most popular supplements for building muscle and shredding fat and, after refining our list, have found the four options that work best.

D-Bal Max - to Boost Muscle Growth

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If your main focus is building quality muscle tissue and getting results fast, D-Bal Max is the best supplement to choose. Nothing else on the market can beat its ability to provide muscle and strength gains along with improvements in physical performance.

D-Bal Max was developed as an anabolic steroid alternative. It provides benefits that are similar to Dianabol but has none of the side effects.

Dianabol is one of the best bulking steroids in the world so, to compete, D-Bal Max had to be good ‒ and it is. Thousands of bodybuilders who have made the switch say there is no going back.

D-Bal Max Benefits

  • Rapid lean mass and muscle gains
  • Massive strength increases
  • Explosive workouts
  • Faster muscle recovery and growth

What D-Bal Max Does

D-Bal MAX provides a potent combination of whey protein and branched-chain amino acids and pairs them with a powerful plant steroid. Working in harmony with your body, the cutting-edge natural formula enhances protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, placing your body into a highly anabolic state.

Going a step further the ingredients in D-Bal Max also boost testosterone and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), along with ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

By enhancing ATP, D-Bal Max helps you to train harder, triggering the need for extra muscle repair and growth. The formulation further enhances training ability by reducing serotonin so you are less susceptible to fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness.

When you are using this top-ranking Dianabol alternative, you will find it easier to do extra reps. You will also bounce back more quickly so you can take shorter rests between sets.

D-Bal Max will work just as hard for you on your rest days. The anabolic enhancements it delivers will speed muscle recovery so you find yourself stronger every time that you train, making it easier to keep upping the weights to obtain ongoing gains.

D-Bal Max can also help you maintain muscle mass and avoid muscle breakdown. It will also give you strength while lifting weights. An ideal companion to your weight training program.

D-Bal MAX Dosage and Ingredients

The dose is three capsules per day. They provide the following key ingredients:

  • Whey protein
  • Pro BCAA Complex
  • 20-Hydroxyecdysterone

Whey protein isolate is one of the best protein supplements for muscle building. Research shows it enhances "whole body" protein metabolism and accelerates muscle recovery after training.

BCAAs are the three most important amino acids (fatty acids) and one of them (L-Leucine) is crucial to muscle growth because protein synthesis cannot begin without it.

20-Hydroxyecdysterone is also a major driving factor in the success of this muscle-building supplement. Although it is 100% natural and kind to the body, this plant steroid may actually be more powerful than traditional (chemical-based) anabolic steroids.

5 Good Reasons to Use D-Bal Max

  1. The best muscle building supplement on the market
  2. No known side effects
  3. Discounts, flash sales, and special deals
  4. Free-Shipping on all orders (Worldwide)
  5. 60-day money-back guarantee

Click to view D-Bal Max special offers

TestoPrime - to Increase Testosterone production

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Testosterone is an important steroid hormone that's involved in more bodily processes than most people think. A good testosterone boosting supplement can be a real game-changer and Testo Prime is one of the best.

One of the things testosterone does is support muscle cells and healing. Testosterone is perfect for muscle protein synthesis. It also assists fat burning and is a key player in male sexual potency and performance.

We are including TestoPrime in our supplements list because of its value as a muscle growth enhancer and fat burner so we will try to maintain that focus. However, an article published by Medical News Today shows testosterone can do an awful lot more besides.

Some testosterone-boosting supplements are designed for bodybuilding and other sports. Others are aimed at men who are suffering from low libido and other sexual problems due to low testosterone.

TestoPrime bridges the gap by being an excellent option for all men who need a good testosterone booster.

TestoPrime Benefits

  • Enhances muscle protein synthesis to help build lean muscle
  • Increases libido and sexual potency
  • Helps your body burn unwanted fat
  • Boosts energy, endurance, and motivation
  • Improves confidence, and mood

What TestoPrime Does

TestoPrime provides herbs, nutrients, and other natural compounds that encourage your body to produce extra testosterone. In addition to helping you to produce more testosterone, the formulation also guards against things that can bring testosterone levels back down.

In a nutshell, TestoPrime gives you more testosterone and then ensures your level of free testosterone remains consistently high.

By helping you to maintain higher levels of testosterone, the supplement makes it easier to build more muscle and shred extra fat. It also helps you to enjoy all the other benefits associated with higher levels of free testosterone.

TestoPrime Dosage and Ingredients

The dose is four TestoPrime capsules per day. You take them just before breakfast. Most men should find this an easy supplement to fit into their normal daily routine.

Each dose provides 12 key ingredients. All of them are 100% natural and safe:

  • Panax Ginseng
  • Green Tea
  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • Fenugreek
  • KSM 66 (Aswagandha herb extract)
  • Pomegranate Extract
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B5
  • Garlic Extract
  • Black Pepper Extract

Many of the plant extracts are provided as high-potency extracts. That's one of the reasons TestoPrime is such a powerful natural testosterone booster.

Research shows that even acting alone, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) can increase testosterone by up to 22%.

But it's not acting alone. TestoPrime provides a lot of other powerful ingredients as well.

Green tea may seem a strange choice for a testosterone booster. Its main claim to fame is as a metabolism booster and fat burner. However, research shows the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) it provides helps you to maintain high testosterone levels. It achieves this by preventing your testosterone from converting to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

This is good on several levels because as well as safeguarding your testosterone, EGCG may prevent male pattern balding (often caused by too much DHT)

5 Good Reasons to Use TestoPrime

  1. One of the best natural testosterone boosters
  2. Supports increases in muscle growth and fat loss
  3. More than 143,000 satisfied customers
  4. Free shipping, discounts, and special deals
  5. Lifetime money-back guarantee

PhenQ - to Burn Excess Body Fat Quickly

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If you are already familiar with PhenQ's reputation, you probably won't be surprised to see it listed here. A lot of people will tell you it is the best otc weight loss pill and, with more than 190,000 satisfied customers already, they will get no arguments from us.

PhenQ was originally intended for people looking for a safe Phentermine alternative. However, once word got around, the supplement's ability to crush hunger and rapidly accelerate fat loss gave it more far-reaching appeal. PhenQ is safe to use, gets the job done, and even has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

PhenQ Benefits

  • Suppresses appetite
  • Accelerates fat burning
  • Inhibits fat cell formation
  • Boosts energy
  • Enhances mood

What PhenQ Does

Some diet pills mainly suppress appetite. Others place a greater focus on accelerating metabolism. A lot of weight loss supplements combine these benefits and may offer help in other areas as well but none of them offer such a good level of overall support as PhenQ. It does the lot, attacking your fat from all sides.

By controlling your hunger and giving you extra energy, PhenQ makes weight loss easier. It allows you to eat less food without feeling hungry or having to contend with energy slumps and fatigue.

Taking things a step further, PhenQ improves your mood so that your journey to thinness is less likely to become depressing and drag you down.

By helping you to lower your calorie intake and burn more fat, the appetite suppressing capabilities of PhenQ will help you to lose weight.

By speeding your metabolism, so burn even more calories and fat, PhenQ helps you to shift your fat even faster. Then, by inhibiting fat cell formation, PhenQ helps you to make sure there is no slipping back.

PhenQ Dosage and Ingredients

You take two PhenQ tablets per day. That's one with your breakfast and another at lunch.

Each PhenQ tablet provides seven key ingredients and most of them have a versatility that allows them to support you on your weight loss journey in more than one way.

  • Capsimax
  • a-Lacys Reset
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • L-Carnitine Fumarate
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Nopal Cactus Fiber

The main appetite suppressant is nopal. It comes from the Caralluma fimbriata cactus. Although researchers in the west were slow to catch on, in India, nopal's ability to control hunger is well known. As is its value as an endurance enhancer.

Capsimax is a high-potency ingredient that provides capsicum. Like nopal, capsicum has proven abilities as an appetite suppressant. However, most people tend to place greater focus on its abilities as a metabolism booster and fat burner.

Many of the top fat burners provide capsicum extract in one form or another, but Capsimax is hard to match for potency. It's also kinder to the stomach.

a-Lacys Reset is another important PhenQ ingredient. In addition to helping with appetite suppression and fat loss, it also provides improvements in muscle mass.

5 Good Reasons to Use PhenQ

  1. Provides an unrivaled level of weight loss support
  2. Widely regarded as being the best natural fat burning supplement
  3. Excellent customer reviews
  4. Free shipping, flash sales, discounts, and special deals
  5. 60-day money-back guarantee

Ultimate Stack from CrazyBulk

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As the name suggests, the CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack is the top option for bodybuilders and other serious athletes who want to improve their training capabilities, enhance their muscle growth and fat loss, and attain the ultimate shredded physique.

The Ultimate stack provides six of the best CrazyBulk legal steroids. All of them are ultra-high potency options and you can stack them just like regular steroids.

When you use the CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack, you get similar results to the ones you would get from a steroid stack but none of the side effects. All the supplements are 100% safe and legal to use and, when you go off-cycle, there is no need for a PCT (post-cycle therapy).

CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack Benefits

Without a doubt, this stack is the ultimate bodybuilding supplement combo.

The main benefits include:

  • Better workouts for attaining more muscle mass
  • Better muscle recovery
  • Rapid gains in lean muscle mass and strength
  • Enhanced ability to burn body fat
  • Higher levels of testosterone and growth hormone
  • Greater physical stamina and endurance
  • Laser-sharp focus, extra motivation, and determination

What CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack Does

The Ultimate Stack allows you to enjoy the benefits of six of the most potent CrazyBulk legal steroids.

  • D-Bal: A powerful natural alternative to Dianabol pills that delivers rapid muscle and strength gains.
  • Clenbutrol: The CrazyBulk answer to Clenbuterol. It enhances training capability and burns fat while also protecting your existing muscle mass.
  • Decaduro: A legal steroid that does everything Deca Durobolin does without any of the side effects. CrazyBulk Decaduro increases endurance, speeds up recovery, and delivers extreme improvements in strength.
  • Trenorol: The best Trenbolone alternative ever created, Trenorol improves your all-around conditioning and delivers incredible muscle gains and increases in strength and power.
  • Testo-Max: Renowned for its value as a Sustanon steroid replacement, Testo-Max boosts your natural testosterone instead of trying to replace it. Testo-Max helps you to train harder and grow faster without the need for a PCT.
  • Anadrole: Another top-ranking legal steroid that helps your muscles to recover more quickly, allowing them to become bigger and stronger in record time.

CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack Dosage and Ingredients

You take Testo-Max and Anadrole in the mornings. Their combined abilities allow you to reap the benefits of extra testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) throughout the day.

You take Trenorol and Clenbutrol before your workouts to help you to train harder and torch extra fat.

When you have finished working out, you take D-Bal and DecaDuro to help your muscles to heal faster and grow.

The many benefits the supplements provide are due to the abilities of the best botanical compounds and herbs, nutrients, amino acids, and other natural compounds. Working together they boost testosterone and HGH, enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, boost energy and focus, and give you all the tools you need to get big, strong, and shredded.

5 Good Reasons to Use CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack

  • Maximizes muscle and strength gains
  • Lose fat very quickly
  • Helps you to burn body fat and gain muscle at the same time
  • Free shipping, flash sales, discounts, and special deals
  • 60-day money-back guarantee

Who This List of Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Supplements Is For

This list provides information about the best supplements for building muscles and shredding fat. We have provided options for people who are only interested in losing body weight and ones for people with more ambitious body goals.

How We Ranked the Best Supplements for Building Muscle and Fat Loss

Putting together a list of top supplements to build muscle is never an easy task because there are so many options available. Each one requires thorough investigation because you can never be certain the claims manufacturers are making are true.

We always begin our supplement evaluations by taking a look at the companies behind them. Then we progress to looking at other important ranking factors such as ingredient quality and ability, product pricing, customer feedback, and the availability of money-back guarantees.

Manufacturer Credibility

Manufacturer credibility is very important. We cannot and do not recommend any supplement to build muscle strength unless it comes from a reputable company that has plenty of experience producing high-quality supplements that work.

Reputable manufacturers never try to hide their identity or location. When you see a supplement marketed by a company like that, it's a very bad sign.

Reputable manufacturers also make it easy for their customers to contact them, often providing two or more contact options such as email, online chat, a telephone helpline, and/or an onsite contact form.

Above all else, all the best bodybuilding supplement manufacturers offer excellent customer service and generally back their products with money-back guarantees.

One thing they never do is charge ridiculously high prices. They are more likely to offer discounts and special deals because they know customers come back to companies that offer excellent value for money.

Ingredient Profile and Quality

Regardless of whether you are trying to build muscle, burn fat, or do both certain ingredients work better than others. All the best bulking and cutting supplement ingredients have plenty of research data that proves their abilities. These are the type of ingredients we expect to see.

We do not want to see any low-grade or dangerous ingredients that may cause side effects. Nor do we want to see chemical ingredients or unnecessary binders or fillers.

When science shows a supplement ingredient can do certain things, such as improve protein synthesis or boost metabolism, it adds proven value to the formulation in question. However, we also need to see compatibility between the ingredient abilities and the supplement manufacturer's product claims.

Most supplements provide several ingredients. This is the case with all of the products that made our "best supplements" list and, in every case, the manufacturers have put together powerful formulations capable of providing the kind of results supplement users want.

Competitive Pricing

Some supplement manufacturers charge ridiculously high prices for their products. Sometimes well in excess of $100 per bottle. Oftentimes, the products with the highest prices are the ones that offer the worst value and have greater potential for side effects.

All the best supplements tend to cost $60-$80 per bottle, with each bottle providing a 30-day treatment. They also generally come from manufacturers that allow customers to take advantage of discounts and special deals.

Good Customer Reviews

Good customer reviews are important. We definitely want to see plenty of those. They prove the products being reviewed are doing what the customer who bought them hoped they would do.

A lot of muscle-building and fat-shredding supplements have very poor reviews. We encountered plenty and, needless to say, none of them made our best supplements list.

Best Muscle Building and Fat Burning Supplements - The Bottom Line

Regardless of whether you are trying to burn extra fat, achieve more muscle growth, or do both, there are supplements that can help.

Although it's possible to burn fat and lose weight by going it alone, the best supplements can help you to progress faster and avoid unpleasant issues like energy slumps and hunger.

When it comes to gaining muscle, supplements often have greater importance. There is only so far you can get by going it alone. That's why steroids are so popular.

Steroids take over the role of testosterone. People who use them experience the kind of benefits they would get if their bodies were producing extra testosterone.

Unfortunately, steroids present unacceptable risks so it's not surprising all the best supplements for building muscle are steroid substitutes that boost your ability to produce testosterone instead of pushing it out of the way.

If you want to grow your muscles rapidly by having an unfair advantage, without risking side effects, our list provides the best natural supplements for muscle gain and fat loss.

Which supplement is best for fat loss and muscle gain?

Best Supplements for Cutting Fat and Building Muscle.
Multivitamin. ... .
BCAAs. ... .
Whey Protein. ... .
Glutamine. ... .
Fat Burner/Thermogenic. ... .
Pre-Workout L-Arginine/Nitric Oxide Booster. ... .
L-Carnitine. ... .

Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

If you can sustain a lifting program and eat a caloric deficit, your body will be able to pull from its fat stores to both fuel itself and potentially build muscle mass. Prioritizing foods rich in protein is a key component to both losing body fat and building muscle at the same time.

What supplements should I take for burning fat?

Supplements for Weight Loss.
Chromium Picolinate..
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).
Green Tea Extract..
Green Coffee Extract..
Guar Gum..

How can I lose fat and gain muscle fast?

Use heavy enough weights. ... .
Focus on total-body lifts. ... .
Try interval training. ... .
Change your training program every 3-6 weeks. ... .
Use BCAA's during your workouts. ... .
Avoid caloric restriction. ... .
Prioritise stress management strategies that work for you..

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