Spider man far from home end credits

Alright, so we knew that Spider-Man: Far From Home was going to deal with the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame.

Spider man far from home end credits


Marvel / Sony

But, more importantly, Far From Home was inevitably going to deal with the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Spider man far from home end credits

Marvel / Sony

Besides Peter dealing with the idea of being the new Iron Man, the two post-credit scenes set up some interesting developments for the MCU and I just have to discuss them.

Spider man far from home end credits

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Marvel / Sony

In the first post-credits scene, while swinging through Times Square with MJ, a video broadcast starts playing from J. Jonah Jameson from the Daily Bugle.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


This is 100% when every die hard Marvel fan started shrieking.

In case you need a refresher, J.K. Simmons infamously played Jameson in Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man franchise.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


It's a nostalgic twist and the first time the MCU has acknowledged other Spider-Man franchises.

In the post-credits scene, Jameson ends up playing a video broadcast from Mysterio, who falsely says that Spider-Man was behind the attacks in London.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits

Marvel / Sony

And, if that wasn't bad enough, Mysterio reveals that Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker!

Spider man far from home end credits

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Marvel / Sony

As you can imagine, this is a monumental reveal that will have consequences for future movies.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits

Marvel / Sony

The moment is also a fitting ending to this era of the MCU, which began with Tony Stark revealing that he was Iron Man.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


As for Jameson's role, he's always been linked to painting Spider-Man as a villain, so his MCU debut makes perfect sense.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


Far From Home director Jon Watts told EW that the idea of J.K. Simmons reprising his role came up fairly early when they started to talk about Spider-Man's identity being revealed.

It remains to be seen if Jameson will be a big part in the inevitable Spider-Man 3, but it's great to know that the the Daily Bugle exists in this universe.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


After this first post-credits scene, Far From Home dropped another huge twist.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits

Marvel / Sony

At the very end of the credits, it's revealed that Nick Fury and Maria Hill were actually Talos and his wife Soren during the duration of Far From Home — the real Fury is on vacation.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


If you remember, Talos and Soren are Skrull, who can shape-shift.

While the scene is funny, it now makes me wonder how long Fury has been using Skrulls to impersonate him (and Maria) on Earth.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


Talos does say that he's only been Fury for a few months, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done it before.

And now, this Far From Home post-credits scene makes me question an Infinity War moment between Fury and Maria.

Spider man far from home end credits

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In Infinity War, when Maria and Fury are dusted she refers to him as "Nick" — in Captain Marvel, Fury revealed that no one calls him Nick, in fact, he knew his boss was Talos because he called him Nicholas.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


Basically, I'm spiraling and wondering at what moments our beloved characters were actually Skrulls.

Spider man far from home end credits

Spider man far from home end credits


So, there you have it! Spider-Man: Far From Home went from being a fun movie to making me question everything I know in about 5 minutes.

Spider man far from home end credits

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Marvel / Sony

If you need me, I'll be trying to figure out the future of the MCU based on these two scenes until some ~official~ info is released. Are there end credits in Spider

So to that end, “Spider-Man: Far From Home” does contain two extra scenes after the “end” of the movie, one that comes midway through the credits and another at the very end of the credits.

What does the end credits of Spider

The scene concludes with a cut to Peter and MJ, both in absolute shock. What it means: The scene seems to hint that the next Spider-Man movie will entail Peter Parker handling the fallout after being painted as a villain and having his identity revealed.

Are there two end credits in Spider

Spider-Man: No Way Home featured two post-credits scenes, both of which had the difficult task of following up the poignant ending where Peter doesn't keep his promise to MJ and Ned, instead letting them continue their lives without knowledge of Peter Parker.

Who is the guy at the end of Spider

Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) and his wife Soren (Sharon Blynn), a pair of shapeshifting Skrulls, pretended to be Fury and Hill. You might remember this couple being reunited during Captain Marvel, which takes place years prior to Far From Home in the MCU timeline.