Skin care products for acne and oily skin

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Oily Skin?

While genetics and age drive the underlying causes of oily skin, where you live and the time of year are also contributing factors. People tend to have oilier skin in hot, humid climates. You're also more likely to have more oily skin during the summer than you would in the fall or winter. Enlarged pores, using the wrong skin care products, and overdoing a skin care routine also results in oily, acne prone skin.

How to Prevent Oily Skin

Always remove makeup before going to bed, cleanse regularly with pH-balanced cleanser, and above all, do not skip your moisturizer. You may think that moisturizers add the amount of oil or clog pores, when you only have to pick those oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated. People resort to natural skin care products for acne. You can do the same using a face mask acne treatment that contains vitamin C and kale to treat oily, acne-prone skin condition.

What is Combination Skin?

Skin is characterized by dry, oily, sensitive, normal, and combination. Combination skin has two or more different skin types on the face, and the condition of the skin may fluctuate between seasons. Typically, the combination skin type has both dry, flaking skin on the cheeks, while excessive oil and shine is visible on other sections of the face.

How to Treat Combination Skin

Only apply treatments to the needed areas for specific skin concerns. For your morning routine, go for a gentle cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen. For your evening routine, use makeup remover, cleanser, exfoliant, and moisturizer. Incorporate a sheet mask into this routine on a weekly basis. Choose face masks such as our Anti-Aging or Clarify mask under the natural skin care products for oily acne prone skin category that have ingredients like bachukiol, white willow bark, and papaya. They minimize pores and are great for any skin type-dry skin, oily skin, or combination skin.

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If you have oily and/or acne-prone skin, it can be difficult to find skincare products that keep oil and breakouts at bay without experiencing side effects like irritation and dryness. Luckily The Ordinary, an affordable and budget-friendly skincare brand known for its effective treatments, has some wonderful options for acne and oily skin types.

This Best The Ordinary Products for Acne and Oily Skin post contains affiliate links, and any purchases made through these links will result in a commission for me at no extra cost to you. Please read my Disclosure for additional information.

Why Use The Ordinary for Oily & Acne Prone Skin?

I’ve tried so many expensive skin care products over the years that show up on best-seller lists that don’t work for my skin. Unfortunately, our skin is very unique, and what may work for me might not work for you.

That’s why spending a lot of money on a single product is not realistic for me unless I’ve sampled it or know it will work with my skin.

That’s what’s so nice about effective drugstore skincare products from brands like The Ordinary. You can try a few different The Ordinary skincare products and see what works and what doesn’t without breaking the bank.

The Ordinary offers products for all different skin types, including oily and acne-prone, which you can test for compatibility in multiples for less than the price of one $50+ skincare product.

Scroll to the bottom of the post for example morning and evening The Ordinary routines for acne and oily skin.

Today let’s take a more detailed look at the best The Ordinary products for acne and oily skin:

The Ordinary Exfoliating Acids

Skincare acids have gained in popularity in recent years, as they are an effective way to clear away dead skin cells and brighten the skin, even skin tone, and increase skin clarity. Oily and acne-prone skin types can benefit from acids since they clear away dead skin cells that clog pores, causing breakouts.

Please note that the use of alpha and beta-hydroxy acids below makes your skin more sensitive to sun exposure, so be sure to wear sunscreen (preferably SPF 30 or higher) while using these products and for seven days after.

Related Post: Best The Ordinary Products for Acne Scars

The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution

The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution contains 7% glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). This toning solution is a chemical exfoliator and will remove dead skin cells to clarify and brighten the skin. With continued use, it will also improve skin texture.

This product will reduce oil and dead skin buildup, which leads to clogged pores. Fewer clogged pores mean fewer breakouts and acne.

Formulated at a pH between 3.5-3.7, this glycolic acid toning solution contains Tasmanian pepperberry to reduce irritation associated with acid use. It also contains ginseng root and aloe vera to soothe the skin and improve skin radiance.

In this 2018 study published in the journal Molecules, glycolic acid has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin. It also minimizes the appearance of pores.

Let’s not forget about its anti-aging benefits. Glycolic acid helps reduce the appearance of the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

You can find the key to glycolic acid’s effectiveness in how much glycolic acid is in the product that you use. For at-home products, try to limit your glycolic acid use to no more than 10% concentration. Otherwise, you risk irritating, burning, and harming your skin in the process.

Glycolic Acid and Sensitive Skin

There are some drawbacks to glycolic acid if you have sensitive skin. Glycolic acid contains some of the smallest of all AHA molecules, which is great news for oily and acne-prone skin since it can penetrate deep into your pores to clear them out, but this means it can be irritating for sensitive skin.

Be sure to do a patch test before using if you have sensitive skin.

When to Use: The Ordinary suggests using their Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution no more than once per day. Apply ideally in the PM after cleansing (do not rinse off) since acids can make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Direct acids, peptides, pure vitamin C, retinol, or EUK 134 0.1% should not be used in the same routine as this product.

Related Post: Can You Use The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner With Niacinamide?

The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% + HA / The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA

Lactic acid is another alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin, but it is gentler than glycolic acid due to its larger molecule size. Lactic acid is a good choice for sensitive skin or those who cannot tolerate glycolic acid.

The Ordinary has two lactic acid serums: Lactic Acid 5% + HA and Lactic Acid 10% + HA. While you are getting a stronger product with 10% compared to 5% in terms of lactic acid concentration, both contain Tasmanian pepperberry to reduce irritation associated with acid use.

Lactic acid works to exfoliate, smooth, and even skin texture, resulting in a reduction in acne and breakouts, as well as a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

When To Use: The Ordinary recommends using their lactic acid products no more than once per day. Apply after cleansing and toning ideally in the PM since acids can make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Since these formulas are in a liquid form, this follows the theory of applying your skincare from thinnest to thickest in texture.

Exfoliating acids, peptides, pure vitamin C, retinol, or EUK 134 0.1% should not be used in the same routine as these products.

Related Post: How To Use The Ordinary Lactic Acid, A Guide to The Ordinary Vitamin C Skincare Products

The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%

The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% contains a high 10% concentration of high-purity Azelaic Acid. Azelaic acid is a dicarboxylic acid and is derived from grains. It is also produced by the yeast that normally lives on your skin.

This multi-tasking acid gently exfoliates the skin to remove dead skin cells that can build up in your pores. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help fend off P. acnes, a bacterium that leads to acne.

Azelaic acid does a particularly good job at evening skin tone. It not only helps prevent pigmentation by inhibiting activity from the enzyme tyrosinase, but it also helps reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and discoloration.

For more on this product, check out my review of The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%.

When To Use: Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% is a lightweight cream-gel, which makes it ideal as one of the last steps in your skincare routine under a moisturizer (or after if your skincare pills), preferably in the evening.

Exfoliating acids, peptides, pure vitamin C, retinol, or EUK 134 0.1% should not be used in the same routine as this product.

Related Post: The Best The Ordinary Products for Hyperpigmentation and Dark Spots

The Ordinary Exfoliating Acid Treatments – Biweekly/Weekly

The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution

The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is a 10-minute exfoliating acid treatment formulated for experienced users of acid exfoliation. It contains 30% alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic/lactic/tartaric/citric) and 2% beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid).

This is a STRONG exfoliating acid treatment that can be used to help clear pore congestion. Alpha hydroxy acids will brighten your skin and even skin tone, while a beta hydroxy acid will provide a deeper exfoliation to help with visible blemishes.

The unique red shade of the product makes your face look a little strange, but it is a potent treatment for oily and acne-prone skin that is not sensitive.

When To Use: Apply this treatment as a masque for no more than 10 minutes on clean, dry skin, avoiding the eye area. Make sure to rinse after 10 minutes as it is intended to be used as a masque only. Use once or twice a week at most. This masque is not intended for sensitive, peeling, or otherwise compromised skin.

Other exfoliating acids, peptides, pure vitamin C, retinol, or EUK 134 0.1% should not be used in the same routine as this product.

For more details on this peel, please see How To Use The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution and What To Use After The Ordinary Peeling Solution.

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Masque

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Masque is formulated with 2% salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid that helps sweep away dead skin cells, ideal for oily and acne-prone skin.

Salicylic acid works so well for blemish-prone skin because it works at a deeper level than most other skincare acids and gets deep into the pores to relieve congestion.

Vegetable charcoals and Amazonian clays are also included in this masque for their deep cleansing properties, thanks to their porosity and large surface area available for absorption. Squalane moisturizes and replenishes the skin. This rinse-off masque will also help improve skin tone and dullness.

When To Use: Apply this masque treatment evenly across your face with your fingertips on clean, dry skin, avoiding the eye area. Make sure to rinse after 10 minutes as it’s intended to be used as a masque only.

Use once or twice a week at most. This masque is not intended for sensitive, peeling, or otherwise compromised skin.

Exfoliating acids (such as glycolic acid and lactic acid), peptides, pure vitamin C, retinol, or EUK 134 0.1% should not be used in the same routine as this product.

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Serums and Treatments

The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5

The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 Serum is an acid, serum, and hydrator in one. Don’t be fooled into thinking this acid will irritate your skin. Hyaluronic acid is not an exfoliating acid but a hydrating acid. I included it under serums and treatments because that is the step of your skin routine where it is applied.

Even if you’re skin is oily and acne-prone, you still need to hydrate your skin. Allowing your skin to become dehydrated will only compromise your skin barrier. This opens the door to irritation and the possibility of more breakouts and acne.

This serum plumps the skin with low-, medium- and high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid to hydrate multiple layers of your skin. It also contains Vitamin B5 for enhanced surface hydration.

When To Use: Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 works well with other The Ordinary acids. It adds a layer of hydration and soothes the skin to offset the irritation brought on by exfoliating acids. Apply after cleansing and toning. If using The Ordinary exfoliating acids, apply after Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution or after one of their lactic acid products.

Related Post: The Best The Ordinary Products for Dry Skin

The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%

The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% is one of The Ordinary’s best-sellers, and it’s an essential The Ordinary product for oily and acne-prone skin, as it’s formulated to help reduce the appearance of congestion and skin blemishes. It contains 10% niacinamide and also zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid to help balance sebum activity.

Niacinamide is one of my absolute favorite skincare ingredients due to its multiple benefits for the skin. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B-3, is well-known for its brightening abilities as well as for evening skin tone and reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation. It supports the skin barrier and provides antioxidant protection.

Niacinamide even helps regulate oil production, which is key for oily skin, and makes this an excellent The Ordinary serum for oily skin. Additionally, it has soothing properties to calm redness and irritation. For $5.90, this fan-favorite serum from The Ordinary is worth a try.

When To Use: The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% should be used during the treatment step of your skin routine after cleansing and toning. Since it has somewhat of a running texture, follow it with thicker serums and moisturizers.

The Ordinary notes that this serum may compromise the integrity of topical vitamin C products, so you should not use this serum at the same time as products containing vitamin C.

Related Posts: The Inkey List vs The Ordinary: Anti-Aging Skincare on a Budget, The Best The Inkey List Products for Acne and Oily Skin

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution

It’s back! The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution is The Ordinary’s best-selling 2% salicylic acid serum that exfoliates the skin to decrease congestion and blemishes. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that is often used to improve the look of your skin by removing dead cells, unclogging pores, and curbing inflammation.

While AHAs like glycolic acid or lactic acid exfoliate the surface of the skin, BHAs such as salicylic acid are oil soluble and exfoliate not only the surface of the skin but also penetrate into your pores to dissolve sebum (oil), dirt, and debris that cause congestion.

The new version of this serum for acne prone skin is formulated to be less irritating and more comfortable on the skin than its predecessor, which was discontinued a few years ago. This version contains saccharide isomerate, a plant-derived moisturizer that helps to decrease irritation.

This water-based serum has a pH of 3.20 – 4.00 and feels lightweight on the skin, making it convenient to use with other skincare products and under makeup.

Please note that since this serum contains a beta hydroxy acid, it may increase your skin’s sensitivity to sun exposure. Be sure to use sunscreen while using this and for a week after.

While this is one of the best products from The Ordinary for acne and this serum is best for acne-prone and oily skin, it can be used by all skin types all over your face or as a spot treatment.

A Note On The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Anhydrous Solution

If you have an oily skin type and like to use squalane on your skin, then The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Anhydrous Solution may be a good option for you. It is a water-free salicylic acid serum formulated with 2% salicylic acid to decrease pore congestion and exfoliate the skin.

The base of this serum is squalane, a non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores) emollient that moisturizes the skin without leaving it greasy. It has a very lightweight and silky feel on the skin and feels more like a dry oil, so it can be used by all skin types.

While The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution will probably be the better choice for most with oily and very oily skin, this serum may appeal to those with dehydrated oily complexions or combination skin.

Like The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution, this serum contains a beta hydroxy acid and may increase your skin’s sensitivity to sun exposure. Be sure to use sunscreen while using this and for a week after.

The Ordinary 100% Niacinamide Powder

The Ordinary 100% Niacinamide Powder is a newer offering from The Ordinary. It contains 100% niacinamide in powder form. It can’t be used alone but must be mixed with an appropriate non-conflicting water-based treatment with a pH between 5.1 and 7.0.

I think it’s easiest to mix this niacinamide powder with another product from The Ordinary since The Ordinary discloses the pH of their products. The Ordinary provides a list of their products that will work as a base for the niacinamide powder:

  • The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
  • The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
  • The Ordinary “Buffet” + Copper Peptides 1%
  • The Ordinary Matrixyl 10% + HA
  • The Ordinary Argireline Solution 10%

Mix 1/4 scoop (spoon provided) of niacinamide powder with the base product in the palm of your hand. How much of the base product? The Ordinary provides an example: 1/4 scoop of this niacinamide powder is approximately 0.05g niacinamide, and you mix it with four drops of the base, such as a serum.

The result yields a 10-15% concentration of niacinamide. (I personally like mixing it with the Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 or Matrixyl 10% + HA.)

You may wonder whether it’s worth all the effort. In my experience, it is. The DIY serum cocktail makes a noticeable difference in the size of my pores and brightens my skin. It provides all of the oil regulation properties of niacinamide as well.

Additionally, The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% slightly irritates my skin, so I am thrilled that The Ordinary has another niacinamide option.

When To Use: Use during the treatment step of your skincare routine. Mixing with a serum gives you the benefits of two products in one application. Use in the morning and/or evening. Be sure to wash your hands after handling and do not mix with formulations with a pH of 5.0 or lower.

Do not use in the same routine as vitamin C products and exfoliating acids.

The Ordinary “Buffet” Serum

Although The Ordinary “Buffet” is not targeted at oily and acne-prone skin, this serum will benefit all skin types thanks to its potent cocktail of peptides, including Matrixyl 3000, Matrixyl synthe’6, Argirelox
and SYN-AKE. The total concentration of these peptides by weight is 25.1%.

This oil-free serum will target dullness, uneven skin tone, and dryness thanks to 11 skin-friendly amino acids and multiple hyaluronic acid complexes.

When To Use: Use during the treatment step of your skincare routine following cleansing and toning. Avoid using in the same routine as direct acids, as direct acids can compromise the effectiveness of peptides in this serum. Also, avoid using pure Vitamin C (LAA/ELAA) in the same routine.

Regardless of your age or skin concerns, this serum will help target dullness and multiple signs of aging and leave your skin plump and smooth. It’s lightweight and works well under makeup.

Related Post: Hylamide SubQ Skin vs The Ordinary “Buffet”


The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA

The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA is all about protection and hydration. Regardless of your skin type, you need to ensure that your skin is hydrated and protect your skin barrier.

A weakened skin barrier, or top layer of your skin, opens the door to irritation and bacteria, which can make acne and breakouts worse.

This moisturizer is formulated with 11 amino acids, fatty acids, triglycerides, urea, ceramides, phospholipids, glycerin, saccharides, sodium PCA, hyaluronic acid, and other ingredients that occur naturally in the skin.

Even better, it’s a non-greasy formula, making it an ideal The Ordinary moisturizer for oily skin.

When To Use: Apply after cleansing, toning, and skin care treatment products (such as serums or retinoids) for a dewy and smooth complexion. Apply before sunscreen if used during the day.

The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane

The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane contains one ingredient: plant-derived squalane. Squalane is a highly emollient hydrator found naturally in the skin. It’s non-comedogenic, won’t clog pores, and regulates oil production, making it suitable for all skin types, especially oily and acne-prone skin.

The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane will quickly sink into the skin and is similar in structure to the sebum found in our skin, so it won’t leave you with a greasy or oily feeling on your face. It leaves your skin supple and smooth.

Squalane is a stable oil and doesn’t oxidize, giving it a longer shelf life than similar products. Squalane locks in moisture and protects the skin’s natural moisture barrier, minimizing transepidermal water loss. As a bonus, it can also be used on your hair for added moisture and shine.

I have combination skin, and I can’t believe how lightweight this oil is. I’m not a huge fan of facial oils because they inevitably make my skin feel like an oil slick. Not The Ordinary 100% Plant-Derived Squalane. It’s the most lightweight oil I’ve ever tried!

When To Use: Apply as the last step of your skincare routine in the evening and right before sunscreen in the morning. This product can also be used in place of moisturizer for oily skin.

Related Post: A Complete Guide to The Ordinary Retinol and Retinoid Products

Sunscreen: The Ordinary Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants

Sunscreen is an absolute must for everyone, whether you have oily and acne-prone skin or not. The Ordinary has a few sunscreens options, including Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants.

This formula uses non-comedogenic silicones, which allows the sunscreen to remain extremely lightweight by optimizing the amount of the blocking agents in the formula. This is ideal for oily skin because the last thing you want is a heavy sunscreen that causes congestion and ultimately breakouts.

It also contains Tasmanian pepperberry to calm stressed skin, and antioxidants to protect from free radicals and UV radiation. Skin identical lipids support the skin barrier and a bio-sugar complex provides hydration.

When To Use: Apply daily as the last step of your morning skincare routine.

Related Post: How To Layer The Ordinary Products

Example The Ordinary Skincare Routine for Acne and Oily Skin

I wrote a post about building a skincare routine with The Ordinary for all skin types, so this sample routine is based on that post. Keep in mind that there are many ways to use The Ordinary products for oily and acne-prone skin, so these are just a few examples.

Oily and acne-prone skin that deals with breakouts can benefit from The Ordinary’s best-selling Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% to regulate sebum and minimize pores.

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 and 100% Plant-Derived Squalane offer lightweight hydration.

Morning The Ordinary Skincare Routine for Oily Skin and Acne-Prone Skin

  • Squalane Cleanser
  • Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
  • Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
  • Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG (for eye contour pigmentation and puffiness)
  • Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
  • Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants

Evening The Ordinary Skincare Routine for Oily Skin and Acne-Prone Skin

  • Squalane Cleanser
  • ”Buffet”
  • Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
  • Optional: Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion
  • Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG (for eye contour pigmentation and puffiness)
  • 100% Plant-Derived Squalane or Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA

Alternate Evening Routine

You can use salicylic acid to target blemishes and clogged pores instead of a retinol/retinoid product at night:

  • Squalane Cleanser
  • Salicylic Acid 2% Solution (wait about 30 minutes before applying Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%)
  • Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
  • Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG (for eye contour pigmentation and puffiness)
  • 100% Plant-Derived Squalane or Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA


Salicylic Acid 2% Masque sweeps away dead skin cells and other impurities that clog pores and cause breakouts.

Use it once a week at night after cleansing and follow with Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 and Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA only. This masque is not intended to be used by those with sensitive, peeling, or otherwise compromised skin.

AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is a 10-minute exfoliating facial. This treatment is only suitable if you are an experienced user of acid exfoliation.

Use it once a week at night after cleansing and follow with Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 and Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA only. Avoid using this peeling solution on the same day as the Salicylic Acid 2% Masque. This masque is not intended to be used by those with sensitive, peeling, or compromised skin.

Final Thoughts on The Ordinary Products for Oily Skin/Acne-Prone Skin

The Ordinary has an extensive range of skincare products, and choosing products for your skin type can be confusing, so I hope this post has helped highlight some of the best The Ordinary products for oily and acne-prone skin.

These products will benefit oily and acne-prone skin thanks to many non-comedogenic ingredients that remove congestion, balance oil production, protect the skin barrier, and hydrate the skin.

If you are interested in more affordable drugstore skincare products like The Ordinary for combination, oily, and acne-prone skin, be sure to check out my Revolution Skincare review.

Thanks for reading!

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Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser. ... .
PanOxyl Acne Creamy Wash, Benzoyl Peroxide 4% ... .
Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Removing Foam Wash. ... .
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#1 The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash. ... .
#2 The Face Shop Rice & Ceramide Moisturizing Cream. ... .
# 3 Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye. ... .
# 4 Alma K Dead Sea Minerals Purifying Mud Mask. ... .
# 5 Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturiser SPF 15. ... .
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