Side effects of high testosterone in men

"When it comes to inappropriate higher levels of testosterone, there are underlying conditions that need to be ruled out," says Dr. Lucille. "The first that come to mind are hyperthyroidism, adrenal or testicular tumor, or precocious puberty."

The medical conditions that cause excess testosterone are rare, argues Drincic. "Many people mistake the symptoms of anabolic steroid abuse with symptoms of high testosterone,” he says. Anabolic steroids, which are sometimes abused by athletes and body builders, are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone. They can cause behavior and mood changes that include rage, paranoia, irritability, and poor judgment.

“The long-term effect of anabolic steroids is to," Drincic explains. "These drugs shut down the production of natural testosterone. You can tell these men by their big muscles and tiny testicles.”

High-Testosterone Symptoms

“By far the most common cause of excess testosterone is testosterone replacement therapy," Drincic says. "With all the attention on low testosterone, some men are being over-treated today."

Side effects seen with testosterone replacement include:

  • Acne or oily skin
  • Prostate swelling
  • Breast enlargement
  • Worsening of sleep apnea (trouble breathing while sleeping)
  • Fluid retention
  • Decreased testicle size
  • Decrease in sperm count
  • Increase in red blood cells

"The reason you see symptoms like shrunken testicles and breast enlargement is because a lot of excess testosterone is converted to the female hormone estrogen,” Drincic says. “The only behavior symptoms I have seen from treating with too much testosterone are mood swings, which is only with testosterone injections."

One way to avoid excess testosterone is to avoid testosterone replacement therapy unless you really need it. “I am seeing a lot of 30-year-old men who have been placed on testosterone for no good reason,” Drincic says.

If low T is your initial concern, lifestyle changes may help. “Dietary and exercise changes, particularly limiting sugars, especially fructose, eating healthy saturated fats, and engaging in high-intensity exercises may relieve symptoms of low testosterone," Lucille says. "Strength training, reducing stress, and optimizing vitamin D levels can also be very effective at boosting testosterone levels naturally."

  • What’s the Average Testosterone Count for Men?
  • What Causes High Testosterone Levels?
  • Signs and Symptoms of High Testosterone in Men
    • 1. Acne Growth
    • 2. Blood Pressure Irregularities
    • 3. Mood Swings
    • 4. Excessive Body Hair
    • 5. Other Signs of High Testosterone In Men
  • Treatment for High Testosterone Levels
    • Testosterone Replacement Therapy
    • Lifestyle Changes
    • Surgery
  • Get in Touch with a Men’s Clinic about Testosterone Imbalances Today

Side effects of high testosterone in men

What comes to mind when you hear the words, “high testosterone”? Masculine and burly men at the gym? Confrontational guys in the bar? A male manager’s unhinged anger issues?

Contrary to popular belief, a high testosterone count in men doesn’t correlate with aggressive behavior. In truth, testosterone is a vital sex hormone that’s not only found in men; it’s found in ladies too.

High testosterone is also responsible for many important functions in the body, such as:

  1. Higher muscle mass
  2. Deeper voice
  3. Better bone density
  4. Better sexual function

What’s the Average Testosterone Count for Men?

The normal levels of testosterone for adults range anywhere between 270-1070 nanograms per deciliter. The most optimal range is anywhere clustered between the 400-600 ng/dL range.

Throughout the day, your testosterone count swings up and down based on a number of factors. One such example: there’s a correlation between low testosterone count and getting inadequate sleep.

But as long as you fall within the range, you don’t need to worry too much about your testosterone levels.

What Causes High Testosterone Levels?

As you reach about 30 years old, your adrenal glands produce less testosterone, causing testosterone levels to start to decline. It is said that 30% of men over 30 have lower-than-average levels of these male sex hormones. This age threshold can vary based on your chronic diseases, genetics, and medical history.

However, in some rare cases, your testosterone levels may go above the threshold for normal levels as well. This is often referred to as hypergonadism.

There are a few reasons why this happens, such as:

  • Overuse of anabolic steroids
  • Testicular tumors
  • Testosterone supplement misuse
  • Adrenal tumors

Fortunately, natural cases are rare. Only 2 out of 1 million men can be affected by sex-hormone tumors, which may be cancerous or non-cancerous. If you suspect you fall within this category, consult a sexual health professional immediately.

Signs and Symptoms of High Testosterone in Men

Side effects of high testosterone in men

If you suspect that you fall under the category of having high testosterone production, but aren’t too sure, here are some things to look out for:

1. Acne Growth

Acne production is higher in people who have higher testosterone levels compared to those who don’t produce as much. This doesn’t only affect teenagers; men and women of various ages of their life can also be afflicted by acne – which can signal high testosterone.

This happens because of glands called sebaceous glands beneath your skin near your hair follicles. They produce an oily substance known as sebum, most of which are concentrated within your facial region.

When particles like dead skin cells, sebum, and foreign particles clog up these glands, an inflammatory reaction occurs. This leads to the growth of acne or blemishes on your skin.

If you produce too much testosterone, your body will produce excessive sebum, leading to an overproduction of acne and blemishes across your body.

2. Blood Pressure Irregularities

When your testosterone levels are high, you will also see a spike in blood pressure. This can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular risks if left untreated for a long period of time.

Alternatively, low blood pressure may also occur with high testosterone. This results in decreased blood flow, causing dizziness and fainting spells when walking or standing up.

3. Mood Swings

Mood swings are common among people with higher testosterone. The hormone is known to fuel aggression and anger, which can lead to violent outbursts or unruly behavior.

If you notice that your moods and emotions change rapidly than usual, talk to a doctor about mood swings and Andropause immediately. High testosterone may be an underlying cause.

4. Excessive Body Hair

Aside from genetic factors, testosterone also stimulates the growth and pigmentation of body hair in men. It also thickens hair on their face and scalp.

If you notice that your body hair has grown to a level where it’s noticeably thicker than before, this can be a sign of high testosterone levels.

5. Other Signs of High Testosterone In Men

Here are other signs of high testosterone levels found in men:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Slurred speech
  • Heart attack
  • Strokes
  • Peripheral Edema
  • Sleep apnea
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Abnormal prostate gland growth

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these high testosterone symptoms, make sure to go see a doctor specializing in testosterone therapy immediately. If left untreated, testosterone-related health issues can be life-threatening.

Treatment for High Testosterone Levels

There are multiple ways to restore normal testosterone levels in the body.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Side effects of high testosterone in men

Testosterone therapy is used to regulate and lower your body’s overall testosterone levels, as well as restore it back to normal range.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is given as a way to treat low testosterone levels in men who need help relieving symptomatic traits that come with high T readings.

Some of the ways testosterone therapy improves the body include:

  • Improves muscle mass
  • Wards off depression
  • Improves sexual function
  • Improves cognition
  • Increases energy

Get in touch with a medical professional to determine whether hormone therapy or testosterone therapy are viable treatment options for your specific situation.

Lifestyle Changes

One natural remedy of high testosterone in men is making significant lifestyle changes.

If you take anabolic steroids, you should cut it off immediately and find more natural ways to gain increased muscle mass.

If you’ve been having a hard time sitting still or waiting for a doctor’s appointment, getting into an exercise regime andeating healthy can bring your body back to a natural state.

If you have high testosterone, consider avoiding foods that are known to increase testosterone. By following a good diet rich in nutrients and exercising regularly, you can do your part in stabilizing your testosterone.


If there’s an underlying problem that your doctor has discovered such as a tumor, more serious measures have to be considered.

Sometimes, the tumor may be cancerous. You’ll have to be in contact with your doctor to help you relieve it and stop the cancerous tumor from progression to later stages.

Get in Touch with a Men’s Clinic about Testosterone Imbalances Today

More people fall under the category of having low testosterone instead of too much testosterone, so living with high hormone levels can be an often lonely and anxiety-inducing experience.

But you don’t have to face it all alone.

If you’re having issues with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, testosterone imbalances, or other issues impacting men’s health, call the team at Prime Men’s Medical Center in Jacksonville now. Schedule an appointment to have a consultation with an experienced and specially trained medical staff to determine a proper diagnosis for your unique health concerns.

What does high testosterone do to a man?

Problems associated with abnormally high testosterone levels in men include: Low sperm counts, shrinking of the testicles and impotence (seems odd, doesn't it?) Heart muscle damage and increased risk of heart attack. Prostate enlargement with difficulty urinating.

What are symptoms of too much testosterone in men?

Because testosterone is involved in the production and secretion of oil, it could also cause acne and breakouts for both males and females. Changes in hair growth — including excess body hair growth or balding — are also common with excess testosterone levels.