Server has not yet been opened crystal reports error vb6

VB application to view crystal reports.

Reports are connected to their data through ODBC File Dsn. File Dsn is looking at text files.

In the VB code, I am not passing the dsn name, database location or anything like this. Because my assumption is that, these are inherited in the report. So when VB opens the report, the report itself should find its data.

in the project references I have:

Crystal Report viewer control (crviewer.oca)
Crystal Report viewer control (crviewer.dll)
Crystal Reports 8.5 ActiveX Designer Run time library (craxdrt.dll)

The application works on the developer machine and one client computer (which has crystal reports installed). On another computer with no crystal reports, it says "Server has not yet been opened".

I believe, I installed all the dlls to client machine.

the databases are also verified, they are up to date.
Save data with report is unchecked.

and i could not find something to help me in cr_server_not_yet_been_opened on crystal website.

Can anyone help me with this pls?

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  • Question

  • We are trying to run Windows2003 Server SP2 with Crystal Report8.5

    We are facing the following issue.

    When an asp file is trying to call an rpt(Crystal Report) file, the application shows error message as follows.

    Seagate Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer error '80047288'

    Server has not been opened yet

    /***/***/***.asp, line***

    It seems like the error is occuring @

    session("oRpt").ReadRecords in the asp file

    in accessing MS SQL Server by odbc.

    I'll be grateful if someone could provide assistance to solve the issue.


    • Edited by Friday, November 16, 2012 12:12 PM


  • Hi,

    Please refert to the below link:


    In addition, please also ask in the  Crystal Report forum.


    Yan Li

    Yan Li

    TechNet Community Support

    • Proposed as answer by Yan Li_ Friday, November 23, 2012 2:09 AM
    • Marked as answer by Yan Li_ Monday, November 26, 2012 2:03 AM

Hi there, Can somebody help me with this, please? I am using SLX 6.1 with hotfix. Crystal 8.5. A new crystal report with subreports has been created on the production environment. It works fine. The SLX database was then moved to another server. When this report is run, it shows the usual initial screen, where parameters of the Crystal report are entered. Then it takes a while thinking, and then shows the message that the server has not yet been opened. It seems that the report is still pointing to the Production environment server. However all the other sample reports that came with the original version of SLX, work fine on the new server. Is there any specific way of creating crystal reports, so that when the location of the database changes to different server, it automatically starts pointing to the new server? Pawel

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