Scales that measure body fat and muscle and water amazon

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Traditionally, when you step on a scale it just tells you your weight, but smart scales go beyond that. They can give you a full rundown on your body fat percentage, water weight, bone density and lean muscle mass, among other health metrics. And of course, it's not a true smart device if it doesn't tell you what every other device also tells you -- but starting your day on the scale makes things like the weather forecast much more useful. It can be difficult to know which smart scale is the best, but that's why we've done the research and testing, so you don't have to search very far for an incredible smart scale. 

In addition to displaying this information directly on the screen, the best smart scales link up to (usually free) apps that record your data and can help you identify trends over time. These apps can also help you meet your weight goals by monitoring your progress and letting you know where you stand each day. They can also connect to Apple Health, Google Fit or another fitness monitoring program to serve as a complete health tracker and log data like your heart rate and sleep scores.

To help you narrow down your options, we tested models from the biggest names, including Garmin, Fitbit and Withings, for several weeks. We considered things like accuracy, how user-friendly they are, and how well they paired with the apps (and how functional the app itself was). After our testing, we decided these are the best smart scales you can get right now.

Lindsay Boyers / CNET

The QardioBase2 was the most consistent scale of the bunch. Each measurement was spot on and the numbers never fluctuated more than 0.1 from each other within the same weigh-in series. It was also the only one that utilized haptic feedback -- vibrating slightly when it was finished reading my measurements.

The scale itself only displays weight, which I didn't love at first but I grew to prefer since it makes the display less busy and easier to read. For a more in-depth picture, each measurement automatically gets sent to the app where you can view your weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, water weight and bone density percentage. The app also shows your BMI and gives insights as to where it falls on the BMI scale, from underweight to obese.

The app shows your last measurement as well as historical data. You can navigate to a specific day, or view charts of your weight, BMI and body fat percentage. It doesn't allow for as many users as some of the other options -- it can accommodate up to 5 – but it can automatically detect who's using the scale and store that data accordingly. 

One thing that sets the QardioBase2 apart is that it allows you to choose different modes. The normal mode displays numbers, while the Smart Feedback Mode uses smiley faces instead of numbers – an excellent option if seeing your weight or body fat percentage triggers you, or if you would just prefer not to know those numbers. There's also a pregnancy mode that allows you to track your weight and input photos of your progress.

Plus, this scale is rechargeable; it's the only one on the list that doesn't utilize regular AAA batteries. It comes with a USB cable that you can plug into any standard USB charging cube.

Lindsay Boyers / CNET

The Withings Body Plus is the only scale that gives you the option to personalize your display. You can choose from the usual suspects -- weight, body fat percentage, body water and BMI -- or more out-of-the-box options like weather and daily steps (information it pulls in from Apple Health or Google Fit, if you connect it).

The readings were extremely consistent, matching up to each other and my control scale within 0.2 every time. It did take a bit longer for the scale to register the measurements than others on this list, but the readings were user-friendly, displaying clear titles like fat percentage and pounds of muscle, rather than showing icons that you have to decipher. The scale also has a chart under each measurement that shows whether the reading is considered high, low or normal for your height.

The Withings Body Plus allows up to eight users and you have two options when adding them: You can share the same account in the Health Mates app (if you go this route, all users will be able to see each other's data) or you can have each user create their own account. Either way, the scale will automatically detect each user as long as there's a 5- to 10-pound difference between them. Otherwise, you'll have to toggle through manually.

This scale runs on four AAA batteries.

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Lindsay Boyers / CNET

The Greater Goods Bluetooth Smart Scale is a sleek, mostly accurate option at a fair price. On screen, it displays your weight and then toggles through your BMI, muscle mass percentage, body fat percentage and water weight. Every time you weigh yourself, it automatically syncs with the free companion app, Weight Gurus. 

You can look at your average numbers for the month or dive into the specifics of each day. This is helpful for tracking your goals (which you input when you set up the app) and viewing historical data, but it doesn't provide insights, like how your numbers compare to average.

As far as accuracy goes, the data was mostly consistent. The scale did seem to struggle on the first use of the day, consistently registering about 3 to 5 pounds too high. But once it "woke up," all subsequent numbers were consistent. It did read 0.5 to 0.9 pounds higher than the other scales, though.

It has the option to add up to eight users, so it's an excellent option for families or larger households. However, you do have to toggle between users manually. The scale won't automatically recognize the difference.

This scale runs on four AAA batteries.

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Lindsay Boyers / CNET

The Smart Scale P1 is the clear choice for multiple users. It allows for 16 user profiles and will automatically detect who's using the scale, as long as there's at least a 6.6-pound difference between users. If there isn't, you'll have to connect the scale to each profile manually before weighing yourself, which is an extra step but only takes 30 seconds in the app.

As for measurements, the scale is pretty consistent, with no more than a 0.5-pound difference between each use. It only displays weight on the screen, but in the app, this smart scale gave the most in-depth report of the bunch, by far. In addition to the standard weight, BMI and body fat percentages, you can see a detailed breakdown of 14 other measurements like visceral fat, BMR and body age. To give you more insight, each measurement is color-coded with yellow (low), green (normal) and red (high) to show you where you stand. If you prefer to take things out of the app, you can connect it to Apple Health or any Fitbit.

The scale runs on three AAA batteries.

Lindsay Boyers / CNET

The Garmin Smart Scale Index S2 is the most expensive of the bunch, but the consistent readings and user-friendly display are worth the additional dollars. When you step on the scale, it registers your weight immediately, and then shows you a green checkmark and your initials (or username) shortly after to indicate that it's done registering the rest of your measurements. The scale also shows the change (in pounds) from the last measurement.

Once you step off the scale, it toggles through all of your measurements on screen, while simultaneously sending them to the app where you can view the last measurements or historical data to track changes over time. The app also serves as a wellness companion, allowing you to input exercise and water intake, something that the other apps don't.

The scale can support a total of 16 users -- the device owner and 15 additional accounts -- but each separate user has to be invited directly by the device owner. Once the users are added, the scale automatically detects them, but you also have the option to manually choose a user directly from the unit.

The only thing I didn't like about this scale was that you have to tap it to activate before you can get on and weigh yourself, which slows things down. This isn't necessarily out of the norm for scales, but it's the only one in this grouping that required this extra step, which was surprising since it was also the most expensive.

This scale runs on four AAA batteries.

If you're looking for basic information, but don't need a detailed breakdown of your measurements, the Fitbit Aria Air is the choice for you. The scale displays your weight on the screen and you can see your BMI in the app, but you won't get any measurements for body fat, lean muscle mass, etc. (If you want these features, you'll have to upgrade to the Fitbit Aria 2.)

As for consistency, the scale's measurements matched up every time, but the readings were regularly one pound higher than the other scales and my control scale. It registered information quickly though, considerably faster than the others, and the app responded almost immediately.

The Fibit Aria Air can track up to eight users -- each user will need their own Fitbit app to log data -- and you can choose whether you want to share your information with each other or keep it private. If a user without the app steps on the scale, it will still show weight but won't log the information anywhere.

This scale runs on three AAA batteries.

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How we tested

To test these smart scales, I weighed myself, sans clothes, at the same time every morning and before I ate or drank anything for three weeks. I put each scale in the same spot on my hard tile bathroom floor and stepped on and off five times, comparing the results to each other and to the measurements from the other scales. I also compared the weight results to my "control scale," a reliable scale that I already own that's always consistent with the scale at my doctors' office.

Because the scales had to be moved around and it can take a minute to adjust, I considered that with the first measurement.

I don't have access to hydrostatic weighing or a BOD POD, so body fat percentages and the other data were compared to each other, rather than a set "control." I used this to measure the consistency of each reading and each scale, as a whole.

I also considered things like ease of setup, reading time and user-friendliness (i.e. how easy the display and the app were to read).


How does a smart scale work?

Smart scales rely on technology called bioelectrical impedance analysis. The scales send small electrical impulses through your body -- up your leg, across your hips and down your other leg -- measuring resistance and then using a mathematical formula to give you information about your body fat percentage, water weight, bone density and lean muscle mass, among other things. It might sound weird, but it's the same technology used in many fitness trackers and smartwatches.

Are smart scales accurate?

While a smart scale's information can give you some insight into your body composition, especially if you're mostly concerned with tracking changes over time, it's not the most accurate technology. According to testing done by Consumer Reports, most smart scales give significantly different results than a BOD POD, the gold standard for measuring body fat levels.

Is a smart scale worth it?

A smart scale can be a useful part of your wellness regimen if you're OK with general insight into your body's changes over time. But take the actual numbers with a grain of salt. If you need to track health metrics for specific reasons, talk to a doctor or health care provider about getting accurate numbers to help you make health decisions.

That being said, all the models on this best smart scale list give accurate and consistent body weight readings. We'll update this list periodically.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Is there a scale that measures water weight?

In fact, the Withings Body+ scale allows you to track your weight, body fat and water percentage, and muscle and bone mass.

Are body fat and muscle mass scales accurate?

"Even with the potential for variability with body composition scales, they are still reasonably accurate," says Dennis. "As with any particular measurement used to assess how your weight impacts your health, however, it's best to make sense of the results with the help of a skilled medical provider or dietitian."

What is a body fat hydration scale?

Body fat scales are devices that a person can use to measure their weight and body composition at home. The term “body composition” refers to the relative percentages of fat, muscle, and water inside the body.

Is there a smart scale that actually works?

Tested & Approved Our top pick is the Eufy Smart Scale P2 because it can monitor unlimited users and measure and track 16 different body metrics. The Renpho Body Fat Scale measures similar metrics at a lower price point.

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