Practice doesn t make perfect it makes progress

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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511415477112{padding-bottom: 30px!important;}”]We’ve all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect,” but I’m here to tell you a little secret: it’s not true. Perfection is an unreachable target and no matter how much or how hard you practice, you’ll never even touch perfect.

That being said, practice now looks like a ridiculous and useless activity. I mean, how can you motivate yourself to run a race that you know you can’t actually win?

It’s time to run a new race. Here are some new motives that may help you in your practicing:

Practice makes PROGRESS

This is pretty obvious, but if you practice, you will get better. Maybe not all at once, but over time, yes, you will progress, and you will reach your goals.

Practice makes PERSONAL

By practicing, you can take more ownership of your craft, making you more confident in your art.

Practice makes POWER

Fear of mistakes or failing can make anyone want to give up, but with persistence in practicing you will increase your strength and speed of both your mind and body.

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Practice makes PREPAREDNESS

Mistakes happen and plans fall through; we can’t escape it. However, with practice, we can be ready for anything.

Practice makes PERFORMANCE

Any audience can tell who has practiced and who has not. Why? Stage presence (aka you look like you know what you’re doing) is a big indicator of your level of commitment to rehearse. This one is also a big deal if you perform with a team; no one wants to be the weak link.

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Practice makes PASSION

Even though practicing isn’t necessarily an enjoyable activity (I mean, who wouldn’t want to just watch Netflix instead?), know that the more you spend time with your instrument, the more you’ll love and identify with it. Passion will overall make practicing less of a burden and more of just who you are!

Which one of these words motivates you to practice the most? Comment below!

Stay tuned for our next blog for tips on HOW to practice[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image source=”external_link” custom_src=”” css=”.vc_custom_1511416039668{padding-top: 30px!important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Learning something new is often fraught with frustration

Practice doesn t make perfect it makes progress

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

If you’ve ever tried to learn how to play an instrument like the guitar or piano, you have experienced the frustration when you practice but don’t seem to make any progress. We’ve all been there. You’re not alone.

Practice doesn t make perfect it makes progress

Too often, athletes approach their training in search of the moment when they’ll be “strong enough” or “fast enough.” Unless you’re training to compete in a specific event, consider viewing fitness as your own unique method for physical self-expression.

Adding 50 lbs to your back squat, shaving two minutes off of your 5K run time, or increasing your flexibility enough to touch your toes for the first time are all great goals. But if you only view “success” as the day you achieve that goal, you’ll miss out on all of the smaller, incremental gains you make along the way.

Instead of striving for perfection in your health and fitness endeavors, strive for improvement. The phrase “practice makes perfect” sets too many people up for failure. “Practice makes progress,” on the other hand, is a philosophy that encourages and acknowledges improvement in any capacity.

As with many things in life, fitness should be viewed as a marathon, not a sprint. Let me know if you need help setting goals for yourself. Finding something that excites you, and then creating a road map on how to get there is a really fun process.

Who said practice makes progress not perfect?

Practice makes progress...not perfect - Tony Jackson VO.

Who said practice doesn't make perfect perfect practice makes perfect?

Well, not really. Vince Lombardi, arguably the most inspirational American football coach of all time said, “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”

Why does practice make progress?

Practising improves your ability and practical knowledge. It's through these little acts that you can hone your craft. It helps you find more efficient ways of doing things leading to creating inflow and with ease.

What is the saying practice makes perfect?

Definition of practice makes perfect —used to say that people become better at something if they do it often If you want to be a good writer, you should write every day.