Personal statement for computer science undergraduate sample

Twenty years after the arrival of the world wide web, computers and IT have become an essential component of virtually every aspect of our lives, whether it is the GPS that tells us where to go, the smartphone that keeps us up-to-date, the social network that connects us with friends or the e-reader that allows us access to the world’s libraries from our living room. The computer has come a long way from its rudimentary beginnings in the Nineteenth Century when Charles Babbage devised his Difference Engine. I have enjoyed working with computers and trying to figure out how they work since I can remember. I wish to study Computer Science to gain a broader, fuller understanding of computers’ workings so that I may later contribute myself to this ongoing technological revolution. With this aim in mind, I am studying for a BTEC in ICT at college, study which has only strengthened my interest in the field and my desire to pursue a career in computing or IT. During my study, I have learned how to upgrade my computer using BIOS, a code that enables the operating system to load and start. This has given me experience of coding, which will be advantageous when I come to learn programming languages as part of my degree. I have also become a skilled user of software packages that enable you to manipulate digital graphics. From the BTEC, but also from my other studies over the years, I have become practised in designing websites for courses and projects. Complex web design applications, such as Macromedia Flash and DreamWeaver, will hold no fear for me, when I shall meet them in my degree.  I have used them in my creation of websites, as well as using CSS, to control the layout and style of sites, and Adobe Fireworks, with which I relish working given the striking banners that it allows you to add.

Outside of school, I regularly keep myself up-to-date on the latest developments in computing and IT through reading science and technology magazines. From my reading, I have learned that there are more speculative, science fiction-like areas of Computer Science, such as Artificial Intelligence, in which computer scientists attempt to build machines that will be able to pass the Turing Test and/or pass as human beings, and Quantum Computing, which holds out the prospect of the creation of even faster and even smaller computers than are currently envisaged by practising computer manufacturers. The reading has given me a notion of the breadth of Computer Science and studying the subject at degree level will allow me to decide on which area I shall wish to concentrate when I graduate and become a qualified computer scientist or web designer or software developer.

When I’m not reading about gadgets and computers, I am often constructing and dismantling them in order to figure out their workings. This has enhanced my practical know-how and my problem-solving skills, something that will stand me in good stead when I come to master programming languages and formal logic at degree level. I am also an avid video game player and in my degree I would like to learn how such entertaining and complicated games are created. Technology is not my only love: I am a keen sports fan and I regularly play football and basketball with friends. I hope to continue playing at competitive level when I enter university. With my web design skills, I should also like to help create and maintain the websites of any university sports teams or societies I may join.

As well as gaining the requisite knowledge and skills to enter the world of computing, I hope I shall meet like-minded people at university with whom I can collaborate on ground-breaking computing projects, just as Mark Zuckerberg did when he founded Facebook at Harvard. Facebook has revolutionised our social lives. I hope that a degree in Computer Science will equip me so that I may contribute to making a similar, tangible effect on people’s lives.

Below is a example that you can use as a guide to write your own one, this page will be updated with more professionally written statements in the near future. YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO COPY THE BELOW SAMPLE WORD FOR WORD.

Computer science personal statement example 1

“As businesses, consumers and government departments continue to advance technologically, there is a growing demand for skilled computer science technology professionals to create new software and solve complex IT issues.  This strong need equates into a buoyant jobs market for computer science graduates and is one of the main reasons from my decision to study this subject at university.

In my opinion this discipline offers many financially rewarding, intellectually stimulating and mentally challenging career opportunities to people like myself, who have a hunger for success and a passion for learning. As an individual who is keen to gain an in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations of computer science, including computer system and system software organization, this programme is ideal. It will allow me to learn about the full software lifecycle projects, including unit, manual and automated testing, as well as understanding the methods and techniques required to store, manipulate, transform or present information by means of computer systems.

A combination of all of the above points made my decision to study computer science at university a formality.

I possess a number of qualities that I feel would make me well suited for your degree programme. For instance I have always been good at logical problem solving and have a proven ability to think creatively and thoroughly when developing software applications. Whilst at college a number of my tutors regularly praised my excellent math, multi-tasking and problem-solving skills and commended me on my excellent communication skills which were required to share my ideas with my colleagues and to convey your thoughts clearly to them. I also have a strong desire to improve the concepts, principles, and techniques that will advance the body of knowledge of computer science.

Computer science is a broad field that requires people with varying talents and areas of specialization. Within the last six months I have come to believe that I have these requirements in abundance and also possesses the enterprising spirit, capacity and enthusiasm that is required to spend long hours on creating bespoke IT solutions.

My interest in the subject has not just been restricted to academic study, Up till recently I had a part time job at a software house which gave me a new perspective into how computer science functions in the real world and how the world of business operates. I got to work closely with architects to create bespoke solutions for our customers and learnt a lot about artificial intelligence and web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS. One of the most important things I learnt was the need to take time to understand completely a clients requirements before amending or designing any IT infrastructure.

I am particularly attracted to studying at your university because of its superb learning atmosphere which combined with its relaxed academic environment makes it a unique place to be. On a visit to your campus I found it to be a very close knit and friendly place where, the lecturers seemed to be very competent and the facilities are well suited to the course. However for me one of the best things about your course was the small class sizes which will allow for more two-way communication between student and tutor. In conclusion I would like to thank you for your time and consideration. I am available for interview anytime and I look forward to taking the opportunity to talk with you further about my application.”

Computer science personal statement example 2

“I consider myself to be a intelligent and presentable individual, with an out-going likable personality and an ability to work effectively as part of a team as well on own initiative. I possess a fresh, modern approach to the IT industry, and employ creative and enthusiastic methods to problem solving. Two of my strongest points are firstly the ability to transfer my own knowledge and understanding to fellow students, and secondly my competency in being able to use a variety of key software packages to a high standard of accuracy. I am a determined individual who sees tasks through to the end, whilst planning and organising activities to meet timelines.

There is no one reason why I want to study computer science at university, instead there are a combination of them. Since my earliest childhood I have always been interested in computers, both their hardware and software. In the modern world it’s virtually impossible to escape computer’s, they are part of so many things that touch our lives, making them easier and creating solutions for so many complex and challenging problems. Computer science is at the forefront of breakthroughs in science, technology and mathematics, and at the heart of virtually all cutting edge discoveries in fields like engineering, business, entertainment and education. It’s a interdisciplinary and dynamic subject, whose roots include mathematics, physics and electronics.

Another reason for my attraction to this subject is the many types of lucrative careers that this degree will open up. Computing careers are not only here to stay but are expanding all the time, both in this country and abroad. It is one of those fields where it is very hard to predict what will happen in the future This is why I cannot even begin to imagine all the ways that you can make a contribution to it, but I am sure that it can make your life’s work exciting and real.

I am able to communicate with people at all levels and get them to visualise my intentions. I always enjoy a challenge, and can work well under pressure, my other strengths are a strong commitment to customer services, and attention to detail. I am highly motivated and enjoy challenges within a new or existing role, and feel I am flexible enough to meet the needs of any degree course.

On a more subject specific level, I can understand programming beyond the constraints of the syntax, and also comprehend the logic behind how you should implement solutions to computing problems. I am also a patient person, with a serious, and focused attitude to my work, but with a relaxed attitude. This trait helps me to deal with frustrating problems like computer bugs, and making programs work properly. I understand that once you write and compile code, you must make it work properly, account for every situation and possible user input. All of this can only really be done with a positive and composed mindset.

Over the summer months I worked in the IT Support department of a networking company. There I built up very good working knowledge of user support in various technology areas, including desktops and Network LAN/WAN, from hardware to software including installation, update/upgrade. I also gained experience in Active Directory, Exchange group Policy, VMware and all Microsoft Operating Systems.

I am a keen traveller and would love to one day work and move abroad. I have a great interest in film and screenwriting and am currently writing and producing my first short movie. Also in my spare time I DJ, play competitive football and visit my local gym as often as possible. I also enjoy table tennis and play regularly. I have a keen interest in music and enjoy attending live events.

I am presently looking for a university course that will challenge my problem solving skills, extend the range and volume of my academic experience,  and allow me to continue to develop my knowledge and potential.

I have applied to your university because it is one of the leading institutions for the study of computing. Giving students an excellent understanding of the foundations of the subject through a variety of teaching methods including lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes, group working and online resources. My research into your university has shown me that your teaching methods are continually updated to reflect new advances, thereby giving students in-depth knowledge from people who are at the forefront of the subject. This is important in a dynamic subject like computing, in which new ideas, techniques and applications are always emerging.

In conclusion I’d like to say that I’m really looking forward to the personal and academic challenges that studying for a computer science degree at your university will bring.”

When writing a computer science personal statement focus on your;

  • Ability to work autonomously.
  • Technological skills.
  • Developer code quality, particularly in technical design and clarity.
  • Experience of unit, manual and automated testing.
  • Ability to come up with solutions in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • High attention to detail.
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines but maintain a high standard of quality.

Reasons to give for wanting to study computer science;

  • I’ve always been the computer science type.
  • Since a early age I have been curious about computers, algorithms and all the techie stuff that comes with computer science.

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