Online cultural competency training for social workers

Part of BASW's Taught Skills Development Programme for NQSWs

***Session for students & NQSWs only***

***Special offer price of £20 + VAT (£24) for BASW student & NQSW members***

Cultural sensitivity is more than recognising differences in race or religion, it involves recognising that we are all shaped by our experiences and are influenced by cultural norms and understanding. All our interactions and communications are interpreted via cultural filters, and it is an understanding of these and how they can impact on working in teams and groups that will be the focus of the day.

Diversity is about more than just difference; it is about the use of power within our society and structures, and how that power can prevent individuals and groups from accessing appropriate support and services.

This one-day course will consider culture and diversity issues within groups and teams and how our experiences are shaped by our own cultural filters. Participants will be supported to explore how we can apply a culturally sensitive approach and respond to diversity in practice in order to facilitate effective team working and improve outcomes for all citizens.

Learning Methods:

A combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including lecture, workshop and group work. Interactive and experiential methods, group and pair work, and interactive activities in the form of quizzes, polls, case studies, and reflection dilemmas will be used, to inform participant learning and support application to practice.

Resources Required: This course will be delivered by MS Teams, please ensure your IT equipment is updated and is running audio/visual and the latest version of Teams – please use the joining instructions provided.

Learning Outcomes:

This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:

  • To increase understanding and awareness in relation to working with and alongside individuals from different cultural and social groups and how these influence how we all experience and engage in professional interactions.
  • To consider diversity as a power issue and how this might impact on health and social care practice and professional dynamics.
  • To reflect on the cultural diversity within participants practice areas, and consider how this might impact on the individual, family and community and how they experience public services. 
  • To explore concepts of discrimination and oppression arising due to diversity issues. Including how organisational / professional cultures can impact on the experience of individuals working within and/or using public services.
  • To be able to demonstrate an awareness of how experiences of discrimination and oppression can be internalised and impact on an individual’s emotional and environmental well-being.

Programme Outline:

9.00    Log onto Microsoft Teams and check the Tech is working          

9.30    Introductions to the session, tech and format.

9.40                Group Exercise: Reflection on practice experiences.

- Group work including feedback and reflective discussion

10.00              What do we mean be cultural sensitivity and diversity?

                                    - defining the terms and issues

                                    - understanding the frameworks,

11.00              COFFEE & screen break

11.20              Group Exercise: Diversity Health Check

- Group work including feedback and reflective discussion

12.15              Diversity as a power issue – the impact of marginalisation and stereotyping – what do we know and how can we appropriately address and challenge?

12.30              LUNCH

13.15              Culture and communication – how does how we present affect the assessment outcome? Co-productively identifying needs                 

14.45              COFFEE

15.00              Putting learning into practice: Case study scenario.

16.00              Final reflections, questions and feedback.

16.30              Close

The Trainers:

The programme will be facilitated virtually on MS Teams by Chloe Whittall from DCC-i Ltd, a BASW and OCN accredited training provider.

Non members please register via the 'BOOK NOW' button below

How do you become a cultural competence in social work?

Cultural competence requires self-awareness, cultural humility, and the commitment to understanding and embracing culture as central to effective practice. Social workers shall demonstrate an appreciation of their own cultural identities and those of others.

What are the 4 C's of cultural competence?

Cultural competence has four major components: awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills.

What are the 5 components of cultural competence?

Cultural competemility is defined as the synergistic process between cultural humility and cultural competence in which cultural humility permeates each of the five components of cultural competence: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural desire, and cultural encounters.

What counts as cultural competency training?

Cultural competence training for health care professionals focuses on skills and knowledge that value diversity, understand and respond to cultural differences, and increase awareness of providers' and care organizations' cultural norms.