Online bachelors degree in substance abuse counseling

By the OnlineU team | Updated 6/14/2022

Online bachelors degree in substance abuse counseling

Substance abuse and addiction counseling programs teach students how to support individuals recovering from chemical dependencies and substance use disorders. For those interested in a counseling career, now is the best time to enter the profession. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the job outlook is 23% for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors, which is nearly three times higher than the US average across occupations.

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Online bachelors degree in substance abuse counseling

Online Substance Abuse Counseling Bachelor's Degrees You May Be Interested In

Purdue University Global

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Online bachelors degree in substance abuse counseling

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Overview of Online Substance Abuse Counseling Bachelor's Degrees

Students pursuing an online addiction and substance abuse counseling degree take classes to develop the knowledge and competencies necessary to treat individuals in need, including those with co-occurring disorders. Specifically, they learn about the symptoms and causes of chemical dependency and drug abuse by taking courses in psychology, counseling theory, professional ethics, and pharmacology. The curriculum also includes a practicum element in which students provide counseling services under supervision in a mental health facility, hospital, or rehabilitation clinic.

Students pursuing an online addiction and substance abuse counseling degree take classes to develop the knowledge and competencies necessary to treat individuals in need, including those with co-occurring disorders.

A few programs give students the option of choosing between a treatment specialization and a prevention specialization. While treatment specialists assist individuals dealing with substance misuse issues, prevention specialists typically work in schools with children who may be at risk of misusing illegal substances.

Admission requirements vary by school, but applicants typically need a high school diploma with at least a 2.5 GPA or a GED to apply. Most programs also require applicants to complete a background check. An online substance abuse bachelor's degree requires 120-124 credit hours, including a minimum of 32 credit hours in the major, and students can enroll either full- or part-time. The programs generally take four years of full-time study to finish. By contrast, part-time learners may take up to six years to achieve their degree.

While many distance learning programs deliver online courses asynchronously , some include prescheduled, synchronous sessions for group exercises and other activities. In general, online students have 24/7 access to learning materials, including pre-recorded lectures, discussion boards, and assignments.

Terminology Within This Field

The language and terms used within the addiction treatment community is evolving. For example, some schools continue to use traditional terminology by offering degrees in "substance abuse counseling," while others have renamed their programs as "substance use counseling." We use a combination of familiar and newer terms to bridge the gap between past and present.

Addiction professionals are advocating for changes in terminology that help to remove the stigma around substance use and misuse.

What Qualities Do You Need to Be a Substance Abuse Treatment Counselor?

Through their work, both St. Pierre and Shifman have had the opportunity to talk to many practitioners in the substance use and misuse counseling field. Both have observed that people who succeed as counselors share several key characteristics.


Our experts say that people are often drawn to careers in this field because of their own or a loved one's experiences with addiction. Shifman is one of those people and he sees it as a distinct benefit that gives him the strength to persevere and the ability to authentically connect with others. St. Pierre agrees but adds a note of caution for those just starting their educational journey. "You have to make sure that you are emotionally ready, and that you can set aside your history and prior experiences and be open to learning about doing the work for other people."

Service orientation

The desire to serve others is another important quality, but this also requires some introspection. "If you're wanting to come into a field to help somebody who is struggling, you want to see them improve their situation [and] change their lives, then the field of substance use treatment and counseling can really provide that for you," says St. Pierre. At the same time, Shifman cautions: "You have to check your ego at the door by asking: Am I doing this for the right reasons? If the answer is no, maybe this isn't the right thing for you."


St. Pierre likes to remind future counselors that their clients will experience setbacks and relapses, which can be discouraging. "The pathway to recovery is not a straight line, and that can be heartbreaking for the individuals who enter this field," she notes. "You have to accept that you did what you could and be available to them when they're ready to come back."

If you're not sure whether a career in substance use counseling is the right path for you, St. Pierre recommends calling the college you're considering attending and talking to one of the faculty members who works in the program.

How to Choose an Online Bachelor's in Substance Abuse Counseling Program

Students should enroll in a program that suits their overall personal and professional goals. In addition to evaluating the cost of the degree, they should evaluate whether a specific program helps meet future career objectives or provides enough support to distance learners. Below is a list of factors to consider when choosing an online bachelor's in substance abuse counseling.

Cost of the degree

It's important to choose a degree that is affordable. The substance abuse and addiction counseling programs on our list range from $8,550-$12,480 in annual tuition, which is close to the national in-state average of $9,580. Distance learning programs are generally cheaper overall than in-person ones as online students usually don't need to pay relocation, transport, and housing costs associated with on-campus learning. They can also apply for federal, state, and private sources of financial aid to further decrease their costs.


Accreditation is a process in which a third party assesses a school's curriculum, faculty, programs, and student resources. An accredited school meets nationwide standards of educational excellence and this stamp of approval is also required for students to apply for federal and state financial aid. Accreditation can apply to the institution as a whole or to individual degree programs. In the latter case, an appropriate professional organization evaluates whether a specific program meets academic standards for the field of study. The National Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission is the primary organization that assesses higher education addiction programs.


All states require counselors in private practice to have a master's degree and a certain amount of clinical experience to be licensed. Requirements for those who work outside of private practice can vary considerably by state in terms of education and prior experience requirements. Given this variation, it's important to evaluate whether a specific program is geared toward licensure. Most online bachelor's degrees in substance abuse counseling help students prepare for licensure exams through coursework and hands-on experience gained from a practicum or internship.

Online learning

Students should consider whether their prospective school offers enough support for distance learners. This includes determining whether a school offers regular access to learning materials such as lectures, recordings, or textbooks. Students should also explore whether their prospective program offers the chance to gain practical experience at a hospital or mental health clinic — essential for aspiring professionals in this field. Our student reviews can further help learners understand what to consider when enrolling in a distance education program.

What Can You Do With a Bachelor's Degree in Substance Abuse Counseling?

An online bachelor's in substance abuse counseling is the first step to becoming a licensed drug misuse and abuse counselor. These individuals earn a median annual salary of $47,660, working in settings such as outpatient centers, addiction clinics, and schools. As professional caregivers, substance abuse counselors must be certified in their state of practice.

As professional caregivers, substance abuse counselors must be certified in their state of practice.

However, bachelor's degree holders may also be prepared for entry-level positions in the human services sectors, where they can pursue careers as social and community and service managers. These positions typically don't require state licensure or certification.

Is a Career As a Substance Abuse Counselor Right for Me?

It's only natural to wonder if a certain career path will be a good fit for you, so it's important to compare your preferences and abilities with those related to the role. Substance abuse counselors need to be comfortable working in close proximity to other people. Counselors typically see quite a few clients each day, so you must have the ability to stick to a schedule and adjust your focus to each new client as they join you for appointments. In terms of other skills, the U.S Department of Labor notes that counselors need to be good listeners, clear speakers, and have the capacity for deductive reasoning (the ability to apply general rules to specific problems) and inductive reasoning (the ability to combine pieces of information into conclusions). Finally, there are some technical skills involved, such as the use of basic office and specialized medical software.