Obey me x reader he hits you

Obey me x reader he hits you

I couldn’t think about something with Asmo and Beel, sorry T-T


“Do you think that you can solve this? I never thought there was someone out there who would surpass Mammon in stupidity” You had tried to stop Lucifer and Satan from fighting but Lucifer was so angry that just he just took it out on you. He knew that he shouldn’t have done that but his anger stopped him from thinking clearly before talking.

Luci realised how unfair he had been to you when he saw you drop your head before running away from the room.

He knocked at your room’s door only 2 hours after, because he wanted to calm down first.

“I’m here to offer my apologies but I would understand if you didn’t accept them”


“Why do I have to be stuck with ya? Stop tellin’ me what I shouldn’t do, dumb human.” Mammon scoffed but he knew that he didn’t really mean that, he was just angry by how you were trying to make him try to stop from selling some of his brothers’ stuff. He realised how much his words affected you only after he heard a soft sob coming from you.

Mammon’s eyes widened at your tears. “Oi, MC! I-I didn’t really mean that-”

“No. You’re right. I’m just a stupid human. Why am I still here anyway?” He felt his heart drop at your words. He knew that he shouldn’t have said what he said that and he felt his body act on his own when you turned on your heels to go away.

“You ain’t leavin’ me. I’m sorry, MC. Stay.” He pleaded you, wrapping his arms around your body to stop you to run away.


“Why do you have to always talk so much? Shut up….I’m trying to win this level” At first, Levi didn’t really thought much about what he said, too focused on his game until he noticed that you were too much silent. Usually you would snap back at him and call him out on his behaviour, but now you were just incredibly quiet, so he could feel that something was wrong.

Leviathan quickly paused his unfinished game and looked back at you, hugging your legs while crying silently and biting your lips to not let out sounds.

“Uh, MC? - He could feel the guilt crawl up in his chest and trembled when his hand carefully reached your face. - MC, look at me, please.”

Levi got in front of you, trying to make you speak to him with no results until he sighed before turning his game off without saving and taking you in his arms. You were more important to him than any games.


“Stop wasting my time, human.” Satan snarled at you. You both didn’t really have a reason to fight but he was in a bad mood. The fact that he decided to act that way even if you weren’t the reason why he was angry didn’t help the situation.

He immediately realised that he shouldn’t have said that when you flinched and a tear ran down your face when he took a step towards you.

“MC…I-I-…Fuck, I’m such an idiot - Satan said before biting his lower lip, feeling bad about having treated you that way - I’m very sorry, MC” he apologized before gently pulling you in his arms.


“You’re so annoying. Leave me alone” Belphegor said with a cold expression. He had never been so cold to you since…you didn’t even want to think about it.

You knew that he could get like that after fighting with Lucifer but Belphie shouldn’t have treated you like that.

“If you wanted to be alone you could have just told me that instead of calling me annoying. - You snapped back, angry tears in your eyes. The demon seemed to have understood his wrongdoing so he just looked at the ground. - If you got nothing left to say, then I’m going to my room.” You said coldly, thinking that he would just let you go but you were surprised when he firmily grabbed one of your wrist.

“Wait…I didn’t mean that. Believe me, please. - He softly said before making you turn around to look at your face and gently caress it - I’m sorry, MC…I really am.” He said with genuine guilt in his eyes while carefully wiping your tears with his sleeves.

Obey Me Masterlist

obey me obey me shall we date otome levi obey me leviathan x mc levi x mc obey me leviathan mammon x mc obey me mc obey me mammon belphegor obey me belphie obey me belphegor x mc belphie x mc obey me lucifer lucifer x mc satan obey me satan x mc asmo obey me asmodeus x mc asmo x mc obey me asmodeus beel x mc obey me beelzebub obey me beel beelzebub x mc obey me headcanons

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