Natural remedies for diarrhea and upset stomach

An upset stomach is a nonmedical term describing a range of gastrointestinal symptoms like gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

Next time you’re feeling any of these symptoms, try these home remedies from Nebraska Medicine gastroenterologist Sarah Malik, MBBS, to feel better.

Peppermint oil

For centuries, peppermint oil has been used to treat gastrointestinal ailments. Peppermint oil possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating and anesthetic activities, all of which may help gut disorders. Peppermint oil can relax painful muscle contractions along your food pipe.

Eucalyptus oil, found in vapor rub

Vapor rub contains ingredients that can provide a soothing effect if rubbed on the belly. It contains eucalyptus oil, which fights against bacteria, improves your immune system and reduces inflammation. It also contains menthol, camphor oil and nutmeg oil, which have been used to relieve pain.


Herbal medicines are also effective for nausea. People have used ginger root to soothe troubled stomachs for the past 2,000 years. Various preclinical and clinical studies also support ginger's helpful properties. Try ginger tea with lemon for a relaxing, comforting drink.

Sports drinks and noncaffeinated sodas

Vomiting and diarrhea with upset stomach can cause dehydration. Sports drinks with electrolytes are the best way to prevent dehydration. If you're having trouble keeping liquids down, try sucking on ice chips and taking small sips of water. You can also drink noncaffeinated sodas, such as Sprite, 7UP or ginger ale.

Take care to avoid caffeinated sodas, since caffeine can make your upset stomach worse. The carbonation from sodas inflates the stomach while increasing its internal pressure. Combining higher pressure and caffeine's effects makes acid reflux more likely.

Certain foods make an upset stomach worse

Some people with chronic stomach discomfort are more sensitive to certain foods:

  1. Caffeinated sodas: Soft drinks can worsen acid reflux symptoms due to caffeine content and carbonation.
  2. Dairy: Patients with lactose intolerance should avoid dairy products.
  3. Spicy foods: Too much spicy food can upset your stomach, leading to constipation or diarrhea.
  4. Fried foods: Fried foods are high in saturated fats, which take much longer to break down in the stomach and slow down digestion.
  5. Alcohol: Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol irritates your gut, which can cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
  6. Pain relievers: Ibuprofen, aspirin and antibiotics can increase feelings of nausea.

People with irritable bowel syndrome may want to avoid certain foods that increase flatulence, especially beans, legumes, onions, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, raisins, apricots, prunes, Brussels sprouts, wheat, pretzels and bagels.

7 tips to avoid indigestion for a sensitive stomach

Here are some tips to help you avoid indigestion or upset stomach.

  1. Eat slowly and ensure you are properly chewing your food.
  2. Consume smaller, more frequent meals.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  4. Avoid late-night meals or snacks.
  5. Ensure your diet consists of soluble fiber.
  6. Identify specific triggers and remove them from your diet.
  7. Maintain a bland diet without excessive use of spices.
When to see your doctor for stomach pain

Stomach pain comes in various forms and might range from intermittent pain to dull abdominal aching, stabbing pains that remain constant.

Alarming signs that suggest a more serious condition include:

  • Chronic or severe abdominal pain that makes it difficult to do normal activities
  • Evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding (vomiting up blood, blood in stool)
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Difficulty or painful swallowing
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Severe, ongoing diarrhea that lasts for more than two days
  • Nighttime diarrhea that keeps you from sleeping

People who experience frequent stomach issues may have something more going on than just sensitivity. The best thing is to come in for screening, so your health care provider can rule out conditions such as peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Call 402.472.5000 to schedule a University Health Center appointment.

You have diarrhea if you have loose, watery stools (bowel movements) three or more times a day. Americans have a bout of acute diarrhea­ (diarrhea that lasts a short time) about once a year, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

Diarrhea is usually caused by food poisoning or another passing infection. Chronic diarrhea is often related to a long-standing health condition like Crohn's disease.

The NLM advises that you see a healthcare provider if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Signs of dehydration
  • Diarrhea for more than two days, if you are an adult. For children, contact the provider if it lasts more than 24 hours.
  • Severe pain in your abdomen or rectum (for adults)
  • A fever of 102 degrees or higher
  • Stools containing blood or pus
  • Stools that are black and tarry

But for less severe, passing diarrhea, there are plenty of things you can do at home that will see you through the unpleasant episode.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

One of the essential steps to treating diarrhea is replacing fluids, says the NLM. Adults with diarrhea should drink water, fruit juices, sports drinks, sodas without caffeine, and salty broths.

Are you drinking enough water each day? According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women.

With the tips in this video from Holley Grainger, RD, getting enough water is easier than you think.

Eat a BRAT Diet

Eating some food–and digesting its nutrients–can help you absorb water better and help you stay hydrated, said Sean Drake, MD, a general internist at Henry Ford Health System in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The problem is that many cases of diarrhea accompany nausea and vomiting, making eating the last thing you want to do.

Many people find the so-called BRAT diet–bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast–doable at times like this. The American Academy of Family Physicians describes the BRAT diet as a bland food diet recommended for adults and children.

Bananas are loaded with potassium, which diarrhea can deplete. None of these foods sits for long in the stomach, either.

In general, it's a good idea to avoid most dairy products, as they can make your diarrhea worse or cause gas and bloating, according to Medline Plus. An exception is probiotic yogurt, according to the American Association of Family Physicians (AAFP), which may reduce the duration and severity of all-cause infectious diarrhea.

Stay away from greasy, fatty, and spicy foods and alcohol, says Medline Plus. Try eating several smaller meals a day instead of three big ones until you feel better. Bananas, rice, and ginger can be easier on your digestive system.

Avoid Exercise

Your workouts, especially strenuous ones, could dehydrate you even more. "This is not the time to start training for a marathon," said Dr. Drake. "Your body needs some rest. You can do daily activities, but don't expend a lot of extra calories."

And–let's face it–you may not want to be too far from a bathroom.

There is such a thing as "runner's diarrhea," which happens during or after a run, but this usually only happens to people running long distances. No one is sure what causes runner's diarrhea exactly, though it may have to do with blood being diverted from the intestines or even with internal organs being shaken up by the pounding of your legs. It's a good idea to avoid high-fiber, gas-producing foods like beans and fruit before a run and to drink plenty of fluids if you're prone to runner's diarrhea, per Mayo Clinic.

Drink Tea

Some people swear by chamomile tea as a simple remedy for diarrhea, but the evidence is spotty. One 2014 study published in BMJ Open Gastroenterology found that combining chamomile flower extract, myrrh (a tree resin), and coffee charcoal helped with acute diarrhea.

Lemongrass tea, on the other hand, may indeed benefit stomach ailments, said Dr. Schiller, who is also program director of the gastroenterology fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "It can calm your gut. It doesn't necessarily affect diarrhea, but it can help with cramps."

Try Ginger

People have turned to ginger for thousands of years as a remedy for all kinds of stomach problems, according to a 2016 study published in Integrative Medicine Insights. It's commonly used in food, tea, and supplements to alleviate motion sickness, pregnancy-related queasiness, and nausea after surgery or chemotherapy.

"Ginger is good medicine if you have an upset stomach," but it probably won't help diarrhea much, said Dr. Schiller.

Some people find that ginger can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues like gas or heartburn. According to a 2019 review published in Food Science and Nutrition, ginger can cause mild gastrointestinal side effects such as heartburn, belching, and gastrointestinal discomfort. However, this is rare.

Ask your healthcare provider about using ginger if you are on blood thinners. Pregnant people should always consult a healthcare provider before taking new medications or supplements.

Consider Supplements

Probiotics are live bacteria widely available in over-the-counter supplements to help with various ailments, including diarrhea.

In theory, it's a great idea: You're adding good bacteria to your gut to restore a healthy, balanced environment in your digestive system. A 2021 study published in Translational Pediatrics found that probiotics can help reduce a bout of diarrhea by about a day.

In general, when it comes to digestive issues, "Lactobacillus is your friend," said Dr. Drake. According to Medline Plus, Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) is a probiotic found in the human gut, mouth, and vagina and in certain foods. It is known as a "good bacteria."

But you may not need a supplement to reap the benefit of this strain. "It's in a lot of yogurt," added Dr. Drake. "Rather than taking a pill, I suggest taking some yogurt."

Other foods that contain probiotics include some juices and soy drinks, sauerkraut, miso, and some pickles.

Some people claim they've found diarrhea relief by taking digestive enzymes or glutamine powder, though there's little evidence to support this, according to a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Try Over-The-Counter Medications

Your nearby supermarket or pharmacy shelves may be stocked with over-the-counter medications that effectively alleviate diarrhea.

"For most people without a fever or blood in their stool, something like loperamide works pretty well," said Dr. Schiller. Loperamide, which slows down intestinal movement, is sold under the brand name Imodium, among others.

One word of caution from Dr. Drake: Loperamide can sometimes make things worse, especially in severe cases of diarrhea. However, you should see a healthcare provider if your diarrhea is severe or long-lasting.

Other non-prescription medications may also help, notably those that contain bismuth subsalicylate, such as Pepto-Bismol. If you're in pain, Dr. Drake said acetaminophen (Tylenol) might help, but you should avoid anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can be hard on your stomach.

There's one other thing that's not a supplement or a drug that will help more than anything, even though it may be difficult to stomach, so to speak. "Time is your best friend for acute diarrhea," said Dr. Drake. "Let it run its course." (And drink plenty of fluids.)

However, that doesn't apply to chronic diarrhea (which by definition lasts longer than two to four weeks, according to the Medline Plus), diarrhea with blood in it, or if a fever or severe tummy pain occurs, too. In those cases, don't wait; seek medical care.

What settles upset stomach and diarrhea?

Most stomach ailments can be treated at home. As soon as you start feeling sick, begin limiting your diet to clear liquids in frequent, small amounts. Make sure to drink enough fluids to keep your urine clear or a pale yellow..
Soda crackers..
White rice..
White toast..

How do you get rid of diarrhea fast naturally?

One tried-and-true diet for diarrhea is the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Low in fiber, bland, and starchy, these foods can help replace lost nutrients and firm up your stools.

What can I drink to settle diarrhea?

Drink plenty of clear liquids and electrolyte beverages such as water, clear fruit juices, coconut water, oral rehydration solutions, and sports drinks. These drinks help replenish fluids and electrolytes in the body. Add plain yogurt, buttermilk, and kefir to your diet.


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