My tax return is being processed what does that mean

My tax return is being processed what does that mean

There are two different being processed messages. One is “still being processed” and the other is “being processed” and they both have different meanings.

My tax return is being processed what does that mean

What does “Your tax return is still being processed” mean?

The tax refund status “still being processed” could mean a number of different things but the main thing is they are still processing(still working on) your tax return.

What things could trigger the still being processed tax refund status?

  • Identity Verification
  • Errors found on the tax return
  • Questionable Refundable Tax Credits
  • Wage and Withholding verification

Where’s My Refund “still being processed” refund status

If you are seeing this refund status “still being processed” it means the IRS can no longer guarantee your refund within the 21-day time frame. In some cases, the IRS will correct the issue without further information being needed and you will update from this message to the “being processed refund status. If the IRS can not correct the issue and they need further information you will receive a letter by US Mail explaining what is going on with your tax return. If you see this message for 21 days or 3 cycle weeks and have seen no letter or updates to your refund status you may need to contact the IRS.

My tax return is being processed what does that mean

There are two different being processed messages. One is “still being processed” and the other is “being processed” and they both have different meanings.

  • If you have the “Still being processed” message the “still being processed” refund status. The IRS is still working to complete your tax return but the processing has been paused until the IRS corrects the return or mails you a letter requesting additional information from you to complete the processing of your tax return.
  • If you have the “Being Processed” message The “being processed” message is a good sign. If you are seeing this message most likely your tax return is done processing and your waiting for your tax refund to be approved. Hopefully in the next update. Taxpayers seeing this message should see an 846 refund issued code posting to your account transcript soon. We recommend you check the next major update being Wednesday for daily and Saturday for weekly Accounts.

What should I do if I have the “Still Being Processed” tax refund status?

  • Most people that are stuck on this message could see it for 1- 2 cycle weeks maybe even longer. And most will receive an update to a Direct Deposit Date without needing any further information. But for others stuck with this message, there is a really good possibility that you may need to provide more info or verify yourself with the IRS. If you are seeing this message the best advice we can give is get Informed Delivery® by USPS® or keep an eye on your mail because you may need to provide the IRS with additional information. If you are seeing this message for more than 21 days and you have not seen any updates to your account and you have not received any letters in the mail we recommend you call the IRS for further information.

Remember: If you are stuck on the still being processed message we recommend you try to view your account transcripts online. By viewing your transcripts you will know the codes that are showing up on your account and you will also be able to see if you have any notices issued by the IRS.

Click to find out more about the “Still Being Processed” tax refund status here!

Why did my tax refund status change from “Still Being Processed” to “Being Processed” message?


If your tax return status changes from “still being processed” to “being processed” this is a good sign you are getting closer to an 846 Refund Issued. When the “still being processed” lifts this means they have resolved the issue that was holding up your tax return. Once the issue with your tax return is resolved some my update straight to a direct deposit date and others that see this the “Still Being Processed” will update to the “Being Processed” refund status for up to 3 cycle weeks and then update to a direct deposit date.

What does the “Being Processed” tax refund status?

The “Being processed” refund status usually indicates your tax return has been processed already but your tax refund has not been approved yet. The IRS is systematically releasing direct deposits week by week. The system is waiting to give you a date.

My tax return is being processed what does that mean

Where’s My Refund “being processed” refund status

If you are seeing this refund status “Being Processed” refund status. Your tax refund is 1-2 cycle weeks from being approved and completed, and if you check your transcripts you are just waiting for your 846 Refund Issued code to post to your Account Transcripts. This message means the IRS has processed your tax return and you are just waiting for your tax refund to be approved and a direct deposit date to post to your account.

Click to find out more about the “Being Processed” tax refund status here!

Why does my tax refund amount disappear?

  • If your refund amount disappears there is a good chance your refund amount may be different then the amount you originally filed. Your refund amount may change if the IRS has made adjustments to your account or you have past due obligations or debt. If you don’t owe anything then don’t worry, your refund amount will show back up once it is approved.

Why do I see the Tax Topic 152 message?

My tax return is being processed what does that mean

You Want to see Tax Topic 152 this message is general information pertaining to your tax refund. Tax topic 152 outlines the standard procedures the IRS follows for distributing tax refunds. Your tax topic will change if there is an issue affecting your return.

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My tax return is being processed what does that mean



What does it mean when the IRS says your tax return is being processed?

The answer: not much yet! The prompt means that the IRS has received your return, but due to Covid-19 delays, the IRS is experiencing a considerable backlog, slowing processing times and disbursements. Typically the IRS processes tax returns and issues refunds within 21 calendar days of receipt.

Does processed mean approved?

Refund has been processed means that they have approved and are ready to send you your refund. Your return being processed mean that your tax return is being processed. Your status should change from being processed to accepted and then a date given for your refund.