Michael afton x male reader lemon

Y/n Pov:

I'm walking around the store doing my weekly shopping.

When I suddenly bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there-" I look up and see a kinda cute man smiling at me.

"No problem, accidents  happen." He says still smiling.

I blush a bit, "Yeah, well have a nice day." I say and walk off to continue shopping.

I keep thinking back to the man. He was cute.

Dammit! I should of said more! Maybe even got his number.

I finish shopping and  go to check out.

I get in line and then notice who's in front of me.

It's the same guy from before!

Should I say something? Maybe invite him for lunch?

I begin to stare at him and all his features.

His hair, his eyes, his chest, and his smile.

His lovely smile.

He looks at me and I quickly look away.

Dammit! He caught me staring!

"Hey again." he says and smiles at me.

"H-Hey." I say. Should I have said more?

"Funny how we're in the same check out lane now too." he says with a laugh.

"Yeah. Maybe we're meant to get to know each other." I say with a small laugh.

Was I too straight forward?! Am I scaring him away?!

"Yeah, well maybe you wanna give me a call and we hangout sometime?" he says and writes on a piece of paper and gives it to me.

"Yeah! Sure!" I say and put the paper in my pocket.

The man finishes checking out, "Oh by the way. My names William, William Afton." he says.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." I say with a smile.

"What a handsome name." William says and leaves.

I get my stuff checked out and leave the store.

"Wow... I actually got a guys number!" I say to myself as I'm driving home.

I get home and quickly put away everything I bought and got the paper out of my pocket.

"666-999-6969, Got it!" I say and get out my phone to dial it.

(Please don't call that number XD I just randomly typed it)

I put in the numbers and hit call.

I get nervous and take deep breathes as the phone rings.

"I really hope he didn't give me a fake number." I say to myself in my head.

"Hello this is William Afton." he says.

"Hey William! It's me Y/n." I say excited.

"Oh! That hot guy from the store. Hey Y/n." William says.

I blush bright red! He thinks I'm hot?!

"Y-Yeah. So I was thinking we could get together for coffee this afternoon?" I say kinda nervous.

"Sure! How about the one on Y/st?" (Your/Street) He asks.

"Yeah! Sure! See you there at 4." I say.

"See ya hot stuff." William says and hangs up.

I blush madly. Does he really think I'm hot?!

I take a shower and comb my hair before picking out a f/c shirt and f/c pants.

I take one last look in the mirror before heading out and walking to the coffee shop.

I walk in and see William sitting at a table.

I take a deep breath and sit down across from him.

"Hey William, hope I didn't keep you waiting." I say.

"No, I just got here not to long ago. And please call me Will." he says and smiles.

"Okay Will." I say.

We order our coffee and some bread.

"So... Y/n you single?" Will asks.

I blush slightly at the question, "Yeah, and you?" I ask.

"Yep, been looking for someone for about three months." he says and sips his coffee.

"Ten months." I say and eat a piece of bread.

"Well I might just a lucky guy." Will said, "We're both single and hot... Well do you think I'm hot?"

I blush more, "Y-Yeah." I say kinda quiet.

Will chuckles a bit, "you're cute when you get all shy like that." he says and moves to sit next to me.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Wanna head back to my place?" he asks.

I nod, "S-Sure." I say and we get up.

Will pays and we leave.

"I had the money to pay Will." I say as we walk.

"It's fine, you can pay me back when we get to my place." he says with a smirk.

I blush bright red knowing what he means by that.

We make it back to Will's place and sit on the couch.

He has a really nice house, for only having one small job.

"Want a drink?" Will asks.

"What do you have?" I ask.

"I have some cheap whiskey or vodka?" Will says.

(I know most of the people reading this are underage, but who cares)

"whiskey/vodka is fine." I say. (Choose one)

"Got it." he says and walks away.

He comes back with our drinks and we sit on the couch together.

~A Few Drinks Later~

I start to feel a bit tipsy.

"I... I think I should get home." I say and try to stand.

Will grabs me and pulls me onto his lap.

"Stay here for the night. You could get hurt out there like this." he says.

I feel his hot breath on my neck. It sends a shiver down my spine.

Will then softly bites my neck before kissing it.

I bite my lip and lean my head so he has better access to my neck.

Will kisses around my neck till he finds my sweet spot.

I let out a small moan when he begins to suck there.

He turns me around to face him and picks me up, "Let's take this to my room~" he says and carries me to his room.

He lays me down on his bed and continues to kiss and bite my neck.

I start to pull down his pants with my feet.

Will stops and looks at me smirking.

He takes off his pants fully and his shirt.

I blush and he begins to take off my pants.

I take off my shirt and soon enough our boxers were also off.

I look at the size of his member. It's huge! No way it'll go in.

Will leans down to my ear and whispers, "Get me nice and wet so it'll go in easier."

I nod and Will lays back on the bed and I get close to his member.

I take a deep breath and put his member in my mouth.

I slowly begin to bob my head up and down.

Will moans as I go a little faster getting used to his size.

I then decide to try and deep throat his member.

I gag a bit but I kept doing it.

Will grabs the bad of my head and pulled my head up.

"Don't make me come yet~" he says and makes me lay on my back.

He then positions himself in front of my hole.

"You ready hot stuff?~" he asks.

I nod and Will slowly enters his member in me.

I grip the sheets tightly as he goes deeper and deeper inside me.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine. Just start~" I say.

Will the begins thrusting and I let out a moan.

I moan more and more as he goes faster.

~Time skip to the next morning~

I open my eyes and stretch as I wake up.

I look around and realize that I'm not in my room.

I look over to my side and see Will spread out naked.

I blush and recall the events of last night.

Will shifts and grabs my waist.

He pulls me down, "Stay a bit longer." he says and snuggles up to me.

"Okay." I say and lay there.

Me and Will stayed there for a while and then finally got up and had breakfast.

Me and Will started dating and I soon moved in with him.


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