Letter to seller of home from buyer sample

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  • Free Personal Letter to a Home Seller (Sample)

Many people, who are buying a home through a real estate agent, choose to include a real estate offer letter along with the formal offer by the agent. 

The aim of these letters is to make the offer stand out from the rest, and these letters have proven to be very successful in many situations. 

There is no guarantee that a personal real estate offer letter will convince the seller to accept the offer. However, the letter should contain certain points that will give it a chance to be successful. 

  1. The letter should open with a compliment of the home. This may be a kind of flattery, but it often puts the seller in a good frame of mind towards the buyer. The kind of compliments will depend on the type of house and the lifestyle of the buyer.

    For example, a couple may say the house if perfect for their home business or collection of wine. A family person may say their children would love the big backyard, and the kitchen cum family room is perfect for their family.

    The buyer may also compliment the beautiful garden that they will certainly maintain, or the artisanship of the kitchen cabinets. There is a good chance that the owner will prefer to sell to someone who appreciates the house and will maintain it.

  2. The offer that the real estate agent sends will most likely not contain any personal information. The letter is a chance to tell the seller about the buyer. This means whether the buyer is a couple or family, what the buyer does for a living, if there are any children.

    If the seller has lived in the house for years, he or she may be happy to think a young family will be living there, and intends to stay there for a long time.

  3. While playing on the emotions of the seller is a good idea, it is also important to convince the buyer that the offer is good financially. Some information that may help is if the buyer has pre-approval from a lending institution or is able to give a bigger down payment.

    Other details may include the willingness to close on a particular date that is convenient for the seller. When the seller sees that a buyer is willing to make the sale convenient for the seller, he or she may be more disposed to go with an offer that seems more responsible.

  4. It is also a good idea for the buyer to show that he or she is knowledgeable about the market value of the home. This is especially important if the buyer is making an offer that is lower than the asking price.

    The buyer or the real estate agent should research other comparable houses in the area and check their prices and features. If they have a lower price than the seller’s asking price, the buyer can mention in the letter that he or she feels their offer is fair because of the market value in the neighborhood.

    Sellers usually want to get as much as possible for their property, but they may also not have reasonable expectations. Mentioning the local market value as a justification for a slightly lower offer may educate the seller.

Letter to seller of home from buyer sample

Below is a sample personal letter to a home seller. It is important to include some of all of the above points, but the letter should not be long or wordy. It should be kept to one page if possible. 

It should be written in formal business letter style and sent by certified mail if it is not enclosed with the real estate agent’s offer.

Sample Personal Letter To Home Seller

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


Name of Seller
Address of Seller
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Name of Seller]:

Thank you for considering our offer to purchase your home. We have been looking for a new home for six months and were so happy when we saw your house for sale in exactly the neighborhood we wanted.

We especially love the backyard barbecue area and garden and would have many enjoyable evenings there even in the winter as we are moving to sunny California from Vermont. The fact that the house is within walking distance of downtown is another advantage.

My wife and I both have high credit ratings and we have pre-approval for the mortgage. We are also able to make a 20 percent down payment immediately. 

We both have jobs in the locality, my wife is a teacher and I am a software engineer. We have two young children and believe they will have ideal childhoods growing up in your home.

Thank you again for considering our offer. We genuinely hope we will be able to live in your home for years to come.


Your Name

Letter to seller of home from buyer sample

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What to write in a letter to the seller of a home?

How to Write a Dear Home Seller Letter.
Introduce yourself. Start your cover letter with a friendly greeting and a little bit about who you are. ... .
Tell them what you like about the home. Be specific. ... .
Explain your offer. ... .
Be sincere. ... .
Don't get too personal..

Can a potential buyer write a letter to the seller?

THE ANSWER While writing a 'love letter' to a home seller isn't illegal, the National Association of Realtors advises against it, arguing it could be a legal liability because of concerns about discrimination.

Do people write letters to sellers when buying a house?

"I usually have my buyers write a letter to make sure that they can tell the sellers a little bit about themselves and kind of help to make them stand out." "That's just a little extra thing that you can do that may make things work in your favour."

How do you say thank you to a seller?

Include a brief, personal point about why you're thankful for the relationship you've built. Maybe the seller was particularly courteous or funny. You spent quality time with them, there should be something that honestly stood out to you.