James patterson womens club series in order

The women murder club features four main characters Cindy Thomas, a reporter working for the San Francisco Chronicle, Lindsay Boxer, a homicide detective for the San Francisco police, Claire Washburn, Chief medical examiner with the San Francisco medical department and Yuki Castellano working with the San Francisco district attorneys office.

1st To Die
The leader of the group Lindsay Boxer is a San Francisco detective divorced and married again to Joseph Molinari a longtime boyfriend. She has a sister named Cat and her father Marty is a member of the San Francisco police department. When a serial killer brutally murders David and Melanie Brandt, Lindsay takes up the case and in the investigation meets two members of the women murder club; Yoki and Cindy. The Women’s murder club is born. In addition, this is where Lindsay gets romantically attracted to her partner Chris Raleigh. Will the women murder club be able to solve the case and will Lindsay be able to get over her personal problems?

2nd Chance
In this book family members of several san Francisco police are found dead and the women murder club is determined to uncover who ever is doing the killings. It is the task of the women murder club together with assistant district Attorney Jill Bernhardt to track the killer down before he kills again. In this book, we are introduced to the first challenge of the Women murder club as a group.

3rd Degree
In this part of the book, the Women murder club must track down a group of terrorists who are on a killing spree, which began when they blew up a townhouse killing all the members of the residing family. In the meantime, Jill is murdered and we are introduced to Joe Molinari for the first time.

4th of July
Lindsay is leaving San Francisco. After she is accused of police brutality, Lindsay makes a decision to leave San Francisco for a while to cool but she encounters a killing spree that she must solve before heading back to San Francisco. Meanwhile in San Francisco the other members of the women murder club are dedicating their time to help Lindsay prepare for trial hoping she will be found innocent.

5th Horseman
Lindsay is over her police brutality charges but before the women can relax, another case awaits them. San Francisco medical centre is under mysterious attack, patients declared health enough to go home are being murdered. The women murder club begins their own investigation though this might prove futile due to the great number of suspects.

6th Target
One of the members of the women murder club is shot in the middle of the city when a gunman opens fire to innocent civilians; the women murder club is desperate to identify the individual. Meanwhile in a different part of the city a kidnapper is targeting little children and their nannies then demanding ransom. The women murder club must identify the culprit before he strikes again in the city now full of fear due to the two incidents.

7th Heaven
Lindsay Boxer is determined to find the truth in two gruesome activities occurring in San Francisco. The former California’s governor son disappears and there are suspicions that he is dead or kidnapped. In the interim, a dangerous and sadistic arsonist is targeting houses belonging to the rich in San Francisco and burning the owners inside. The two cases are intriguing and it is the duty of Lindsay to figure out before it is too late.

8th Confession
Who will confess? In this chapter of the women murder club, atrocious behavior is at its highest in the city. A serial killer is murdering the rich people of San Francisco and the evidence is extremely vague. Meanwhile a preacher from the San Francisco is brutally attacked, beaten, and left for death. In the women murder club, wrangles are at a high and the group is threatening to break due to surprising romance. These are trying times.

9th Judgment
With the dire consequences of the 8th confession, Lindsay could do with some rest. However, she is up on her toes again when a young mother and her baby are brutally attacked and shot down as they were exiting a shopping mall. The only evidence left is messages scrawled on the windshield of her car with lipstick, will the women murder club manage to tackle this one?

10th Anniversary
The greatest moment in the life of Lindsay Boxer, she is getting married to Joe Malinori her long-term boyfriend. However, the celebrations soon turn to mourning when a teenage mother is ruthlessly attacked and her newborn baby taken. There is no evidence available and the women murder club must try to put the pieces together, is the victim hiding something?

11th Hour
Lindsay is full of joy since she has finally gotten pregnant but this does not mean her work slows a bit. Lindsay is faced with a situation where she might find herself investigation her closest friends when millionaire Chaz Smith is murdered with a weapon retrieved from her owns department evidence locker and linked to the deaths of four dangerous San Francisco criminals.

12th of Never
Another great event is happening in Lindsay Boxers life, she has given birth to her baby, but like always, her life is interrupted when she has to deal with dangerous cases.

Unlucky 13
Life is great and once in along time normal for Lindsay Boxer. She greatly indulges in her life as a mother and her friends are full of life, showing grate love to her baby things could not be more jovial. However, something gruesome happens.

14 Deadly sin
Impersonation is happening in San Francisco. A group of dangerous individuals is on a killing spree in the city dressed as police officers. After the ordeal the women just went through will they be able to handle this new case?

The series represent a strong, dedicated, and intelligent mother and detective Lindsay Boxer. She has to face dangerous criminals, maintain the leadership of the women murder club while at the same time be a good mother to her baby.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Womens Murder Club

One Response to “Womens Murder Club”

  1. Rosanne Griffith: 2 years ago

    i heard all the previous books. could not wait for the next ones. And then they ended. I was sad to see that happen. But now I get to start again Thanks

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