Is white rice good for a diabetic

  • Take a big bowl and add rice to it. Wash the rice properly.
  • Fetch a pan and boil some water in it. The water you take must be three times the quantity of rice you are looking forward to cooking.
  • Now add washed rice to the boiling water. Cook on a medium flame for around 5-6 minutes.
  • When your rice begins to boil, you will find a lathered and thick creamy matter starting to float on the surface of the water. The matter we are talking about is starch.
  • Let the rice cook till you get a reduced quantity of water in the pan. You will find grains of rice floating on the water’s surface.
  • Confirm whether the rice is cooked. If you find them soft and tender, it means they are cooked.
  • Now turn the flame off and remove the pan from the stove. Now draw off the excess water (starchy water) from the pan.
  • The starch-free rice is ready to be eaten. Serve them accompanied with vegetables, dal, or curries.

Enjoy eating rice (both white and brown rice). Make sure you are having it in moderation. Ensure to keep your blood sugar levels in control. STAY UNBEATABLE!

Check the recipe of Brown Rice Veg Biryani for diabetics.

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Can I eat white rice with diabetes?

Rice is rich in carbohydrates and can have a high GI score. If you have diabetes, you may think that you need to skip it at dinner, but this isn't always the case. You can still eat rice if you have diabetes. You should avoid eating it in large portions or too frequently, though.

Which kind of rice is the best for diabetics?

Wholegrain Basmati rice has the lowest GI (glycaemic index) of all rice types, which means once digested it releases its energy slowly keeping blood sugar levels more stable, which is a crucial part of diabetes management.

What kind of rice can a Type 2 diabetic eat?

Share on Pinterest In moderation, some types of rice can be healthful for people with diabetes. It is best to choose brown or wild rice because these types have a higher fiber content than white rice, so it takes longer for the body to digest them.

What rice is good for lowering sugar?

Refined carbohydrates like white rice have a high glycemic index, which causes rapid spikes in blood sugar that increase diabetes risk. Foods with a lower glycemic index, like brown rice, are digested more slowly, causing a lower and gentler change in blood sugar.


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