Is it better to file for divorce first in texas

Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First in Texas?

When it comes to divorce proceedings, you will officially be treated the same whether you are the petitioner (the person who originally filed for divorce) or the respondent (the person who receives the petition). While this is technically true, there are still a number of advantages, and a few key disadvantages, associated with filing first. If you considering a divorce and you are unsure of whether to file first or not, take a look at the following list to determine what the best move for yourself would be.

Advantages of Filing First

  • Damage control: If you fear a crisis, such as your spouse taking your children, claiming property that is not theirs, or abandoning you, then filing for divorce first can help manage the situation. A Temporary Orders Hearing, which you can request when you file for divorce, can stipulate how you and your spouse behave during the divorce proceedings before long-term arrangements can be made. The Temporary Orders can include orders about residency, bills, spousal support, child visitation, child custody, and property.
  • Logistical Power: If you are the one to file, you have a significant advantage in terms of scheduling and timing. You can discuss your situation and make preparations with a lawyer before you even file. You can wait until you are financially and emotionally ready before you file. Additionally, as the petitioner, you get the power to schedule hearings at times that work best for you.
  • Set the Tone: This advantage is not permanent, because you cannot control what your spouse does. However, whether you file a fault or no-fault divorce can impact how your divorce proceedings play out. Filing a no-fault divorce may encourage your spouse not to contest your claim, which can help lead to an amicable divorce. Of course, your spouse can change the divorce type in their response, but by filing first, you can lower (or raise, if that’s your prerogative) tensions.
  • Speak First in Court: In the rare event that your divorce makes it to court, the petitioner always speaks first. This means that you get to tell your side of the story first, which can help sway the judge in your favor.

Disadvantages of Filing First

  • Higher Fees: The petitioner is required to pay the filing fee, which is a rather hefty $300, approximately. Meanwhile, the fee for filing a response is much lower, a mere $40, approximately. This fee can sometimes make it financially impossible to be the first one to file for divorce.
  • Speak First in Court: Confusingly, speaking first in court is both an advantage and a disadvantage. While being the first one to share your side of the story can be good, it can be equally good to be able to hear what your spouse has to say and respond to it.

Clearly, whether or not it is best to file for divorce first depends largely on your particular situation. However, even if you determine that you should file first but your spouse beats you to it, it is not the end of the world. With the help of an experienced divorce attorney, the advantages associated with filing first more or less become negligible.

Contact Us

If you are considering filing for divorce in Texas, or if your spouse has already served a divorce petition to you, then you should contact the San Antonio divorce lawyers at Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P.. We know that divorce, no matter how amicable, is a sad, stressful, and overall unpleasant experience. We have dedicated our careers to making this process go as smoothly and painlessly as possible for you. We have the knowledge and experience needed to effectively negotiate any dispute regarding property division, child visitation and custody, and spousal support. To learn more about how we can help you through this trying time, give us a call at (210) 349-9933 today.

Texas is one of a handful of U.S. states that is a “community property state.” This means that the assets and property acquired during the marriage are generally considered to be owned 50/50 between spouses.

Therefore, if you are wondering, “Does it matter who files for divorce first in Texas?” the answer is that there is nothing in the law that inherently favors either party. However, there are still advantages afforded to the person that initiates the divorce.

Let’s examine the advantages of being the party that files for divorce. First, though, it’s important to understand the role assigned to each party in the divorce process.

Establish the Petitioner and Respondent in a Texas Divorce

In Texas, the petitioner originates a divorce, and the petitioner will name the respondent to the divorce. This is important because you and your spouse cannot jointly file a divorce together, even if the divorce is amicable and agreed upon by both parties. One party must be the petitioner, and the other party must be the respondent.

If you are the petitioner, then you will file an Original Petition of Divorce. This petition will include specific information such as:

  • The grounds for the divorce (Texas is a no-fault state where neither party has to be at fault to proceed with a divorce.)
  • Whether you have children through the marriage
  • The level of discovery that will be required during the divorce process
  • The jurisdiction where you are filing for divorce
  • Other pertinent information that you will need to provide

Your spouse will then be served with divorce papers – unless they waive their right to be served. (That decision carries its own set of consequences, as we cover in this article.)

Those are some of the initial steps involved in the divorce process in Texas. As the petitioner, there are certain advantages of being the person to initiate the divorce legally.

Advantages of Filing for Divorce First in Texas

In general, the petitioner has the opportunity to set the tone of the divorce. You state the grounds for the divorce, you can make certain requests regarding child custody and possession, you can ask the court to make appropriate provisions for child support, and you can provide other information from your perspective.

For example, the petition for divorce includes a section on “Possession of and Access to the Child/ren (Visitation).” You can use this section to make specific requests to the court about visitation orders for your spouse.

In this section, you can request that the other party have standard visitation rights, or you can claim that standard visitation would be “unworkable or inappropriate.” You then have the opportunity to explain why possession and access to the children is not a good idea (e.g., you are concerned about the safety of your children with your spouse).

You should expect that you will eventually have to defend these claims in court by providing ample evidence. However, you can set the table at the outset as the petitioner.

Do You Need to Request a Temporary Order?

Another advantage of originating the divorce petition is that you can request a temporary order restricting your spouse’s actions if needed. This order will protect the property and assets in the marriage and/or the people involved in the divorce (yourself and/or your children).

– Protecting property: When filing the petition for divorce, you can simultaneously request that the court issue a restraining order preventing your spouse from selling assets, hiding assets, draining bank accounts, damaging property, incurring exceptional debts, or performing other actions that would negatively impact the value of assets and property that will be divided during the divorce.

With Texas being a community property state where assets are expected to be divided evenly, taking this action will help protect your interests as you prepare to launch into post-divorce life.

– Protecting people: You can also petition the court to issue a protective order that would protect you and/or your children from harm.

If your spouse has displayed aggressive behavior that has caused you to fear for the safety of you and your family, then you can request a temporary restraining order (TRO). This temporary order will set you on the path to obtaining a protective order that will provide you with a greater level of protection.

Work With a Family Law Attorney to Support Your Divorce Filing

While Texas law is designed to not show favoritism to either party in a divorce, there are certainly advantages to being the party that files for divorce first. As an expert in family law, I can help you arrive in the best possible position going through the divorce process.

– For petitioners: If you are the petitioner that initiates the divorce, then I can help you complete the Original Petition for Divorce, walk you through the divorce process to set expectations, help you start the process of gathering evidence, and represent you throughout the divorce process.

– For respondents: If you are the respondent that is concerned about your position in the divorce process, I can also help you. I will defend your rights in the divorce, work hard to protect your assets, and help you enter post-divorce life in the best possible position.

As a family law attorney, I have helped countless petitioners and respondents navigate the legalities of a divorce in Texas. If you live in Fort Bend County, Brazoria County, or Harris County, then I recommend that you contact me to discuss your situation.Call my offices at 281-944-5485 or 979-267-7660 to further discuss why it matters who files for divorce first in Texas. I am here to help you throughout this process.

Is it better to be the one to file for divorce in Texas?

In Texas, it generally does not matter which party files first. However, it may still be beneficial to be the filing party. This depends on your circumstances, and every case is different. If you have any questions, you should speak with your divorce attorney about what is best for you.

Why is it important to file for divorce first in Texas?

One advantage to filing first is that you get to talk first in court. That can be an advantage at times, but other times it is advantageous to talk second and get the last word in. Another advantage is that if you file first, you can set the initial tone and the speed of the case.

How long do you have to be separated before you can file for divorce in Texas?

Texas does not recognize legal separation. However, separation for a period of at least three years is one of the grounds for divorce in Texas. Living separately and apart means living in different residences.

Does it make a difference who files for divorce in Texas?

For the most part, it doesn't matter who files a Texas divorce case – you or your spouse. You both have the right to assert your rights and defenses. These rights and defenses include contesting the grounds for divorce, the division of the property, spousal support, child custody, and child support.