Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Trying to decide what to get from Starbucks? Looking to try something new? I love having coffee every morning, but it can get boring having the same thing every day. Whenever I go to Starbucks I usually order something from this list of drinks. The rest of the drinks mentioned are all recommendations from a Starbucks barista who has tried it all!

No matter what kind of teas or coffees you like, you are sure to find a new go-to drink from this list.

  • Iced White Chocolate Mocha w/ Sweet Cream Foam + Strawberry Puree Blended
  • Iced Chai Tea Latte
  • Iced Americano w/ 3 pumps Irish cream Syrup + Vanilla Sweet Cream Foam
  • Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte w/ Sweet Cream Foam
  • Black Ice Tea w/ Classic Syrup (instead of liquid cane) + Lemonade
  • Blonde Double Shot On Ice w/ 4 Pumps White Mocha Syrup (instead of classic syrup) + Half and Half
  • Cinnamon Dolce Latte w/almond or whole milk
  • Very Berry Hibiscus
  • Iced Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold brew
  • Recap of Starbucks Drinks You Have to Try

Iced White Chocolate Mocha w/ Sweet Cream Foam + Strawberry Puree Blended

It tastes like a white chocolate-covered strawberry! With the add-ons it is super sweet, so beware. However, if you are more into milk chocolate you can order it the same way but as a regular mocha instead of white chocolate. It’s definitely a mouthful to order and I feel like I’m annoying the barista with such a long order, but my barista friend assured me that even she orders this all the time.

How to order: Can I get an iced white chocolate mocha with sweet cream cold foam and strawberry puree blended in no whip?

Iced Chai Tea Latte

Chai actually means tea, so when ordering this most people are asking for a “tea tea latte.” If you are looking to fix the way you order it you can just say chai latte. This drink is made of black tea with hints of cinnamon. I’m not a huge fan of tea, but even I think this drink is delicious.

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Iced Americano w/ 3 pumps Irish cream Syrup + Vanilla Sweet Cream Foam

According to my barista friend, she believes this tastes like a chocolate cake. Similar to Trader Joe’s gluten-free chocolate cake. It sounds weird considering you are adding vanilla sweet cream foam to the Americano, but it makes for a perfect match. If you are a fan of the Irish Cream Cold Brew, you’ll probably love this drink since it contains the same syrup.

How to order: Can I get an iced Americano with 3 pumps Irish cream syrup and vanilla sweet cream cold foam?

Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte w/ Sweet Cream Foam

This is actually my sister’s favorite drink! She loves matcha and thinks the sweet cream foam gives it an extra burst of flavor that is to die for. It’s creamy and still gives you that energy boost without having to drink coffee. The base is made up of matcha powder and ice. The sweet cream foam is heavy whipping cream, 2% milk, and vanilla syrup. So if you are dairy-free, keep that in mind.

A lot of the times matcha gets stuck at the bottom, so if you really want a strong matcha flavor, ask for extra. This drink is also on the sweet side, so if you don’t have a huge sweet tooth I would avoid it.

If you want to try matcha for the first time, I would try out this drink since it isn’t too strong. However, by adding extra powder, I think this is the drink for all matcha and green tea lovers.

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Black Ice Tea w/ Classic Syrup (instead of liquid cane) + Lemonade

If you aren’t much of a tea drinker but want to try something out this is the drink for you. Black tea by itself can be pretty plain, so it’s good to add in the lemonade for tartness. That way your drink ends up being a type of Arnold Palmer, with some Starbucks classic syrup. The liquid cane they use is decent, but by adding classic instead it takes the drink to another level.

How to order: Can I get a black ice tea with classic instead of liquid cane and lemonade?

Blonde Double Shot On Ice w/ 4 Pumps White Mocha Syrup (instead of classic syrup) + Half and Half

If you are a fan of the Starbucks blonde coffee, you will enjoy this. It gives you all the caffeine you need with a double shot. As well as tons of sugar from the syrup to get rid of that bitter flavor.

How to order: Can I get a blonde double shot on ice with 4 pumps of white mocha syrup instead of classic syrup and half and half?

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Cinnamon Dolce Latte w/almond or whole milk

If you like sweet and cinnamon, this is the drink for you. It tastes like a cinnamon roll, especially when you choose almond milk. Typically by adding almond milk to any drink it will make it a little sweeter. Most people already think it’s a little on the sweet side, so if you don’t have much of a sweet tooth you can ask for fewer pumps of syrup.

You can also ask for sugar-free syrup if that’s a concern!

Very Berry Hibiscus

This is a Starbucks refresher that’s super popular. Hibiscus is a plant that is used in many drinks as a detoxifier. It’s supposed to be really good for your kidneys and help them flush out. This drink is very refreshing and great to drink on a hot day. It has a little bit of a naturally sweet flavor from the added berries and a hint of Jamaica flavor from the Hibiscus. If you like Jamaica, you’ll like this drink as well.

You can also ask for lemonade in your drink for added flavor. Sometimes the hibiscus and berry flavor can be watered down, but by adding the lemonade you can get rid of that issue.

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Iced Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold brew

If you need a boost of energy to prepare for your day, go with this drink. A cold brew is perfect for that caffeinated feeling to get through midterms, a rough day at work, etc. The vanilla sweet cream foam gives the drink all the sugar necessary so it doesn’t feel like you are drinking straight-up coffee. Personally, I always need some sugar or syrup to help with the bitterness of coffee. I can’t drink it black, so the vanilla sweet cream cold brew is perfect for a balance of coffee flavor and sugar.

If you are a cold brew fan, you should also check out my Starbucks Cold Brew Orders list!

Iced chai tea latte with strawberry puree cold foam

Those were all of my best Starbucks drink recommendations! Almost all of these drinks are iced recommendations because I live in LA and it’s warm most of the time. I also don’t like hot drinks for the most part. However, you can have most of these options hot if you prefer.

Are there any Starbucks drinks you love that aren’t on the list? What is your go-to order?

Celeste Lili is a student + lifestyle blogger and Content/SEO marketer. She loves to write blog posts that provide value to college and high school students about productivity and lifestyle.

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Is iced chai tea latte good with cold foam?

I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads. And during the fall season an iced chai with pumpkin cream cold foam is my go-to Starbucks order. As you can see, I tried her drink recommendation. And it turns out, a topping of matcha cold foam on an iced chai latte is delicious!

Is sweet cream cold foam good with chai?

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam is best with cold brews, but it is an amazing addition to any iced coffee. I highly recommend it with an iced chai latte, which you can easily make at home using my Chai Concentrate and 2% milk.

Does Starbucks have strawberry puree cold foam?

Questions You May Have Strawberry cold foam is vanilla sweet cream cold foam blended with strawberry puree sauce. It's not an official Starbucks menu item so you must order it in person.

What is strawberry puree at Starbucks?

Strawberry puree sauce Sweetened strawberries are made into a smooth sauce by using a food processor or blender. Starbucks puree includes white grape juice concentrate.