I wouldnt be able to make it

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To express the idea of "not beeing able to do something" can we say "couldn't do it"...I give you an example:

(situation: people are at a party)
- Richard has to get up at 5am tomorrow!
- After this party I wouldn't be able to get up so early!!

Can we replace the second sentence (without changing the meaning) by:
-After this party I couldn't get up so early!! (I'd say that this sentence has not the same meaning, but Im not sure...)

Thanks for your help

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Sentence examples similar to the meaning of would not be able to make it today from inspiring English sources

My body wouldn't be able to cope with another Olympics and I wouldn't be able to make it.

"Only the lazy would not be able to make money".

If he had stayed with the same technologies, he would not be able to make advances.

"This really does increase the number of observations that experts alone would not be able to make," said Dr Slawson.

Even a "reflexive governance" [4] would not be able to make sense of this extreme constellation.

Otherwise I would not be able to make films".

Last minute guest may not be able to make it.

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Hello, this is Ludwig!

Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it. Learn More

Sentence examples for wouldn't be able to come from inspiring English sources

"We wouldn't be able to come in, not even to pee.

I wouldn't be able to come in if I had a wart on my nose".

I realised then and there I wouldn't be able to come to terms with an abortion.

"It would be absolutely disastrous because my family wouldn't be able to come and see me.

I wouldn't be able to come up with an idea like this.

Our afternoon performance would be unaffected, but the miners on the day shift wouldn't be able to come.

I knew I'd have to hand over my access card, and I wouldn't be able to come in anymore.

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Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources.


Would not be able to make it meaning?

phrase. If you cannot make it, you are unable to attend an event that you have been invited to.

How do you say we wont be able to make it?

How to Say “No” for Any Reason at All!.
I wish I could make it work..
I wish I were able to..
I'd rather not..
I'm afraid I can't..
If only I could!.
No thanks, I won't be able to make it..
Not this time..
Unfortunately, it's not a good time..

Will not be able or would not be able?

Will not be able to simply refers to the future, without any presupposition. Would not be able to refers to the past tense of phoned and explained, so it's a standard indirect speech tactic.

What does I wont be able to mean?

“I won't be able to” means I will not (in the future) have the ability (I am too busy or I am unable to do what is required, I am ill or something.

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