I got pregnant on the depo shot


28/02/2012 at 9:24 am

hey has any one got pregnant on the depo or no of any one getin pregnant on it?

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28/02/2012 at 9:27 am

If you get it on time it's not likely, but nothing is 100% so it's not impossible.

Sorry that's not much help, if you are worried though take a pregnancy test.

I had the depo for 6 months after I had my son and it was a pain, it always gave me pregnancy symptoms, the amount of tests I took was unreal lol.


28/02/2012 at 9:34 am

i have been on it for a while now i am normaly fine on it but for a week now i have been feelin sick and tired i always get my depo on time mayb its just me lol i mite just get a test just incase me and my new partner have alot of sex
mayb i am just worryin about it lol thanks tho hun x

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28/02/2012 at 9:48 am

hey has any one got pregnant on the depo or no of any one getin pregnant on it?

Hi Charlotte.

I was on the depo for 4 years, never missed it once, was never even a day late in getting it - was always 12 weeks to the day as my family planning only ran the one clinic on a Tuesday.  I fell pregnant last February while on it.  The man I saw at the clinic had been a family planning doctor for 24 years and had never heard of it happening before but he could see my records and see that I'd never missed it.

Nothing is 100% but it is so, so unusual to fall while on depo (if you're taking it correctly).

It can give you pregnancy like symptoms tho - I've just started back on it and have done 2 tests already lol - paranoid I think lol.

If you're worried do a test and that will put your mind at rest



28/02/2012 at 10:00 am

ok, c i have never felt pregnant while on it lol i wounder cos the doctor gave me antibiotics a few weeks ago can this afect the depo do u no? yes think i will get one just incase i already have 2 kids dont think i could cope with one more just yet lol thanks x


28/02/2012 at 10:05 am

ok, c i have never felt pregnant while on it lol i wounder cos the doctor gave me antibiotics a few weeks ago can this afect the depo do u no? yes think i will get one just incase i already have 2 kids dont think i could cope with one more just yet lol thanks x

I don't think it effects the depo I think it's just the pill that antibiotics effect.

Get a test done! Let us know how you get on


28/02/2012 at 10:05 am

ok, c i have never felt pregnant while on it lol i wounder cos the doctor gave me antibiotics a few weeks ago can this afect the depo do u no? yes think i will get one just incase i already have 2 kids dont think i could cope with one more just yet lol thanks x

As far as I know antibiotics shouldn't affect it hun, so you should be fine.  You'll just be worrying yourself sick about nothing

 Get that test done and then you can relax xxx


28/02/2012 at 10:28 am

o ok i did not no that thanks guys i will let u no how i get on



28/02/2012 at 10:54 am

yep. I was on the depo but it made me bleed loads so I was prescribed the mini pill to take alongside it, plus I was using condoms and I fell pregnant with my son or my daughter I forget which........but it was one of them lol.

The other I fell pregnant with whilst using the contraceptive patch and the mini pill (again to stop bleeding).

No contraception is 100% and if you are highly firtile like I used to be then even doubling up doesnt work sometimes

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28/02/2012 at 11:03 am

yep. I was on the depo but it made me bleed loads so I was prescribed the mini pill to take alongside it, plus I was using condoms and I fell pregnant with my son or my daughter I forget which........but it was one of them lol.

The other I fell pregnant with whilst using the contraceptive patch and the mini pill (again to stop bleeding).

No contraception is 100% and if you are highly firtile like I used to be then even doubling up doesnt work sometimes

[INDENT][SUB][/SUB][/INDENT]really wow just gos to show sum things dont work for others i dont bleed at all on my depo thats the thing lol but i dont like to bleed any way thats why i went on the depo.

when i cum off my depo when tryin for my second it took 7 months i thought there was sum thing wrong with me lol.

i have only been with my new fella for 6 weeks so i hope i am not tbh mayb one day just not yet lol i can just about handle the 2 i have got lol.

thanks for that charlotte x


01/06/2012 at 4:07 pm

my husband is in a carehome because the court put him there because of a crime he did 18 years ago and they will not let him have home visits unless i have the depo shot and i dont get them on time  i want to know is there any chances of the depo shot breaking and he can get me pregnt


01/06/2012 at 4:12 pm

I got caught with both my girls on the depo

One boy on the pill.. and the other two boys.. well it was a case of why flipping bother


03/08/2014 at 8:25 pm

I have been on depo since may and now i am due it again at end of the month but i am having pains feeling sick and heart burn and sleeping... and i dont no what to do as i have never been on this before?

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Claire K(506)

13/10/2014 at 8:42 pm

I was on depo for 7 years, I came off for 18 months and conceived my son in 2013. I went back on depo at his six week check, 18 months ago. I have my depo exactly 12 weeks apart. I have irregular bleeding/ period. This month I  noticed cervical mucous, a clear stretchy discharge, does this mean I am ovulating, as I though you couldn't ovulate on the depo. I know this is as I was montering it when tcc. And had pelvic pain. I had intercourse the same day as ovulation (?) and the same day my depo was due. Could I be pregnant?


23/10/2014 at 9:33 am

I am on the depo i all ready got five children three boys two girls. After haveing my last son i got depo because dont want no more lol after reading these im thinking i should do a test. iv been on depo nearly 12 weeks due next one next week. I have been bleeding most of the last 11 weeks on an off just lightly spotting. i have not been thinking nothink of it till last four days i been getting bad hart burn an fancying things  an tired all the time i did do a test four days ago there was a faint line but then after 30 mins it was gone might been case of being cheap test. i have been ill with a chest infection an flu iv been on amoxicillin an some other pain killers  i dont think the pills i been taken would effect the depo. oooo i dont want to be pregs again.  but we see im guttin for punishment lol

How will I know if I'm pregnant on the depo shot?

Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy Women who get pregnant while using birth control may notice the following signs and symptoms: a missed period. implantation spotting or bleeding. tenderness or other changes in the breasts.

How likely is it to get pregnant on the depo shot?

When used perfectly, the birth control shot effectiveness is more than 99%, meaning less than 1 out of every 100 people who use it will get pregnant each year. But when it comes to real life, the shot is about 96% effective, because sometimes people forget to get their shots on time.

Can you get caught pregnant on the depo shot?

How effective is Depo-Provera®? Depo-Provera® is 96% effective in preventing pregnancy, which means that about four unplanned pregnancies will occur out of every 100 women every year. Women at greatest risk of accidental pregnancy while taking the birth control shot include younger women, such as adolescents (teens).


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