How to write an introduction letter for a teaching job

Whether you are sending out resumes hoping to land your first teaching job or looking to shift to a new school or district, one fact remains the same: all the best credentials, experience, and passion will go unnoticed without a strong cover letter. The main rule? Sell yourself the way a publicist would. Cover letters aren’t a time for modesty. They’re a time to highlight your accomplishments and make your passion for teaching known. Below you’ll find our tips for creating the best cover letter possible and our top 18 teacher cover letter and CV examples.

3 top tips for crafting a teacher CV or cover letter:

Keep it short and sweet.

You’ve only got about 30 seconds to capture a hiring director’s attention, so start with what we call “the elevator pitch.” Imagine you have the time between the elevators close on one floor and open again on a new floor to sell yourself. Instead of rehashing everything on your resume, use the space to craft a paragraph or two that will convince them you are a stand-out candidate and are worth moving on to the next step.

Emphasize why you’re a great match.

Read the job description and find the overlap between the skills you bring to the table with the skills they need. If the job description calls for certain qualities or uses specific language, repeat them in your cover letter! The ultimate goal for your cover letter is to say, “You’ve got a problem? I’m the ideal person to solve it.” Be professional and use concrete examples.


Tailor each and every cover letter to fit the specific school, district, and job for which you’re applying. Research the school and its culture. That way, you can address their expectations and also use specific examples of achievements in your history to show why you’re the right candidate for the position.

Top teacher cover letter examples:

1. First-time teacher

This letter is friendly and enthusiastic. It uses concrete examples and experiences related to student teaching while showcasing exactly why the applicant wants to become a teacher.

2. Another first-time teacher example

This version of a cover letter calls out the specific skills the applicant has and hopes to bring to the table.

3. Experienced elementary teacher

Not every teacher stays in their job until retirement. If you’re looking for a new position, your cover letter should clearly state your experience. This example also makes it obvious that the candidate researched the new district and discusses why she would be excited to join. The candidate also includes references at the bottom of the cover letter.

4. Another experienced elementary teacher

It doesn’t hurt to have additional examples! This teacher cover letter clearly showcases the school’s goals and addresses how this teacher specifically can help. She did her research!

5. Summer school teacher

As school gets out for summer, many teachers still need to earn an income. With competition tight, this cover letter stands out as the candidate states her qualifications as well as her ability to train other staff members.

6. Assistant teacher

With this letter, the applicant took a slightly different approach. The letter breaks down the most relevant accomplishments into bullet points. Those will jump out at the hiring manager, who will likely scan through a ton of applications.

7. Special education teacher

This letter is similar to a standard teacher cover letter, yet it also stresses the specific qualifications and experiences of a special ed teacher. For example, he included how he modified the curriculum to meet the needs of a wide range of learners. In this particular cover letter example, the teacher was looking to move into a leadership role, so this serves as a template for someone looking to transition into management as well.

8. School counselor

This cover letter emphasizes the applicant’s academic achievements, especially in regards to the psychology education required for many counselor positions. It also talks about the characteristics that make this person the ideal candidate for this position.

9. School guidance counselor

We liked this cover letter because it pulls specific metrics that are not n the resume—including the number of students worked with and the funding obtained for special needs programs.

10. Library media specialist

This cover letter oozes confidence! As with any specialist position, the candidate hones in on how her specific skills and background make her qualified for this role.

11. High school English teacher

This cover letter covers a lot of ground. It points out the candidate’s strength for teaching and assessing knowledge in the specific subject. It also presents the special techniques the candidate uses to teach students at the high school level.

12. Technology teacher

Taking a very professional approach to writing a cover letter shows that the contender is serious. This letter points out the specific skills that best prove why he is a great fit for the position.

13. Music teacher

A music teacher requires knowledge of multiple instruments and a love of music and music theory. This cover letter showcases the candidate’s background and why they feel music is an important part of the education experience.

14. Drama teacher

Drama teachers often go above and beyond just teaching a class. They host auditions and rehearsals for after-school productions. This cover letter shows the candidate’s knowledge curriculum, directing a show, and even marketing efforts!

15. Foreign language teacher

Foreign language teachers need to display their knowledge of the particular language as well as showcase how well they can immerse students in the culture. This cover letter discusses the teacher’s plans to incorporate curriculum as well as help facilitate induction of students into the German Honor Society.

16. Sports coach

This cover letter has a terrific opening line, which sets the candidate apart from the get-go. It also clearly covers the candidate’s qualifications, from knowledge and experience to attitude and philosophy. This cover letter example also works well for PE teachers.

17. ESL teacher

Teaching English as a second language obviously requires a distinct skill set. This cover letter showcases key communication skills and lets the hiring director know the specific language fluency.

18. Math teacher

Touching on the highlights of his resume without rehashing it completely (who wants to read something twice?), this candidate points out his qualifications and certifications as well as his versatility in teaching different types of students.

Do you have more great teacher cover letter examples? Share in the comments below.

Plus, tips for teacher job fairs and the most common teacher interview questions.

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What is a letter of introduction for teaching position?

A letter of introduction for a substitute teaching position is the same as a cover letter. It provides an opportunity for you to explain to the hiring manager why you're the best choice for the position and what value you can bring to the school.

How do you introduce yourself in a letter to a teacher?

Introduce yourself. Tell me your name/age/date of birth (T), what schools you have attended (T), and what you like about school. Describe what you think are your personal strengths and weaknesses. This can relate to academics, sports, or creativity.

How do you write a letter of introduction for a job?

How to write an introduction letter.
Write a greeting. ... .
Include a sentence on why you're writing. ... .
Present the full name of the person you're introducing. ... .
Explain their role and how it is relevant to the reader. ... .
Provide information on how they might work together or be helpful for each other..


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