How to turn off dark mode google

How to turn off dark mode google

Is the dark background on your search window making things hard to read? Here’s how to turn off Dark Mode on Google.

Dark mode is an option on computers, tablets, and smartphones that uses mostly dark colors in the UI rather than the default of using lighter colors. This offers a number of benefits, such as extending battery life, improving readability in low light, and reducing screen glare. Many apps are designed with their own light and dark modes, and the Google search page is no exception.

Sometimes, however, you just want good old light mode back again. If you’re ready to turn away from the dark side, then you’ll want to know how to turn off dark mode on Google.

How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Google Quick Settings

If you want to turn off dark mode on Google without affecting the rest of your apps, you can do so through Google Quick Settings. This allows you to quickly switch between a light theme, dark theme or to match the mode that your computer is currently using.

To turn off dark mode in Google Quick Settings:

  1. Open your browser and make a Google search.
  2. In the top right-hand corner of the results page, click on the Settings icon.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  3. Under Appearance, click Light Theme.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  4. Alternatively, if your computer is not currently using dark mode, you can select Device Default.
    How to turn off dark mode google

If you selected Device Default, then Google will automatically match the settings of your computer. If your PC is in dark mode, for example, then Google will use dark mode too. When you switch to light mode, Google will switch to match.

In order to take advantage of this, you’ll need to know how to turn off dark mode on your phone or computer.

To turn off dark mode on Windows:

  1. Click on the Start icon.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  2. Select Settings.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  3. In the left-hand menu, click Personalization.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  4. Select Colors.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  5. Under Choose Your Mode, select Light.
    How to turn off dark mode google

How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Mac

If you’re using a Mac, you can turn off dark mode through the System Preferences if Google is set to default to using your system’s default lighting mode.

To turn off dark mode on Mac:

  1. Launch the System Preferences app.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  2. Alternatively, click the Apple menu.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  3. Select System Preferences.
    How to turn off dark mode google

  4. Click General.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  5. For Appearance, select Light.
    How to turn off dark mode google

How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Android

Device Default also works for smartphones too. If your Android phone is set to dark mode, Google will appear in dark mode. If you turn off dark mode, Google will revert to light mode.

To turn off dark mode on Android:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select Display.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  3. Toggle Dark Theme to Off.
    How to turn off dark mode google

How to Turn Off Dark Mode on iOS

You can also enable or disable dark mode on iOS devices. If Google is set to Device Default, then turning off dark mode will also turn off dark mode for Google, too.

To turn off dark mode on iOS:

  1. Open the Settings app.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  2. Select Display & Brightness.
    How to turn off dark mode google
  3. Under Appearance, select Light.
    How to turn off dark mode google

Take Control of Your Google Experience

Learning how to turn off Dark Mode on Google lets you take control of your Google experience. There are plenty of other steps you can take to ensure the best experience possible.

For example, you can automatically open all Google search results in a new tab so that you don’t have to constantly hit back to return to the list of results. You can make a scientific calculator appear on your search page. And if you’re worried about how much data Google has on you, you can try using some Google alternatives that don’t invade your privacy.

How to turn off dark mode google

How do I get rid of the dark theme on Google?

Change dark mode settings.
On your Android device, tap Settings. Display..
Turn Dark theme on or off..

Why is my Google search dark mode?

At the bottom right corner on the Google Search homepage, click on Settings. Then click on Appearance; in case it's not visible under Settings, click on Search Settings and then on Appearance from the left panel of the page that opens. Choose between - Device default, Dark, or Light. At the bottom, click Save.