How to stop a cold sore fast

If you get hit with a painful cold sore, you don’t need to let it sideline you. Similar to a sports injury, taking the right steps right away can help shorten healing time and duration of painful cold sore symptoms. So next time you’re facing an annoying cold sore, this helpful 5-step regimen can help you fight back.

Step 1: Act quickly and apply Abreva®

The best way to help a cold sore heal faster is by applying Abreva® Cream as soon as you feel that familiar tingle. Abreva® starts to work immediately and shortens the duration of pain, itching, burning, and tingling. It’s the only nonprescription cold sore medicine approved by the FDA to shorten healing time. When applied at the first sign, Abreva® is clinically proven to heal a cold sore in as little as 2½ days*. Simply put, it’s your best defense for fighting off a cold sore.

*Median healing time 4.1 days. 25% of users healed in 2.5 days.

Step 2: Cool that cold sore down with a cold compress

Similar to using ice to relieve a painful sprain or sports injury, placing a cool, wet towel on a cold sore can help reduce pain, redness and swelling. Apply a cold compress 3 times a day for 10 minutes at a time to help it feel better.

Step 3: Take away the pain

There’s nothing to gain by toughing it out. Taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce the pain and swelling, although this won’t make the cold sore go away.

Step 4: Avoid hot beverages and foods that are salty, spicy, or acidic

Do yourself a favor and steer clear of foods that are likely to irritate a cold sore. Things like pretzels, curry, hot sauce, or citrus fruits could aggravate your cold sore and make the pain worse.1

Step 5: Don’t be picky

Keep your hands off that cold sore. Resist the temptation to pick at it because you may prolong the healing process or make it more irritated. Remember, cold sores are contagious so if you accidently touch it, DO NOT touch any other body parts, especially your eyes. Be sure to wash your hands as soon as possible to avoid spreading it to another area or to somebody else.

Now you know exactly what to do next time something triggers a cold sore. There’s no need to act like a tough guy. Follow this playbook and you’ll be on the road to recovery in no time.

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What started as a tender, tingling sensation at the edge of your mouth is now a full-blown cold sore, and you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are painful, fluid-filled blisters that occur on lips, under the nose, or around the chin. According to the American Dental Association, the initial infection can also cause painful lesions inside the mouth on the tongue, cheeks, and gum tissue.

These cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1), but don't be alarmed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 50 percent of the United States population ages 20 and older have HSV-1, many of which never manifest symptoms.

A cold sore usually goes away on its own within two weeks, but if you have a major event on your calendar — like a wedding or an important job interview — you're probably wondering how to get rid of your cold sore fast. Learn about your cold sore treatment options and how you can prevent future outbreaks.

Prescription Medications

For the best results, see your doctor or dentist at the first hint of a cold sore. He or she can prescribe an antiviral medication to help your cold sore heal more quickly. Though the antiviral medication won't eliminate the virus from your system, it can reduce the duration of a cold sore outbreak.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, your doctor may prescribe one of two formats:

  • A topical cream that you apply directly to sores, such as docosanol cream or acyclovir cream.
  • An oral medication that you take by mouth, such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir.

These medications are most effective when they're taken before the blisters appear. When you feel a cold sore coming — tingling, burning, swelling, and redness in the area are all clues — the medications can help heal the cold sores or even stop them from appearing at all.

Over-the-Counter Cold Sore Remedies

Though most antiviral medications are only available with a prescription, there are some over-the-counter (OTC) options that can help reduce a cold sore's pain and discomfort. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, these ointments, creams, patches, or gels can speed up the healing process by about one day, and sometimes they can prevent blisters or scabs from forming, too. Look for a topical cream that contains acyclovir, penciclovir, or docosanol. Just like the prescription medications, these OTC options work best when used at the first signs of a cold sore outbreak.

If you're looking to ease a cold sore's pain and discomfort, numbing creams that work as a local anesthetic to help numb pain and provide cold sore relief are also available. These creams contain active ingredients like benzocaine, lidocaine, and tetracaine.

At-Home Cold Sore Remedies

If your medicine cabinet isn't stocked with an antiviral medication, use these overnight cold sore remedies until you can see a doctor or visit a pharmacy.

  • Apply a cold compress. Try holding a cool, damp cloth against your cold sore. This can make your sore less red and crusty and help it heal more quickly than if you let it alone. If you can feel the cold sore coming, but it hasn't appeared yet, hold a piece of ice to the area. This method may keep a full-blown cold sore from developing or may make it go away more quickly.
  • Keep the area moisturized. Use a lip balm or moisturizer to keep your lip and mouth area hydrated and prevent the sore from drying out and peeling. It's also important to keep this area protected from the sun, so look for a lip balm with 30 or higher SPF.
  • Don't touch the cold sore. Although it's tempting to pick at the sore or scrape the peeling skin, keep your hands off and let it heal itself. Plus, the sore is contagious, so if you touch your lips, make sure to wash your hands afterward to prevent spreading the virus to other people or other areas of your body.

Help Prevent Future Cold Sores

Though the virus that causes cold sores does not have a cure, there are measures you can take to prevent outbreaks. These preventive measures include:

  • Understanding your cold sore triggers. Figuring out what sets off your cold sore outbreak can help you keep them away in the long term. Some common cold sore triggers include anxiety, sunburn, exhaustion, hormonal changes, the common cold, or minor scratches or injuries to the lip. You may need to avoid excess sun exposure, find ways to reduce anxiety levels, or take other actions to prevent future outbreaks.
  • Replacing contaminated items. After you go through the healing process and get rid of your cold, make sure to replace your toothbrush, lip balm, and any other items that made contact with your cold sore and are not easily washed and disinfected. The virus that caused your cold sore can live on these items for days and cause your lips to become reinfected.
  • Talking to your doctor or dentist. If you suffer from cold sores often, your doctor or dentist may recommend taking an antiviral medication regularly to help prevent outbreaks. They can also help you identify possible triggers and recommend lifestyle changes to decrease your chances of getting cold sores.

Cold sores can be annoying, painful, and inconvenient. When you have an important event on your calendar, use these tips to get rid of a cold sore fast, prevent future outbreaks, and restore your lovely smile.

How do you make cold sores go away in 24 hours?

Unfortunately, you can't get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours, but you can shorten cold sore healing time and cut down the duration of painful cold sore symptoms.

How do you stop a cold sore from forming?

Cold sores respond to medications called antivirals, which work by stopping the herpes virus from replicating. Using the medication as soon as symptoms develop can stop the cold sore from developing or reduce its size and healing time. Antiviral medications are only available via prescription.

Can you stop a cold sore before it starts?

The key to stopping a cold sore quickly is to treat it the moment you notice symptoms. While it's rarely possible to completely avoid a cold sore, treating it before it develops into a larger sore is a good way to limit its development and deal with a smaller, less obvious sore.

What calms a cold sore?

A cold, damp cloth may reduce redness, help remove crusting and promote healing. Or try a warm compress to the blisters to ease pain. Rest and try pain relievers. Take over-the-counter pain relievers if you have a fever or the cold sore is painful.


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