How to say no money in spanish

No merece la pena lamentar esto, porque tenemos las mismas responsabilidades morales para con los granjeros europeos, a


quienes hemos estado diciendo

[...] durante meses que no hay dinero para esto, aquello y lo [...]

otro, y que los agricultores de los


nuevos Estados miembros tendr�n que esperar diez a�os hasta que reciban igualdad de trato.

[...] been told there was no money for the social and health [...]

fields, and yet millions upon millions of euros


have been squandered on prestige projects, for example the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, whose budget has almost quadrupled despite massive criticism from the Court of Auditors.

[...] han dicho que no hab�a dinero para los campos sociales [...]

y sanitarios, y sin embargo se han malgastado millones


y millones de euros en proyectos de prestigio, por ejemplo la Agencia de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Uni�n Europea, cuyo presupuesto pr�cticamente se ha cuadriplicado a pesar de las abrumadoras cr�ticas del Tribunal de Cuentas.

For example, people who barely scrape a living and have no money for food, are far more socially oriented because [...] [...]

other people's suffering, which people - like me - who have never been in similar situations, find more difficult to understand.

Por ejemplo, personas que apenas sobreviven, sin recursos econ�micos suficientes ni para comer, son mucho [...] [...]

entienden el sufrimiento de los dem�s- que la gente que nunca se ha encontrado ante situaciones similares.

[...] to the beach for the day is almost impossible with no money for food.

"La Profec�a de la Raza C�smica", reproducci�n del trabajo del Mtro.

Although she was supposed to visit


Kabala once a week, the Magistrate had not been

[...] for almost two months because there was no money provided for her petrol.

Aunque se supon�a que deb�a visitar Kabala una vez a la


semana, el juez se hab�a ausentado por dos meses

[...] debido a que no contaba con el combustible suficiente para el desplazamiento.

The genuinely poor never go to

[...] a doctor because they have no money to pay for treatment.

Los verdaderos pobres no van al m�dico

[...] la mayor�a de las veces porque no tienen dinero para eso.

Born into poverty, Sanchita had no money for school, clothes or food.

[...] pobreza, Sanchita no ten�a dinero para la escuela, ni para ropa o alimentos.

[...] then say that we have no money for important social projects.

[...] decir que no tenemos dinero para proyectos sociales [...]

For any amount above $500, there is a pay period of up to 24 months with no money down.

Para cualquier monto mayor a $500, el per�odo de pago es de hasta 24 meses sin anticipos.

Since his own country has no money for the recovery of the ship, President [...]

Wade has already talked about a burial at sea.

[...] propio pa�s no cuenta con los fondos suficientes para recuperar el barco, [...]

el presidente Wade ya ha mencionado la posibilidad de un entierro en el mar.

According to them, getting no money from the owners or the governments would completely remove incentives for attacking the ships.

En su opini�n, no obtener dinero de los propietarios o los gobiernos suprimir�a completamente los incentivos por atacar a los barcos.

[...] not because she had no money for her uniform, shoes [...]

[...] no porque no ten�a dinero para su uniforme, sus zapatos [...]

She has no money for therapy so we talk.

Como no tiene dinero para hacer terapia, hablamos.

And capitalism can offer solutions: the growth of micro-finance initiatives is an


encouraging development, as these

[...] schemes help people with no money and no assets to start small businesses and make profits for themselves and their communities.

Y el capitalismo puede ofrecer soluciones: el crecimiento de iniciativas micro financieras ayuda al desarrollo,

[...] [...] que las personas sin dinero ni activos puedan empezar peque�os negocios para producir ganancias para ellos mismos y [...]

There is no money for the fund.

I had no job and no money and I urged my extended family and friends to help, but no one was prepared to do anything for us.

No ten�a trabajo ni dinero; ped� ayuda a familiares y amigos, pero nadie parec�a dispuesto a hacer algo por nosotros.

You may be owed thousands of dollars in

[...] wages, and you have no money for a ticket home.

Los marineros no tienen dinero para comprar un pasaje [...]

de avi�n de vuelta a casa.

There is certainly no money for schools and hospitals [...]

or for books because we are wasting it, as usual, on force and not on reason.

Claro, no hay dinero para las escuelas y [...] para los hospitales y para los libros, porque nos lo estamos gastando, como siempre,

What is Yo No Tengo Dinero?

"No Tengo Dinero" (English: "I Have No Money") is a song written and recorded by Mexican singer Juan Gabriel for his debut 1971 album El Alma Joven. The track was the album's first single also released in 1971 and is Gabriel's first career single. "No Tengo Dinero"

What is mucho dinero?

Speaking. gastas mucho dinero. you are spending a lot of money.

Is no problemo correct Spanish?

Recap: In Spanish, we say “no problema” NOT “no problemo”. Alternatives ways of saying “no problem” in Spanish are: “no hay problema”, “ningún problema”, “de nada”, “no hay de qué”, and so on.


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