How to render a clip in premiere pro

Hi there, in this video we are going to look at Render In & Out. All of these ones, we'll look at all these different options here. We'll start with some simple use cases, some more advanced ones, the short answer is, it's a way of creating a temporary file, quite like a proxy, so that your machine can play back some effects, generally. 

In this case we've added noise to this, and it's gone red, it won't play it back very nicely. We can select it, say 'Sequence', and we can 'Render Effects In to Out', and it will create a temporary file, so that it can play back smoothly. Similar to proxies, there are some differences, let's get into it. 

All right, to get started with this one, let's just make sure proxies are turned off, forget we even did any proxies. Let's pretend we haven't used proxies in this project. We're going to look at render in and out. So you use it by adding, normally effects that stress your machine out. So I'm going to go into my 'Effects', and let's say this, I'm using 'Tourism D', and I'm going to add some noise, noise, there it is there, drag it onto this one, and up here I'm going to crank it right up, and leave it all by default. I'm on Full, let's see if it plays back. It's gone red, which is not good. Let's see if it plays, hit 'Space bar', "May God hold you in the palm of His hand". It's playing back fine. Your machine might not be playing back fine, so anyway, I tried to stress it out, it didn't work, reasonably new laptop, and not a particularly stressful effects. 

Your mileage may vary, I imagine, I don't imagine, but a lot of the time effects will start stressing it out, and it won't play back nicely. So you can do one thing, you can start applying it to proxies, but let's say we're not using proxies, and we don't want to, it's confusing, it's hard, it's too much for what we're doing. What we can do is, just, say this red stuff, render in and out. To do it go up to 'Sequence', go to this one that says 'Render Effects In to Out', that's the one we want, and see that's the shortcut for it, it's the Return key, rather than the Enter key. Have a look at your keyboard, one of them will have that on it, use that one. Mine is next to the square brackets, so the shortcut, so click that. It's going to render all the effects from the beginning of my sequence, all the way to the end, the in and out hasn't been set, so it assumes, mean the whole thing, watch it, goes from red to green. 

Now it'll play back nicely. "May God…" wo that's an alternative for using proxies, because what it's done is, let's say that you do, it plays back fine, but as soon as you add effects, your machine just can't play it back, and something like noise, like this, you really need to see what it looks like, to know whether it's good or not. So you do need to, if you crank down the resolution here, you're not going to get that effect, what the noise actually looks like. So hitting the Enter key will actually create this preview file on your machine, kind of like a proxy, like a temporary proxy, so that it plays back smoothly. 

Now if you've got lots of effects, and you just want to render the one that you've kind of worked with, that's why it stays up here, in and out, or Render Effects In and Out. So you just set the in point and the out point, so you might drag the CTR here, hit 'I' on your keyboard for the in point, and over here, for the out point. So it's going to ignore maybe a big long sequence, just do this part, remember, the Return key will render it. Let's say that I want to change mine. A couple other ways you can do is--

So I'm going to go and change my noise, to make it go red again, you see there, it's gone red, I can clear my in and out, goodbye, and I can actually just select something, and there's an option here that says Render Selection, so rather than the in and out I find I use that more. I'm going to do just what I have selected in here, nothing else. You can select more than one thing, "May God hold you in the palm of…" way too much. I'm aware of that, but I was trying, to slow down the machine, way too much noise.

 Another handy part is the looping playback, at the moment I got to kind of restart, and let's say you were doing some adjustments, what we can do is add this little '+' button here, and turn on this one. When I say turn on I mean click, hold, and drag this down, to be a little option for us. There's lots of handy stuff in this weird button editor, just click 'OK', and what we can do now is set our in and out point, maybe just a little bit, like this. So I don't need the whole clip done. I just need a tiny little bit to see how good that, or bad the noise is. I'm going to turn on the loop, so when I-- make sure it's in the middle there, hit your 'Return' key.

"May God…" interesting audio snippet, but it means that I can-- let's mute all of these, let's mute all these for you so you don't go mad, can you see, I can start looking at this, and then I can go-- let's stop it there, let's adjust this a little bit, now hit my 'Return' key so it's going to render it again, the in and out point, not the whole thing, just there. That's a quick way to kind of, especially if your effects quite-- takes a long time to actually implement, set in and out point, turn your little loop on, and then, know that the shortcut is that Return key. 

Now what was up here, there's like Render Effects, that kind of makes sense, right? We've added an effect, not everything else, render in and out, render in and out, now it's an interesting one, so not just the effects in and out, but everything, because you can see along here, this is red, this is yellow, it won't render that, even if I clear my in and out points, if I hit the Return key, it's only going to render out everything that is red. It assumes, anything that is yellow, probably doesn't need rendering. Your machine is fine to do it, so says Premiere Pro. If even this part, your machine's finding it hard to play - oh, there goes my one - what you can do is, you can go into here and say, actually render the yellow stuff as well, because hopefully that'll make a difference. 

So rendering the in and out, which is the entire thing, the in and out, watch, it's going to render all this stuff as well. See, it's going green, that clip, that clip, that clip, it's making a little temporary file, kinda like a proxy, to make sure playback is nice. Oh, look at that, all green, and all go, finally it started jumping. 

Other interesting facts about render in and out, is that they're actually files on your machine. you'll find them, when you have--you have to have done your render in and out, either effects, or in and out, or selection, whether it matters, it creates this folder for you, and in here are all these mpegs, that I used as the temporary folder, or the temporary speedy video files that you're viewing, kind of like switches them out, kind of like a proxy, temporarily. I make an adjustment, I have to re-render, this file gets remade again. 

You can see, quite a big file, so if you do, like get towards the end of the job, you don't need any of these, once you've exported and rendered it for the final time, all of these are here, just a little helper files, that you can bin, you don't have to back them up. You can just select them all in here, and hit 'Del', or you can do the official way and go, 'Sequence', and 'Delete Render Files', will get rid of everything. If you want to get rid of just some of them, you've got a set in an out point. Let's say I want to keep these, but I want to delete, I don't know why you want to do this, but you're probably going to ask why are there two of them? I've set an in and out point, so if I say delete all render files, everything goes, these ones, that one, but if I just delete the ones that are in between my in and out files, you just want to delete some of them, click that, click 'OK', you can see that one went red, but these guys are still there, and you'll notice, in my files here, there's still a bunch. 

So let's do it the other way, 'Sequence', 'Delete Render Files', everything goes, that's back to yellow, and in here, just a bunch of leftover xmp files, but all the big large files, the mpeg4s are gone. Something else to consider about render in and out as well, is you can use them for export. I've deleted all mine, let me render it. Let's render everything, 'Render In and Out', back in a second. It only rendered between my in and out, oh, do it again, see you in a second. Render In and Out. 

So we've created a bunch of like rendered files, you can actually export them, very similar to what we did with proxies, when you want to export your proxies, very same sort of reasons, quick export, kind of. So a lot of the rendering's already being done, so you can go to 'Command M', or 'File', 'Export', 'M', or 'Ctrl M' on a PC, and I can say I don't want to export the proxies, but I'm going to use these previews, so that's the kind of, that's what they call it, the in and out, that we've already generated in that file there. 

So it's going to use all of these to do it, and it's just going to be super quicker. You might be asking yourself, well, what size is it going to be? Let's go and look at how to check, and change those preview sizes if you wanted to. So let's cancel it, let's go into, 'Sequence', 'Sequence Settings', no, we're going to go to, yes, Sequence Setting's at the top here, and in here, video, Video Previews, that is all linked to that, Sequence Render In and Out, and you can say, actually the preview format, instead of mpeg4, you might be using, I don't know, Quicktime, and you might be using h.264, and give it a specific size. This is where you get to control what size that preview is. 

So you've got to decide whether you are bothered, whether you plan to export using the previews, if you don't just leave it as a default, if you don't want a bit more control, it's under 'Sequence Settings'. Where this gets handy, and you want to be really kind of careful with this, well, not careful, we want to be particular about what the sizes are, and the dimensions and the codecs, is when you're working on a really big sequence, massive, and what-- you-- getting towards the end, you've got a couple of sections that have been signed off and approved, and you can render previews, and let's say there's a couple of bits that need to be fixed and finished, you can make those changes, and because you've already done a pre-render, you've done a lot of the hard work, for some of those large jobs, or at least big chunks of the projects, so that you don't have to then wait to the end, and the last minute, and try and hit Render, and spend ages rendering, whereas this can save a bit of time if you use this previous trick, as more like a pre-rendering before you get going. 

All right, I'm going to leave mine as the default. It's really handy as well, when you're bringing in, After Effects files, rendering in and out, because the effects that happen with After Effects files can be very stressful for Premiere Pro to try and recreate. So if you've got an After Effects clip put on your Timeline here, you can do 'Sequence', 'Render Selection', and it will render the After Effects file, and it just playback nice and smoothly, especially if you're not planning on changing it yourself, you just want to see what it looks like. We'll cover After Effects later on in this course, and kind of how to do it, and I'll remind you of that little tip again then. 

So rendering is kind of like proxies, can you kind of see, it's creating a temporary file to make things go faster. Proxies is a little bit more deliberate, it's more like, I know that 4K footage, this weird, not weird but like 422, or some sort of raw file format, is just-- my computer can't do it, so I'm going to definitely create proxies and start from there, whereas rendering in and out is, you might have an effect on one clip, that is causing trouble, or just working on a small job, and proxies blow your mind, you can just use render in and out, just to make it go fast. 

All right, that reminds me actually, can you use proxies and render in and out? Yes, do it all the time. Not so much about the playback, because the playback in this yellow stuff here should be sorted by proxies, but your proxies aren't going to have effects applied to them. So even though I've got my proxies on, if I want to add an effect to it, it still might run really slowly, because the effect itself is very stressful, even on your kind of, like smaller size proxy, so if I adjust this, it still might not play back nicely, no, it's probably going to play back all right. Yeah, it's playing back all right. Pretend it's not, you're still, even though you got proxies on, you still do the same thing. 

I'm going to do the selection, I'm going to go to my sequence, and I'm going to Render Effects In and Out, which is going to do every effect on the Timeline, between the in and out point, which is, all the way to the ends here, on top of my proxy. So proxies are handling this thing here, these parts here, where it's just smaller, lower quality, a better codec, and when it gets to here it's going to play nicely, because it's my proxy underneath and my effect on the top. 

All right, that was a long one, we are done, that's enough render in and outs, let's get on to the next video.

How do I export and render in Premiere Pro?

Navigate to File > Export > Media to start exporting your Adobe Premiere project. This menu is where the power of Premiere's rendering options live. You can change everything from the portion of the sequence you'll export to the quality and codec settings in the finished file.

When to render in Premiere Pro?

If you make a change to a clip or effect, you will need to re-render that section so that Premiere can create a new preview file. If no changes are made the clip will continue referencing the preview file giving you full speed and quality playback.

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