How to open a roth ira with wells fargo

Retirement as we’ve known it is changing. You will probably be more active and live and work longer, and you may need to rely more on what you’ve saved for income than prior generations. If you have a qualified employer sponsored requirement plan (QRP), such as a 401(k), 403(b), or governmental 457(b), at work and regularly contribute, that might not be enough to accumulate the savings you need. Fortunately, you can contribute to both your QRP and an IRA.

An IRA allows you to save for your retirement and take advantage of tax benefits. Similar to 401(k) plans, investments in Traditional and Roth IRAs have the potential for tax-advantaged growth. This allows you to potentially accumulate retirement savings faster than you would in a taxable account. Tax deductible contributions and any earnings are subject to ordinary income tax when distributed from a Traditional IRA. Earnings from a Roth IRA, distributed as part of a qualified distribution can be taken tax free.

Understanding your IRA choices

There are two main types of IRAs --Traditional or Roth. Both types of IRAs offer investment flexibility, tax advantages, and the same contribution limits.

Traditional IRA - offers tax-deferred growth potential. You pay no taxes on any investment earnings until you withdraw, or “distribute,” the money from your account, presumably in retirement.1 Additionally, depending on your income, your contribution may be tax-deductible. Traditional IRA contributions can be made at any age if you or your spouse, if filing jointly, have earned income.

If you or your spouse are covered by a workplace retirement plan (WRP), such as a 401(k), 401(b), SEP, and SIMPLE IRA2, the deductibility of your Traditional IRA contribution depends on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). Your income must be at or below the MAGI limits in order to qualify for a deduction.

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for Traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs start by your Required Beginning Date (RBD), which is generally April 1 following the year you turn age 72. After the first year, RMDs must be taken by December 31 of each year.

call out Even if your contribution is not deductible, contributing to a Traditional IRA can still be a great way to grow retirement savings. end call out

Roth IRA - offers tax-free growth potential. Investment earnings are distributed tax-free, if a five-year waiting period has been met and you are at least age 59½, or disabled, or using the first-time homebuyer exception, or taken by your beneficiaries due to your death.1 Since contributions to a Roth IRA are not tax-deductible, there is no tax deduction, regardless of income.

You, or your spouse, if filing a joint tax return, must have earned income and your MAGI must be at or below the phase-out range to be eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. There are no age limits for making a Roth IRA contribution.

Also, you can convert a Traditional IRA and QRP to a Roth IRA. Be aware you will owe ordinary income tax on the taxable portion you convert but not the IRS 10% additional tax for early or pre-59½ distributions (10% additional tax). However, taking a distribution from your Traditional IRA or QRP to pay the taxes due on the Roth conversion will result in additional income taxes and if you are under 59½, the 10% additional tax.

Roth IRA owners do not have to take RMDs during their lifetime.

SIMPLE & SEP IRAs - small business owners may use SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs to provide a retirement plan for their employees. These plans are intended for small businesses with a few employees. A SEP IRA is a Traditional IRA that holds employer contributions under the SEP plan.1

Retirement Plan Distribution Options - if you change jobs, are displaced, or retire, one of the most important decisions you may face is how to handle the money you’ve worked hard to earn and save in your QRP. You generally have four options for your retirement plan assets:

  1. Roll assets to an IRA
  2. Leave assets in your former employer’s plan, if the QRP allows
  3. Move assets to your new/existing employer’s plan, if the QRP allows
  4. Cash out through what’s called a “lump sum distribution” and pay taxes and perhaps a 10% additional tax

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages, and the one that is best depends on your individual circumstances. You should consider features such as investment choices, fees and expenses, and services offered3.

It can be a confusing decision to make. Here are some things to think about:

  • The difference in services offered, investment options, and fees and expenses between the QRP and IRA
  • When distributions are no longer subject to the 10% additional tax
  • Your need for help making investment decisions
  • Any special tax considerations regarding employer stock in your QRP
  • Timing of RMDs
  • Protection of assets from creditors and bankruptcy
  • Investing and maintaining assets in an IRA will generally involve higher costs than those associated with employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Your Financial Advisor can help educate you regarding your choices so you can decide which one makes the most sense for your specific situation. Speak with your current retirement plan administrator and tax professional before taking any action.

IRA contribution limits and deadlines

The IRS rules determine how and by what date you can make IRA contributions. Whether your contribution is deductible or not, you generally need to make your IRA contributions by the tax filing deadline, typically April 15 for the prior year.

call out What is your Roth or Traditional IRA limit? How much can you contribute? How much can you deduct?
IRA Contribution Tool end call out

For the 2022 tax year, your total contributions to all of your Traditional and Roth IRAs cannot be more than:

  • $6,000 (if you’re under age 50) in a particular tax year
  • $7,000 if you’re age 50 or older in a particular tax year, or
  • 100% of your taxable compensation for the year, if your compensation was less than the maximum contribution limit.

It is generally a good idea to maximize your IRA contributions to potentially gain the full benefit of tax-advantaged savings and increase your retirement assets.

At Wells Fargo Advisors, you can make contributions to your IRA online and using your mobile device.4 IRA contributions received between January 1 and the tax filing deadline, generally April 15, must indicate if the contribution should be attributed to the current year or prior year. If no contribution year is indicated, the contribution will be considered a current-year contribution.

What is earned income for an IRA contribution?

You or your spouse, if filing jointly, must have earned income such as wages, tips, or commissions to qualify to contribute to an IRA. Eligible compensation must be from personal services currently rendered. Review IRS Publication 590-A (PDF) for a comprehensive list of what is and is not earned income.

Next steps

  • Open or fund an IRA. Being covered by a QRP does not prevent you from fully funding an IRA, as long as you qualify to make the contribution.
  • Ask your financial advisor which IRA may be best based on your situation.
  • Find out if you can deduct your Traditional IRA contribution. If not, you may still benefit from tax-deferred growth potential or, if eligible, consider funding a Roth IRA.

IRA Disclosure Statement and Custodial Agreement: The Disclosure Statement and Custodial Agreement is designed to provide you with an overview of an IRA, including tax benefits and considerations, as well as contribution and distribution rules. The first part of each document includes the disclosure statement required by the Internal Revenue Service. The disclosures will explain the basic rules and tax considerations you should understand if you adopt an IRA. The second part of the document includes the Custodial Agreement. Click here to view the documents.

1Traditional IRA distributions are generally taxed as ordinary income. Qualified Roth IRA distributions are tax-free provided a Roth IRA has been open for more than five years and the owner is at least age 59 1/2, or disabled, or using the first-time homebuyer exception, or taken by their beneficiaries due to their death. Qualified Roth IRA distributions are not subject to state and local taxation in most states. Distributions from Traditional and Roth IRAs may be subject to a 10% additional tax if distributions are taken prior to age 59 1/2. For SIMPLE IRAs, the IRS penalty increases to 25% if a distribution is taken prior to two years from when the first deposit was made into a participant’s account if under age 59 1/2.

2The “Retirement Plan” box in Box 13 of your W-2 tax form should be checked if you were covered by a WRP.

3Please keep in mind that rolling over assets to an IRA is just one of multiple options for your retirement plan. Each of the following options is different and may have distinct advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Roll assets to an IRA
  2. Leave assets in your former employer’s plan, if plan allows
  3. Move assets to your new/existing employer’s plan, if plan allows
  4. Cash out or take a lump sum distribution

When considering rolling over assets from an employer plan to an IRA, factors that should be considered and compared between the employer plan and the IRA include fees and expenses, services offered, investment options, when distributions are no longer subject to the 10% additional tax, treatment of employer stock, when required minimum distributions begin and protection of assets from creditors and bankruptcy. Investing and maintaining assets in an IRA will generally involve higher costs than those associated with employer-sponsored retirement plans. You should consult with the plan administrator and a professional tax advisor before making any decisions regarding your retirement assets.

4Brokerage IRAS with Brokerage Cash Services are eligible for this feature. Online access is required. Talk to your Financial Advisor for more information about the benefits of Brokerage Cash Services.

Does Wells Fargo offer a Roth IRA?

Wells Fargo Destination IRAs, both Traditional and Roth IRAs, are available through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. The maximum insurance coverage is $250,000 for all Traditional and Roth IRAs, any Simplified Employee Pension accounts, "Section 457" deferred compensation plan accounts, self-directed Keogh plan accounts, and ...

How do I open a Roth IRA for a beginner?

Here are the seven steps to open a Roth IRA..
Find out if you're eligible and ready. First things first. ... .
Choose where you want to invest. ... .
Fill out the forms. ... .
Choose investments within your Roth IRA. ... .
Choose investments for the long term. ... .
Choose mutual funds with strong returns. ... .
Set up contributions to your Roth IRA..

Can I set up a Roth IRA by myself?

If you're a “do-it-yourself” investor, choose a brokerage. You can open a Roth IRA at an online broker and then choose your own investments. This may be simpler than you think — you can build a diversified portfolio with just three or four mutual funds that are in different asset classes.

Are banks Good to open Roth IRA?

Having a Roth IRA with your own bank can provide a convenient way to manage your accounts and make transfers. Shop around for bank IRAs with CDs and money market rates that are competitive. Some banks may offer investment options like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs through Roth IRAs.