How to introduce yourself to new colleagues examples email

Learning how to introduce yourself to new colleagues professionally at a new job is very important to making a great first impression and getting off on the right foot.  We understand that reporting to a new job can be exciting and daunting, especially when making a great first impression, so we asked for expert advice to simplify the process.

In your new role, you’re joining an unfamiliar work environment, meeting with new co-workers, and you don’t know the kind of professionals you’ll meet. You’ll need to introduce yourself to them confidently to make a good first impression and start on the right foot.

How Do You Introduce Yourself to New Colleagues?

Introduce yourself to new colleagues and professionals with good eye contact, positive body language, culturally acceptable greetings, a clear voice, and a smile.

Even if it’s not your first job, you must do it well to build a solid foundation for a satisfying and rewarding career. We invite you to learn best practices for introducing yourself to new colleagues to make a good impression.

Why It’s Important to Introduce Yourself to New Colleagues

Showing up at a new workplace and starting working immediately without making yourself known to new coworkers can be interpreted as rude. No matter your years of experience, sitting down and waiting for others to come and ask who you are or introduce themselves to you is also not a good idea, and people may see you as unfriendly or unconfident.

Even when no one shows you around, it’s essential to make an effort and introduce yourself to your new co-workers. Doing so builds a good foundation for thriving and enjoying your new environment.

It also makes things easy when it’s time to collaborate with other team members when it’s time to collaborate. Additionally, it helps you create social connections with people and become an integral part of the team.

Remember, first impressions matter, similar to a good elevator pitch. The first few seconds of your introduction are a great way to pave the way for what will come in the future. It might be hard to change how your colleagues think of you in the future. Hence, it is essential to ensure new people perceive you positively the first time they interact with you.

Jennifer Hartman, an HR expert and staff writer for Fit Small Business, agrees on the importance of introducing yourself properly to new colleagues and shared the following with MatchBuilt.

A successful personal introduction on your first day can make future collaboration more manageable in the long run. You’ll create a positive working environment by setting a good example and being considerate of others.

Further, Emma Williams, an organizational psychologist, certified strengths coach, and the Chief Research Officer at HIGH 5 TEST, offered the following about making a great professional first impression.

For managers or leaders, their self-introduction process is more complicated; most of the time, it involves giving a short speech. If your new job is not a role with authority where you have to lead a team or department, your main objective in self-introduction is to make a connection and set a good impression that you would be an excellent member.

Things to remember: Prioritizing people over other tasks can help you build professional relationships with your new colleagues. Build a positive first impression because it shows that you’re motivated to network with new coworkers.

Speaking negatively about a past job experience can detract from the positive experience you’re starting at a new job. Focus instead on how excited you are about this new opportunity and leave your last job in the past. This can show your new coworkers that you have a positive, future-facing attitude.

How To Communicate Effectively When Introducing Yourself to New Colleagues

Knowing an effective way to communicate with your new workmates helps to get your message across correctly. On top of that, a good introduction prevents them from misjudging you after interacting with you for the first time. Here are some communication tips to keep in mind when introducing yourself to new colleagues.

Maintain Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to if you meet them one-on-one. Doing so helps you connect with them better and shows that they have your attention.

When introducing yourself to a team, make eye contact with the people around you, shifting from one person to the other.

Bear in mind that it should be appropriate eye contact. Too long, and you might come off as aggressive, making people uncomfortable. Too short eye contact makes you seem shifty and might make the introduction weird.

Positive Body Language

Your body language can give messages about you. Stand with your head high and avoid slouching to depict confidence and ease.


When introducing yourself to other professionals, don’t forget to smile at the colleague you’re introducing yourself to. It shows friendliness, makes them feel at ease interacting with you and creates a positive first-time experience with them.

Offer Culturally Acceptable Greetings

Different cultures have different ways of greeting. That’s why you need to do some research to avoid inconveniencing people.

For example, some cultures are not into handshakes, so make sure you use the appropriate gesture.

A “Hi” or “Hello” will always work whenever you are unsure.

Speak Clearly

Whether you’re introducing yourself to a new team or a single colleague, ensure you speak to them clearly. Be loud enough but don’t shout. Avoid mumbling to be heard clearly.

You can also practice what you’ll say at home, especially if you feel anxious about meeting your workmates for the first time, and it’ll help you gain confidence.

Close Conversations

Since you’re the one who started the conversation when introducing yourself, you also need to close it. One of the best ways to do this is by restating how glad you’re to have met your colleague. You can also state that you hope to see them around.

What Makes a Great First Impression

Forbes magazine recently shared that our brains make a thousand computations during the first few seconds we see someone.

Are you trustworthy, confident, likable, or competent?

In fact, a decision has been made within seven seconds, even though you probably haven’t even said hello. The first impression you make is more heavily influenced by your nonverbal cues, and sometimes we become lax in our actions or appearance and send out the wrong message.

When making a first impression, keep in mind the three channels of communication:

Visual: Body language and facial expressions

Verbal: The words that we actually say

Vocal: The way we say it (inflection in our voice)

When you make your introduction to new colleagues, use all of these channels to communicate effectively, and remember that your body language (visual) actually trumps the verbal in communication. Tuning into all three channels can help us understand circumstances and avoid misunderstandings.

Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  • 55 percent of first impressions are made by what we see (visual).
  • 38 percent is how we hear your first words (vocal).
  • 7 percent are the actual words you say (verbal).

That means 93 percent of someone’s opinion has nothing to do with what you actually say!

Here’s a list of a few common mistakes we often make:

Slouching: This body language expresses our lack of desire to be in the situation, let alone in the conversation. Lean toward your colleague to show interest.

Failure to make eye contact: Looking past or around someone makes you seem disengaged. Even if you’re shy, look them right in the eye, even if you have to look away for a moment. Glance down and then back to their eyes/face.

Nodding: We do this to let people know we are listening, but it can be misinterpreted as agreement. Tilting your head from side to side is better than the “yes” nod.

Closed arms: Whether crossed in front or tight by your side, you send the message, “I’m unapproachable.” Loosen up, bend the elbows, and relax.

Introducing yourself to new colleagues can feel overwhelming. You are in a new environment, and you don’t know whether anybody will have time to listen to you or be interested in hearing who you are.

You may also not know how to do it right, especially if it’s your first time. Below are some tips to help you introduce yourself to new co-workers.

1. Prepare Yourself for the Introduction

Preparation for the introduction is the first thing you should do; it’ll help you feel confident and say the right things. Think of how you’ll say your name, job title, and maybe the company you worked for previously.

When introducing yourself, some colleagues may also ask for background information concerning your career, so prepare to answer such questions. Jennifer added the following expert opinion regarding introducing yourself to new colleagues.

Your first day at a new job may include a team office meeting–or virtual meeting for remote workers–where you are introduced to your co-workers and expected to introduce yourself.

The best way to introduce yourself on the first day of work is by outlining your objectives for the position, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, and providing examples of your previous work. Additionally, thank your new boss for allowing you to join their team and express your excitement about starting this new chapter in your career.

2. Ensure Your Introduction Suits the Company’s Culture

Consider the company’s culture and tailor your introduction to suit it. For example, ensure that your introduction remains formal if the company has a traditional culture.

Introduction Example: “Hi, I’m Silvia. I am the new sales manager.”

If the environment is relaxed, don’t hesitate to be casual when introducing yourself. You can add other details about yourself, such as your hobbies and interests, or give more information about your career.”

Introduction Example: “Hi, I’m Seth. I’m the new operations manager. I worked at PMC before joining you. After work, I enjoy watching good movies and spending time with my dog.”

3. Take Advantage of the Job Orientation Program

If the new company offers an orientation program, take advantage of the opportunity and introduce yourself to as many people as possible. The person showing you around will also introduce you to colleagues, such as those you work with within the same department. You won’t have to approach people directly, making your work easier. Since you’re being introduced to others, you can simply respond.

Introduction Example: “Hi, I’m happy to meet you.” Or “pleasure to meet you.”

4. Find Opportunities for Introductions

You can also find opportunities for introductions. This depends mainly on the size of the company. For example, if it’s a small company, you may bump into other workers the moment you get into the office and take the opportunity to introduce yourself.

However, you may only meet a few people on the first day if it’s a big organization. As days go by, you’ll meet people and introduce yourself to them.

Also, use this time to ask who they are and how you’ll interact with them. You’ll have introduced yourself to almost all your co-workers within no time.

Introduction Example: “Hi, my name is Jason. I am the new technical writer in the company. Can you give me an idea of what we’ll discuss in this meeting?”

5. Ask the Team Leader/Member for an Introduction

If no one has taken the initiative to introduce you to the new colleagues on your team, ask your team leader or any other member for an introduction. Let them understand that you need to know and interact with other team members.

Introduction Example: “I’ve already met and interacted with a few team members. However, I feel that I need to meet more people I will be working with. Do you’ve some time to introduce me to other team members?”

6. Know the Company’s Organizational Chart

An organizational chart can help you know your colleagues better and save you from asking too many questions. In some companies, new employees are usually given a welcome pack, which includes an organizational chart.

Use the chart to know the colleagues you need to know first. It’ll also help you know your co-workers’ leadership team and seating arrangement to identify them quickly.

If you’re not provided with the chart, ask the human resource department to provide you with one.

7. Introduce Yourself to Other Teams

On top of introducing yourself to co-workers in your team, you also need to introduce yourself to other teams. You might have to work with them on some projects, and familiarizing yourself helps break the ice and prepare you for working together.

You can ask your team members to introduce you to other teams. That way, you will create a positive working environment, and things will flow smoothly when it’s time to work together.

When introducing yourself to these teams, there are some things you should avoid, such as making negative comments. These include things like venting about your previous jobs. Additionally, avoid saying too personal things and making inappropriate jokes. Still, please avoid strong personal opinions on political and religious views, which usually create a bad impression.

Introduction Example: “Good afternoon. My name is Derrick from the marketing team. I’m glad to meet you and look forward to working together in the future.”

8. Ask Questions

When you introduce yourself to new colleagues, please take the opportunity to ask them questions. It helps build connections and good relationships in the future.

And since you’ve never interacted with them, avoid asking personal questions; keep things work-related. For example, you can ask them how long they’ve been in the company and their roles.

Introduction Example: “Pleasure to meet you. My name is Ann from the marketing department. Will we be collaborating in the future?”

Mimi, an HR and talent acquisition professional from Stackflow, emphasized the importance of asking questions and gave the following contribution.

Do ask about the company manager’s expectations for your job role. You can use your first day to ask questions about what your manager and co-workers expect of you. This can give you early goals as you get accustomed to the new position. It shows your managers and co-workers that you want to do your job well. For example: “What can I help the team accomplish in my first week or month on the job?

How to Introduce Yourself to New Colleagues in an Email

Although introducing yourself to new colleagues in person is the ideal option, sometimes it’s not always possible. You may not have another option but to introduce yourself with a new employee introduction email.

Writing team introduction emails, similar to writing a thank you email after an interview, is an excellent way to give background information, explain your role in the company, and build a solid positive relationship with new workmates. Here are some tips to make an email introduction great.

Start With a Friendly Subject Line

Start with a friendly subject line that captures the attention of other employees. Remember, they may receive several emails in a day, and since you are new, they may not yet recognize your email address. That’s why you must make the subject line enticing and hard to ignore.

Example: An introductory note from the new (your job title)

Include a Greeting Line

Include a greeting line after the subject line when introducing yourself to new colleagues via email. Instead of just saying “Hi,” include the name of the person you are writing to make the email personalized. It shows politeness and that you made an effort to know their name.

Explain Your Reasons for Writing

You need to state your reason for writing them an email, even though you already have given them a hint in the subject line. State that you are their new colleague. You can also add other details, such as how you look forward to working together and collaborating on projects.

State Your Role

Not everyone may know your roles or responsibilities in a company, primarily if they work in a different team. That’s why you should state your position or responsibilities in an introductory email. You can also give some background information in this section.

Show Enthusiasm

Close the email by showing your enthusiasm for working in your new company. Let your colleagues know you’re ready to perform your roles, collaborate with your team members, and achieve your company’s goals. You can also share details on how your workmates can reach out to you.

Send Follow-Up Messages

We encourage you not to send introductory messages to your new co-workers and leave it at that. Check whether some of them have sent any questions or replies and directly reply to them. Doing so will establish proper communication, which will be helpful as you work together.

Introduction Email Example:

Hi {insert the name of recipient},

I’m Amanda, the new assistant project manager.

I am writing this email to introduce myself and share some details on the roles I’ll be undertaking in the company.

As an assistant project manager, I will be responsible for assisting the project manager in planning and executing construction projects for the company. I am eager to collaborate and work together with other members of my team and ensure that projects are finished on time.

I’d like to give some background information about my career. I worked with MC Construction Company for five years before joining your company. I was responsible for overseeing several projects with the help of my supervisor. I got a lot of experience from the company, which I believe will significantly benefit my new company.

I look forward to working with you and achieving the company’s goals together.

If you’d like to ask me a question, feel free to reply to the email. I look forward to knowing you better.

Best regards,


We spoke with Kaila Epps, a career coach and HR professional at The Recruit Refinery, and received the following feedback about introducing yourself in an email.

Email everyone (individually) on your team introducing yourself and stating that you’re excited to get to know them and work with them. You can then ask them to set up a 15 – 30-minute introductory virtual coffee chat so that you can learn a little more about their backgrounds, their roles, and ways you can support each other moving forward. You would share your background with them as well.

This way, you can feel a little more in tune with your team members and not only see them during staff meetings. If you live in the same city, maybe you can meet up at a coffee shop to do work together. Keep it professional and show some personality. People want to know that they have a team player as a part of the staff, and you want to open the communication lines early so that when you need their help, it’s not awkward or weird.

How to Introduce Yourself to New Colleagues Virtually

Certain companies use technology to assign tasks, conduct meetings, analyze resumes, and run most of their operations remotely. Many companies also use productivity software such as Slack to create a virtual workplace. In such a scenario, you can write a short message in your team’s workspace and introduce yourself by telling them your name and what you do. Some teams create a dedicated channel for welcoming new employees.

Virtual Introduction Example: Hi everyone, my name is Sam, and I just joined your organization as an IT Support Technician.

Also, some companies have branch offices, and the only communication method is via video conferencing software such as Skype or Zoom. Usually, the company will set up the time of the meeting, and you’ll get to know your new team members.

Below are a few tips to remember when introducing yourself virtually.

Know Your Audience

Similar to preparing for a job interview, knowing your audience before the introduction session is important to know the best approach to take. If introducing yourself to a team, understand whom it consists of first. Does it consist of managers and supervisors? Are other team members new or have been in the company for a long time? The answers to these questions help you tailor your message for relatability and connection.

Identify Key Points of Your Message

In addition to stating your name and role when introducing yourself to new colleagues, you may also need to give more details when introducing yourself to a team. Think of what you are going to say before the virtual meet-up. These may include your background information, skills, and experience. When introducing yourself to new colleagues, you don’t need to say much about yourself. Keep everything precise.

Pay Attention to How You Deliver Your Message

How you deliver your message during an introduction also matters. Ensure you approximate eye contact by looking directly at the camera. Also, pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and posture. Let them show confidence and positivity. On top of that, be mindful of your appearance and background. Be smart, and minimize distractions such as background noise.

Making a Great First Impression When Introducing Yourself Final Thoughts

Introducing yourself to new co-workers sets the pace for how you’ll relate and interact in the future. That’s why you need to do it properly. Whether you do it in person, via email, or virtually, you need to state your name and role and give some background information. Based on the expert advice above, you can do the introduction yourself or ask another person to help you do it.

To introduce yourself to new colleagues and professionals, maintain good eye contact, positive body language, culturally acceptable greetings, a clear voice, and a smile.

Since you’ll be collaborating with your colleagues frequently, especially those in your team, ensure that your first interaction goes smoothly, and by doing so, you’ll have an easy time working together.

Need More Help? Check Out These Video Tips For A Professional Introduction

How do I introduce myself to new office colleagues?

Tips on How to Introduce Yourself to New Colleagues.
Prepare Yourself for the Introduction. ... .
Ensure Your Introduction Suits the Company's Culture. ... .
Take Advantage of the Job Orientation Program. ... .
Find Opportunities for Introductions. ... .
Ask the Team Leader/Member for an Introduction. ... .
Know the Company's Organizational Chart..

How do you introduce yourself in a professional email example?

My name is [include your first and last name], and I [include a compliment about the recipient]. I am reaching out to you today because [provide a brief but specific explanation of your reason]. I hope to [include your call to action here]. Thank you for your consideration and time.

How do you introduce yourself to new team members examples?

Sample team introduction for a new starter to send My Name is [NAME], and I have been working as a [JOB TITLE] for the last [TIME] years. I'll be working closely with [DEPARTMENT] on the [PROJECT], and I'm excited to contribute to what looks like incredible work. If you see me around, come and say hi.

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