How to give someone access to instagram without password

  • How To Add Admin To Instagram
    • Share Your Instagram Login Information with Your Admin
    • Add Admins To Instagram Via Facebook
      • Just a Clarification!
      • The Upsides to Using This Method
      • The Downsides to Using This Method
    • How to Add admin to Instagram Account With AiGrow
      • How To Add Multiple Admins to Instagram with AiGorw
  • Where To Find A Trust-Worthy Admin?
  • FAQs on How to Add Admin to Instagram
    • How to Make Someone Admin on Instagram Group Chat
    • How to Switch to a Business Account on Instagram
    • How to Add a Second Admin to Instagram
  • Final Words on How to Add Admin to Instagram

‘How to add admin to Instagram on a shared business account?’ seems to have become a common question! Especially considering the importance of running a business account, learning how to add admin to Instagram is a must!

Top Instagram influencers, brands, and business accounts are too busy to handle their Instagram accounts. So they feel the urge to learn how to add an admin to Instagram.

The truth is that, unlike Facebook, Instagram does not have a feature that enables you to add users to your Instagram account. So does it mean you can’t add admin to Instagram?

Of course, not! In this article, you will learn how to add someone as an admin on Instagram. So, stick around 😉 

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There are three ways to give your Instagram admin access to the page. Here you can read about each in detail.

Share Your Instagram Login Information with Your Admin

If you want to learn how to add admin to Instagram, let’s start with the most basic solution! The first yet most primitive way is to just share your login information with your admin.

There are many issues with this method! First, you should be able to trust the admin. And this trust doesn’t only stretch to his person but also his ability to manage your IG account.

What if this trust costs you your account on which you spent so much time and energy?! What if you start losing your hard-earned Instagram followers

Let’s imagine you even get past your trust issues and trust him fully! Given that Instagram is designed for personal use, logging in from different IP addresses pushes Instagram to close your account to protect it!

So even if you know how to add admin to Instagram with this method, you will find it too risky and restrictive. You won’t be able to add multiple users, and you’ll have to continue, knowing that IG might close your account at any moment!

If you are here, you have probably thought of this method. And now you’re trying to understand how to add admin on Instagram in a safe way!

Add Admins To Instagram Via Facebook

‘How do I add  an admin to Instagram?’ you asked. And here we are with a safe yet relatively complicated method. Read on to find out!

Instagram and Facebook are of the same blood; no one denies that. Yet despite all the similarities, Instagram does not allow us to add admin while Facebook does. 

And using the link between the two, we can know how to add an admin on Instagram! Before Going through that, though, I must warn you that the process will give you a headache!

Let’s read how to add admin to Instagram using Facebook, shall we? Follow these steps:

  1. First, create a Facebook business manager account.
  2. Switch to an Instagram business account.
  3. Now, link the social media accounts.
  4. Then, on your Facebook business manager account, find ‘add partner.’
  5. Enter your admin’s ID [if you are Facebook friends]. That is how you assign your admin as your partner.
  6. And finally, ask your admin if he has received your request.

Now ask your admin to take the following step:

  1. First, click on ‘user.’
  2. Then, click on ‘page.’
  3. Click on ‘Add.’
  4. Then, request access to a page.
  5. Enter the Instagram name or drop the link.
  6. Now, click on the ‘Request Access’ button.

Now you find the Request in the left bar to see the access request from your admin. Before we go any further, allow me to make something clear.

Just a Clarification!

To clarify things, I must emphasize one thing. Usually, others ask you to link your Instagram account to your admin’s Facebook business manager account. 

However, I explicitly asked you to connect your Instagram business account to your own Facebook business manager account. And I recommended adding your admin’s Facebook business account to your own Facebook business account as a partner.

Why? Because you don’t know how things will go in the future. This way, you have your own Facebook account linked to your Instagram account. And, you can easily replace your admin with someone else.

But if you link your Instagram account to his Facebook account, things will get complicated if you try to work separately.

The Upsides to Using This Method

On the upside, you can add multiple users on one Instagram account as admins with this method. The other reason is you don’t need to give up your loving Instagram login information to someone else.

The Downsides to Using This Method

I was right about the headache thing, right? Using this method is daily complicated and demands the energy and time we don’t have! 

I tried my best to explain it as simply as possible, though. I hope Instagram will design a feature soon enough so that we don’t have to go through complicated explanations to learn how to add admin to the Instagram account. 

But till then, save yourself all that headache and use a free third-party tool to add your admin to Instagram and get over with it. 

How to Add admin to Instagram Account With AiGrow

So far, we have tried our best to show how to add admin to an Instagram account. But as you have probably noticed, we have failed to provide a safe, reliable, straightforward method. 

But right now, we have the perfect answer to all your questions; AiGrow!

How to give someone access to instagram without password

AiGrow is a platform on which you or your admin can manage your Instagram accounts. To add admin to your Instagram, all you need to do is sign up for free and connect your account by following the on-screen prompt!

Then you can share your email and the password for your AiGrow dashboard [and not the login information of your Instagram account] with your admin.

Now, your admin can:

  • Schedule your IG posts and stories
  • Host Instagram giveaways and contests,
  • Create multiple links on bio,
  • Send automated Instagram DMs,
  • Find the best hashtags with the AI-powered tool,

And much more! But they can not do certain harmful activities, like deleting your account, unfollowing the users, or blocking the users. 

So, sign up on AiGrow right now!

And for more information on this platform’s excellent features, you can read AiGrow Review.

How To Add Multiple Admins to Instagram with AiGorw

Nothing should worry you if you work as a team on your account. AiGrow puts no limitations on the number of admins! 

So, knowing how to work with AiGrow means that you know how to give access to your Instagram account to as many people as you’d like but in the safest way!

Plus, because your admins have access to your AiGrow dashboard and not your account, the problem of having different IP addresses would not occur! 

That’s why we highly recommend you sign up for AiGrow now to access all the merits!

Where To Find A Trust-Worthy Admin?

AiGrow has indeed limited the possible harmful actions of your admin. And it has solved your questions on how to add admin to Instagram. 

But still, it is your reputation and growth we are talking about. So, whether you’re a social media influencer or a business owner trying to grow your brand, you should be picky when selecting Instagram admins. 

Well, AiGrow also allows you to hire the best social media managers. AiGrow’s IG managers have years of extensive experience managing and growing Instagram accounts.

They set an efficient strategy for growing your IG account organically and help you create 2-3 posts weekly. Besides, they guarantee a certain number of followers depending upon your niche [3000-5000 new target followers].

So, using AiGrow, you can access the 1000 free Instagram followers trial to gain real followers

FAQs on How to Add Admin to Instagram

We have covered most of your concerns and questions regarding this topic. Now, it’s time to face some of the questions you have frequently asked!

How to Make Someone Admin on Instagram Group Chat

To answer this question, you must first remember that the person who creates the group will be the admin. Now, as the creator, if you’d like to make someone else admin, follow the steps below:

1. First, enter the group from your list of DMs.

2. Tap on that group’s name once you’re in the conversation thread.

3. Then, tap on the three horizontal lines next to each member’s name.

How to give someone access to instagram without password
how to make someone admin on Instagram group chat

4. Now, choose ‘Make Admin.’

How to give someone access to instagram without password
make someone admin on Instagram group

And that’s it! Your new admin can remove or restrict other users,

How to Switch to a Business Account on Instagram

We need Instagram Insights and analytics to outwit the IG algorithm and see how well our account is performing. But to get access to Instagram Insights and promote our account using an admin, we need to have a business profile.

To switch to a business account on Instagram, follow these instructions:

1. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of your Instagram profile feed and select ‘Settings.’

2. From the list that appears, pick ‘Account.’

How to give someone access to instagram without password
how to switch to a business account

3. Now, scroll down until you get to ‘Switch to Professional Account’ near the bottom of the list.

How to give someone access to instagram without password
switch to a business account

4. Once you fill in the information, you can confirm and start your business account.

As easy as that!

How to Add a Second Admin to Instagram

You already know how to add admin in Instagram. But you might ask: ‘Can you add another admin on Instagram?

Well, if you use the first method, you can share your IG password with as many people as you’d like. Just remember that the more admins enter your page, the more dangerous it is!

But, if you sign up on AiGrow, you can have multiple users managing your account. And it won’t pose any threats because they won’t have your IG password!

Final Words on How to Add Admin to Instagram

If you are too busy to handle your Instagram account, you can add an admin to Instagram and have them manage your account. But how to add admin to Instagram?!

Here, we tried to discuss all possible ways. We provided three answers to your question on how to make someone admin on Instagram!

The first way is to give your login information to your admin, which is not safe at all. The second way is to add admin via Facebook, but the process is a pain in the neck.

The third and best way is to add your admin to AiGrow, a free and reliable Instagram management tool. Then you can give your admins access to your dashboard and not your Instagram account. Voila!

The best way to add your admin to a free Instagram management tool and give access to your dashboard, not your Instagram account.