How to get rid of wasps in texas

If you've seen reddish-brown wasps flying around your Dallas home, you may have reason for concern. Those are paper wasps and while they are fairly docile when they are away from their nests, they can become extremely aggressive when they are protecting a nest. If paper wasps have established a nest on your property, it can present a threat. That is why it is best to get rid of paper wasps right away. There is only one way to do this. That's what we're going to talk about today.

How to get rid of wasps in texas

Nest Detection

The first step is to notice wasps nests as they begin to form. This has two components. You need to know what developing nests look like and you need to know where to look for them.

What Paper Wasp Nests Look Like — You may already know what a paper wasp nest looks like. These are common insects in the Dallas area. But you might not recognize a nest as it is forming. At first, it is only a small gray, umbrella shape, with hexagonal compartments inside. Once it is fully formed, it will be the shape of a strawberry.

Where You Can Find Wasp Nests — You may know this one as well. Paper wasps create their aerial nests in sheltered locations on, and around, man-made structures. Perhaps you've seen one under a roofline, on the ceiling of a porch, or under a deck, porch, or patio. These are only some of the many locations they build nests. The key to finding them is to look up. When you get under your deck to search for a nest, you need to look up. These insects get into the "rafters" of low lying structures as readily as they do the rafters of a barn.

Nest Removal

Once you've found a nest, it needs to be removed. If it is just a little starter nest, and there are no wasps present on the surface, you may be able to just brush it away with a broom. Do a quick inspection of the area and make sure there are no wasps nearby. If the nest has developed to a point where you are unable to see all the hexagonal chambers, there could be wasps inside that you can't see. Removing these nests can be hazardous.

A few things to consider about DIY wasp nest removal:

  • Selecting the wrong product to spray a wasps' nest can be hazardous.
  • Inappropriate application of wasp sprays can be toxic.
  • Climbing a ladder to spray a wasps nest can result in a fall.
  • Getting into a closed space with a wasps' nests is a bad idea.
  • When you have a licensed and insured pest professional take care of wasp nests, you don't have to worry about injury. You also don't have to worry about the wrong methods or products being used to address the threat.

Professional Wasp Control and Nest Removal

Life gets busy. Who has time to be looking for developing wasps nests? There's work, school, sporting events, recitals, family reunions, birthday parties—the list goes on and on. But you don't have to think about nest detection when you have residential pest control from All-Safe Pest & Termite doing it for you. Our plans come with routine inspections. If a wasp nest is forming on your property, it won't take you by surprise. Your All-Safe Service Professional will take care of it. We have the equipment and experience to remove wasp nests from your property. No nest; no threat. It's just that simple. That's how you get rid of wasp nests right away.

For assistance with pest control or wasp nest removal in the Dallas area, reach out to All-Safe Pest & Termite today. We're here to help.

Tags: Home pest Control | stinging insects |


Flying insects keep enthusiastic gardeners and homeowners in Austin from enjoying their lawns. They also can keep business people from attracting prospective customers and employees. No one wants to visit you if they could be bitten or stung by a pest.

Stinging bugs are broadly classified as wasps. Each subgroup has features and characteristics that set them apart from another, including risks. It would be prudent to learn more about local wasps, so you can better manage them. White Knight Pest Control can certainly be of assistance.

How to get rid of wasps in texas

What Wasps Are in Austin? What Are the Dangers?

Paper wasps and yellow jackets are very common in the city. Paper wasps are 1 inch long. Since they have black wings and their brown bodies have yellow marks on them, the bugs are usually misidentified as bees. Their distinguishing trait is that their thinner figures are narrow and elongated. Sheltered areas are where they tend to start their nests, so expect to discover some around foundation voids, roof eaves, door frames, and window sills. They will enter your home or business if they find an open window or door, or a structural crevice. Seeing a single paper wasp means you have an infestation.

Another element that separates paper wasps from insects like them is how they build their cocoons. They join chunks of plant matter together with their saliva, which appears as paper when it airs out. The material is extremely profuse; the interiors will be hidden from view. Nests will have a shape like an umbrella, earning these bugs the alternate name of “umbrella wasps.

Yellowjackets could be labeled as bees too. Though they have slender waists and fewer body hairs, their black and yellow coloring throws people off. However, several are black and white. They are 0.39 to 0.62 of an inch long, but their wings are even longer. Nectar, fellow insects, meat, and sugar are invasion motivators for these pests. Generally, their cocoons will be by patios, sidewalks, tree bases, voids, and other ground-level spots. That said, aerial nests are an indication of trouble. 

Additional essential facts about wasps are: 

  • They’re Environmentally Useful: The ecosystem remains balanced by its feeding and pollination cycles.  
  • Their Stings Are Concerning: If you’re stung, you’ll have pain, inflammation, warmth, and itching. Physical and/or allergic reactions may be critical enough to necessitate medical attention. Wasps can attack multiple times. 

How Can You Prevent Austin Wasps?

Boosting your exterior care practices can make a difference for wasp deterrence. This includes cleaning and lawn maintenance routines. Here’s what you should do specifically:

  • Regularly trim grass and greenery. Fill ground holes and discard organic debris.
  • Set in repellent plants for gardens, such as eucalyptus and citronella.

  • Distance plants from your property by two feet. Don’t overseed or overwater them. 

  • Flush out your gutters and vents on a routine basis.

  • Use canisters with airtight lids for food and trash storage. 

  • Keep decks, porches, and roof eaves clean, and try not to leave food out. 

  • Close up gaps in foundations, windows, and doors. 

  • Contact White Knight Pest Control if you have critters wasps consume. 

What Can White Knight Pest Control Do About Austin Wasps?

Wasps and their nests should never be approached, whether it looks dead or you have sprayed. In fact, retail products may make things worse. A strike from the bugs can ensue. Further, such shelf goods are frequently toxic or limited ineffectiveness. If you want a safe wasp control avenue that will also garner desired results, look to White Knight Pest Control. Our skilled technicians will remove cocoons and treat your property with reliable, specially designed treatments. Guarantees and recurring visits are available.

Tags: wasps in austin | preventing wasps | wasp control |

How do I permanently get rid of wasps?

Follow these tips:.
Remove food sources. ... .
Seal all doors and windows (or install screens). ... .
Use wasp-repellent plants. ... .
Stay vigilant about nests. ... .
Cover or treat holes. ... .
Use natural remedies..

What is the best deterrent for wasps?

Wasps have a strong sense of smell and dislike certain plants like peppermint, spearmint, basil, eucalyptus, cloves, geranium, thyme, citronella, bay leaves, and lemongrass. They are also repelled by vinegar, cinnamon, coffee grounds, and sliced cucumber.

How does vinegar get rid of wasps?

Prepare 5 ml of lemongrass, peppermint, or citronella oil with 4 ounces each of vinegar and water. Put the mixture in a hose-end sprayer and spray over the entry points of the nest. Spicy pepper – Repeat the same procedure as with the essential oils, above. Spray the mixture on the nests to get rid of wasps.

How do you stop wasps from coming back?

How to prevent wasp nests.
Remove sources of food from around your porch. ... .
Keep doors and windows shut. ... .
Place wasp-repelling plants around your home and porch. ... .
Check for nests. ... .
Seal garbage cans and cover compost piles. ... .
Pick up trash. ... .
Cover any holes on the ground..