How to figure out annual income from hourly wage

Most jobs in the United States fall into one of two categories: hourly and salaried_._ Salaried employees are paid a set amount per set period – for example, weekly, semi-monthly or monthly – based on a 40-hour work week, no matter how many hours they may put in at the office. Hourly employees are paid directly for hours worked and receive overtime pay (usually 1.5 times their standard hourly rate) if they work more than 40 hours in a week. For a salaried employee, it’s fairly easy to calculate an annual salary since pay is the same period after period, but for an hourly employee, there are a couple of other factors to consider.


When doing an hourly to annual calculation to find out what your income will be for a given year, you should multiply your hourly rate by the number of hours you work in that year. You should also keep in mind other parts of your compensation package, like bonuses and benefits.

Hourly to Annual Calculation

The basic calculation for annual salary for an hourly employee is simple: Estimate the number of hours worked weekly, multiply this by the hourly rate and then multiply this by 52 (weeks in a year). There are a lot of things this doesn’t consider, but as a ballpark, this wage multiplier is the place to start. For example:

  • Melody works 40 hours a week at $15 an hour. Her base annual wage is then (40 hours) x ($15/hour) x (52 weeks) = $31,200 annually.
  • Bart works 24 hours a week at $20 an hour. His base annual wage is (20 hours) x ($20/hour) x (52 weeks) = $20,800 annually.

This also works in reverse; for example, if a job offers $5,000 for an 8-week period, the average hourly wage for the job comes out to ($5000)/(8 weeks) = $625/week, and then ($625/week)/(40 hours) = $15.625 per hour. offers a tool to do this math for you.

Additional Calculation Considerations

With hourly employees, there are a number of additional things to consider when working out an annual salary. Some hourly employees work the same schedule every week for the entire year; in this case, the calculation above will be close enough. (An exact calculation will depend on the way the calendar year sorts itself out weekly and the schedule on which the company pays out wages, but assuming 52 weeks in a year will get the math very close.)

However, for many hourly paid employees, hours worked per week can fluctuate, and other factors can affect the overall annual salary.

Consideration: Weekly Schedule

Some hourly employees may work 40 hours one week, 36 the next and 20 the following. Some companies schedule employees like this based on the needs of the store, or the intention to share hours or to work around their employees’ personal schedules.

In this case, it can be tricky to calculate an estimated annual salary because the employee may not know how many hours they are working at any given time. To estimate it, try to assume an average number of work hours per week, and work from there.

For example, an employee working the schedule stated above could use (40 + 36 + 20) / (3 weeks) = 32 hours worked per week on average to calculate their estimated annual income.

Consideration: Overtime Payments

Hourly employees are eligible for overtime pay, which is normally “time and a half” for hours they work over the standard 40 hours per week. Some companies have overtime planned into their work schedule for employees; other companies may offer the opportunity to work overtime during holidays or planned periods like company-wide inventory where the workload is expected to increase.

Periods of overtime will increase an employee’s annual pay, but since they’re hard to predict, they can be hard to calculate. Again, it’s best to assume an average number of overtime hours worked and use this to calculate an estimate.

For example, if Mike takes an estimated three hours of overtime every week, and his salary is $10 per hour: ($10 per hour) x (40 hours per week) = $400 per week as standard pay plus ($15 per hour as overtime rate) x (3 hours of overtime) = $45 per week as overtime pay. This makes Mike’s weekly income $445 and his annual salary ($445 per week) x 52 weeks = $23,140 as an annual salary.

Consideration: Paid and Unpaid Leave

Time off for hourly employees depends entirely on company policy. Some businesses offer paid leave time such as vacation, sick time or personal time; others require employees to take unpaid time off for these things.

Employees can’t always plan how many days they’ll need off per year, but a good estimate might be one day per month in a year, making 12 days off annually. If these days are unpaid, the annual salary calculation will have to remove those 12 days' worth of pay. Obviously this is hard to predict, but it’s something to keep in mind when budgeting.

Consideration: Bonuses and Benefits

The Muse explains that some companies offer bonuses annually or quarterly, often based on the store or corporation’s recent performance; this helps to tie employee performance and dedication to the company directly to an employee’s earnings, which can motivate employees to do a better job. Since these bonuses may be related to the company’s success, they may be hard to predict, but they can probably be estimated based on past performance.

Employee benefits may not be seen in the direct hourly wage, but absolutely need to be considered as part of an overall employment package, explains Glassdoor. Health insurance coverage alone can be worth a substantial amount regardless of hourly rate.

For example, perhaps Job A offers $2,500 per four-week month and health insurance coverage. Job B offers $3,000 per four-week month and no health insurance coverage. If the employee can obtain health care for less than $500 per month, Job B is more valuable. However, if health care costs more than $500 per month, Job A is actually more valuable. This is a simplified calculation, but it shows how intangible benefits should also be considered as part of an employee’s earnings.

Annual Salary and Hours

Using these general averages given above, one might think the average employee works 40 hours per week x 52 weeks per year = 2,080 hours annually. This is somewhat close; data from five years ago estimates the average American works between 1,780 and 1,815 hours per year. This adjusted number is the result of fluctuating schedules, vacation, sick time off and so on, as detailed previously. The difference (around 200 hours) is about 25 days off per year.

For an employee starting out at a new job, it may be difficult to estimate all of these factors at once. However, an employee with a few years behind them at a certain company can also use previous years to help estimate hours worked, overtime patterns and time off. Keeping track of these numbers can help an employee, say, calculate what their income could be with a certain promotion or raise they’re looking for, which can help them budget and can be very motivating.

Most employees can talk to their supervisor or manager to help get an idea of how the workload distributes itself over a standard year so that they know what to expect, both in hours and in earnings. Some companies can also share a monetary estimate for the benefits they provide to help an employee understand the value.


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