How to crossfade songs on iphone

Some of Apple’s services are available on other platforms such as Windows and Android, but usually the company keeps some features restricted to its own devices. However, when it comes to Apple Music, it’s quite the opposite. The Android version seems to have more features than on iOS. Why doesn’t Apple Music on iOS have crossfade, but the Android app does?

To put some context into this article, I recently decided to give the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 a try after years of using iPhone. But since I’m not replacing the iPhone as my primary phone, I still subscribe to Apple One, which means Apple Music is still my primary music streaming service.

I was a bit afraid about what to expect from the Apple Music experience on Android – after all, we all know that using Apple Music on Windows is a nightmare. Luckily, everything works quite well. I haven’t had any issues other than those I also have using Apple Music on iOS – like having to constantly confirm that I allow explicit songs on my device.

But here’s where things start to get interesting. In some cases, it seems that the Apple Music app for Android has more features than the iOS app, which is a native app with access to all of the iOS private APIs.

One thing I immediately noticed is that Apple Music on Android comes with crossfade enabled by default. For those unfamiliar, crossfade enables a smooth transition between one song and another, which creates an effect similar to that used by DJs to always have something playing, avoiding silence when a song ends.

Personally, I really enjoyed listening to songs with crossfade enabled, so I looked for this option in iOS. It turns out that it doesn’t exist there.

There’s more missing in Apple Music on iOS

How to crossfade songs on iphone

However, this is only one of the features missing from Apple Music on iOS when compared to the Android app. As 9to5Mac‘s Chance Miller wrote earlier this month, Apple Music on Android was updated in 2020 with “gapless playback,” which is also a technique for eliminating silence between tracks – but without the crossfade effect. Guess what? That feature was never added to iOS.

As I looked deeper into the Apple Music app settings on Android, I also found an option to force the app to update album and playlist artworks, as well as easy access to content restriction options. None of this is available on iOS.

It’s great to see an Apple app like Apple Music on other platforms. But in what world does adding exclusive features to competing platforms make any sense? Why are these features not available for iOS users?

And last but not least, I still insist that Apple should provide standalone updates for native iOS apps. iPhone and iPad users have to wait a whole year until the next major iOS release to get some new features in apps like Apple Music, while Android apps (including native ones) can be updated at any time.

Come on, Apple. You can do better than that.

Read also:

  • Hands-on: This is what it’s like using Apple Music on Samsung’s Galaxy S21+

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How to crossfade songs on iphone

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Remove those silent gaps between songs

Updated on October 30, 2021

What to Know

  • To enable crossfading, open iTunes and select iTunes from the menu bar, select Preferences,and then select Playback from the menu.
  • Select the Crossfade Songs check box, then move the slider bar to adjust the crossfade duration (default is six seconds). Select OK.
  • With crossfading, as the first track fades out and the next one fades in, listeners enjoy a smooth, gapless transition between songs.

This article explains how to use a little-known iTunes feature called crossfading, which is the perfect solution for anyone who's ever been annoyed by gaps between songs.

How to Set Up Crossfading

Follow these steps to set up crossfading.

  1. Open iTunes and select iTunes from the menu bar.

  2. Select Preferences.

    If you're on a Windows device this option will be found under the Edit menu.

  3. Select the Playback icon from the top menu bar.

  4. Select the Crossfade Songs check box. Now move the slider bar to adjust the duration of the crossfade between songs. The default length is six seconds.

  5. When finished, select OK to exit the preferences menu.

What Is Crossfading?

Crossfading refers to the overlapping of the end of one track with the beginning of the next one. As the first track fades out and the next one fades in, listeners enjoy a smooth, gapless transition between songs. If you like listening to continuous, nonstop music—maybe during exercise or intense concentration—then crossfading is a good way to keep you in the zone. It only takes a few seconds to configure.

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Can I crossfade Music on my Iphone?

The answer is yes. Apple Music has released the crossfade feature years ago. But it doesn't support iOS devices now. So you may be unable to find this feature on your iOS devices.

Does Apple have a crossfade option?

One thing I immediately noticed is that Apple Music on Android comes with crossfade enabled by default. For those unfamiliar, crossfade enables a smooth transition between one song and another, which creates an effect similar to that used by DJs to always have something playing, avoiding silence when a song ends.

How do you overlap songs on Apple Music?

This feature, called crossfading, prevents gaps of silence between songs. In the Music app on your Mac, choose Music > Preferences, then click Playback. Select Crossfade Songs. To change the amount of time it takes for the current song to fade out at the end and the new song to fade in, drag the Seconds slider.