How to cite a book in apa 7 format

Second edition = 2nd ed.

Third edition = 3rd ed.

Fourth edition = 4th ed.

Revised edition = Rev. ed.

General Format

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Author Surname, Year)

In-Text Citation (Quotation):

(Author Surname, Year, page number)


Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (edition). Publisher.


In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Harris, 2001)

In-Text Citation (Quotation):

(Harris, 2001, p. 50)


Harris, L. A. (2001). Canadian copyright law (3rd ed.). McGraw Hill Ryerson.

When to cite the whole book:

When the entire book has been written by the same set of authors, and the chapters have not been contributed by different authors, then you regard the entire book as a single source and cite the whole book. If you use three different chapters from the same book, it still only counts as one source - only one book.

Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to academic writing. Pearson/Longman.

When to cite the individual chapters:

If the book has been edited or compiled, and each chapter has its own authors, then you cite each chapter separately. If you use three different chapters, each chapter counts as a separate source.

Martin, A. (2006). Literacies for the digital age. In A. Martin & D. Madigan (Eds.), Digital literacies for learning (pp. 3-25). Facet.

Information needed for a bookInformation needed for a chapter of an edited book
  • The author(s) of the book
  • The date of publication of the book
  • The title of the book
  • The name of the publishers
  • If it is an electronic book, you will need a URL or a DOI. 
  • The author(s) of the chapter
  • The date of publication of the book
  • The title of the chapter
  • The editor(s) of the book
  • The title of the book
  • The page numbers for the chapter (complete range - e.g., 25-39)
  • The name of the publishers
  • If it is an electronic book, you will need a URL or a DOI. 

Are you trying to cite a section of a custom textbook? Custom textbooks are works that have been compiled for a particular course or cohort, and the chapters may have originally come from a variety of sources. Please see the section on Custom Textbooks under Class Handouts and Lectures.

Eliot, T. S. (2001). Tradition and the individual talent. In V. B. Leitch (Ed.), The Norton anthology of theory and criticism (pp. 1092-1097). W. W. Norton. (Original work published 1920)

Note that the page numbers of an article or chapter are preceded by "pp." in the reference list entry (for example, "pp. 1092-1097"). In cases where an article/chapter occupies a single page, the page number is preceded by "p." (e.g, "p. 4").

Include the book's DOI after the publisher's name if a DOI is available.

If an article has been reprinted from a source that was published earlier, give the original date of publication in the "original work" element of the citation, as shown above. When using this element, do not put a period after it.

Note that this template should be used only for books that have different authors for each chapter. If the author(s) is/are the same for an entire book, create a reference list entry for the entire book, even if you only quoted from one chapter of the book. (Your in-text citation will direct your reader to the specific part of the book that you quoted.)

Multiple Authors - 20 Authors or Less?

List all authors up to and including 20 authors. 


Clarke, N., D'Amato, A., Higgs, M., & Ramesh, V. (2018). Responsible leadership in projects: Insights into ethical decision making. Project Management Institute.


List each author's last name first followed by a comma. Then, add the initials for the first and middle names (if there is one). Add a period after each initial. Separate each author with a comma. Insert an ampersand (&) before the last author.

Parenthetical & Narrative Citations

For one or two authors, list all authors in the reference. For three or more authors, list the first author followed by et al. This includes the first time the source is used in the paper. 

Parenthetical Citation Example

(Clarke et al., 2018)

Narrative Citation Example

Clarke et al. (2018) found ......

Multiple Authors - 21 or More Authors?

List the first 19 authors' names, then insert an ellipse, and then add the last author's name.


Gilbert, J. R., Smith, J. D., Johnson, R. S., Anderson, A., Plath, S., Martin, G., Sorenson, K., Jones, R., Adams, T., Rothbaum, Z., Esty, K., Gibbs, M., Taultson, B., Christner, G, Paulson, L., Tolo, K., Jacobson, W. L., Robinson, R. A., Maurer, O., . . . White, N. (2014). Choosing a title (2nd ed.). Unnamed  Publishing.

Parenthetical Citation Example

(Gilbert et al., 2014)

Narrative Citation Example

Gilbert et al. (2014) ...

More Information

For more information about author format, see Section 9.8 on page 286 of the APA Manual, 7th edition.