How to check your like history on instagram

When browsing Instagram, be it your timeline, popular page or through hash tags it doesn't take long to find terrific photos (and maybe videos). Remembering who posted the content isn't always as easy. Thankfully, Instagram has made it possible to view every photo or video you've ever liked; you just have to know where to look.

iMore originally posted this quick tip, and to be honest, it's one of those tips that's so obvious it's easily overlooked.

How to check your like history on instagram
Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

To view your like history on Instagram, in either the Android or iOS app, launch the app and then go to your profile page. From there tap on the settings icon in the top-right corner of your screen. Select Posts You've Liked.

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You can now view and browse all of the posts you've liked on Instagram in chronological order. On iOS the layout is customizable, just as it is when viewing a users profile. Android users will have to browse using only thumbnails.

How many times do you double-tap on an Instagram post and see the little heart appear on the screen? You may be one of those people who are generous with their likes, or perhaps you’re one who only offers such affections to a few posts.

How to check your like history on instagram

Either way, Instagram remembers the likes you’ve issued and allows you to revisit them whenever you want. Perhaps you’ve liked a post initially and now want to go back and leave a thoughtful comment.

Or maybe you want to revoke a few likes. It’s a straightforward process, and we’ll guide you through it.

How to View Instagram Posts You’ve Liked on the iPhone App

If you’re an iPhone user, tapping your way to the previously liked posts is quick and easy. Is there a post you’ve liked and now want to view again? No problem, just follow these steps to see your liked posts on Instagram:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your iPhone.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  3. Now, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the screen.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  4. Navigate to “Your Activity -> Interactions.”
  5. Tap on “Likes.”

You could have gone to the person’s profile, scrolled and scrolled until you found the post in question, and read the caption, but this method is faster.

Also, remember that Instagram only stores the last 300 posts you’ve liked. For some, that might be a few days of liked posts. For others, it could be much longer than that.

How to View Your Own Previously Liked Posts from the Instagram Android App

There are many reasons why you want to check posts you’ve liked previously. It might contain helpful information such as important announcements and schedules.

You might want to go back and read all incoming comments as they provide meaningful engagement. Whatever the case may be, if you’re an Android user, here’s how you can view the posts you’ve liked in the past:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your Android device.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  2. Go to your profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  3. Tap on “Your Activity.”
  4. Select “Interactions.”
  5. Tap on “Likes.”

You’ll see a list of previously liked posts. Again, remember that you only have access to 300 previously liked posts, so if you’re looking for posts older than that, you’re out of luck.

Can I View My Previously Liked Posts from a PC?

Checking Instagram on a PC has its perks. You can not only like, share, comment, and upload images as a post but also keep up with what the people you follow are posting.

However, there are some limitations too. Even though you can like posts on Instagram on the web, you can’t check the posts you’ve liked in the past. The feature doesn’t exist if you’re using Instagram via a browser.

That’s another limitation Instagram has imposed on its users, in addition to only being able to view 300 liked posts within the app. Also, if you’re wondering whether you can see comments you’ve made previously, the answer is no.

How to View Someone Else’s Previously Liked Posts from the Instagram iPhone App

It’s human nature to wonder what our friends are up to and what they like. Sometimes, you might want to see whether your best friend likes the identical posts you do. Unfortunately, you can’t keep track of other people’s likes on Instagram anymore.

This feature was available until 2019, when Instagram decided to remove it, explaining that they wanted to protect users’ privacy. While many celebrated this change, others did not, such as parents of minors who wish to keep up with their activities.

So, are there any options for people who want to see other people’s previously liked posts? Some rely on third-party tracker apps, but those are neither legitimate nor typically very accurate.

There is an option, but it has limitations and can be pretty time-consuming. Let’s say you want to see if the person you follow has liked a specific post. Here’s what you can do if you’re an iPhone user:

  1. Open the app and find the profile page of the person whose likes you want to see.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  2. Tap on the “Following” section on their profile.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  3. Select any account they follow.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  4. Browse through posts, and if the person liked a specific post, their name would show under the post.
    How to check your like history on instagram

As mentioned, this can be time-consuming and will only work if you want something specific. A person might have liked all the posts of someone they follow, but they also might have liked only one.

How to View Someone Else’s Previously Liked Posts from the Instagram Android App

The Instagram mobile app functions the same way on the iOS operating system as on Android. Therefore, checking someone else’s previously liked posts is identically inefficient as it is for iPhone users.

If you want to go on a hunt for a person’s likes on Instagram while using an Android device, here’s what you do:

  1. Launch Instagram and search for the account you want to investigate.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  2. Then, tap on their Following section and pick a person they follow from the list.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  3. Find the account you want to check and look for a post you think they might have liked.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  4. If they have, their name will be displayed right under the post.
    How to check your like history on instagram

You might see something like “Liked by John Smith and 10,000 others.” And that will appear under every post you view that they’ve liked.

How to View Someone Else’s Previously Liked Posts on Instagram on a PC

You can view other people’s likes on Instagram the same way you do on a mobile app. You still can’t see a neat list of all previously liked posts.

However, you can check specific posts and see if they have liked them. For example, if all you want is to see whether a person you follow has liked the same post you have, their name will be right under the post.

However, if more than one person has liked the same post you did, you will have to tap on the “likes” list to see if their name is there too. If you want to explore someone else’s previously liked posts, here’s what you should do:

  1. Visit via a browser and go to the person’s profile page whose likes you want to see.
  2. Click on the Following tab to see the list of the accounts they follow.
    How to check your like history on instagram
  3. Select an account and browse through posts to see if their name appears under specific posts.
    How to check your like history on instagram

Again, it might be an inefficient method but can achieve results in specific situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read through this section for the answers to more of your questions about Instagram likes.

Absolutely! Instagram is aware that a lot of marketing is happening on the platform. If you’ve seen a post where you clicked on a link, the platform makes it easy to find that link again. All you need to do is follow the steps above and head to the Activity Setting.

Then, tap on Links you visited. Here, you will see the links you’ve recently clicked.

How do I track the likes on my own posts?

If you want to see who liked your posts, you’ll need to navigate to that post and tap on the option to see likes, or if it’s a recent post, head to your Instagram notifications.

However, if you’re trying to build a larger following and get more interactions, it’s best to switch your personal Instagram account to a professional account. The professional account gives you analytics so you can see an overview of engagements.

Keeping Up With the Instagram Likes

Overall, there are significant limitations when checking the previously liked posts on Instagram. You get to see your profile’s last 300 liked posts, and that’s it. Plus, you can’t access this feature via the web.

The situation is even more complicated regarding other people’s liked posts. You don’t have access to all their likes as you did in the past, and they can’t see yours either. What you can do is check whether they’ve liked specific posts and pay attention to what they’re interested in that way.

How can I see what I like on Instagram again?

In general, you can find a post's likes below it on Instagram. To see how many likes a post of a video has, first tap the view count below the video. From there, you can see the number of likes a video has and who's liked it. Was this helpful?

How do you see your watch history on Instagram?

Here's how to do it:.
Open the Instagram app and switch to your profile section. ... .
From the Settings page, press the search box, search for “Manage Likes”, and tap on the result. ... .
You will now see all the posts you've recently liked. ... .
Instagram also lets you sort and filter your liked posts..