How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy home remedies

Stretch marks may be a rite of passage for most women in pregnancy - 75 to 90% of us get them.

While we find stretch marks to be beautiful, we understand that some prefer to prevent or minimize them. They can sometimes be prevented or minimized with some simple, natural measures. 


It’s no surprise that stretch marks in pregnancy are a result of the rapid stretching of the skin on your belly, breasts, and related areas. They often start as red, pink, purple, brown, reddish brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin tone. Later they often turn to a white or silver color, sometimes with deep indentations. There is some evidence that the likelihood of having them is hereditary. So if your mom had them, you may be more likely to have them, too. Factors such as being a younger age at pregnancy, having a bigger baby or larger weight gain, and higher body mass index are associated with higher risk of having stretch marks.


Once stretch marks have reached the silver or white color, often with deep indentations, it’s harder to treat them. But at earlier stages, and before they’ve appeared at all, there are some simple and natural steps you can take to prevent or minimize them.

Start early

As we noted, treating skin before stretch marks appear, or while they’re in the early stages, will increase the chances of minimizing them. The greatest risk for stretch marks is in the third trimester when your belly is stretching the most, so start with these recommendations early in your pregnancy.


Keeping skin moisturized makes it more elastic and more able to stretch without damage. Moisturize several times a day with a product rich in oils your skin can absorb. Water based products will sit on top of your skin, but oil based products like our Pregnant Belly Salve and Pregnant Belly Oil will hydrate your skin and keep it pliable.


Keeping yourself well hydrated on the inside is not only good for your baby, it may help your skin stay less dry and more elastic. Choose filtered water over juices, which spike your blood sugar and are missing the fiber of whole fruit.  And avoid caffeinated beverages because they contribute to dehydration.

Eat for healthy skin

Consider these tips for a diet rich in skin-supporting vitamins and fats, including Vitamin A, C, E, and omega 3 fatty acids, as well as collagen. Note that supplementation with Vitamin A can cause birth defects, so aim to get your vitamins from whole foods and a prenatal vitamin.

Exercise for healthy weight gain

Above we mentioned that higher weight gain and having a higher birth weight baby are associated with stretch marks. Not all of our pregnancy weight gain is within our control, but an exercise program approved by your health care provider may help you keep your weight gain in a healthy range, decreasing the risk of stretch marks. If you have gestational diabetes, and so are at risk of having a higher birth weight baby, working with your providers to control your blood sugar is an effective way to control your baby’s birth weight and prevent stretch marks, too.

Control itching with soothing herbs

Stretch marks are often itchy, and scratching them can cause further damage to your skin. So choose a moisturizer which contains herbs which soothe irritated skin. Our and Pregnant Belly Salve and Pregnant Belly Oil contain herbs such as chamomile and calendula which naturally soothe itchy skin.

Stick to safe ingredients

As with all body care products you use during pregnancy, be sure that the ingredients in the moisturizer you use are free of harmful chemicals. Our Pregnant Belly Oil and Pregnant Belly Salve both have “zero” ratings (the safest) on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.

There are laser treatments for stretch marks which you can investigate, and other topical treatments using chemical ingredients. But for natural prevention and minimizing of stretch marks, we recommend these simple steps.


01/6​Five home remedies for pregnancy stretch marks

Stretch marks, also called striae, happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to weight gain or body growth. They are absolutely normal during and post pregnancy and doesn't indicate any health issue.

Pregnancy and puberty are the two most common times in life when women get stretch marks. The good news is that most stretch marks fade away or take a lighter colouring and become shiny.

Getting rid of stretch marks completely is a little impossible. But some home remedies can help minimise the appearance of the stretch marks and help them fade away more quickly. Here's a list of five such remedies:


02/6​Vitamin A

Vitamin A is called a retinoid. They make the skin smoother and more youthful. These are used in many over-the-counter topical cosmetic creams.

A diet rich in Vitamin A can help improve your skin's health and overall appearance. You can use Vitamin A extract directly on the stretch marks. Older research conducted in 1996 identified retinoids as a helpful agent in lightening the stretch marks.



You can make a sugar scrub and exfoliate the area. To make the scrub, mix one cup of sugar with 1/4 cup of softening agent like almond oil/coconut oil. Mix it to the consistency of wet beach sand. Add some lemon juice and scrub the area with the mixture.

Repeat the process several times a week, to see visible effects.


04/6​Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the remedy for almost anything and everything. Coconut oil helps heal the skin wounds and lighten the stretch marks.

Apply virgin coconut oil to your stretch marks every day to see visible effects. Several studies have proven the healing properties of coconut oil.


05/6​Aloe vera

Aloe vera works nothing less than magic. Though is no clinical evidence, aloe vera works wonder in diminishing away several types of body marks including stretch marks.

Apply pure aloe vera from the plant to your stretch marks 30 minutes before you shower.


06/6​Hyaluronic acid

Collagen is the protein in your skin that keeps it healthy and glowing. With age, amount of collagen goes down in our face and our bodies. The production of collagen can be stimulated with hyaluronic acid, which can be absorbed by consuming a capsule.


What can I rub on my pregnant belly to prevent stretch marks?

Healthline Parenthood's picks of the best stretch mark creams for pregnancy.
Mustela Stretch Marks Cream..
Earth Mama Belly Butter..
Glow Organics Belly Butter..
Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter..
Bio-Oil Skincare Oil..
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks..
Munchkin Milkmakers All-Natural Belly Balm..

How can I get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy naturally?

Natural remedies for stretch marks.
Vitamin A. Vitamin A in skin care products is referred to as a retinoid. ... .
Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a powerful ingredient for moisturizing and skin healing. ... .
Centella. ... .
Sugar. ... .
Aloe vera. ... .
Coconut oil..

Which oil is best for stretch marks during pregnancy?

Eight best essential oils for stretch marks.
Argan oil. Argan essential oil is a popular natural product for skin and hair care. ... .
Bitter almond oil. ... .
Bitter orange oil. ... .
Lavender oil. ... .
Neroli oil. ... .
Patchouli oil. ... .
Pomegranate oil. ... .
Frankincense essential oil..


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