How to answer interview questions for manager position

Whether you’re currently a manager looking to step into a higher role or you’re after your first-time manager position, stepping into an interview for a managerial position can be daunting.

In this article we will go over how to answer these questions and provide example answers of what interviewers are looking for.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leadership is one of the most valuable soft skills to have, and it’s important that you go into your interview fully prepared to answer any leadership-related questions

  • Before going into the interview you should research the company and prepare for any curveballs that the interviewer might throw you.

  • Make sure to use the STAR (situation, task, action, result) to come up with the best answer.

In a position that relies on managing multiple people, a hiring manager will want to gauge your management style and leadership skills. As a result, it’s important that you present yourself as an experienced leader.

  1. Strategize before going into the interview. This is a good idea so you aren’t caught off guard by a question and don’t have to think of examples off the top of your head.

    Additionally, because there is a wide range of relevant questions you could be asked, you should focus on good, managerial traits you have that you can highlight while answering them

  2. Think of good traits. Good traits to focus your answers on are positivity, prioritization, empathy, honesty, accountability, decisiveness, and flexibility.

    All of these are excellent traits for a leader to have, so you should keep them in mind when answering leadership-related questions.

    In addition, accentuating these traits will help you when answering behavioral interview questions, as the hiring manager will likely expect you to give examples that show your value from a past situation.

  3. Tell a story. When coming up with a story use a specific, personal example from your previous work experience that highlight how and why you’re a good manager.

    Tell one or two stories about a time you performed exceptional leadership. Maybe in your previous position you helped a divisive team work together and increased performance. Maybe you came up with a new idea that benefited the company you worked for. Or maybe you remember making a difficult decision that positively altered the course your company had been taking.

  4. Prepare ahead of time. Whatever example you remember, prepare the story before you go into the interview. Remember to focus on how your actions as a leader contributed to you and your team getting positive results. Focus on the skills and traits you have that make you an amazing leader. Having these points prepared will allow you to discard any information that will cause you to ramble.

20 Example Interview Questions for Managers (With Answers)

With those tips in mind, here are 20 common leadership-related questions and answer samples. Remember, when answering questions be sure to personalize as much as possible.

  1. If there was a disagreement on your team, how would you handle it?

    This question is designed to gauge your conflict resolution skills. Make sure you keep your answer positive and use an example of a time you successfully solved a disagreement or de-escalated a situation on your team.

    Example Answer

    I believe that proper communication is the key to solving disagreements on the team. While working at my previous position, there was a situation where two team members had a disagreement over their daily tasks. My first step was to approach them individually and get their perspectives, so I could understand the situation better. Next, I calmly and respectfully pulled them aside and had a discussion on how we could compromise. This discussion led to them taking on tasks they believed were more evenly distributed, and that solved the disagreement.

  2. When was the last time you had a conflict with a dissatisfied customer? How did you resolve it?

    If you work in an environment that sees a customer base, the employer will want to know how you will keep them happy, while also maintaining company protocol. Talk about a time when you helped calm a customer down and came to a good solution for them.

    Example Answer

    At my previous position, a customer called the front desk very frustrated with the fact that she’d waited more than two weeks for a reply from our sales team. First, I apologized to the customer and took down her details. After, I was sure to pass the details to our head salesperson, who contacted the customer within the hour. During this time I investigated why the inquiry hadn’t been answered, and discovered that the wrong mobile number had been written down for her. I let the customer know, input the new phone number, and then offered a goodwill discount on her next order. Fortunately, she not only continued to order from us, but also wrote up a five-star Google review of our business.

  3. What is the best way to negotiate with a difficult person, or multiple people?

    This question is asked to see if you can solve conflicts with diplomatic solutions. Make sure you emphasize your patience and willingness to work with diverse personalities.

    Example Answer

    I think communicating privately with people who are experiencing tension in the workplace is the most positive and productive way of resolving it. I would be sure to approach this person and keep the conversation calm and respectful. Once I got their attention, I would take a moment to express my appreciation for their work as a way to keep things positive and boost their confidence. Then, I would discuss whatever issue is causing difficulty and do my utmost to solve it without conflict.

  4. If your team is struggling to stay motivated , what would you do to encourage better performance?

    Hiring managers want to see if you’re capable of motivating your team towards better performance. Remember that communication with your team is key, and if you can, use an example of how you motivated your team in the past.

    Example Answer

    I believe that communication, blended with a positive and rewarding work environment, leads to motivated teams that perform well. At my previous position, my team found themselves in a rut after the company made some hour cuts. At the time, I communicated with each of them individually about their concerns. Then, I talked to everyone as a group about our goals and inspired them with positive feedback about their role at our company. Doing so made them feel heard in the workplace, and increased their performance.

  5. In what way do you monitor your team’s performance?

    Recruiters need to get an idea of how you motivate your team, and keep them on task. Be sure to highlight your communication skills and ability to manage others.

    Example Answer

    While working at my previous position I often held group meetings at the start of a shift so my team understood our priorities and what needed to be done that day. I was also very hands-on in assisting with my team’s work, as I was always open to answer questions and get their feedback on how their tasks were going. I believe this sort of communication allowed me to not only track their progress, but also improve performance overall.

  6. When given a new team, how do you evaluate their current capabilities?

    Try to address not only how you’d adapt to a new team when hired, but also how you’d handle evaluating any new team members. Emphasize your ability to listen and learn about your team’s strengths and weaknesses.

    Example Answer

    Before anything else I’d be sure to listen carefully in the workplace. My goal would be to understand each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Next, if need be, I would talk privately to each team member about our project and how they feel about their progress and the progress of their fellow team members.

  7. What was the hardest decision you ever had to make as a leader?

    Interviewers want understand your decision-making process and how you handle difficult situations. Make sure that the example you use had a positive outcome, so you can show that you make good decisions under pressure.

    Example Answer

    One time I was scheduled to have a vacation for two weeks, but a few days before I expected to leave there was an emergency at work. Being the team leader, it was my responsibility to manage the situation, no matter what. I made the decision to postpone my vacation, so that our project would be completed on time and to company standards, and I’m proud of myself for stepping up and being the leader my team needed at the time.

  8. Tell me about a time you had to let go of a team member. How did you approach the situation?

    This question is posed to gauge how you handle difficult and potentially awkward situations. Make sure you understand the gravity of letting a team member go. Express how you would show empathy while still keeping to what the company needs.

    Example Answer

    While letting go of a team member was always a difficult decision, sometimes it was the best thing for the team, and the company. When letting go of a team member I always found time to speak with them privately. In one specific case, one of my team members had been considerably late far too often, and regularly underperformed in the workplace. Motivational discussions did little to help him improve, so the company and I made the decision to let him go. After thanking him for his work, I calmly and empathetically explained to him that he was being let go, and why. I then allowed him to finish out his posted schedule that week, before I removed him from our system.

  9. Are you a risk taker?

    Hiring managers look out for candidates that take too many risks or can’t explain their decision-making process. This is a red flag for hiring managers, so explain that you aren’t a risky candidate.

    Example Answer

    Not really. I rely on a strong and structured decision-making process, as I believe that has a much more positive effect on my team.

  10. What steps do you take to make sure that a project is completed timely, on budget, and to company standard?

    Employers want to get a general understanding of your managerial skills. Explain to them how and why you’re capable of managing a group of people in a way that will achieve the results they want.

    Example Answer

    First and foremost, I would be sure to communicate with my team about all the details of our project, as everyone needs to understand our timeline, budget and standards. Once everyone is on the same page, I would delegate certain team members to take on tasks they excel at, and carefully monitor everyone’s progress. If need be, I would also set mini deadlines for portions of the project to make sure everyone stays on track.

More Interview Questions for Managers:

  1. Name a leader who inspires you.

    Hiring managers want to understand your potential leadership style by taking a look at someone you look up to. You shouldn’t go grandiose with the question, rather, focus on the traits your person of choosing has that make them a good leader. Ideally, you should focus on past mentors, managers, or other people who had a direct influence on your life and your behavior.

  2. Tell me about a time where you led by example.

    Interviewers need to test your ability to get your hands dirty and work as well as you expect your team too. Share an example of a time you helped a team member complete a task or stepped up to take on something for your team.

  3. What do you believe creates a positive team culture?

    This question is useful for assessing if you’re a good choice for their company. Research the company ahead of time so that you can showcase yourself as someone who would fit seamlessly into their team culture.

  4. Which qualities are most important for a leader to have?

    This question is a test of your understanding of what makes a successful leader. Highlight the traits mentioned previously: positivity, prioritization, empathy, honesty, accountability, decisiveness, and flexibility.

  5. What do you like about managing others?

    Interviewers want to understand why you want to lead and what your leadership style is. Remember to pull in some of those ideal traits mentioned previously. This question also gives you an ideal opportunity to show your passion for the position.

  6. Has there ever been a time where you had to come up with a creative solution? If so, were you successful?

    This question is designed to gauge whether you are a creative and innovative person. Think of a time you had to solve a problem in a way that might have seemed strange to you at the time, but ended up working.

  7. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership on the job.

    Recruiters hope to learn about your experience as a leader. Ideally, you should use an example from the recent past, and be sure to focus on how your actions as a leader led to positive results.

  8. Tell me about a time when you had to complete a task you’d never done before.

    Hiring managers want to assess your independent problem solving skills. As a leader, it’s important that you are able to solve problems and accomplish tasks yourself so you stand out as a good example for your team.

  9. When was the last time someone in your team approached you with a unique idea? What did you do?

    This question is asked to see if you’re open to creativity and new ideas, and more importantly, to understand if you’re willing to listen to others. Think of an example where you implemented an idea one of your team members had, and how that idea made some sort of improvement.

  10. How do you approach delegating team members to different tasks?

    Recruiters need to understand how you decide to manage your team. Emphasize that you would delegate your team to work certain tasks based on their skills. You’ll want to know who is proficient at what and give them positions to match their proficiencies.

Tips for Interviewing for a Manager Job

While you’re practicing your answers, keep in mind these tips to really ace your interview for a manager job:

  • Research the company. Every company has its own preferred management style, and knowing how your potential future employer likes things done is a huge advantage during your interview. Find out about the company’s mission, values, and big-picture goals.

    If you can identify specific issues that your potential department is facing, you’ll also have a much easier time selling yourself as the perfect solution.

  • Develop good leadership examples. Leadership isn’t reserved for managers only. Think about times when you’ve stepped up to lead a project, delegate tasks to coworkers, or motivated a team.

    If you can attach winning results to these stories, you’ll be in great shape.

  • Prepare for a curveballs. Companies like to know that those in supervisory positions won’t sweat when things get complicated. More important than answering curveball questions correctly is coming across as cool and confident.

    Be sure to relax before the interview and don’t give quick answers to questions when you don’t know the answer. Instead, think through the problem to help the hiring manager see your through process and approach.

  • Dress well. If you want to be the boss, you have to dress like a boss. Read up on great interview attire to help sell yourself as a well-groomed powerhouse of the business world.

Tips for Internal Candidates Applying for Management Positions

Companies often like to hire managers from within. It’s cheaper, and internal candidates already have a feel for how things are done, making onboarding simpler. If a managerial position opens up and you’re qualified, follow all of the same steps from above.

On top of that, though, prepare to bring in more specific examples of your work. Consider asking coworkers and supervisors for references, since they have direct experience working alongside you.

Also, be prepared to discuss your long-term goals within the company. Employers feel a whole lot more comfortable passing out promotions to employees who are in it for the long haul.

Behavioral Interview Questions and the STAR Method

Many of the most common interview questions you can expect when you’re vying for a managerial position are behavioral interview questions. These questions are designed to predict your future behavior based on your past experience.

Behavioral interview questions often start with phrases like “tell me about a time” or “give me an example of a time.” To best answer behavioral interview questions, use the STAR method:

  • Situation. Begin your story by setting up the situation — tell the hiring manager what was going on, who the key players were, and set the scene.

  • Task. Next, discuss your role in the story. This can either be a task you were assigned or some initiative you took on your own. You can often merge the “situation” and “task” into one sentence.

  • Action. This is the real meat of your answer. Talk about what specific steps you took in the given situation. You can also discuss your thought process and explain why you approached the issue this way.

  • Result. Wrap up your story neatly with a positive result. Even if the question is about a negative situation, like conflict or mistakes, finish on a note of what you learned and what improvements you’ve made since then.

Using the STAR method ensures a short, coherent narrative. This same strategy can be used for situational interview questions, another common type of question you’ll hear when interviewing for a manager job. The only difference is that situational questions are hypothetical, and ask how you might perform in a given situation.

Final Thoughts

Interviewing for a managerial position can be stressful, but if you take the time to consult our tips and example answers to the most common manager interview questions, you should knock it out of the park.

Just remember that managers have to be calm, cool, and collected, as well as personable, so get ready to put your interpersonal abilities on full display.

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Never miss an opportunity that’s right for you.

How do you ace an interview for a manager position?

How Do I Prepare For A Management Interview (Tips, Questions and Answers).
Focus on Leadership. ... .
Understand the Company's Needs. ... .
Tailor Your Strengths. ... .
Provide Many Examples. ... .
Energy and Enthusiasm. ... .
Ask Appropriate, Well Prepared Questions. ... .
Close the Interview..

What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers for managers?

Management interview questions.
What's your management style?.
How do you see a manager's role on a team?.
How do you motivate a team?.
Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult employee..
How would your colleagues describe you?.
Describe how you delegate tasks to team members..
Other frequently asked interview questions..

What makes you a good manager answer?

A good leader sets a positive example and knows how to use their strengths to help their team achieve goals. Successful managers get to know their employees and find ways to support them so they produce their best work. It's important to consistently communicate clear goals, expectations and feedback to your team.

Why would you be a good fit for this position manager?

Provide examples Give an example of a leadership quality or skill necessary to perform the job. Be specific in your example, discussing a time in a previous job or position when you used that skill successfully. Quantify the success you achieved if you can. Example: "Managers need to be highly organized.


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