How to add story to highlights in instagram

In December 2017, Instagram rolled out Stories Highlights and Stories Archive, two new tools which enable users to hold on to their favorite memories from Instagram Stories. These additional Stories features offer up precious new opportunities for brands to promote their content and attract new customers.

In this post, I'll explain just how to do it, but first, here's a brief rundown of the new options:

Stories Highlights

To showcase Stories content that would otherwise disappear after 24 hours, Stories Highlights enables you to group stories you’ve shared into highlights and feature them on your profile. Highlights stay on your profile until you remove them, and you can have as many highlights as you’d like.

To edit or remove a highlight, just tap and hold that highlight on your profile.

As Instagram explains: 

"Stories Highlights appear in a new section on your profile below your bio. To create a highlight, tap the “New” circle at the far left. From there, you can choose any stories from your archive, select a cover for your highlight and give it a name. Once you’re done, your highlight will appear as a circle on your profile that plays as a stand-alone story when someone taps it. "

Stories Archive

To prevent your stories from disappearing forever when they expire, all Instagram Stories will now automatically save to your Stories Archive when its initial 24 hour lifespan is up. This makes it easy for you to revisit your favorite moments later on, or bring them back to life in a highlight.

"To access the stories in your archive, tap the Archive icon on your profile. From there, you can easily switch between your Posts Archive and your new Stories Archive. In your Stories Archive, your stories will appear in a grid with the most recent stories at the bottom. The first story from each day will show a date indicator to help you navigate your archive as you scroll."

Tap on any story in your archive to watch it, and from there, you can add it to your story, share it as a post or add it to a highlight on your profile. Only you can see your archived stories.

How to Use Highlights and Story Links to Increase Conversions

Here comes the most interesting part, especially for businesses. Now, with Story Archive and Stories Highlights, you can re-surface the most popular parts of a previous Story, showcasing it to your audience as a "new" post - with promotional links included.

You can share a Story from your Stories Archive in a direct message or to your Story. 

To share a story from your Stories Archive:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the 'Archive' (clock) icon.
  2. Tap the Story you want to share.
  3. Tap 'Share' at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Tap 'Your Story' or choose the people you want to share it with, then follow the on-screen instructions to finish sharing your Story.

You can add Stories to appear on your profile as highlights, even after they disappear. Highlights appear below your profile photo. 

To add a 'Story' to a highlight:

  1. Go to your profile and tap below 'Stories Highlights'.
  2. Tap to select the Story (or Stories) you want to add to highlights, then tap 'Next'.
  3. Choose a cover photo and enter a Story name for your highlight, then tap 'Add'. You can add more photos or videos to your highlight at any time by tapping 'Edit Highlight'.

Other ideas for combining stories and highlights include:

  • Drive web traffic - If you have the “Swipe Up” tap-to-view-a-link feature, users who visit your profile will see the highlight at the top, and hopefully tap to view it.
  • Showcase Events - Re-cap the best bits of an event or occasion held by your company.
  • Create round-ups of company or industry news - And other topics that interest your audience. 

There's a range of ways you can use these new functions, adding a whole new perspective to the increasingly popular Instagram Stories option. If you haven't used Stories yet, it's definitely worth looking into for 2018 - Stories use grew by some 200 million daily active users in 2017, now up to 300 million, surpassing its inspiration in Snapchat (178m DAU). As that momentum continues, you can bet more businesses will be looking to tap in. It might be best to get ahead of the curve.

A version of this post was first published on Andrew Macarthy's blog.

Instagram Highlights are a great way of getting closer to your followers. You can share your special moments with them, thus making your profile more attractive. However, there is a way you can save a video to your highlights without anyone seeing it.

It could be a video that’s special to you that you don’t want to share with other people, and that’s fine. We will now explain how you can add a video from your camera roll to your Instagram Highlights.

What Are Instagram Highlights

To understand why you want to add an Instagram highlight without posting an Instagram Story, you must know why this feature is incredibly useful. The main benefit of adding a highlight is that it will remain on your profile indefinitely, whereas stories disappear after 24 hours.

Your Instagram highlight should be well thought out, and it can be used for advertising, connecting with your followers, or showing others what you’re most proud of. Whatever your reasons for adding a highlight, there are quite a few options for you with this feature.

Highlights are similar to files and house your most valuable content. You can create a folder and customize the name, background photo, and more. You can view your stories by tapping the profile icon in the lower left-hand corner and tapping on the highlights under the ‘Edit Profile’ option.

How to Add a Story to Highlights Without Adding It to Story

Typically, Instagram stories have to be published and left for everyone to see for at least 24 hours before you can move them to the Highlights section. But there’s a little hack you can use to add a story to your Highlights without publishing it. The process is simple and easy to follow… Here is how you add Stories to Highlights without anyone seeing them.

  1. Switch your Profile to Private.
  2. Create a Story like you usually would. But go to Settings before uploading or recording.
  3. Go to your Story settings.
  4. Tap Hide story from.
  5. Tap the bubbles next to all of your friends to hide the Story from them.
  6. Or, you can block everyone so they can’t see your Story.
  7. Upload the story you want.
  8. Add the story to your Highlights.
  9. After 24 hours, unblock people so they can see your stories again.

After waiting for 24 hours for the video to transfer to your Highlights, it’s time you unblock everyone the same way you blocked them. The next time they view your profile, the story will be added to your highlights already, and that’s about it.

What If Your Story Can’t be Added to Instagram Highlights?

The only reason why you couldn’t add a story to your Instagram Highlights is if you don’t wait the 24 hours you needed after posting the video. If you deleted the video before the 24-hour mark, you wouldn’t be able to add the story to your Highlights section.

If you can’t see the Highlight feature, try re-uploading the story and look for the button once you’ve published it. If that’s not working either, wait for the feature to pop up on your home page after 24 hours.

Benefits of Using Instagram Highlights

Instagram Highlights provide an excellent way of letting people know what you are about. The option works great for self-promotion, but the most significant benefit of Highlights on Instagram is for promoting your brand and products. The Highlights section can help your brand draw attention to whatever product you are selling. That way, everyone can take a look at your offer.

You can also add a link to your website to drive traffic from Instagram to your brand’s site. Highlights look great and are easy to organize. You can also fine-tune your offers according to the feedback of your followers and customers. Make sure you update your brand’s highlights regularly.

The Highlights present a great way of getting your message to the right people. You can inform your followers about an event or promotion, giving them all the details about your offer and potential discounts, giveaways, and bundles.

Choose Your Highlights Carefully

Posting Highlights is one thing, but knowing what to post is completely different. Pick your moments and ensure that your posts represent who you are and what you are about. If you do things right, success is soon to follow.

Deleting Highlights

You may want to remove your Highlight, and it’s easy to do that once you know how to. If you have a highlight displayed for an upcoming event, you may want to take it down or change it once the event is over. To delete an Instagram Highlight, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your profile on Instagram by tapping on the person icon in the lower left-hand corner.
  2. Locate the Instagram story you’d like to delete, which is located under the Edit Profile option.
  3. Long-press the Highlight preview (this is the round icon that contains the highlight).
  4. Tap ‘Delete Highlight’ to remove it. You can also tap the ‘Edit’ option to add more to this highlight.

Instagram doesn’t offer a lot of post-production editing options for users, so having the ability to go back and add more to an Instagram Highlight is a welcome addition to the social media platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Instagram Highlights are an excellent way to keep a Story alive. If you have more questions, keep reading.

What is a Highlight?

An Instagram Highlight is a Story that is pinned to your profile. While traditional Stories only last 24 hours, a Highlight will remain on your profile as long as you don’t delete it.

What is the difference between a Highlight and a Story?

An Instagram Story is a video you convert to a Highlight. But the Story only remains on your account for 24 hours. Essentially, you need to create a Story before you can pin it to your account as a Highlight.

Instagram Stories

Instagram, while exceptionally popular, does have its limitations. Were you able to post a Story to your Highlights without sharing it with your friends? Let us know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. This does not effect our editorial in any way.

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How do you add a story to highlights in 2022?

Open the Story on your smartphone. Tap the Highlight button at the bottom of the screen. Choose the Highlight you want to save the Story to—either a new or existing one. Hit Save and preview the new Highlight on your Instagram profile.

Why can't I add a story to my highlights?

Enable Save to Archive For proper functioning of Instagram highlights, a setting known as Save to archive should be enabled. That saves your stories in your archive. Later, you can add any past story to your highlight. If that isn't enabled, you will not be able to use Instagram highlights.

Can you add stories to highlights without posting?

Typically, Instagram stories have to be published and left for everyone to see for at least 24 hours before you can move them to the Highlights section.


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