How soon after unprotected can i test for pregnancy clearblue

Whether you’re TTC or trying not to, the interlude between unprotected sex and a reliable pregnancy test can feel long. And in that gap, a whole host of questions might be firing.

How soon after unprotected can i test for pregnancy clearblue

How soon after sex can I take a pregnancy test?
Can I detect pregnancy in 3 days? 4? 5?

Right. Let’s get into it.

In this article 📝

  • How long after sex can you take a pregnancy test?
  • Is 7 days after conception too early to test?
  • Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

How long after sex can you take a pregnancy test?

First, a quick spin around how pregnancy tests work. Basically, they’re on the lookout for a hormone called hCG (the long version of that is human chorionic gonadotropin). Your body releases hCG shortly after implantation.

Implantation happens like this: an egg is fertilized by an awaiting sperm and together they form a zygote. That zygote makes its way to your uterine wall where it implants in the hope of growing into a fetus.

Home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate when the instructions are followed exactly. While not all pregnancy tests are created equal, most tests claim to be 99% accurate.

If you take a pregnancy test too early, there’s a chance that you could get a false negative because the hCG levels in your body haven’t had enough chance to build up.

There are also cases where you might get a false positive. If you were recently pregnant, or had an abortion or miscarriage, you may also get a false positive because there is still hCG in your system.

Testing very early can also pick up a chemical pregnancy, which is when the zygote is formed but does not implant.

Interestingly, before today’s sensitive pregnancy tests were invented, many women had miscarriages without even realizing they were pregnant. These early miscarriages can often be mistaken for a period.

Is 7 days after conception too early to test?

The short answer is yes.

While implantation may have happened (usually around five to six days after conception), your body may still need some time to get its hCG levels up. (Anything above 25 mIU/mL is considered positive.)

How long does it take for hCG to show up in urine?

If you are pregnant, hCG should show up very soon after implantation has taken place—about 10 days after unprotected sex.

Because conception happens somewhere around the time you are ovulating—ie. when an egg is released from your ovary—a helpful TTC marker is how many days past ovulation you are. If you’ve seen the acronym DPO, that’s what it stands for.

So if you’re wondering when is the best time to take a pregnancy test, a good time is about 14 DPO.

And if that feels really confusing and/or you have no idea when you ovulated, the easiest is to wait until after your next expected period.

If it doesn’t come, take a test. If you’re unsure of the result you get, take another one in a few days’ time.

Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

While you may not be able to get a conclusive test for a bit, it’s not uncommon to start experiencing symptoms as soon as a few days after conception.

And if you’re not feeling anything, that doesn’t mean anything either way. It’s totally normal to not have any symptoms until much later in your pregnancy.

One of the more common early pregnancy symptoms is implantation bleeding—which often looks more like spotting than a full on period—and cramping.

But you may have to wait until at least five or six days after having sex before implantation takes place. Two days might be a little soon.

And if you’re looking for some help with surviving this time (AKA the infamous TWW or Two Week Wait), we’ve got you covered.

We know this time can be super stressful. We’re wishing you all the best.

What are Clearblue Triple Check tests?

The Clearblue Triple Check Pregnancy Test kit contains 2 visual tests and 1 digital test to triple check your results. Each test is over 99% accurate from the day you expect your period. The results are clear and simple to understand with 2 lines if you’re pregnant and 1 if you’re not pregnant on the Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy test and clear digital results on the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test.

When should you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test from the first day of your missed period as this is when pregnancy tests results are the most reliable, although some tests can be used as early as 4-5 days before your period is due. If you have regular periods, you are likely to know when your next period is due. If you’re not sure when to expect your next period, it is recommended that you take a test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex.

Why would you need more than one type of pregnancy test?

Although home pregnancy tests are highly accurate, it can be advisable to use more than one to confirm your results, so you are sure that you are or are not pregnant. Clearblue can show if you are pregnant up to 5 days before your missed period, but some people choose to test earlier than the 5-day window and then confirm their results on the first day of their expected period. This just gives you a little added confidence to your results. Also, if you aren’t confident that you’ve read the manual test properly, the digital test included in this kit can clearly confirm if you are pregnant or not, which can give you peace of mind that you’ve read the test correctly.

How does the Clearblue test work?

Clearblue, like all pregnancy tests, measures the amount of the hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin). This hormone starts to be produced around 6 days after fertilisation and Clearblue can detect tiny amounts hCG in your urine. This pack contains 2 visual tests that confirm with 1 or 2 lines whether you are pregnant and a digital test which has a digital display that shows in words whether you are pregnant or not.

How to use Clearblue triple check

Always refer to the product leaflet before using the pregnancy test for full instructions and diagrams of how to use the product.

If testing from the day of your expected period, you can test at any time of day. If testing before the day of your expected period, use the first urine of the day. When you are ready to test, unwrap the test stick and remove the cap- use the test stick straight away.

Note: Never hold the stick with the absorbent tip pointing upwards

You can use the pregnancy test in your urine stream by:

  • Placing the absorbent tip in your urine stream for 5 seconds
  • Take care not to get the rest of the stick wet
  • Keep the absorbent tip pointing downward
  • Replace the cap and lay the test stick flat

Or collect a sample of your urine in a clean, dry container and:

  • Place the absorbent tip in the urine for 20 seconds
  • Keep the absorbent tip pointing downwards, replace the cap and lay the test stick flat

Digital Test

The Smart Countdown will show on the display so you know the test is working and each segment will appear in a sequence to show the test is progressing.

Early detection test

You will know if the urine has been absorbed as the absorbent tip will turn pink. A line in the control window may start to appear quickly but you must wait 3 minutes to before reading the result. If you don’t see a blue line in the control window the test has not worked.

How early can I use this pregnancy test?

You can use the test up to 6 days before your missed period, which is 5 days before the first day of your period. If you test before your period and get a ‘Not Pregnant’ result, there is still a chance you may be pregnant. The chart below shows the efficacy of the pregnancy test according to how early you take it.

Testing Early

Number of days before expected period

% of samples from pregnant women giving a pregnant result













How to read the results

Digital Test

Once the Smart Countdown is complete it will disappear from the display and your result will be shown. This will take a maximum of 3 minutes but some results can take as little as 1 minute.

Early detection test

If you are pregnant a blue like will appear in the result window. If you are not pregnant, no blue like will appear. Read your result within 10 minutes of doing a test. Any changes to the result after this time should be disregarded.

What to do with your results

So now you have your results, what is the best thing to do next.


If your result says that you are pregnant, see your GP and they will be able to advise you on what steps you should take next.

Not Pregnant

If you receive a ‘Not Pregnant’ result, you may not be pregnant. However, it may be the case that the level of the hCG hormone is not yet high enough to be detected or you may have miscalculated the first day of your period. If you tested early, test again when your period is expected. If your period is overdue, test again in 3 days’ time. If you have received a ‘Not Pregnant’ result and you still haven’t received your period, see your doctor.

If you have previously tested pregnant and have received a different result when you’ve tested again or your period has started, this can be due to natural loss during the early stages of pregnancy. If you do get unexpected results, speak to your doctor.

No colour change or blue line

If (on the Early Detection Test) the colour change tip did not turn completely pink, you may not have applied enough urine, but if the blue line has appeared in the control window within 10 minutes of taking the test, this means the test has worked. If no blue like appears in the control window within 10 minutes it means the test has not worked. This may be because:

  • The colour change tip was not kept pointing downwards or the test stick was not laid flat after urine was applied
  • Too much or too little urine was used

How accurate are Clearblue pregnancy tests?

Clearblue tests are over 99% accuracy when used from the day of your expected period but there are a few medical factors that can affect your results.

Medications and conditions

Always read the leaflet for any medication you are taking before conducting a test.

  • Medications that contain hCG can affect the result
  • Ectopic pregnancy and recent pregnancies (even if not carried to full term) can cause misleading results
  • If you are in or approaching the menopause, you may obtain a false pregnant result.
  • The test should not be affected by hormone therapies containing Clomiphene citrate, painkillers, alcohol, antibiotics or the contraceptive pill.

How soon can a Clearblue pregnancy test show positive?

Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test can tell you 6 days sooner than your missed period (which is 5 days before your expected period)1. No matter when you test, you can be confident in the accuracy of a 'Pregnant' result with any Clearblue Pregnancy Test.

Can clearblue detect 1 week pregnancy?

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 5 days before the missed period (4 days before the expected period). The amount of pregnancy hormone increases rapidly in early pregnancy.