How much weight can a great horned owl carry

I don’t know everything about birds. Sometimes I just have to fake it. For instance, I was recently asked if a great horned owl could take a cat.

No, I said to myself. Great horned owls only weigh about three pounds, give or take a few ounces. Cats weigh twice as much and more. Surely that would be too much for an owl to carry off.


Great horned owls are beastly. In a battle between an owl and an eagle, bet on the owl. Bald eagles can weigh up to 14 pounds. Their wings can spread to seven feet, which is two feet wider than the smaller owl can manage. But great horned owls are fierce. They begin nesting in midwinter, customarily taking over the nests of other large birds before those birds arrive in the spring. Occasionally, they commandeer eagle nests – nests that the eagles were planning to use. Scuffles follow. The owl usually prevails.

Great horned owls can carry up to four times their own weight. They will eat just about anything that moves, and even some things that don’t move. Carrion will suffice when the owl is hungry. Mostly, they’ll take rodents. Rabbits and hares are a prime target over much of their range. Fear of owls is one reason crows roost in big flocks this time of year.

The list of all species devoured by great horned owls is extensive. Opossums, muskrats, woodchucks, prairie dogs, and raccoons are on the list, though raccoons are rare. Great horned owls don’t think twice about snatching a skunk. They have a bad sense of smell and grab every skunk they can get. In fact, injured owls brought in for rehabilitation often smell strongly of skunk.

Great horned owls have been known to go after porcupines, and sometimes that doesn’t end well for the owl. There are documented cases of owl attacks on bobcats and fishers. Great horned owls take birds, including occasional ospreys, hawks, and other owls. They can take geese, which is impressive because a Canada goose can weigh up to 12 pounds.

Owls can do all this because they have strong, lethal talons. They can exert 28 pounds of pressure when squeezing sharp claws into a critter, quickly piercing organs and snapping the spine. They are silent on the attack and strike so hard that even larger animals are helpless before they know what hit them.

The contest between an owl and a peregrine falcon is less certain. Peregrines take their prey in flight by smashing into them. They will dive at a high rate of speed and strike smaller birds with their feet, usually stunning or killing the bird outright before the peregrine then grabs its limp body in midair. For larger birds, the falcon might try a glancing blow to a wing, disabling the bird.

They’ve been known to take prey as large as a sandhill crane. So an owl in the air would have its hands full, if it had hands.

But at night, owls reign supreme. They can snatch falcons off the nest or from cliff edge roosts. The predation is so severe that when falcons were being reintroduced in the eastern United States, including Maine, the first step for biologists was to survey for great horned owls in order to make sure there were none around.

Surveying for owls isn’t too hard. Since they tend to take over conspicuous nests, and they begin nesting so early, an aerial search may turn up a pair. More often, they can be found just by listening for mid-winter hooting. Great horned owl couples hoot a lot before egg-laying season begins. As with most raptors, female owls are bigger. But male owls have a larger voice box. Both owls hoot to each other, and his voice is lower.

All of this hooting activity should commence soon. In fact, other owl species will be joining the chorus presently. Expect more about hooting owls next week.

It’s no surprise that an owl this big and tough is widespread. It’s found throughout North America right up to the tree line in Canada, and down through much of South America all the way to Argentina. That encompasses a lot of different habitats. While mammals are the owls’ top prey, and birds are number two, owls of the desert dine on scorpions and consume many reptiles and snakes. Cottonmouths of the swamps and rattlesnakes of the prairie are on the menu.

So, yeah, they can take a cat.

Bob Duchesne serves as vice president of Maine Audubon’s Penobscot Valley Chapter. He developed the Maine Birding Trail, with information at He can be reached at .

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No, the heaviest owl in existence only weighs about 8 pounds max. A bird can only lift a fraction of their weight, so a large Rabbit is about all they can carry. Large owls can KILL a 20 pound dog(not likely to), but not fly off with it.

What weight can an owl pick up?

The owl usually prevails. Great horned owls can carry up to four times their own weight. They will eat just about anything that moves, and even some things that don’t move. Carrion will suffice when the owl is hungry.

Can an owl catch a small dog?

Great horned owls are skilled predators, but their culinary tastes run to rodents, birds, snakes, rabbits and insects. Their lifting capacity is about five pounds. That doesn’t mean your pets are owl-proof. They will take cats, very small dogs and chickens.

An eagle, smaller than most large hawks and owls, cannot lift a 30-pound toddler. … Great horned owls, northern goshawks, and red-tailed hawks are three of the most common birds-of-prey to lash at small dogs and cats, typically those under 20 pounds.

How do I protect my small dog from owls?

And this means your little dog may be in danger every time you leave the house, as many hawks and owls are potential dog predators. But there are a few things you can do to help protect your pint-sized pooch from these formidable birds.

  1. Scare Tape.
  2. Bird Spikes.
  3. Scarecrow Owls.
  4. Bird Balloons.
  5. Hawk-Proof Netting.


How big a dog can a hawk pick up?

Although most small dogs are too heavy for a hawk or owl to actually carry, it’s still possible for large raptors to attack and kill them. A five-pound dog is no bigger than a large rabbit—a hawk might easily attack and carry it away.

Can an owl attack you?

Owls of all kinds have been known to attack people when defending their young, their mates, or their territories. Frequent targets include unsuspecting joggers and hikers. Often victims escape without injury, and deaths from owl attacks are extremely rare.

Can an owl pick up a 15 pound dog?

No, the heaviest owl in existence only weighs about 8 pounds max. A bird can only lift a fraction of their weight, so a large Rabbit is about all they can carry. Large owls can KILL a 20 pound dog(not likely to), but not fly off with it.

Can a barn owl kill a small dog?

Will Barn Owls attack my pets or me? This is a very common question and I’d have to say that cats, and dogs are just to big to swallow whole, so the answer is No.

Will a barred owl eat a small dog?

The simple answer to this would be, Yes. Various species of owls’ hunt for small dogs to feed on them and also their young ones. People living in areas where aerial predators are present in the air and they have to protect their pets from them look for a direct approach to get their problems solved.

Can I shoot a hawk attacking my dog?

Federal laws actually protect birds of prey, so it’s illegal to kill or keep them without a permit. If you’re worried about protecting your pets, the easiest thing to do is keep an eye on them outside. If you need to keep your animals outdoors, give them some covered shelter.

Can an owl pick up a 13 pound dog?

The answer is yes, sometimes Great Horned Owls do catch cats and very small dogs, but not on a regular basis or on a preferential basis.

Can owls kill hawks?

In fact, it is great horned owls that have been known to kill red-tailed hawks by silently swooping down on them from above. But here it was daylight and the female red-tailed hawk’s time to hunt (red-tailed hawks usually hunt alone and pursue small game such as birds, rabbits, or squirrels).

Does dog poop attract coyotes?

Your dog’s feces can attract coyotes to your property, so keeping your yard or fields clear of poop can help lower the risk of attracting one. They will also eat fallen fruit, so picking up any windfalls is a good idea.

What scares hawks away from dogs?

Silovsky says that people put up reflective tape, hang pie pans from trees, and use owl decoys and machines that produce loud booms to scare away the birds. … “The hawk did come back to the backyard a few times, even roosting in a backyard tree while the puppy was out in the backyard,” Pistorius says.

Will a bald eagle attack a small dog?

They also attack small dogs and scavenge a landfill.

Can a great horned owl pick up a 15 lb dog?

A great horned owl might make a pass at your dog just out of curiosity, but it is very unlikely that it would actually fly away with it. Great horned owls are skilled predators, but their culinary tastes run to rodents, birds, snakes, rabbits and insects. Their lifting capacity is about five pounds.

How strong is a great horned owl?

Compared to their size, the great horned owl has an impressive grip strength. They can squeeze anywhere from 200 to over 500 psi (pounds per square inch) with their feet, which is similar to the strength of a bald eagle!

How much weight can an owl carry off?

They continue pumping their wings and flying, so that the animal is literally swept off its feet. Great horned owls are the weight lifters of the raptors, and can fly while carrying prey equal to 1.4 times their own weight.

Can owl pick up 8 pound cat?

While it's true that most cats are too large and heavy for most owl species to attack and carry away, any cat under around 5 pounds is fair game for an owl, especially kittens. Even though a large cat will be too heavy to carry away and eat for most owls, they will still certainly attack one for various reasons.