How much should a 3 month old rottweiler weigh

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Rottweilers grow into big, powerful dogs, which may be hard to believe when you’re holding a cute little bundle of Rottweiler puppy. You need to be prepared for your dog’s rapid growth from the moment you bring home your fluffy bundle of joy.

But just how fast do Rottweilers grow?

Rottweilers grow quickly, averaging from around a pound to several pounds every week until they are about 12 weeks old and from around 5 to 10 lbs every month after that, until they are a year old. Most Rottweilers will gain an additional 10 to 15 pounds from a year to two years of age.

Here’s what you need to know about how fast your Rottweiler will grow and charts to check to see if your Rottweiler puppy is on track, from the time they are a week old until the time they are two years old and depending on whether they are male and female. 

Contents show

Calculating Rottweiler Growth

Rottweiler Puppy Growth Chart

Male Rottweiler Growth Chart ( Height and Weight )

Female Rottweiler Growth Chart ( Height and Weight )

How Long Does it Take for a Rottweiler to Fully Grow?

How to Help Your Rottweiler Grow Big and Strong

Why Is My Rottweiler So Small?

Not Enough Exercise

Not Enough Protein


How to Manage a Very Large Puppy

Self-Control Games


Leave It

Leash Training

Polite Behavior With Strangers and Other Dogs

Behavior in the House


When do Rottweilers quit growing?

Do Rottweilers grow after a year?

Can Rottweilers grow too fast?

Closing Thoughts

Calculating Rottweiler Growth

Rottweilers grow into big dogs, and they do it quite fast!

By the time your Rottweiler is a year old, they will have reached close to their final adult weight and they will be at their final height. From only a couple of pounds at a week old to around 15 to 25 lb when you bring them home at 8 or 10 weeks. It can be hard to remember that a rottweiler puppy is so young considering they are already a significantly sized dog even at a very young age.

Rottweilers continue to gain weight even after may have stopped growing taller. Rottweilers typically reach their adult height by as early as 9 months, whereas they won’t reach their final weight until they are two years old on average.

Male Rottweilers grow bigger than female Rottweilers from the time they are young puppies, so it is important to keep your dog’s gender in mind as you try to determine whether they are at the correct weight. 

There is also a fair amount of variability among Rottweiler lines when it comes to size. American lines often run smaller, with adult females only reaching around 90lbs and adult males often only reaching around 100 lb. European and show lines often tend to be bulkier and come closer to the upper scale of the sizes indicated in the following charts. 

In order to determine how big your dog should be as an adult, talk to the breeder about how big your dog’s parents and grandparents were. If your dog will end up being towards the smaller end of the spectrum, their weight will likely be on the smaller side of the scales throughout their lives. 

With this in mind, consider the following charts to determine whether your Rottweiler is growing at an appropriate rate.

Rottweiler Puppy Growth Chart

MaleFemaleWeight (lbs)Weight (lbs)1 Week2.2 – 2.61.8 – 2.42 Weeks3.2 – 3.72.9 – 3.53 Weeks4.3 – 4.93.7 – 4.54 Weeks5.5 – 6.54.9 – 5.75 Weeks7.0 – 8.66.5 – 7.46 Weeks9.5 – 118.8 – 9.77 Weeks11.5 – 13.510.2 – 128 Weeks13.8 – 15.812 – 14.510 Weeks24 – 2615 – 2312 Weeks35 – 3725 – 36

Male Rottweiler Growth Chart ( Height and Weight )

AgeWeight (lbs)Height (in)8 Weeks13.8 – 15.812 – 1410 Weeks24 – 2614 – 1512 Weeks35 – 3716 -184 Months48 – 5219 – 215 Months60 – 6621 – 236 Months70 – 7722 – 247 Months76 – 8023 – 258 Months82 – 8824 – 269 Months90 – 9825 – 2610 Months100 – 10825 – 2612 Months108 – 1122624 Months115 – 12026

Female Rottweiler Growth Chart ( Height and Weight )

AgeWeight (lbs)Height (in)8 Weeks12 – 14.512 – 1410 Weeks15 – 2314 – 1512 Weeks25 – 3616 – 184 Months36 – 4018 – 205 Months47 – 5519 – 226 Months60 – 6521 – 237 Months70 – 7723 – 248 Months78- 8224 – 259 Months80 – 8424 – 2510 Months85 – 8824 – 2512 Months90 – 942524 Months98 – 10025

How Long Does it Take for a Rottweiler to Fully Grow?

When you are raising your Rottweiler, it may seem that they are going to grow forever. The average Rottweiler does not reach their full size until they are two years old. Some individual Rotties will continue to fill out and gain bulk until they are three, especially if they are active dogs that are gaining muscle mass. 

Male dogs may seem to keep growing for longer, since they may continue to gain as much as 15 or 20lbs between the ages of a year and two years, whereas female Rottweilers will usually only gain about 10 pounds between the ages of a year and two years.

How to Help Your Rottweiler Grow Big and Strong

You probably chose the Rottweiler breed in part because of the size, muscular body type, and overall impressive look of this powerful dog. Naturally, you want your Rottweiler to grow big, strong, and healthy. Here are some tips to keep in mind to enable your Rottweiler to reach their potential:

  • Feed the correct amount of a quality diet. Choose a diet that is formulated for large breed puppies like Rottweilers and is high in protein. It can be tempting to feed more food to help your dog grow bigger, but in fact, this will just lead to over conditioning and potential joint problems, so always feed the recommended amount of the high-quality food that you choose.
  • Exercise appropriately. No puppy should have excessive exercise, as it can damage the joints and lead to other issues. However, you do want to make sure that your Rottweiler gets plenty of chances to build muscles even when they’re young. Playing with other puppies, free play in the yard, games of tug-of-war, and swimming are all great options.
  • Choose treats that are high in protein, not fat. Treats should be delicious for your Rottweiler, but that doesn’t mean they need to be sugary or fatty. Treats made of animal protein like freeze-dried liver, tendons, esophagus, etc are all great options to help your Rottweiler gain healthy weight and muscle mass.
  • Provide lots of experiences in a positive environment. Rottweilers that are nervous or anxious may be less likely to gain weight appropriately, so make sure that you expose your Rottweiler puppy to lots of pleasant and variable experiences, get them used to alone time, and generally prepare them for life stressors so that anxiety won’t keep them underweight.

Why Is My Rottweiler So Small?

If your Rottweiler is not keeping up with the expected growth thresholds for their gender, you may worry that something is wrong. Sometimes a Rottweiler that is small for their age is a cause for concern, whereas other times it is perfectly normal.

Here are a few reasons why you are a Rottweiler or maybe undersized:

Not Enough Exercise

Rottweilers are designed to be muscular dogs. While some of this muscular physique is genetic and will develop pretty much no matter what your Rottweiler does, in order for your Rottweiler to fill out and gain weight appropriately, they need muscle-building exercise. If your Rottweiler doesn’t seem to be as muscular as they should be, this may be a cause for them being underweight.

Rottweilers excel at pulling, both pulling weight with their entire body and pulling on a tug toy with their neck muscles. They also enjoy jogging and hiking.

Before you start a more regimented exercise routine, talk to your veterinarian. Young Rottweilers should not put too much strain on their joints. Swimming can be a great way to provide muscle-building exercise when your Rottweiler is still too young for heavy pulling or long-distance running.

Sometimes, Rottweilers may develop issues like hip dysplasia or arthritis even when they are young dogs. These issues can cause the muscles to atrophy because of disuse. You will need to treat these underline problems before you try to help your Rottweiler gain muscle mass.

Not Enough Protein

To build strong muscles and gain weight, your Rottweiler needs food that is high in protein. They should remain on puppy food until they are at least a year old.

Rottweilers that receive plenty of exercise should remain on a very high protein diet similar to puppy food until they are as old as two years. It’s well worth the extra effort to invest in a very high-quality diet for your Rottweiler since sufficient protein can make the difference between your dog developing properly and being at an age-appropriate weight and them being undersized.


Some lines of Rottweilers just tend to be smaller than others. American lines are often smaller than European lines. Dogs that have been bred to be pets may be more likely to be smaller than dogs bred to be show dogs or working dogs. 

If your Rottweiler has a longer, narrower snout and narrow chest, it is likely that they will be of a lower weight. In order to know how big your Rottweiler is likely to grow, consider the size of their parents, grandparents, and any other ancestors that you can identify in their line.

In some cases, you may not have a purebred Rottweiler. If you don’t have papers from a breed group like the AKC or UKC, it may be that the breeder you have bought your Rottweiler from crossbred dogs in your Rottie’s line with another breed. Crosses between Rottweilers and Dobermans are quite common and will result in a considerably smaller dog.

How to Manage a Very Large Puppy

By the time your Rottweiler is a year old, they will be around 100 lb. Unfortunately, your Rottweiler’s maturity will not necessarily develop at the same speed as their body. Rottweilers under a year old are still puppies in many ways. Your dog may not realize how big or powerful they have become. They are likely to still be very impulsive and be learning how to deal with new instincts every day.

Here’s how big your Rottie will likely be at only a year of age:

People who your Rottweiler interacts with may not realize how young they are and may mistake puppy boisterousness for aggression and react fearfully. Fearful reactions from people at this age can cause your Rottweiler to become distrustful of strangers, something a Rottweiler’s natural protective instincts already make them prone to do. 

Your Rottie will likely start to change their behavior with other dogs between around six months and a year. Prior to maturity, Rottweiler puppies, like puppies of most breeds, are good-natured and willing to play with just about any dog. However, as they get older, they may become more selective in their playmates, and aggression towards other dogs may begin to develop.

For all of these reasons, it is extremely important that you are attentive to the mental development of your young Rottweiler at the same time as you monitor the growth of their body.

Rottweilers are smart dogs that are usually easy to train but the rules can be a little different for puppies so here are some tips to help you manage your large puppy before your Rottweiler becomes mentally mature:

Self-Control Games

You want to do everything that you can to help your Rottweiler to become more self-controlled from the time they are very young. You can think about your Rottweiler’s self-control as a muscle that needs to be developed in the same way as their physical muscles need to develop. 

Without practice in self-control, your Rottweiler will have a very hard time dealing with their instincts and impulses as they get older. However, with lots of self-control training, even a very young Rottweiler will respond thoughtfully to new impulses rather than simply giving in to them. Self-control games include:


Lower a food bowl or treat slowly towards the ground and then lift it up again out of your dog’s reach if they lunge for it. Wait until your dog has hesitated for a few seconds before giving them the food. Continue to extend this time until your dog can wait for a couple of seconds even when the food bowl or treat is at eye level before putting it on the ground and letting them have it. 

At this point, you can attach the command “Stay” and begin extending the stay to several minutes and introducing more and more distractions. Keep increasing the level of difficulty until your Rottweiler can stay pretty much no matter what you’re doing. 

It’s a very good idea to randomly ask your Rottweiler to stay when there is no food in sight and then reward them by going to get the treat jar, opening the front door so they can run out, or playing with their favorite toy. Practice “Stay” frequently throughout the day and in as many different contexts as you can.

Leave It

Start by holding food in your closed fist and allowing your Rottweiler to nose at it. As soon as they stop worrying your hand and look at you, reward them with a treat from the other hand. Practice this until your Rottweiler will only sniff your hand briefly and then look at you for the reward. 

Next, put something enticing like food or a valued toy on the floor but don’t allow your Rottweiler to get it. Either cover it with your foot or pull back on the leash so your Rottweiler can’t get to the toy. When they look at you, reward them with a treat. 

Work up to where they can ignore the treat or toy unless given the command to get it. You can attach a leave it command so that you can tell them to ignore any given stimulus whenever you want, but it’s a good idea also to practice without actually asking your Rottweiler to “Leave it” so they build the self-control to ignore desirable things on tables or in the environment. 

Leash Training

You’re Rottweiler will quickly develop into a powerful dog who is designed to pull. Even if you are strong enough to hold them back when they pull strongly on the leash, it probably won’t make for a very enjoyable walk for either of you if your Rottie keeps pulling the entire time. Constant pressure on the neck can also lead to a wide range of health problems.  

Therefore, it’s a good idea to teach your dog loose leash walking from a very young age. If you would like your Rottweilers to also practice pulling, choose a harness designed for pulling that won’t put strain on your Rottweiler’s throat or joints and give them a command that indicates that they are allowed to put pressure on this kind of lead. 

However, for loose leash walking, choose a Martingale collar that’s big enough for a Rottweiler or a head harness like the Gentle Leader. A Gentle Leader is an ideal choice if you are concerned that your Rottweiler will be able to pull too strongly for any member of the family. 

Even someone without a lot of strength can walk a powerful Rottweiler with a Gentle Leader since it controls the head and snout in a way similar to how a halter controls a horse. Never allow your Rottweiler to pull unless they are in their designated pulling harness. 

A gentle leader can work with just about any kind of leash but we’ve also put together our favorite leashes specifically for Rottie which you can see here.

Maintain a stiff but gentle arm and whenever your Rottweiler puts pressure on the lead, stop or turn back in the other direction. Reward your Rottweiler when they come back to you or walk on a loose leash next to you by giving them high-value treats. 

This will teach your Rottweiler leash sensitivity. They’ll reduce pressure on the leash whenever they feel pressure instead of giving in to the impulse to push harder against the leash, which will be their natural reaction.

Polite Behavior With Strangers and Other Dogs

It is very important that your Rottweiler learns to be polite with new people and dogs from an early age. Don’t allow your Rottweiler to interact with people that reward them for jumping up, pushing up against them, or generally behaving boisterously. 

Encourage guests to give your Rottweiler attention, treats, or other good things only when your Rottweiler is sitting calmly in front of them. In time your Rottweiler will learn this is the appropriate way to interact with people.

If your guests or strangers cannot take instructions about how you would like them to interact with your Rottweiler, restrict these interactions by pulling your Rottweiler back on the leash whenever they approach this person. 

Don’t allow your Rottweiler to play too roughly with other dogs, particularly if the other dog is smaller or doesn’t seem into the game. Even when your Rottweiler is engaged in positive play with another dog and both parties are fully engaged, practice calling your Rottweiler back periodically, giving them a treat, and allowing them to run back to play again. 

This kind of practice will enable you to be able to call your Rottweiler off if they have aggressive impulses down the road. Watch very carefully for the development of aggressive behavior with other dogs. Things to look for are a stiff stance, other dogs responding nervously to your Rottweiler, and aggressive play in which your dog chases other dogs. 

Rottweilers in general can be somewhat prone to dog aggression. Even the breed standard indicates that an aggressive attitude towards other dogs should not be faulted in the show ring. Rottweilers are often more likely to show aggression towards the same gender, so choosing opposite-gender playmates may be the best way to go. 

Many Rottweilers need to only play with dogs that have been selected and slowly introduced to them in a controlled environment. These Rotties may not be a good fit for open play environments like dog parks. It is perfectly normal for a Rottweiler’s behavior with other dogs to change dramatically when they are around six months old, so be prepared for this change. 

That said, some Rottweilers remain gregarious with other dogs throughout their life and are happy with just about any canine companion. Early socialization certainly helps, but it is no guarantee.

Behavior in the House

It may be adorable for your Rottweiler puppy to jump on and off the furniture and run zoomies around the living room. However, ask yourself whether you will be equally charmed when your Rottweiler weighs over a hundred pounds and is leaping on and off your furniture.

A good rule of thumb is to never allow your Rottweiler to behave as a puppy in a way that you would not want them to behave as a very large dog.

It may be wise to not allow your Rottweiler on furniture or to only permit them to be on furniture when invited. Some people designate a particular piece of furniture in the house for their Rottweiler’s use and don’t allow them on other furniture. It may be a good idea to train your Rottweiler that they can only behave with boisterous play when they are outside. 

Whenever your dog begins to get very playful inside, ask them for a stay and reward them once they are calm or send them outside to run off the extra energy before they come back indoors. Over time, your Rottweiler puppy will learn what kind of behavior is appropriate indoors and what activities are best for outside. 


When do Rottweilers quit growing?

Your Rottweiler will likely reach their final height by as early as eight months, although they may take until 12 months to finish getting taller. However, your Rottweiler won’t quit gaining weight until they are generally about 24 months old. There’s also a myth that a Rottie’s brain will keep growing but that just isn’t true. 

Do Rottweilers grow after a year?

Yes, Rottweilers generally continue to get bigger between the ages of a year and two years. Your Rottweiler may gain as much as 10 or 20lbs in this period. However, Rottweilers typically don’t get taller after a year of age.

Can Rottweilers grow too fast?

If your Rottweiler is speeding ahead of growth chart milestones, it may or may not be a cause for concern. The first thing to do is look at your dog’s genetic history. If their parents exceeded the standard expected for Rottweilers, it may just be that your Rottweiler is destined to be even bigger than average and is growing faster as a result. 

However, if your Rottweiler’s parents were of an average size, check your Rottweiler’s body type. Are they over-conditioned, with lots of fat on them? You may be feeding too much or exercising too little. A Rottweiler who grows too quickly can be prone to issues like joint problems, so it is important to talk to your veterinarian about regulating their growth appropriately.

How much should a 3 month old Rottweiler eat?

They should still stay in the 4-6 cups per day range, divided into two meals a day. Check with your vet to make sure they're getting the proper amount of nutrition, though. ... .

How much should a 12 week Rottweiler weigh?

At 12 weeks old, a Rottweiler should weigh between 35 and 37 pounds and be 16 to 18 inches tall.

How much should a Rottweiler weigh in kg?

Size. Technically a "medium / large" breed, according to the FCI standard the Rottweiler stands 61–69 cm (24–27 in) at the withers for males, 56–63 cm (22–25 in) for females, and the weight must be between 50 and 60 kg (110 and 132 lbs) for males and 35 and 48 kg (77 and 105 lbs) for females.

How long should I walk my 3 month old Rottweiler?

But the general rule is that when it comes to their formal walkies you should be aiming for 5 minutes per month of their age. This should help prevent over-exercise which can cause muscle and bone development issues later in life. It's also a good idea to encourage them to get plenty of rest during the day.