How many water bottles should i drink a day calculator

Follow 3 easy steps to see whether you are drinking enough water. The calculator will work out your hydration level based on the information you give about yourself and your daily drinking habits.

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Every day the kidneys process around 180 litres of blood and produce about 1-1.5 litres of urine.



As you get older, your sensation of thirst is reduced so you might not drink as much fluid as you need.



60% of our body is water. For a person weighing 70kg, that means 42 kg or 42 litres!



Your blood is composed of 83% of water.

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Physical Activity

Rare Occasionnal Weekly Daily

Physical Activity

"Maintaining good hydration ensures optimal cognitive performance.



Physical exertion, hot/humid weather, central heating and high altitude can all increase water loss.

Daily Liquid Intake

How many glasses do you consume?

(( liquid.title )) (( '(' + inClOrOz(liquid.serving) + liquidUnit + ')' ))

How many glasses do you consume?

Water is the only naturally occurring zero-calorie drink.


Find out more

Hints and Tips

Your Hydration Status

“You already seem to be taking in enough liquid every day.”

“Careful – it looks like you need to drink more than you thought!”

Your Daily Calorie Intake from Liquids

Your daily calorie intake from liquids is within World Health Organisation guidelines.

Your liquid calory intake is (( (sugarIntake - sugarMax) * 4 )) Kcals above the recommended level.

Water in your body

Your Hydration Status

(( idealWaterIntake )) L

Your actual total intake:

(( actualWaterIntake )) L

The water you typically lose everyday:

(( lostWater )) L

The water you typically get from food everyday:

(( waterFromFood )) L

Water in your body

Information text when clicking the info button in the "Water in your body" card.

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Curious about how much water should I drink a day? Let’s end this curiosity today because this Water Intake Calculator will tell you how much water should you drink a day to stay fit and healthy. Bookmark this Water Calculator to stay aware of the water intake you need daily.

Why Is Hydration So Important?

In straight forward term, staying hydrated is a key factor to a healthy body and optimum fitness performance. Drinking adequate amount of water is essential for your health and well-being. In fact, our bodies are made up of up to 60% of water. Human body cells and organs need water to function properly. Without sufficient water intake, human body has to prioritize what organs or process gets to use the available water. Means, certain body functions begin to suffer over time.

H.H Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158 depicts – the heart and brain are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% of water. The muscles and kidneys are contains 79%, skin is about 64% of water, and even the bones are 31% watery. Means, it is immensely important to learn about how much water to drink a day for a healthy body, don’t to worry our water hydration calculator recommended water intake of a day. Well, following are the symptoms that you may experience when your body not getting enough water.

  • Dehydration
  • Premature aging
  • Joint Issues
  • Constipation
  • Hunger Pangs
  • Headaches
  • Skin Issues
  • Certain cancers
  • Damage to various organs
  • Chemical imbalances


Hydration Calculator is Important for Everyone Because Staying Hydrated is Vital to Stay Alive and this Daily Water Intake Calculator Tells How Much Water Should You Drink a Day

Water is the maximum constituent of the human body. It is associated with good health care and hydration of the skin. The body requires water for the proper functioning of the vital organs. Drinking less amount of water can lead to threatening health issues such as dehydration, impairment of body functions, kidney impairment, etc.
How much water should you drink a day is the main query in this regard! Well, drink enough water to keep the body hydrated. The requirement for drinking water varies from one person to another. While the recommended one is to take approximately 8 glasses of water daily. I hope your query about how much water I should drink a day is quenched now.

For instance, if you’re 60kg, you should have to consume drink about 2 litres of water per day. And, an individual with 90 kg should have to drink about 3 litres of water.

About Water Intake Calculator:

The simple, but highly accurate water intake calculator helps to estimate the amount of water that your body needs to consume based on your weight, activity level, and weather condition. In simple terms, this calculator tells you how much cups of water you need to drink per day to avoid dehydration. Well, wondering to know how this calculator works:

Find how much water you should drink daily with this hydration Calculator:

So, stick to the given steps of this drink water calculator to know your daily water intake, follow the ideal hydration requirement that provided with our calculator to avoid dehydration.


  • First, all you need to select your gender from the two given options “Male” or “Female”
  • Now, you just ought to enter your body weight into the designated field of this calculator, it can either be in lbs or kg
  • Now, just select choose your activity level from the given drop-down list of this tool
  • Finally, just choose weather condition from the given drop down menu, and hit the calculate button


Once done, this water per day calculator will provide you with:

  • Your Ideal Hydration Requirement in “LITERS PER DAYS, ml, oz, cups)
  • Shows you how many bottles Podium (21 oz), Eddy (.75L), Antidote (1.5L) corresponding to your ideal hydrating requirements
  • The calculator shows your ideal hydration requirement, general water recommendations for European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM)

What Are The Benefits of Proper Hydration?

Read on to know about the well-known benefits of proper hydration:

Improve Bodily Functions:

Drinking sufficient amount of water assists your body to get the right balance of nutrients.

Remember that drinking sufficient water assists your body to get the right balance of nutrients. Staying hydrated is vital as it allows your body processes go smoothly. Water in human body transports nutrients, helps in digestion and absorption, is a key to good circulation, and also maintains your body temperature. To know how much water a day your body needs to improve body functions, simply enter few parameters in our body water intake calculator & hit the calculate button.

Weight Loss/Control:

The best weight loss plans always include a sufficient water intake. You can take a look at different diet plan to see that they suggested a high intake of water: Atkins, Paleo, Weight Watchers, EatingWell, Southbeach, Medifast, Sonoma, Volumetrics, Spectrum, Nutrisystem, Jillian Michaels, and the Dukan diet. They all reveal that you should have to drink more water to shed extra pounds.

Water assists your body efficiently to process the food you consume. It helping you to consume less and even give you a “full” feeling. Also, proper water intake can contribute to a feeling of having “more energy.” However, you can account our water calculator to lose weight and stay healthy. Also, ahead to a dietitian to know how much water should you drink a day for your weight loss plan.

Energizes Muscles:

Studies reported that when muscle cells don’t have enough fluids, they don’t work well. This is all because of muscle fatigue as you are decreasing the balance of fluids and electrolytes.

However, it is essential to intake water during exercise to replenish the fluids you are losing. The American College of Sports Medicine recommended 17 ounces (in addition to your normal water intake) before and even during any strenuous sporting workout.

With exercise, you have to develop an “early and often” attitude. You ought to consume water before it’s needed and even you will avoid the negative effects of dehydration that occurs due to sweating.

Help Kidney Function:

The New York Times wellness study is mentioned that a moderate increase in water consumption can clear – sodium, toxins and urea from the body. It also decreasing the likelihood of kidney related problems and even kidney stones. To know how much water should you drink in a day to keep your kidneys healthy, consult to your dietitian.

Create a Youthful Appearance:

The University of Wisconsin reported that drinking water is a best way to keep great looking and youthful skin. Also, they suggested that using water in an external moisturizer in addition to drinking the proper amounts.

Regular Bowel Movements:

For proper bowel movements an individual body needs two things such as fiber and water. Studies reveal that if your body is short on fiber, then your body will pull water from stool, give you constipation. Even if you are lack in fiber, then your body may relieve constipation if has sufficient water.

Removal of Toxins:

Clean and fresh water intake does a great job of flushing out toxins from the body through sweat, urine and bowel movements.

Reduce Cancer Risks:

No doubt, consuming water is not a “cure” for cancer, but it may be a small part of preventing it.

Increase Energy:

Several studies found that a body starts to show thirst at around 1 to 2 percent dehydration. Experts depict that even before you begin to feel thirst, the effects of mild dehydration can decrease your energy, thinking and mood. The more dehydrated your body gets, the lower the energy levels will takes place.

Ramp Up Brain Power:

Researchers found a study in a London that students who were consuming water during exams actually scored higher on average in tests. No doubt, it is hard to say if this is physiological or psychological. Yes, it has been proven to work, so if you want to get good metrics, then why not take a bottle of water with you to the test.

Prevent Cramping:

When it comes to sports, cramps are caused by the things including depletion of potassium, improper stretching, and lack of water. So, you have to increase your water intake to avoid one of the major causes of cramping.

Strengthen the Immune System:

Simply, water is a key to health. Dehydration is something that dehydration compromise the body’s immune system. There are a few benefits of immune system from proper hydration.


  • Oxygenates the blood
  • Removes toxins from the blood
  • Increases Lymph production
  • Cleans eyes
  • Cleans mouth
  • Helps digest food
  • Helps fight insomnia
  • Lubricates joints
  • Increases Serotonin Production (fights depression)

Fluorination in Water:

Fluoridation is the last but not the least reason to drink water. The American Dental Association depicts that fluoridated water decreases the chances of tooth decay by 20 to 40%.

What Does Dehydration Feel Like?

We all know that thirst is a first sign of dehydration, but there are several other clues that you have lost your fluid balance. The early signs of dehydration are:

  • Thirst and dry mouth
  • Darker urine
  • Reduced urine or sweat output
  • Fatigue
  • Flushing of the skin
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Increased breathing rate
  • Elevated pulse
  • Headache, joint pain and cramps

The Dangers of Dehydration:

However, there are some very serious potential consequences of dehydration. Remember that it can become severe if you don’t stop to rehydrate. Dehydration can lead to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Kidney failure
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Coma
  • Death

So, use the above best water consumption calculator to learn how much water should you drink in a day.

How do I calculate my daily water intake?

You can easily calculate your daily water intake based on your weight with the given formula:

The formula for daily water intake:

For male:

Weight (lbs) * 0.5


For male: How much water intake I need, if my weight is 158 (lbs)?

So, let’s put the value for weight into the above equation:

158 (lbs) * 0.5

So, the water intake for a male with 158 (lbs) is 79 oz

Also, suppose that the weather is warm, then you have to add 10 %, look at the below steps:

  • 79 * 10%
  • 79 * (10/100)
  • 7.9
  • Now, you just have to add 7.9 into 79 oz
  • You get 86.9 oz, this is your ideal hydration requirement if weather is warm

For Female:

Weight (lbs) * 0.45


For female: How much should I drink, if my weight is 145 (lbs)?

So, simply add the values into the above formula equation:

145 (lbs) * 0.45

So, the daily water intake for a female with 145 (lbs) is 65.3 oz.

If the weather is warm, then follow the same steps mentioned above for male.

Our daily water intake calculator also uses these formulas to calculate the daily water intake needs!

Note: water intake based on body weight and several other factors, our water drinking calculator also consider your body weight and other parameters to tell you how much water to drink per day.

What Are The Rules of Hydration and Exercise?

Experts recommended that you have to drink water before, during, and after exercise. For most exercise, plain water will work best. Only few individuals recommend consuming an electrolyte drink after doing any vigorous workout for an hour or more to replace electrolytes.

Other study found that drinking too much water during exercise can cause cramps and stomach pain. So, while exercise it is best to sip slowly. Well, keep reading to learn how much water you need during exercise.

Before a Workout:

You have to hydrate frequently throughout the day. There is a need to cap off your fluid tank with 1/2–1 cup of water 15–20 minutes before exercise.

During a Workout:

While you workout, you ought to intake 1/2 cup fluid for every 20 minutes of exercise.

After a Workout:

You have to drink 2 cups of water for every pound of body weight lost as water intake based on body weight.

Sports Drinks:

If you are a particularly heavy sweater or workout for more than 45 minutes, then you can add a sports drink or electrolyte supplement during and after exercise routine.

Which Factors That Influence Water Needs?

There is a need to modify your total fluid intake that based on several factors:


If you are not stick on any activity that makes you sweat, you ought to drink adequate amount of water to cover the fluid loss. As mentioned earlier, it is essential to drink water before, during, and after a workout. If your exercise is intense and lasts more than an hour, a sports drink can replace minerals in your blood (electrolytes) lost through sweat.


Hot or humid weather can make you sweat and thus requires extra fluid intake. Also, dehydration can occur at high altitudes.

Overall Health:

Remember that your body loses fluids when have a fever, diarrhea or vomiting. You have to consume more water or follow a expert’s recommendation to drink oral rehydration solutions. There are other conditions like bladder infections and urinary stones that might require additional fluid intake.

Pregnancy or Breast-Feeding:

Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding require extra water consumption to stay hydrated. The Office on Women’s Health reported that pregnant women intake about 10 cups (2.4 liters) of fluid per day and women who breast-feed drink about 13 cups (3.1 liters) of fluids a day.

So, What About The Advice to Drink 8 Glasses a Day?

How much water should i drink a day exactly is a simple question with no easy answer. However, our drinking water calculator will help you to calculate water intake a day.

You may have heard the advice “Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.” No doubt, most health authorities recommend such water intake that equals about 2 liters (or half of a gallon). However, this is said to be 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember. But, how much water you actually drink is more individualized than you might think.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) that men drink at least 101 ounces of water a day that is (little less than 13 cups). And, women should drink at least 74 ounces that is (a little over 9 cups).

Water Intake Recommendations:

However, the 8 glasses rule is just a good start, but it is not based on solid and well-researched information.

In fact, every system of human body needs water to function properly as our body weight is made up of 60% water. Keep in mind, your recommended water intake is depends on factors like your age, gender, activity level, and others include if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.


Recently, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that people ages 19 and older is around 131 ounces for men and 95 ounces for women. This recommendation refers to your overall fluid intake per day that includes anything that you eat or drink that contains water such as fruits or vegetables.

From this total, adult men should get around 13 cups from beverages. For men, it’s 9 cups.


Recommendations for girls and boys between 4-8 years old should have to drink 40 ounces per day, or 5 cups.

This water intake amount increases to 56 to 64 ounces, or 7 to 8 cups, by ages 9 to 13 years.

For 14-18 ages, the recommended water intake is 64 to 88 ounces (or 8 to 11 cups).

Women of Reproductive Age:

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, her recommendation vary.

Pregnant women of all ages should aim to intake 80 ounces (or ten 8-ounce glasses of water) each day.

Breastfeeding women may aim to up their total water intake to 140 ounces, or 13 cups.

Tap Water Vs Bottled Water:

Tap Water:

Tap water is the type of water, which comes out of your water faucet. In most countries, such type of water is supplied and controlled by a local government authority.

Who is it best for?

Yes, everyone! Generally, it is safe for things like cooking, cleaning and laundry.

Biggest benefits:

  • Cheap
  • Easy to access for most people
  • Usually a safe source of water

Risks and issues:

Generally, tap water is safe to drink, but some recent studies reported cause for concern. For instance, the EWG (Environmental Working Group) reported a 5-year study looking at the quality of US tap water. The results of EWG study showed that the tap water supplied to all 50 states, which contained over 500 different contaminants.

However, some other instances found where a mineral like fluoride is added to the public water supply. For instance, around 10 percent of the UK population is supplied with fluoridated tap water to cut tooth decay.

Bottled water:

Bottled water is portable purified water that an individual can readily and conveniently buy whenever he/she thirsty.

Who is it best for?

Bottled water is best for everyone. It is said to be a good source of water for drinking.

Biggest benefits:

  • Convenient way to access
  • Clean & Safe

Risks and issues:

There are some well-known water brands who admitted that their bottled water is not more than filtered tap water.
The prominent issue is that the environmental cost. The making of bottled water is insanely wasteful as manufacturers take about 3 liters of water just to get 1 liter.

Additionally, the plastics of bottles are extremely difficult to recycle.


How much water should I drink a day for my weight?

In general terms, you should aim to intake water between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each you weigh, per day. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, then you should have to drink 75-150 ounces of water a day. However, you can enter values into the above water a day calculator to calculate water intake for weight loss, the calculator recommended daily water intake for your weight.

How many bottles of water should I drink a day?

Medical experts depicted that drinking at least half of your current body weight in ounce of water each day is ideal. For instance, if you weigh 150 lbs, then you should have to intake at least 75 ounces of water per day (that approximately indicates 4 and a half 16.9 oz (Absopure water bottles). Also, our water intake calculator tells you how much water in bottles you should drink a day based on your weight (kg or lbs).

Is 4 Litres of water a day too much?

It’s impossible to drink too much water.

It’s impossible to drink too much water, experts said. Remember that consuming a lot of water (and if more than 4 to 6 liters) over a short time can obviously upset the body’s sodium balance, and even cause a potentially fatal condition that said to be as hyponatremia, or water intoxication.

Can I drink 3 Litres of water a day?

Yes, you can drink 3 liters (100 ounces) water daily as it may helps to meet your hydration goals, but it isn’t necessary for everyone. No doubt, drinking too much water is injurious to your health. If you want to ensure you’re staying hydrated, then you just have to drink when you feel thirsty and always listen to your body.

Is 4 bottles of water a day enough?

It’s just a rough estimation of 4 bottles per day per person. So, if you aim to haul you daily water allowance around in your backpack, you are looking at adding around an extra 4 pounds.

Does coffee count as water?

Sports drinks and juices are also considered as hydrating, simply you can lower the sugar content of them by diluting with water. However, tea and coffee also count in hydrating. Many used to believe that coffee and tea were dehydrating, but that myth has been debunked.

Is two bottles of water a day enough?

According to Medical Experts, this is how much water you should drink a day. You have often heard the term that you’re supposed to drink at least 8-ounce glasses of water per day. No doubt, that’s almost enough to fill a 2 – liter bottle, which even looks like a daunting task for many A people.

What is the healthiest water to drink?

Yes, like distilled water, purified is said to be a great option if your immediate water source is contaminated. Studies revealed there are several countries that purify tap water, so, basically, you’re drinking purified water every time when you fill a cup from your kitchen sink.

How much water do you really need?

The National Academies of Sciences depicts that women should have to consume a total of approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of water from all beverages and foods per day and for men approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces) per day.

What happens when you are Overhydrated?

Overhydration takes place when the body takes in more water than it loses. Typically, athletes drinking too much water to avoid dehydration, but can prone to overhydration. Few people consuming excessive water because of a psychiatric disorder known as psychogenic polydipsia. The drinking too much water (overhydration) results in low sodium levels in the blood (hyponatremia), which can be dangerous.

How much water is too much in a day?

Optimistic studies depict that human kidneys can eliminate about 5.3-7.4 gallons (20-28 liters) of water each day, but they cannot get rid of more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) each hour. However, if you want to avoid symptoms of hyponatremia, there is a no need to intake more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) of water per hour, on average.

What foods have the highest water content?

For instance, fruits like apricots, oranges, pineapples, blueberries, peaches, raspberries, and plums are loaded with over 80% water. Melons including cantaloupe and watermelon also contain some of the highest water content, at more than 90%.

How many Litres of water does a household use per day?

Several studies reported that each person uses about 142 liters of water per day. However, the average household uses 349 liters of water per day1.

How can I rehydrate my body?

  • You have to keep a bottle of water with you throughout the day
  • If you don’t like to intake plain water, you can add a slice of lemon or lime to your drink
  • You have to drink water before, during, and after your workout routine
  • When you are feeling hungry, intake water
  • Make a schedule of drinking water
  • You have to calculate your water intake regularly with the ease of daily water intake calculator


The water intake/hydrated calculator are intended for educational or informational purposes only. The recommended water intake by this calculator is not more than estimations. For further query, you ought to consult with PRO!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Drinking water, also known as potable water – Importance of access to safe drinking water – Water resources – Access to potable water – Health aspects – water quality – regulations –

From the source of ncbi – PMCID: PMC4473081 – PMID: 26048039 – (adequate intakes) for total water set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) – Water intake: validity of population assessment and recommendations

From the source of healthline – recently updation found on How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day -Does Water Intake Affect Energy Levels and Brain Function – Does Drinking a Lot of Water Help You Lose Weight – More Water Help Prevent Health Problems – How Much Water Is Best – Written by Kris Gunnars!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Dehydration (Signs and symptoms) – Causes – Diagnosis – prevention – treatment – along with further reading references

From the source of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Drinking Water FAQ’s – All you need to find about drinking water

How many bottles of water a day do I need to drink?

The National Academies of Sciences is another organization that weighs in on the amount of water you should drink each day, stating that about 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters of water for men per day are about right. That would be about 5-6 bottles of water for women and 7-8 bottles for men.

How much water should I drink based on weight?

“In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.” For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 to 150 ounces of water a day.

How do I calculate my daily water intake?

Your weight is one variable that changes the amount of water you should be drinking. To help you establish a baseline, you can use the following rule-of-thumb equation described in U.S. News & World Report. In short, the equation tells you to take half your body weight, and drink that amount in ounces of water.

How many oz of water should I drink calculator?

Here's how it works: Your general water requirements can be determined using your current body weight. Most people need to drink roughly half of their weight (in pounds) in ounces. For example, a 200-pound adult needs approximately 100 ounces of water each day.


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